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Let's See Some Aggression

Reward Level Range: -
Let's See Some Aggression
While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.

He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.

You have taken Sathra-Kan's signal beacon and approached the site of the first ambush along the road to the Shrine of Healing. You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim on the side of the road. As you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone. A moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers.

Defeat the Gormak at the first ambush site.
Attract and Defeat the First Gormak Ambushers
Attract and Defeat the Second Gormak Ambushers
Attract and Defeat the Last Gormak Ambushers
Speak to Velan-Raz
Requires:Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Sith Inquisitor, Sith Warrior
Mission Rewards
Attract and Defeat the First Gormak Ambushers
2) While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. ...
While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.

He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.

You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim under a bridge along the trail to the Shrine of Healing. As before, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and a moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers. Time to demonstrate the meaning of "aggression is victory."

Defeat the Gormak at the second ambush site.
Attract and Defeat the Second Gormak Ambushers
3) While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. ...
While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.

He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.

The dead body of a Voss pilgrim lies before you, another victim of a Gormak ambush. Again, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and you are soon rushed by a group of Gormak, this time being led by a commanding officer of some sort.

Defeat the Gormak at the third ambush site.
Attract and Defeat the Last Gormak Ambushers
4) While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. ...
While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them.

He has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.

You have completed the task that Sathra-Kan requested of you: to inspect the sites of three Gormak ambushes and eliminate any threats posed by the Gormaks there. The Voss should now be safe to make their pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing, which you can see in the distance not far away.

It is time to report your findings to Sathra-Kan's commanding officer. Speak to Velan-Raz at the Shrine of Healing.
Speak to Velan-Raz
Command XP: 600
Category: Voss
Can Abandon: Yes
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Let's See Some Aggression
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 44. - Thank you. Journey well.
  • 43. - Strike at the Gormak before they can strike.
  • 8. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1. - You are Sith. You have power.
    • 2. - Agent. You walk the holy path.
    • 3. - Hunter. You are fearless.
    • 45. - Outsider. You are strong.
      • 5. - The Gormak attack the pilgrims. The commandos defended them. It is not enough. The Empire says, "Aggression is victory." We must learn this.
        • 13. Option - I can teach you that.Player - Aggression's easy. You just kill the other guy before he gets a chance to kill you.
        • 14. Option - Aggression has many forms.Player - Sometimes the best solution is a subtle one.
        • 15. Option - Use your rage.Player - You seem to have plenty of anger already. Channel that and you will grow strong.
        • 16. Option - I am aggression.Player - Tell me who you need killed, and I'll show you aggression like you've never seen.
        • 6. Option - You have no aggression?Player - You are a passionate people. Are you really having trouble with aggression?
          • 19. - We don't strike first. We wait for the Gormak.
        • 48. Option - Are you sure?Player - There are other routes than violence.
          • 18. - The Gormak will always attack.
            • 20. - I know the Gormak hiding places. Take this signal. Attract the Gormak. Kill them.
              • 49. Option - I'll take care of the Gormak.Player - You've got yourself a deal.
              • 51. Option - The Gormak will suffer.Player - Time to do some damage.
                • 39. - Speak to Commander Velan-Raz at the shrine when the Gormak are dead.
                  • 40. <Conversation Exit>
              • 50. Option - I'd rather not. [Refuse quest]Player - (Class) do not serve
                <Aborts Conversation>
                • 37. - They are not your enemies. Journey well.
                  • 38. <Conversation Exit>
  • 42. - We must protect the pilgrims.
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68533180000cb06b3dc"
    "Name": "Let's See Some Aggression",
    "NameId": "728555302420568",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Let's See Some Aggression",
        "frMale": "Signes d'agressivit\u00e9",
        "frFemale": "Signes d'agressivit\u00e9",
        "deMale": "Etwas aggressiver bitte",
        "deFemale": "Etwas aggressiver bitte"
    "Icon": "cdx.planets.voss",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 41,
    "XpLevel": 44,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
    "CanAbandon": true,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611268",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Voss",
        "frMale": "Voss",
        "frFemale": "Voss",
        "deMale": "Voss",
        "deFemale": "Voss"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": true,
                    "JournalText": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have taken Sathra-Kan's signal beacon and approached the site of the first ambush along the road to the Shrine of Healing. You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim on the side of the road. As you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone. A moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers.\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the first ambush site.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have taken Sathra-Kan's signal beacon and approached the site of the first ambush along the road to the Shrine of Healing. You have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim on the side of the road. As you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone. A moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers.\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the first ambush site.",
                        "frMale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez pris la balise de Sathra-Kan et vous approchez du site de la premi\u00e8re embuscade sur la route menant au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison. Vous d\u00e9couvrez le corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss au bord de la route. Pendant que vous inspectez son cadavre, la balise \u00e9met un signal. Vous vous retrouvez rapidement entour\u00e9 de Gormaks.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la premi\u00e8re embuscade.",
                        "frFemale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez pris la balise de Sathra-Kan et vous approchez du site de la premi\u00e8re embuscade sur la route menant au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison. Vous d\u00e9couvrez le corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss au bord de la route. Pendant que vous inspectez son cadavre, la balise \u00e9met un signal. Vous vous retrouvez rapidement entour\u00e9e de Gormaks.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la premi\u00e8re embuscade.",
                        "deMale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast Sathra-Kans Signalsender an dich genommen und den Ort des ersten Hinterhalts auf der Stra\u00dfe zum Schrein der Heilung erreicht. Du hast die \u00dcberreste eines Voss-Pilgers am Stra\u00dfenrand entdeckt. Als du die Leiche untersuchst, sendet der Signalsender einen Ton aus. Kurz darauf bist du von Gormak-Angreifern umzingelt.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am ersten Hinterhaltsort.",
                        "deFemale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast Sathra-Kans Signalsender an dich genommen und den Ort des ersten Hinterhalts auf der Stra\u00dfe zum Schrein der Heilung erreicht. Du hast die \u00dcberreste eines Voss-Pilgers am Stra\u00dfenrand entdeckt. Als du die Leiche untersuchst, sendet der Signalsender einen Ton aus. Kurz darauf bist du von Gormak-Angreifern umzingelt.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am ersten Hinterhaltsort."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Attract and Defeat the First Gormak Ambushers",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Attract and Defeat the First Gormak Ambushers",
                                "frMale": "Attirer et vaincre les premiers Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "frFemale": "Attirer et vaincre les premiers Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "deMale": "Locke die ersten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie",
                                "deFemale": "Locke die ersten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim under a bridge along the trail to the Shrine of Healing. As before, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and a moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers. Time to demonstrate the meaning of \"aggression is victory.\"\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the second ambush site.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have located the remains of a Voss pilgrim under a bridge along the trail to the Shrine of Healing. As before, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and a moment later, you find yourself surrounded by Gormak ambushers. Time to demonstrate the meaning of \"aggression is victory.\"\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the second ambush site.",
                        "frMale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez localis\u00e9 le corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss sous un pont le long du chemin menant au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison. Comme pr\u00e9c\u00e9demment, lorsque vous inspectez le corps, la balise envoie un signal et des Gormaks ne tardent pas \u00e0 vous encercler. Il est temps de montrer que la meilleure d\u00e9fense, c'est l'attaque.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la deuxi\u00e8me embuscade.",
                        "frFemale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez localis\u00e9 le corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss sous un pont le long du chemin menant au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison. Comme pr\u00e9c\u00e9demment, lorsque vous inspectez le corps, la balise envoie un signal et des Gormaks ne tardent pas \u00e0 vous encercler. Il est temps de montrer que la meilleure d\u00e9fense, c'est l'attaque.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la deuxi\u00e8me embuscade.",
                        "deMale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast die \u00dcberreste eines Voss-Pilgers unter einer Br\u00fccke am Pfad zum Schrein der Heilung entdeckt. Wie zuvor sendet der Signalsender einen Ton aus, als du die Leiche untersuchst, und wenig sp\u00e4ter bist du von Gormak-Angreifern umzingelt. Zeit, die Bedeutung von \"Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung\" zu demonstrieren.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am zweiten Hinterhaltsort.",
                        "deFemale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast die \u00dcberreste eines Voss-Pilgers unter einer Br\u00fccke am Pfad zum Schrein der Heilung entdeckt. Wie zuvor sendet der Signalsender einen Ton aus, als du die Leiche untersuchst, und wenig sp\u00e4ter bist du von Gormak-Angreifern umzingelt. Zeit, die Bedeutung von \"Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung\" zu demonstrieren.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am zweiten Hinterhaltsort."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Attract and Defeat the Second Gormak Ambushers",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Attract and Defeat the Second Gormak Ambushers",
                                "frMale": "Attirer et vaincre les deuxi\u00e8mes Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "frFemale": "Attirer et vaincre les deuxi\u00e8mes Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "deMale": "Locke die zweiten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie",
                                "deFemale": "Locke die zweiten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 4,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nThe dead body of a Voss pilgrim lies before you, another victim of a Gormak ambush. Again, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and you are soon rushed by a group of Gormak, this time being led by a commanding officer of some sort.\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the third ambush site.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nThe dead body of a Voss pilgrim lies before you, another victim of a Gormak ambush. Again, when you inspect the dead body, the signal beacon sends out a tone, and you are soon rushed by a group of Gormak, this time being led by a commanding officer of some sort.\n\nDefeat the Gormak at the third ambush site.",
                        "frMale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nLe corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss git \u00e0 vos pieds, victime lui aussi d'un pi\u00e8ge tendu par les Voss. Une fois encore, quand vous inspectez le corps, la balise \u00e9met un signal et vous vous retrouvez rapidement encercl\u00e9 par des Gormaks, dirig\u00e9s cette fois par une sorte de commandant.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la troisi\u00e8me embuscade.",
                        "frFemale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nLe corps d'un p\u00e8lerin Voss git \u00e0 vos pieds, victime lui aussi d'un pi\u00e8ge tendu par les Voss. Une fois encore, quand vous inspectez le corps, la balise \u00e9met un signal et vous vous retrouvez rapidement encercl\u00e9e par des Gormaks, dirig\u00e9s cette fois par une sorte de commandant.\n\n\u00c9liminez les Gormaks \u00e0 l'endroit de la troisi\u00e8me embuscade.",
                        "deMale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDie Leiche eines Voss-Pilgers liegt vor dir, ein weiteres Opfer eines Gormak-Hinterhalts. Wieder sendet der Signalsender bei der Untersuchung der Leiche einen Ton aus und du wirst kurz darauf von einer Gruppe Gormaks angegriffen, die dieses Mal von einer Art Kommandant angef\u00fchrt wird.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am dritten Hinterhaltsort.",
                        "deFemale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDie Leiche eines Voss-Pilgers liegt vor dir, ein weiteres Opfer eines Gormak-Hinterhalts. Wieder sendet der Signalsender bei der Untersuchung der Leiche einen Ton aus und du wirst kurz darauf von einer Gruppe Gormaks angegriffen, die dieses Mal von einer Art Kommandant angef\u00fchrt wird.\n\nBesiege die Gormaks am dritten Hinterhaltsort."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Attract and Defeat the Last Gormak Ambushers",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Attract and Defeat the Last Gormak Ambushers",
                                "frMale": "Attirer et vaincre les derniers Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "frFemale": "Attirer et vaincre les derniers Gormaks embusqu\u00e9s",
                                "deMale": "Locke die letzten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie",
                                "deFemale": "Locke die letzten Gormak-Angreifer an und besiege sie"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 5,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have completed the task that Sathra-Kan requested of you: to inspect the sites of three Gormak ambushes and eliminate any threats posed by the Gormaks there. The Voss should now be safe to make their pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing, which you can see in the distance not far away.\n\nIt is time to report your findings to Sathra-Kan's commanding officer. Speak to Velan-Raz at the Shrine of Healing.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "While wandering the area near Voss-Ka, you encountered a Voss commando named Sathra-Kan. The Gormak have been attacking pilgrims en route to the Shrine of Healing, and he has been hard-pressed to defend them. \n\nHe has given you a signal beacon and the locations of three ambush sites that the Gormak have been using to their advantage, asking you to demonstrate how the best defense is a strong offense.\r\n\r\nYou have completed the task that Sathra-Kan requested of you: to inspect the sites of three Gormak ambushes and eliminate any threats posed by the Gormaks there. The Voss should now be safe to make their pilgrimage to the Shrine of Healing, which you can see in the distance not far away.\n\nIt is time to report your findings to Sathra-Kan's commanding officer. Speak to Velan-Raz at the Shrine of Healing.",
                        "frMale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez rempli la mission que Sathra-Kan vous avait confi\u00e9e : inspecter les trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur avaient tendu des pi\u00e8ges et \u00e9liminer la menace Gormak. Les Voss devraient d\u00e9sormais pouvoir effectuer en s\u00e9curit\u00e9 leur p\u00e8lerinage au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison, que vous apercevez au loin. Il est temps de faire part de vos d\u00e9couvertes \u00e0 l'officier de Commandement de Sathra-Kan.\n\nAllez parler \u00e0 Velan-Raz au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison.",
                        "frFemale": "En vous promenant dans la zone situ\u00e9e au nord de Voss-Ka, vous rencontrez un commando Voss du nom de Sathra-Kan. Les Gormaks ont attaqu\u00e9 des p\u00e8lerins en route pour le Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison et il a eu beaucoup de mal \u00e0 les prot\u00e9ger. Il vous a donn\u00e9 une balise et indiqu\u00e9 l'emplacement des trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur ont tendu des embuscades. Il vous a demand\u00e9 de mettre en pratique l'adage selon laquelle l'attaque est la meilleure d\u00e9fense.\r\n\r\nVous avez rempli la mission que Sathra-Kan vous avait confi\u00e9e : inspecter les trois sites o\u00f9 les Gormaks leur avaient tendu des pi\u00e8ges et \u00e9liminer la menace Gormak. Les Voss devraient d\u00e9sormais pouvoir effectuer en s\u00e9curit\u00e9 leur p\u00e8lerinage au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison, que vous apercevez au loin. Il est temps de faire part de vos d\u00e9couvertes \u00e0 l'officier de Commandement de Sathra-Kan.\n\nAllez parler \u00e0 Velan-Raz au Sanctuaire de Gu\u00e9rison.",
                        "deMale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast getan, was Sathra-Kan von dir verlangt hat, und die Orte von drei Gormak-Hinterhalten untersucht, wobei du jede Bedrohung durch die Gormaks dort eliminiert hast. Die Voss sollten jetzt auf ihrer Pilgerreise zum Schrein der Heilung, den du nicht weit entfernt sehen kannst, sicher sein. Es ist Zeit, Sathra-Kans vorgesetztem Offizier dort zu berichten, was du herausgefunden hast.\nSprich mit Velan-Raz beim Schrein der Heilung.",
                        "deFemale": "W\u00e4hrend du das Gebiet n\u00f6rdlich von Voss-Ka durchstreifst, begegnest du einem Voss-Kommandosoldaten namens Sathra-Kan. Die Gormaks haben Pilger auf dem Weg zum Schrein der Heilung \u00fcberfallen und er steht unter dem Druck, sie zu verteidigen. Er hat dir einen Signalsender und die Positionen von drei Hinterhaltsorten gegeben, die die Gormaks zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen. Zeig ihm, dass die beste Verteidigung eine starke Offensive ist.\r\n\r\nDu hast getan, was Sathra-Kan von dir verlangt hat, und die Orte von drei Gormak-Hinterhalten untersucht, wobei du jede Bedrohung durch die Gormaks dort eliminiert hast. Die Voss sollten jetzt auf ihrer Pilgerreise zum Schrein der Heilung, den du nicht weit entfernt sehen kannst, sicher sein. Es ist Zeit, Sathra-Kans vorgesetztem Offizier dort zu berichten, was du herausgefunden hast.\nSprich mit Velan-Raz beim Schrein der Heilung."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Speak to Velan-Raz",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Speak to Velan-Raz",
                                "frMale": "Parler \u00e0 Velan-Raz",
                                "frFemale": "Parler \u00e0 Velan-Raz",
                                "deMale": "Sprich mit Velan-Raz",
                                "deFemale": "Sprich mit Velan-Raz"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
    "Items": [],
    "Rewards": [],
    "ReqPrivacy": "",
    "CreditRewardType": "589686270506543030",
    "CreditsRewarded": 5360,
    "XP": 0,
    "SubXP": 0,
    "F2PXP": 0,
    "CommandXP": 600,
    "HashedIcon": "2758773159_2445595579",
    "BranchCount": 1,
    "ClassesB62": [
    "ConversationGains": {
        "CompanionsParsed": [],
        "NodeText": [],
        "AffectionGainTable": []
    "QuestsNextB62": [],
    "QuestsPreviousB62": [],
    "Id": "16140963379702869546",
    "Base62Id": "AYx7uwC",
    "Fqn": "qst.location.voss.bronze.imperial.letsseesomeaggression",
    "B62References": {
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        "conversationStarts": [
        "QuestMpns": [
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.1a",
    "hash": "1600859931",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "ClassesAllowed": [
        "Sith Warrior",
        "Imperial Agent",
        "Sith Inquisitor",
        "Bounty Hunter"