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Front and Center 1

Reward Level Range: -
Front and Center 1
Answer your Personal Holocom
Answer your Personal Holocom
Command XP: 0
Category: Class
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: Yes
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 1.1.5e
Removed In: 1.2.0
Star Wars Name: Front and Center 1
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 55. - Hey Major, Zylo again, just wanted to catch you in a safe spot.
    • 57. - We can barely believe what we're seeing up here--mercenaries running amok, Hutts tearing a whole planet apart and leaving everyone to die... what's your take on all this?
      • 20. Player - Never thought the Cartel could do so much damage. I just hope we're not too late to help these people.
      • 21. Player - Every slug I find is getting a hole in the head. Period.
      • 58. Player - What is this, an interview? I don't have time for this.
        • 59. - Come on, I need some more reaction footage, or the audience won't be able to connect on a personal level.
          • 61. - How about this new plan, grabbing the "Failsafe" and flying everyone out... what do you think? Can it work?
            • 62. Player - A full evac is our only chance, so we're going to make it happen.
            • 63. Player - The odds don't look good, but it's the last option we have.
              • 66. - Okay, great, that was good stuff--thanks for taking some time out for us.
                • 71. - The shot with the Republic banner came out perfectly, by the way. Bet we use it in all our promos--you're a natural!
                  • 73. - I'll keep in touch if we need anything else. Keep up the good show!
            • 22. Player - Go bother someone else.
              • 53. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Hey there! So sorry to interrupt, don't want to get in your way, you know, but I'm having a bit of think-time here....
    • 3. - See, we've got lots of footage of fighting and shooting and whatnot, so we could really use something a bit more... inspirational, you know?
      • 4. Player - My next objective is the capital, Talaos City. Maybe we could do something with that?
      • 25. Player - I thought you were a war journalist. Is this really a surprise to you?
        • 43. - Not even a little--that's my point. Same thing, on and on. The audience will want more.
      • 24. Player - I don't really care what you want, Zylo. I have a job to do down here.
        • 26. - Come on, you know I'm just doing my job, too--and helping me with my job is part of your job, remember?
          • 28. - Please, don't make me dig out the recording of Saresh explaining how important this publicity initiative is, how you should accommodate all requests, blah, blah....
            • 29. Player - Apologies--I'm not used to working like this.
              • 38. - Already forgotten. So you're stubborn--that's a good thing to be in your line. Pushovers can't really do the work you do.
            • 30. Player - You actually have a holorecording of the Chancellor's orders?
              • 32. - I record everything.
            • 31. Player - I can't believe I have to put up with this.
              • 34. - Yeah, compared to getting shot at, this is a real chore.
                • 36. - Let's see... your next stop is Talaos City, what can we do with that... something big, bold....
                  • 42. - Oh! Of course, the banner! You charge into the middle of town and project the Republic banner for everyone to see--show the whole galaxy whose planet this is!
                    • 6. Player - I'll be sure you get a great shot, Zylo.
                    • 7. Player - As long as it doesn't jeopardize the op, I'll make it happen.
                      • 47. - That's why you're the best!
                    • 8. Player - This is a hit-and-fade attack--we're not capturing the city. It's a waste of time.
                      • 9. - You won't be wasting time! You'll be inspiring millions with your heroic victory over the Hutts!
                        • 11. - I'll get in touch afterward, once the smoke's settled. Be sure the holo gets your good side!
                          • 50. <Conversation Exit>
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
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