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Reward Level Range: -
The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Go to the coordinates the Wolf Baron has provided in order to start the negotiations.

Meet the Wolf Baron at the rendezvous point along the Apalis Coast.
Go to the Wolf Baron's Coordinates
Defeat the Blackguard Ambush
Speak to the Wolf Baron
Defeat the Wolf Baron
Defeat the Wolf Baron's Guards
Speak to the Wolf Baron
Defeat Thul Prison Guards
Speak to Brant Sonn
Defeat Sith War Apprentices: 0/3
Return to Duke Charle Organa
Requires:Jedi Consular, Jedi Knight, Smuggler, Trooper
Mission Rewards
Select One Reward:
Jedi Consular 1-75
Decorated Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Decorated Relic of Focused Retribution
Jedi Guardian 1-75
Decorated Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Decorated Relic of Reactive Warding
Jedi Knight 1-75
Decorated Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Decorated Relic of Focused Retribution
Jedi Shadow 1-75
Decorated Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Decorated Relic of Reactive Warding
Smuggler 1-75
Decorated Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Decorated Relic of Focused Retribution
Trooper 1-75
Decorated Relic of Serendipitous Assault
Decorated Relic of Focused Retribution
Vanguard 1-75
Decorated Relic of the Fortunate Redoubt
Decorated Relic of Reactive Warding
Go to the Wolf Baron's Coordinates
2) The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. You've arrived at the Wolf Baron's coordinates to find an ambush waiting for you. Dispatch it so that the Duke can arrive safely....
The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. You've arrived at the Wolf Baron's coordinates to find an ambush waiting for you. Dispatch it so that the Duke can arrive safely.

Defeat Wolf Baron Blackguards inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.
Defeat the Blackguard Ambush
3) The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Upon arriving at the meeting coordinates, the Wolf Baron's Blackguards tried to ambush you, but you successfully defeated them. Confront the Wolf Baron....
The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Upon arriving at the meeting coordinates, the Wolf Baron's Blackguards tried to ambush you, but you successfully defeated them. Confront the Wolf Baron.

Speak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base along the Apalis Coast.
Speak to the Wolf Baron
Defeat the Wolf Baron
Defeat the Wolf Baron's Guards
2) The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through, and you were forced into combat....
The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through, and you were forced into combat.

You have successfully defeated the Wolf Baron and his guards. Speak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base.
Speak to the Wolf Baron
Defeat Thul Prison Guards
2) The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, returned to rescue you....
The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, returned to rescue you.

You have successfully defeated the Thul guards. Speak with Brant Sonn inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.
Speak to Brant Sonn
2) House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. You have successfully defeated the Sith War Apprentices. Return to Duke Charle Organa to report the good news....
House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. You have successfully defeated the Sith War Apprentices. Return to Duke Charle Organa to report the good news.

Speak with Duke Charle Organa at his salon inside Organa Castle.
Return to Duke Charle Organa
Command XP: 600
Category: Alderaan
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Paladins
Other Sites:
Influence Gains (click to expand)
ChoiceAffection Gains
No time to rest while the enemy's out there. I'll stick with rations, sir.
  • Aric Jorgan:
I'd be honored to dine with you, my lord.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Jedi don't often feast, my lord, and rarely under such unfortunate circumstances.
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I'd rather have credits.
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Qyzen Fess:
I don't need to talk to a "Wolf Baron," thank you.
  • Kira Carsen:
I think we're starting on the wrong foot. Let's talk about this.
  • Elara Dorne:
You ordered the land bombed and the turrets captured.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Make your demands. We're listening.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Threatening civilians is not going to save you.
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
What are you going to do?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Kira Carsen:
Don't be stupid.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • T7-O1:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I'm not afraid of the Wolf Baron. Allow me to handle this.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • M1-4X:
  • T7-O1:
We'll rescue those people. And House Thul will fall.
  • M1-4X:
  • T7-O1:
I can go alone. You're better off in the estate.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
I'll make sure no one survives.
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • T7-O1:
The battle's over? There won't be a second wave?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
Good to hear it.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
Be grateful you're not kneeling before the Wolf Baron.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • T7-O1:
Execute him. He'll be an example to the other Thuls.
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • T7-O1:
He could've killed me, but he didn't. Make sure he's not harmed.
  • Bowdaar:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • T7-O1:
Get some battle skills and do it yourself.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • T7-O1:
I'll do what I can, sir. But Havoc Squad has a job of its own to do.
  • Aric Jorgan:
I'm honored, my lord. I'll do anything I can.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • T7-O1:
You said you had three hundred Organas prisoner.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Elara Dorne:
Organa is on his way. Don't worry about that.
  • Kira Carsen:
You're only making it harder on yourself.
  • M1-4X:
I'm only going to tell you once: Free the captives. Now.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
You're not in such a good position yourself.
  • M1-4X:
I'm sure we can work this out peacefully.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • T7-O1:
You're real funny.
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
How do I know you'll hold up your end?
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Elara Dorne:
I'll turn myself in. Let the hostages go.
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • T7-O1:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
You're a dead man.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Bowdaar:
  • Corso Riggs:
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
  • T7-O1:
They had me sedated, but they didn't hurt me.
  • Elara Dorne:
  • T7-O1:
However long I was unconscious, it was way too long.
  • Kira Carsen:
What's going on?
  • Aric Jorgan:
What kind of help do you need?
  • Elara Dorne:
  • Kira Carsen:
  • T7-O1:
I barely survived your last mission. Now you want my help again?
  • Tharan Cedrax:
What's House Thul up to now?
  • Aric Jorgan:
Assuming we win--then what?
  • Kira Carsen:
  • Tharan Cedrax:
All enemies of the (Empire / Republic) will die before me.
  • M1-4X:
  • Qyzen Fess:
Havoc Squad is ready to move out.
  • Aric Jorgan:
  • Elara Dorne:
You have my word: The Sith will not reach the Organa estate.
  • T7-O1:
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 196. - You are always welcome here, my friend.
  • 121. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 203. - Enter, my friends, and stand before me.
    • 122. - Enter, Jedi, and stand before me.
    • 123. - Enter, Lieutenant, and stand before me.
    • 124. - Enter and stand before me.
      • 128. - General Kashim reports that the Sith have been defeated. The Thul forces are scattered. Our troops are containing the enemy along the coast.
        • 179. - For this alone, your names will be recorded in the histories of House Organa! This is a victory!
          • 131. Option - Then we won?Player - The battle's over? There won't be a second wave?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 136. - Skirmishes continue, but we believe the storm has passed.
              • 158. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 132. Option - Congratulations.Player - Good to hear it.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 133. Option - All thanks to me.Player - Be grateful you're not kneeling before the Wolf Baron.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 134. - I'd sooner lose my head. But I am grateful to you.
              • 135. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 137. - Bring in the prisoner!
                  • 139. - I will not beg. My allies will come for me.
                    • 141. - You risked your life to save my people from this man's treachery. I put his fate in your hands.
                      • 143. Option - Treat him fairly.Player - He could've killed me, but he didn't. Make sure he's not harmed. +100
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 142. Option - The baron must die.Player - Execute him. He'll be an example to the other Thuls. +50
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 145. - As you wish.
                          • 149. - You haven't won this war. The Empire grows stronger every day, and House Thul remains its greatest weapon!
                • 155. - Nonetheless, the men and women dead at the Wolf Baron's hands--their blood stains our honor.
                  • 162. - House Thul has other leaders who will take the Wolf Baron's place. And there are other houses in this war, as well.
                    • 163. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 166. - My friends... I ask you to act in House Organa's name as you travel this world. Will you represent our cause?
                      • 165. - My friend... I ask you to act in House Organa's name as you travel this world. Will you represent our cause?
                        • 171. Option - A Jedi must be unbiased.Player - I can't pledge myself to you forever. But so long as your cause is just, I'll be at your side.
                        • 170. Option - I represent peace.Player - My duty is to the greater good, not House Organa. But I'll do what I can.
                        • 169. Option - The Republic comes first.Player - I'll do what I can, sir. But Havoc Squad has a job of its own to do.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 167. Option - I just wanted a reward....Player - I'm sorry, Duke--but I came looking for a job, not a lifestyle.
                          • 188. - Then receive all that you hoped for. The treasury is open.
                        • 172. Option - Absolutely.Player - I'm honored, my lord. I'll do anything I can.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 168. Option - I'm not your servant.Player - Get some battle skills and do it yourself.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
  • 119. - The Sith are attacking as we speak. You must go!
  • 118. - The Wolf Baron awaits us. Let's not disappoint.
  • 3. - The Spears of Organa are back in our hands. My grandfather would be proud.
    • 5. - Our defenses are improved, but we are still vulnerable. Perhaps a temporary withdrawal....
      • 7. - I will not leave my troops behind, General. Do not suggest it.
        • 8. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 9. - You have my personal thanks, Jedi. We will feast tonight, and ready ourselves for the next battle.
          • 11. - Havoc Squad has my personal thanks. We will feast tonight, and ready ourselves for the next battle.
          • 10. - You have my personal thanks. We will feast tonight, and ready ourselves for the next battle.
            • 15. Option - Now's no time to celebrate.Player - There's still much to do, my lord. I won't be resting.
            • 14. Option - Now's no time to celebrate.Player - Jedi don't often feast, my lord, and rarely under such unfortunate circumstances.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 12. Option - I'm needed in the field.Player - No time to rest while the enemy's out there. I'll stick with rations, sir.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 35. - I see. A word of advice? Armies are not inspired by a grim-faced commander. Show spirit and a lust for life, and....
            • 16. Option - Feasts aren't my style.Player - Sounds nice, but I left my fancy pants on the ship.
              • 40. - Like it or not, you've become part of my circle. The army needs to see you. They need inspiration.
            • 13. Option - Thank you.Player - I'd be honored to dine with you, my lord.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 32. - Good. We'll eat and drink and strategize, and show the world we still have hope.
            • 17. Option - Can I have cash instead?Player - I'd rather have credits.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 25. - The treasury isn't empty yet. And as I said, you have my thanks.
                • 27. - My lord? There's a call coming in on your secure channel.
                  • 29. - Thank you, Haley. Put it through, General.
                    • 31. - It's been a long time, my lord Duke. Who are your friends?
                      • 44. - Nevermind. If they wish to speak to the Wolf Baron of House Thul, they'll do so themselves.
                        • 47. Option - You lead the Thul army?Player - You ordered the land bombed and the turrets captured.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 46. Option - You're being rude, Duke.Player - I think we're starting on the wrong foot. Let's talk about this.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 45. Option - I'll pass.Player - I don't need to talk to a "Wolf Baron," thank you.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 51. - Then perhaps you should simply listen.
                            • 53. - You may have retaken the Spears of Organa, but they served my purpose--scattering your people and sending them straight into my hands.
                              • 55. - What are you saying, Baron?
                                • 57. - I'm saying that House Thul has taken three hundred Organa citizens captive. I thought you'd want to know.
                                  • 64. Option - What do you want?Player - Make your demands. We're listening.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 65. Option - You're making a big mistake.Player - Threatening civilians is not going to save you.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    +200 Influence : approves.
                                    • 71. - You don't even know me, and you've judged me already. How unkind.
                                  • 66. Option - Shut him off, Duke.Player - We don't need to hear any more of this.
                                    • 67. - Talk, Baron, before my patience runs out.
                                      • 69. - I'd like to meet in person to civilly discuss the fate of my prisoners. I'm sending a time and coordinates now.
                                        • 75. - In the meantime, your people will be treated well. The incident with your son-in-law will not be repeated.
                                          • 77. - Damn him. Damn his eyes!
                                            • 79. - I suggest you remain calm. This is the Wolf Baron's trap.
                                              • 81. - I'm not a fool! But a ruler who can't protect his people is no ruler at all. I have to go.
                                                • 84. Option - I'm going to that meeting.Player - I'm not afraid of the Wolf Baron. Allow me to handle this.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 95. - You are Organa's best hope. But you will not go alone.
                                                • 82. Option - You have an idea?Player - What are you going to do?
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  • 92. - You've saved us twice before. Now I turn to you again.
                                                • 83. Option - That's just stupid.Player - Don't be stupid.
                                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                  • 85. - Don't worry. I'm not rushing off to be captured.
                                                    • 91. - Lead the way, and I will follow. Sweep aside the Wolf Baron's black guard, his assassins. He wants to meet? Let us meet on even terms!
                                                      • 98. Option - We'll win this thing.Player - We'll rescue those people. And House Thul will fall.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                      • 99. Option - I think you should stay here.Player - I can go alone. You're better off in the estate.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        • 103. - No. If the Wolf Baron thinks I stayed behind, he'll kill his hostages and withdraw.
                                                      • 101. Option - House Thul is dead.Player - I'll make sure no one survives.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 102. - Let us hope it doesn't come to that.
                                                          • 105. - House Thul will be massing its forces. I will prepare our troops while you confront the Wolf Baron.
                                                            • 88. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                              • 90. - Thank you, General. And you--I pronounce you paladins of House Organa, my beacons in the dark.
                                                                • 115. - It is your valor I salute. Your word I believe. Clear the path, my friends, and let us look evil in the eye.
                                                              • 89. - Thank you, General. And you--I pronounce you a paladin of House Organa, my beacon in the dark.
                                                                • 114. - It is your valor I salute. Your word I believe. Clear the path, my friend, and let us look evil in the eye.
                                                                  • 241. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. - If Thul takes the Spears of Organa, our house is doomed.
  • 1. - Welcome to Organa palace.
  • 144. Option - He should be interrogated.Player - Find out everything he knows--about Thul and about the Empire.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68633180000cb06bc75"
    "Name": "Paladins",
    "NameId": "410040527749208",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Paladins",
        "frMale": "Paladins",
        "frFemale": "Paladins",
        "deMale": "Paladine",
        "deFemale": "Paladine"
    "Icon": "cdx.location.alderaan.the_apalis_coast",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 25,
    "XpLevel": 28,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
    "CanAbandon": false,
    "IsHidden": false,
    "IsClassQuest": false,
    "IsBonus": false,
    "BonusShareable": false,
    "CategoryId": "2466269005611283",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
        "enMale": "Alderaan",
        "frMale": "Ald\u00e9rande",
        "frFemale": "Ald\u00e9rande",
        "deMale": "Alderaan",
        "deFemale": "Alderaan"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Go to the coordinates the Wolf Baron has provided in order to start the negotiations.\n\nMeet the Wolf Baron at the rendezvous point along the Apalis Coast.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Go to the coordinates the Wolf Baron has provided in order to start the negotiations.\n\nMeet the Wolf Baron at the rendezvous point along the Apalis Coast.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. Suivez les coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup pour le d\u00e9but des n\u00e9gociations.\n\nRetrouvez le Baron Loup au lieu de rendez-vous sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. Suivez les coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup pour le d\u00e9but des n\u00e9gociations.\n\nRetrouvez le Baron Loup au lieu de rendez-vous sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Begib dich zu den Koordinaten, die der Wolfbaron genannt hat, um die Verhandlungen zu beginnen.\n\nTriff den Wolfbaron beim Treffpunkt an der Apalis-K\u00fcste.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Begib dich zu den Koordinaten, die der Wolfbaron genannt hat, um die Verhandlungen zu beginnen.\n\nTriff den Wolfbaron beim Treffpunkt an der Apalis-K\u00fcste."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Go to the Wolf Baron's Coordinates",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Go to the Wolf Baron's Coordinates",
                                "frMale": "Aller aux coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup",
                                "frFemale": "Aller aux coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup",
                                "deMale": "Begib dich zu den Koordinaten des Wolfbarons",
                                "deFemale": "Begib dich zu den Koordinaten des Wolfbarons"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. You've arrived at the Wolf Baron's coordinates to find an ambush waiting for you. Dispatch it so that the Duke can arrive safely.\n\nDefeat Wolf Baron Blackguards inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. You've arrived at the Wolf Baron's coordinates to find an ambush waiting for you. Dispatch it so that the Duke can arrive safely.\n\nDefeat Wolf Baron Blackguards inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. Lorsque vous arrivez aux coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup, vous comprenez qu'il s'agit d'un guet-apens. Faites le m\u00e9nage, que le duc arrive sain et sauf.\n\n\u00c9liminez les gardes noirs du Baron Loup dans sa base.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. Lorsque vous arrivez aux coordonn\u00e9es du Baron Loup, vous comprenez qu'il s'agit d'un guet-apens. Faites le m\u00e9nage, que le duc arrive sain et sauf.\n\n\u00c9liminez les gardes noirs du Baron Loup dans sa base.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Du bist an den Koordinaten des Wolfbarons eingetroffen und tappst in einen Hinterhalt. K\u00fcmmere dich um dieses Problem, damit der Duke gefahrlos eintreffen kann.\n\nBesiege die Schwarze Garde des Wolfbarons in seiner Feldbasis.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Du bist an den Koordinaten des Wolfbarons eingetroffen und tappst in einen Hinterhalt. K\u00fcmmere dich um dieses Problem, damit der Duke gefahrlos eintreffen kann.\n\nBesiege die Schwarze Garde des Wolfbarons in seiner Feldbasis."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Blackguard Ambush",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Blackguard Ambush",
                                "frMale": "D\u00e9jouer l'embuscade des gardes noirs",
                                "frFemale": "D\u00e9jouer l'embuscade des gardes noirs",
                                "deMale": "Besiege die Schwarze Garde",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege die Schwarze Garde"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 4,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Upon arriving at the meeting coordinates, the Wolf Baron's Blackguards tried to ambush you, but you successfully defeated them. Confront the Wolf Baron.\n\nSpeak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base along the Apalis Coast.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. He has demanded a meeting with Duke Charle Organa to negotiate for their release. Upon arriving at the meeting coordinates, the Wolf Baron's Blackguards tried to ambush you, but you successfully defeated them. Confront the Wolf Baron.\n\nSpeak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base along the Apalis Coast.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. \u00c0 votre arriv\u00e9e aux coordonn\u00e9es du rendez-vous, les gardes noirs du Baron Loup ont essay\u00e9 de vous tendre une embuscade, mais vous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vous en d\u00e9barrasser. Affrontez le Baron Loup.\n\nParlez au Baron Loup dans sa base, sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Il exige une rencontre avec le Duc Charle Organa pour n\u00e9gocier leur lib\u00e9ration. \u00c0 votre arriv\u00e9e aux coordonn\u00e9es du rendez-vous, les gardes noirs du Baron Loup ont essay\u00e9 de vous tendre une embuscade, mais vous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vous en d\u00e9barrasser. Affrontez le Baron Loup.\n\nParlez au Baron Loup dans sa base, sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Als du am Treffpunkt ankommst, wartet die Schwarze Garde des Wolfbarons in einem Hinterhalt auf dich, doch du konntest sie besiegen. Stelle den Wolfbaron zur Rede.\n\nSprich mit dem Wolfbaron in seiner Feldbasis an der Apalis-K\u00fcste.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Er verlangt ein Treffen mit Duke Charle Organa, um \u00fcber ihre Freilassung zu verhandeln. Als du am Treffpunkt ankommst, wartet die Schwarze Garde des Wolfbarons in einem Hinterhalt auf dich, doch du konntest sie besiegen. Stelle den Wolfbaron zur Rede.\n\nSprich mit dem Wolfbaron in seiner Feldbasis an der Apalis-K\u00fcste."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Speak to the Wolf Baron",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Speak to the Wolf Baron",
                                "frMale": "Parler au Baron Loup",
                                "frFemale": "Parler au Baron Loup",
                                "deMale": "Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron",
                                "deFemale": "Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
            "Id": "2",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through. Defeat the Wolf Baron and his troops so that the hostages can be freed.\n\nDefeat the Wolf Baron and his guards inside his field base.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through. Defeat the Wolf Baron and his troops so that the hostages can be freed.\n\nDefeat the Wolf Baron and his guards inside his field base.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Pendant les n\u00e9gociations, la mauvaise foi du baron vous a saut\u00e9 aux yeux. \u00c9liminez le Baron Loup et ses troupes, afin de pouvoir lib\u00e9rer les otages.\n\n\u00c9liminez le Baron Loup et ses gardes dans sa base.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Pendant les n\u00e9gociations, la mauvaise foi du baron vous a saut\u00e9 aux yeux. \u00c9liminez le Baron Loup et ses troupes, afin de pouvoir lib\u00e9rer les otages.\n\n\u00c9liminez le Baron Loup et ses gardes dans sa base.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. W\u00e4hrend des Treffens schlug der Wolfbaron einen heuchlerischen Tauschhandel vor, der aber leicht zu durchschauen war. Besiege den Wolfbaron und seine Truppen, damit die Geiseln freikommen.\n\nBesiege den Wolfbaron und seine Wachen in seiner Feldbasis.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. W\u00e4hrend des Treffens schlug der Wolfbaron einen heuchlerischen Tauschhandel vor, der aber leicht zu durchschauen war. Besiege den Wolfbaron und seine Truppen, damit die Geiseln freikommen.\n\nBesiege den Wolfbaron und seine Wachen in seiner Feldbasis."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Wolf Baron",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Wolf Baron",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre le Baron Loup",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre le Baron Loup",
                                "deMale": "Besiege den Wolfbaron",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege den Wolfbaron"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcIds": [
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                            "Id": 2,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Wolf Baron's Guards",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Wolf Baron's Guards",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre les gardes du Baron Loup",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre les gardes du Baron Loup",
                                "deMale": "Besiege die Wachen des Wolfbarons",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege die Wachen des Wolfbarons"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through, and you were forced into combat.\n\nYou have successfully defeated the Wolf Baron and his guards. Speak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. During the meeting, the Wolf Baron's insincere attempt to trade for the hostages was easy to see through, and you were forced into combat.\n\nYou have successfully defeated the Wolf Baron and his guards. Speak with the Wolf Baron inside his field base.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Pendant les n\u00e9gociations, la mauvaise foi du baron vous a saut\u00e9 aux yeux, et le combat \u00e9tait in\u00e9vitable.\n\nVous avez \u00e9limin\u00e9 le Baron Loup et ses gardes. Parlez au Baron Loup dans sa base.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Pendant les n\u00e9gociations, la mauvaise foi du baron vous a saut\u00e9 aux yeux, et le combat \u00e9tait in\u00e9vitable.\n\nVous avez \u00e9limin\u00e9 le Baron Loup et ses gardes. Parlez au Baron Loup dans sa base.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. W\u00e4hrend des Treffens schlug der Wolfbaron einen heuchlerischen Tauschhandel vor, der aber leicht zu durchschauen war, so dass du gezwungen warst zu k\u00e4mpfen.\n\nDu hast den Wolfbaron und seine Wachen besiegt. Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron in seiner Feldbasis.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. W\u00e4hrend des Treffens schlug der Wolfbaron einen heuchlerischen Tauschhandel vor, der aber leicht zu durchschauen war, so dass du gezwungen warst zu k\u00e4mpfen.\n\nDu hast den Wolfbaron und seine Wachen besiegt. Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron in seiner Feldbasis."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Speak to the Wolf Baron",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Speak to the Wolf Baron",
                                "frMale": "Parler au Baron Loup",
                                "frFemale": "Parler au Baron Loup",
                                "deMale": "Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron",
                                "deFemale": "Sprich mit dem Wolfbaron"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
            "Id": "3",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, has returned to rescue you. Defeat the remaining guards to escape.\n\nDefeat Thul forces inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, has returned to rescue you. Defeat the remaining guards to escape.\n\nDefeat Thul forces inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Vous acceptez d'\u00eatre pris en otage en \u00e9change des citoyens captifs. Cependant, un groupe men\u00e9 par Brant Sonn, un ancien otage, revient vous sauver. \u00c9liminez les derniers gardes pour vous enfuir.\n\n\u00c9liminez les forces Thul dans la base du Baron Loup.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Vous acceptez d'\u00eatre prise en otage en \u00e9change des citoyens captifs. Cependant, un groupe men\u00e9 par Brant Sonn, un ancien otage, revient vous sauver. \u00c9liminez les derniers gardes pour vous enfuir.\n\n\u00c9liminez les forces Thul dans la base du Baron Loup.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Du hast dich im Tausch f\u00fcr das Leben der Geiseln gefangen nehmen lassen. Eine Gruppe unter der F\u00fchrung von Brant Sonn, einer der freigelassenen Geiseln, ist jedoch zur\u00fcckgekehrt, um dich zu befreien. Besiege die restlichen Wachen, um zu fliehen.\n\nBesiege die Thul-Streitkr\u00e4fte in der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Du hast dich im Tausch f\u00fcr das Leben der Geiseln gefangen nehmen lassen. Eine Gruppe unter der F\u00fchrung von Brant Sonn, einer der freigelassenen Geiseln, ist jedoch zur\u00fcckgekehrt, um dich zu befreien. Besiege die restlichen Wachen, um zu fliehen.\n\nBesiege die Thul-Streitkr\u00e4fte in der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat Thul Prison Guards",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat Thul Prison Guards",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre les gardiens de prison Thul",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre les gardiens de prison Thul",
                                "deMale": "Besiege die Thul-Gef\u00e4ngniswachen",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege die Thul-Gef\u00e4ngniswachen"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, returned to rescue you.\n\nYou have successfully defeated the Thul guards. Speak with Brant Sonn inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "The Wolf Baron has captured hundreds of Organa citizens. You allowed yourself to be taken prisoner in exchange for the hostages' lives. However, a group led by one of the former hostages, Brant Sonn, returned to rescue you.\n\nYou have successfully defeated the Thul guards. Speak with Brant Sonn inside the Wolf Baron's Field Base.",
                        "frMale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Vous acceptez d'\u00eatre pris en otage en \u00e9change des citoyens captifs. Cependant, un groupe men\u00e9 par Brant Sonn, un ancien otage, est revenu vous sauver.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vaincre les gardes Thul. Parlez \u00e0 Brant Sonn dans la base du Baron Loup.",
                        "frFemale": "Le Baron Loup a captur\u00e9 des centaines de citoyens Organa. Vous acceptez d'\u00eatre prise en otage en \u00e9change des citoyens captifs. Cependant, un groupe men\u00e9 par Brant Sonn, un ancien otage, est revenu vous sauver.\n\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vaincre les gardes Thul. Parlez \u00e0 Brant Sonn dans la base du Baron Loup.",
                        "deMale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Du hast dich im Tausch f\u00fcr das Leben der Geiseln gefangen nehmen lassen. Eine Gruppe unter der F\u00fchrung von Brant Sonn, einer der freigelassenen Geiseln, ist jedoch zur\u00fcckgekehrt, um dich zu befreien.\n\nDu hast die Thul-Wachen besiegt. Sprich mit Brant Sonn in der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons.",
                        "deFemale": "Der Wolfbaron hat Hunderte von Organa-B\u00fcrgern gefangen genommen. Du hast dich im Tausch f\u00fcr das Leben der Geiseln gefangen nehmen lassen. Eine Gruppe unter der F\u00fchrung von Brant Sonn, einer der freigelassenen Geiseln, ist jedoch zur\u00fcckgekehrt, um dich zu befreien.\n\nDu hast die Thul-Wachen besiegt. Sprich mit Brant Sonn in der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Speak to Brant Sonn",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Speak to Brant Sonn",
                                "frMale": "Parler \u00e0 Brant Sonn",
                                "frFemale": "Parler \u00e0 Brant Sonn",
                                "deMale": "Sprich mit Brant Sonn",
                                "deFemale": "Sprich mit Brant Sonn"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
            "Id": "4",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": [],
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "ShowTracking": false,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [],
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. Defeat the Sith war apprentices leading the Thul invasion.\n\nDefeat Sith War Apprentices outside the Wolf Baron's Field Base along the Apalis Coast.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. Defeat the Sith war apprentices leading the Thul invasion.\n\nDefeat Sith War Apprentices outside the Wolf Baron's Field Base along the Apalis Coast.",
                        "frMale": "Des apprentis Sith soutiennent l'invasion de la maison Thul, tandis que la maison Organa commence \u00e0 manquer d'effectifs. An\u00e9antissez les apprentis de guerre Sith \u00e0 la t\u00eate des envahisseurs Thul.\n\n\u00c9liminez les apprentis de guerre Sith \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la base du Baron Loup, sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "frFemale": "Des apprentis Sith soutiennent l'invasion de la maison Thul, tandis que la maison Organa commence \u00e0 manquer d'effectifs. An\u00e9antissez les apprentis de guerre Sith \u00e0 la t\u00eate des envahisseurs Thul.\n\n\u00c9liminez les apprentis de guerre Sith \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de la base du Baron Loup, sur la c\u00f4te d'Apalis.",
                        "deMale": "Die Thul-Invasoren werden von Sith-Sch\u00fclern unterst\u00fctzt und Haus Organa geht die Verst\u00e4rkung aus. Besiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler, die die Thul-Invasion anf\u00fchren.\n\nBesiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler vor der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons an der Apalis-K\u00fcste.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Thul-Invasoren werden von Sith-Sch\u00fclern unterst\u00fctzt und Haus Organa geht die Verst\u00e4rkung aus. Besiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler, die die Thul-Invasion anf\u00fchren.\n\nBesiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler vor der Feldbasis des Wolfbarons an der Apalis-K\u00fcste."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat Sith War Apprentices",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat Sith War Apprentices",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre les apprentis de guerre Sith",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre les apprentis de guerre Sith",
                                "deMale": "Besiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": true,
                            "CountMax": 3,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
                            "TaskNpcIds": [
                            "TaskNpcB62Ids": [
                            "TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
                            "MapNoteB62Ids": [
                            "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                            "ItemsGiven": [],
                            "ItemsTaken": []
                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. You have successfully defeated the Sith War Apprentices. Return to Duke Charle Organa to report the good news.\n\nSpeak with Duke Charle Organa at his salon inside Organa Castle.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "House Thul's invasion is being supported by Sith apprentices, and House Organa is running low on reinforcements. You have successfully defeated the Sith War Apprentices. Return to Duke Charle Organa to report the good news.\n\nSpeak with Duke Charle Organa at his salon inside Organa Castle.",
                        "frMale": "Des apprentis Sith soutiennent l'invasion de la maison Thul, tandis que la maison Organa commence \u00e0 manquer d'effectifs. Vous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vous d\u00e9barrasser des apprentis de guerre Sith. Rejoignez le Duc Charle Organa pour lui annoncer la nouvelle.\n\nParlez au Duc Charle Organa dans son salon du ch\u00e2teau des Organa.",
                        "frFemale": "Des apprentis Sith soutiennent l'invasion de la maison Thul, tandis que la maison Organa commence \u00e0 manquer d'effectifs. Vous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 vous d\u00e9barrasser des apprentis de guerre Sith. Rejoignez le Duc Charle Organa pour lui annoncer la nouvelle.\n\nParlez au Duc Charle Organa dans son salon du ch\u00e2teau des Organa.",
                        "deMale": "Die Thul-Invasoren werden von Sith-Sch\u00fclern unterst\u00fctzt und Haus Organa geht die Verst\u00e4rkung aus. Du konntest die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler besiegen. Kehre zu Duke Charle Organa zur\u00fcck, um ihm die gute Nachricht zu \u00fcberbringen.\n\nSprich mit Duke Charle Organa in seinem Salon im Schloss Organa.",
                        "deFemale": "Die Thul-Invasoren werden von Sith-Sch\u00fclern unterst\u00fctzt und Haus Organa geht die Verst\u00e4rkung aus. Du konntest die Sith-Kriegssch\u00fcler besiegen. Kehre zu Duke Charle Organa zur\u00fcck, um ihm die gute Nachricht zu \u00fcberbringen.\n\nSprich mit Duke Charle Organa in seinem Salon im Schloss Organa."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Return to Duke Charle Organa",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Return to Duke Charle Organa",
                                "frMale": "Rejoindre le Duc Charle Organa",
                                "frFemale": "Rejoindre le Duc Charle Organa",
                                "deMale": "Kehre zu Duke Charle Organa zur\u00fcck",
                                "deFemale": "Kehre zu Duke Charle Organa zur\u00fcck"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
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    "ConversationGains": {
        "CompanionsParsed": {
            "5FtJ3I7": {
                "enMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "frMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "frFemale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "deMale": "Aric Jorgan",
                "deFemale": "Aric Jorgan"
            "ifIMuBA": {
                "enMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "frFemale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deMale": "Tharan Cedrax",
                "deFemale": "Tharan Cedrax"
            "hhqIyzA": {
                "enMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "frMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "frFemale": "Elara Dorne",
                "deMale": "Elara Dorne",
                "deFemale": "Elara Dorne"
            "iZ4l338": {
                "enMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "frMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "frFemale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "deMale": "Qyzen Fess",
                "deFemale": "Qyzen Fess"
            "EnMAMg0": {
                "enMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "frMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "frFemale": "Kira Carsen",
                "deMale": "Kira Carsen",
                "deFemale": "Kira Carsen"
            "dtOd209": {
                "enMale": "Bowdaar",
                "frMale": "Bowdaar",
                "frFemale": "Bowdaar",
                "deMale": "Bowdaar",
                "deFemale": "Bowdaar"
            "BIWNCz6": {
                "enMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "frMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "frFemale": "Corso Riggs",
                "deMale": "Corso Riggs",
                "deFemale": "Corso Riggs"
            "Q2JoNeD": {
                "enMale": "M1-4X",
                "frMale": "M1-4X",
                "frFemale": "M1-4X",
                "deMale": "M1-4X",
                "deFemale": "M1-4X"
            "Z2FFed2": {
                "enMale": "T7-O1",
                "frMale": "T7-O1",
                "frFemale": "T7-O1",
                "deMale": "T7-O1",
                "deFemale": "T7-O1"
        "NodeText": {
            "jVh2xLF_12": {
                "enMale": "No time to rest while the enemy's out there. I'll stick with rations, sir.",
                "frMale": "Pas de repos alors que l'ennemi est l\u00e0. Les rations me [{F}]suffiront.",
                "frFemale": "Pas de repos alors que l'ennemi est l\u00e0. Les rations [{F}]suffiront.",
                "deMale": "Ich kann nicht ausruhen, solange der Feind noch da drau\u00dfen ist. Meine Rationen m\u00fcssen reichen, Sir.",
                "deFemale": "Ich kann nicht ausruhen, solange der Feind noch da drau\u00dfen ist. Meine Rationen m\u00fcssen reichen, Sir."
            "jVh2xLF_13": {
                "enMale": "I'd be honored to dine with you, my lord.",
                "frMale": "Ce serait un honneur de d\u00eener avec vous, Excellence.",
                "frFemale": "Ce serait un honneur de d\u00eener avec vous, Excellence.",
                "deMale": "Es w\u00e4re mir eine Ehre, mit Euch zu speisen.",
                "deFemale": "Es w\u00e4re mir eine Ehre, mit Euch zu speisen."
            "jVh2xLF_14": {
                "enMale": "Jedi don't often feast, my lord, and rarely under such unfortunate circumstances.",
                "frMale": "Les Jedi ne font pas souvent la f\u00eate, Excellence, et rarement dans de telles circonstances.",
                "frFemale": "Les Jedi ne font pas souvent la f\u00eate, Excellence, et rarement dans de telles circonstances.",
                "deMale": "Jedi feiern nur selten und noch seltener in solch ungl\u00fccklichen Zeiten.",
                "deFemale": "Jedi feiern nur selten und noch seltener in solch ungl\u00fccklichen Zeiten."
            "jVh2xLF_17": {
                "enMale": "I'd rather have credits.",
                "frMale": "Des cr\u00e9dits seraient plus utiles.",
                "frFemale": "Des cr\u00e9dits seraient plus utiles.",
                "deMale": "Credits sind mir am liebsten.",
                "deFemale": "Credits sind mir am liebsten."
            "jVh2xLF_45": {
                "enMale": "I don't need to talk to a \"Wolf Baron,\" thank you.",
                "frMale": "Je n'ai pas besoin de parler \u00e0 un \"Baron Loup\", merci.",
                "frFemale": "Je n'ai pas besoin de parler \u00e0 un \"Baron Loup\", merci.",
                "deMale": "Ich m\u00f6chte nicht mit einem \"Wolfbaron\" sprechen, vielen Dank.",
                "deFemale": "Ich m\u00f6chte nicht mit einem \"Wolfbaron\" sprechen, vielen Dank."
            "jVh2xLF_46": {
                "enMale": "I think we're starting on the wrong foot. Let's talk about this.",
                "frMale": "On est partis du mauvais pied. Parlons un peu.",
                "frFemale": "On est partis du mauvais pied. Parlons un peu.",
                "deMale": "Ich glaube, wir haben die ganze Sache falsch angefangen. Sprechen wir dar\u00fcber.",
                "deFemale": "Ich glaube, wir haben die ganze Sache falsch angefangen. Sprechen wir dar\u00fcber."
            "jVh2xLF_47": {
                "enMale": "You ordered the land bombed and the turrets captured.",
                "frMale": "Vous avez ordonn\u00e9 le bombardement du territoire et la capture des tourelles.",
                "frFemale": "Vous avez ordonn\u00e9 le bombardement du territoire et la capture des tourelles.",
                "deMale": "Ihr habt befohlen, das Land zu bombardieren und die Gesch\u00fctze einzunehmen.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr habt befohlen, das Land zu bombardieren und die Gesch\u00fctze einzunehmen."
            "jVh2xLF_64": {
                "enMale": "Make your demands. We're listening.",
                "frMale": "Qu'est-ce que vous exigez ? On \u00e9coute.",
                "frFemale": "Qu'est-ce que vous exigez ? On \u00e9coute.",
                "deMale": "Stellt Eure Forderungen. Wir h\u00f6ren zu.",
                "deFemale": "Stellt Eure Forderungen. Wir h\u00f6ren zu."
            "jVh2xLF_65": {
                "enMale": "Threatening civilians is not going to save you.",
                "frMale": "Menacer des civils ne vous sauvera pas.",
                "frFemale": "Menacer des civils ne vous sauvera pas.",
                "deMale": "Es wird Euch auch nicht retten, wenn Ihr Zivilisten bedroht.",
                "deFemale": "Es wird Euch auch nicht retten, wenn Ihr Zivilisten bedroht."
            "jVh2xLF_82": {
                "enMale": "What are you going to do?",
                "frMale": "Qu'allez-vous faire\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Qu'allez-vous faire\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Wie geht es jetzt weiter?",
                "deFemale": "Wie geht es jetzt weiter?"
            "jVh2xLF_83": {
                "enMale": "Don't be stupid.",
                "frMale": "Ce n'est pas \u00e7a du tout.",
                "frFemale": "Ce n'est pas \u00e7a du tout.",
                "deMale": "Was f\u00fcr ein Schwachsinn.",
                "deFemale": "Was f\u00fcr ein Schwachsinn."
            "jVh2xLF_84": {
                "enMale": "I'm not afraid of the Wolf Baron. Allow me to handle this.",
                "frMale": "Je n'ai pas peur de Baron Loup. Laissez-moi m'en occuper.",
                "frFemale": "Je n'ai pas peur de Baron Loup. Laissez-moi m'en occuper.",
                "deMale": "Ich habe keine Angst vor dem Wolfbaron. Erlaubt mir, die Angelegenheit zu regeln.",
                "deFemale": "Ich habe keine Angst vor dem Wolfbaron. Erlaubt mir, die Angelegenheit zu regeln."
            "jVh2xLF_98": {
                "enMale": "We'll rescue those people. And House Thul will fall.",
                "frMale": "On sauvera ces gens et la maison Thul s'effondrera.",
                "frFemale": "On sauvera ces gens et la maison Thul s'effondrera.",
                "deMale": "Wir werden Eure Leute retten und das Haus Thul wird fallen.",
                "deFemale": "Wir werden Eure Leute retten und das Haus Thul wird fallen."
            "jVh2xLF_99": {
                "enMale": "I can go alone. You're better off in the estate.",
                "frMale": "Je peux y aller seul. Vous serez mieux au domaine.",
                "frFemale": "Je peux y aller seule. Vous serez mieux au domaine.",
                "deMale": "Ich kann alleine gehen. Ihr seid im Anwesen besser aufgehoben.",
                "deFemale": "Ich kann alleine gehen. Ihr seid im Anwesen besser aufgehoben."
            "jVh2xLF_101": {
                "enMale": "I'll make sure no one survives.",
                "frMale": "Je vais m'assurer de faire payer tous ceux qui sont impliqu\u00e9s.",
                "frFemale": "Je vais m'assurer de faire payer tous ceux qui sont impliqu\u00e9s.",
                "deMale": "Ich sorge daf\u00fcr, dass niemand am Leben bleibt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich sorge daf\u00fcr, dass niemand am Leben bleibt."
            "jVh2xLF_131": {
                "enMale": "The battle's over? There won't be a second wave?",
                "frMale": "La bataille est finie ? Elle est bel et bien termin\u00e9e ?",
                "frFemale": "La bataille est finie ? Elle est bel et bien termin\u00e9e ?",
                "deMale": "Die Schlacht ist vorbei? Es gibt keine zweite Angriffswelle?",
                "deFemale": "Die Schlacht ist vorbei? Es gibt keine zweite Angriffswelle?"
            "jVh2xLF_132": {
                "enMale": "Good to hear it.",
                "frMale": "C'est une bonne nouvelle.",
                "frFemale": "C'est une bonne nouvelle.",
                "deMale": "Das h\u00f6re ich gern.",
                "deFemale": "Das h\u00f6re ich gern."
            "jVh2xLF_133": {
                "enMale": "Be grateful you're not kneeling before the Wolf Baron.",
                "frMale": "Soyez heureux de ne pas avoir \u00e0 vous agenouiller devant Baron Loup.",
                "frFemale": "Soyez heureux de ne pas avoir \u00e0 vous agenouiller devant Baron Loup.",
                "deMale": "Seid dankbar, dass Ihr nicht vor dem Wolfbaron niederknien m\u00fcsst.",
                "deFemale": "Seid dankbar, dass Ihr nicht vor dem Wolfbaron niederknien m\u00fcsst."
            "jVh2xLF_142": {
                "enMale": "Execute him. He'll be an example to the other Thuls.",
                "frMale": "Tuez-le. Il sera un exemple pour les autres Thul.",
                "frFemale": "Tuez-le. Il sera un exemple pour les autres Thul.",
                "deMale": "Lasst ihn hinrichten. Er soll den anderen Thuls als Beispiel dienen.",
                "deFemale": "Lasst ihn hinrichten. Er soll den anderen Thuls als Beispiel dienen."
            "jVh2xLF_143": {
                "enMale": "He could've killed me, but he didn't. Make sure he's not harmed.",
                "frMale": "Il aurait pu me tuer, mais il ne l'a pas fait. Assurez-vous qu'il ne soit pas bless\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Il aurait pu me tuer, mais il ne l'a pas fait. Assurez-vous qu'il ne soit pas bless\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Er h\u00e4tte mich t\u00f6ten k\u00f6nnen, aber er hat es nicht getan. Sorgt daf\u00fcr, dass ihm nichts geschieht.",
                "deFemale": "Er h\u00e4tte mich t\u00f6ten k\u00f6nnen, aber er hat es nicht getan. Sorgt daf\u00fcr, dass ihm nichts geschieht."
            "jVh2xLF_168": {
                "enMale": "Get some battle skills and do it yourself.",
                "frMale": "Il faudrait peut-\u00eatre apprendre \u00e0 se battre.",
                "frFemale": "Il faudrait peut-\u00eatre apprendre \u00e0 se battre.",
                "deMale": "Ganz einfach: \u00fcben und selbst in den Kampf ziehen!",
                "deFemale": "Ganz einfach: \u00fcben und selbst in den Kampf ziehen!"
            "jVh2xLF_169": {
                "enMale": "I'll do what I can, sir. But Havoc Squad has a job of its own to do.",
                "frMale": "Je ferai mon possible, mais l'escouade du Chaos a une mission de son c\u00f4t\u00e9.",
                "frFemale": "Je ferai mon possible, mais l'escouade du Chaos a une mission de son c\u00f4t\u00e9.",
                "deMale": "Ich tue, was ich kann, Sir. Aber der Chaostrupp muss seine eigenen Aufgaben erledigen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich tue, was ich kann, Sir. Aber der Chaostrupp muss seine eigenen Aufgaben erledigen."
            "jVh2xLF_172": {
                "enMale": "I'm honored, my lord. I'll do anything I can.",
                "frMale": "C'est un honneur, Excellence. Je ferai mon possible.",
                "frFemale": "C'est un honneur, Excellence. Je ferai mon possible.",
                "deMale": "Es ist mir eine Ehre. Ich werde alles tun, was ich kann.",
                "deFemale": "Es ist mir eine Ehre. Ich werde alles tun, was ich kann."
            "iVUDu68_17": {
                "enMale": "You said you had three hundred Organas prisoner.",
                "frMale": "Vous disiez avoir 300 prisonniers des Organa.",
                "frFemale": "Vous disiez avoir 300 prisonniers des Organa.",
                "deMale": "Ihr sagtet, Ihr h\u00e4ttet dreihundert gefangene Organas.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr sagtet, Ihr h\u00e4ttet dreihundert gefangene Organas."
            "iVUDu68_18": {
                "enMale": "Organa is on his way. Don't worry about that.",
                "frMale": "La maison Organa est en route. Ne vous inqui\u00e9tez pas.",
                "frFemale": "La maison Organa est en route. Ne vous inqui\u00e9tez pas.",
                "deMale": "Organa ist unterwegs. Macht Euch keine Sorgen.",
                "deFemale": "Organa ist unterwegs. Macht Euch keine Sorgen."
            "iVUDu68_19": {
                "enMale": "You're only making it harder on yourself.",
                "frMale": "Les choses sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 bien assez compliqu\u00e9es.",
                "frFemale": "Les choses sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 bien assez compliqu\u00e9es.",
                "deMale": "Dadurch wird die Situation nur schlimmer.",
                "deFemale": "Dadurch wird die Situation nur schlimmer."
            "iVUDu68_35": {
                "enMale": "I'm only going to tell you once: Free the captives. Now.",
                "frMale": "Je ne vous le dirai qu'une fois : lib\u00e9rez les prisonniers. Tout de suite.",
                "frFemale": "Je ne vous le dirai qu'une fois : lib\u00e9rez les prisonniers. Tout de suite.",
                "deMale": "Ich sage es Euch nur einmal: Lasst die Gefangenen gehen. Sofort.",
                "deFemale": "Ich sage es Euch nur einmal: Lasst die Gefangenen gehen. Sofort."
            "iVUDu68_36": {
                "enMale": "You're not in such a good position yourself.",
                "frMale": "Vous n'\u00eates pas dans une si bonne position.",
                "frFemale": "Vous n'\u00eates pas dans une si bonne position.",
                "deMale": "Eure eigene Lage ist auch nicht viel sicherer.",
                "deFemale": "Eure eigene Lage ist auch nicht viel sicherer."
            "iVUDu68_37": {
                "enMale": "I'm sure we can work this out peacefully.",
                "frMale": "La violence n'est pas la solution.",
                "frFemale": "La violence n'est pas la solution.",
                "deMale": "Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche L\u00f6sung.",
                "deFemale": "Es gibt doch sicher eine friedliche L\u00f6sung."
            "iVUDu68_49": {
                "enMale": "You're real funny.",
                "frMale": "Tr\u00e8s dr\u00f4le.",
                "frFemale": "Tr\u00e8s dr\u00f4le.",
                "deMale": "Zum Totlachen.",
                "deFemale": "Zum Totlachen."
            "iVUDu68_50": {
                "enMale": "How do I know you'll hold up your end?",
                "frMale": "Comment savoir que vous tiendrez parole ?",
                "frFemale": "Comment savoir que vous tiendrez parole ?",
                "deMale": "Woher wei\u00df ich, dass Ihr die Abmachung einhaltet?",
                "deFemale": "Woher wei\u00df ich, dass Ihr die Abmachung einhaltet?"
            "iVUDu68_64": {
                "enMale": "I'll turn myself in. Let the hostages go.",
                "frMale": "Je me rends. Laissez les otages partir.",
                "frFemale": "Je me rends. Laissez les otages partir.",
                "deMale": "Ich liefere mich Euch aus. Lasst die Geiseln gehen.",
                "deFemale": "Ich liefere mich Euch aus. Lasst die Geiseln gehen."
            "iVUDu68_66": {
                "enMale": "You're a dead man.",
                "frMale": "Adieu.",
                "frFemale": "Adieu.",
                "deMale": "Hier kommt der Tod.",
                "deFemale": "Hier kommt der Tod."
            "iVUDu68_100": {
                "enMale": "They had me sedated, but they didn't hurt me.",
                "frMale": "Ils m'ont drogu\u00e9, mais ils ne m'ont pas fait de mal.",
                "frFemale": "Ils m'ont drogu\u00e9e, mais ils ne m'ont pas fait de mal.",
                "deMale": "Ich wurde bet\u00e4ubt, aber sie haben mich nicht verletzt.",
                "deFemale": "Ich wurde bet\u00e4ubt, aber sie haben mich nicht verletzt."
            "iVUDu68_102": {
                "enMale": "However long I was unconscious, it was way too long.",
                "frMale": "Je suis rest\u00e9 inconscient bien trop longtemps.",
                "frFemale": "Je suis rest\u00e9e inconsciente bien trop longtemps.",
                "deMale": "Wie lange ich auch bewusstlos war, es war eindeutig zu lange.",
                "deFemale": "Wie lange ich auch bewusstlos war, es war eindeutig zu lange."
            "iVUDu68_103": {
                "enMale": "What's going on?",
                "frMale": "Que se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "Que se passe-t-il\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Worum dreht es sich hier?",
                "deFemale": "Worum dreht es sich hier?"
            "iVUDu68_116": {
                "enMale": "What kind of help do you need?",
                "frMale": "De quel genre d'aide avez-vous besoin\u00a0?",
                "frFemale": "De quel genre d'aide avez-vous besoin\u00a0?",
                "deMale": "Was kann ich tun?",
                "deFemale": "Was kann ich tun?"
            "iVUDu68_117": {
                "enMale": "I barely survived your last mission. Now you want my help again?",
                "frMale": "J'ai \u00e0 peine surv\u00e9cu \u00e0 votre derni\u00e8re mission. Vous voulez que je vous aide de nouveau ?",
                "frFemale": "J'ai \u00e0 peine surv\u00e9cu \u00e0 votre derni\u00e8re mission. Vous voulez que je vous aide de nouveau ?",
                "deMale": "Ich habe Eure letzte Mission nur knapp \u00fcberlebt. Jetzt wollt Ihr schon wieder meine Hilfe?",
                "deFemale": "Ich habe Eure letzte Mission nur knapp \u00fcberlebt. Jetzt wollt Ihr schon wieder meine Hilfe?"
            "iVUDu68_118": {
                "enMale": "What's House Thul up to now?",
                "frMale": "O\u00f9 en est la maison Thul ?",
                "frFemale": "O\u00f9 en est la maison Thul ?",
                "deMale": "Was hat das Haus Thul jetzt vor?",
                "deFemale": "Was hat das Haus Thul jetzt vor?"
            "iVUDu68_134": {
                "enMale": "Assuming we win--then what?",
                "frMale": "Si on gagne, que se passe-t-il apr\u00e8s ?",
                "frFemale": "Si on gagne, que se passe-t-il apr\u00e8s ?",
                "deMale": "Gehen wir davon aus, dass wir gewinnen ... Was dann?",
                "deFemale": "Gehen wir davon aus, dass wir gewinnen ... Was dann?"
            "iVUDu68_135": {
                "enMale": "All enemies of the (Empire \/ Republic) will die before me.",
                "frMale": "Un bon Imp\u00e9rial est un Imp\u00e9rial mort.",
                "frFemale": "Un bon Imp\u00e9rial est un Imp\u00e9rial mort.",
                "deMale": "Alle Feinde werden durch meine Hand umkommen.",
                "deFemale": "Alle Feinde werden durch meine Hand umkommen."
            "iVUDu68_136": {
                "enMale": "Havoc Squad is ready to move out.",
                "frMale": "L'escouade du Chaos est pr\u00eate \u00e0 partir.",
                "frFemale": "L'escouade du Chaos est pr\u00eate \u00e0 partir.",
                "deMale": "Der Chaostrupp ist bereit zum Ausr\u00fccken.",
                "deFemale": "Der Chaostrupp ist bereit zum Ausr\u00fccken."
            "iVUDu68_139": {
                "enMale": "You have my word: The Sith will not reach the Organa estate.",
                "frMale": "Vous avez ma parole : les Sith n'atteindront pas le domaine des Organa.",
                "frFemale": "Vous avez ma parole : les Sith n'atteindront pas le domaine des Organa.",
                "deMale": "Ihr habt mein Ehrenwort: Die Sith werden die Organa-L\u00e4ndereien nicht erreichen.",
                "deFemale": "Ihr habt mein Ehrenwort: Die Sith werden die Organa-L\u00e4ndereien nicht erreichen."
        "AffectionGainTable": {
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            "iVUDu68_102": [
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            "iVUDu68_139": [
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    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.1a",
    "hash": "1197385132",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "ClassesAllowed": [
        "Jedi Knight",
        "Jedi Consular"