- I forged you into a being worthy of the Eternal Throne. Without me, you are nothing.
85. Option - It's you who are nothing.Player - Wrong again, Valkorion. It's you who needed me. Now you're alone, and nothing can save you from the fate you deserve.
- I've opened a system-wide holochannel. The galaxy's ready to meet the new empress.
382. <Non-dialogue segment.>
162. Option - [Heal the galaxy as peacekeeper]Player - I'm no empress. +200
173. Player - People of the galaxy. The war is over. The Eternal Fleet is pacified.
178. Player - Today marks the end of the Eternal Empire. The people of Zakuul are now free to rule themselves.
180. Player - I will transform the throne into a beacon of peace--dedicated to helping Zakuul recover from a war that nearly destroyed us all.
184. Player - We faced the full might of the Eternal Fleet. Watched cities fall. Friends die. We have suffered for the last time...
188. Player - The Eternal Fleet will now serve as a benevolent armada--delivering supplies, transporting refugees, and healing the damage this war inflicted.
408. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 414
414. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 418
418. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 422
422. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 426
426. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 190
192. Player - We must now look forward: beyond our homes, to the stars that surround us.
195. Player - This will be our new frontier, as we work together to rebuild the galaxy. By trusting in each other, we begin a new era in galactic history.
481. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 485
485. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 489
489. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 493
493. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 497
497. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 194
194. Player - The age of the Eternal Alliance.
Link to Node 518
163. Option - [Rule the galaxy as empress]Player - +200
166. Player - They will bow to me before the day's over.
169. Player - People of the galaxy. The Eternal Empire has been crushed. Its fleet now answers to me.
199. Player - From this day forward, Zakuul will surrender to Alliance control--and no one will speak the name Valkorion ever again.
206. Player - You suffered the Eternal Fleet's rage. Watched cities fall. Friends die. In time, these wounds will heal...
210. Player - But the fleet is now mine. You must never forget its strength--and the fate that awaits anyone who challenges me.
430. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 434
434. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 442
442. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 446
446. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 450
450. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 212
213. <Non-dialogue segment.>
340. Player - I am your emperor. Conqueror of Zakuul and destroyer of the Eternal Empire. Under my rule, we begin a new era in galactic history.
Link to Node 215
214. Player - I am your empress. Conqueror of Zakuul and destroyer of the Eternal Empire. Under my rule, we begin a new era in galactic history.
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"deFemale": "Arcann"
"NodeText": {
"pDfPsVD_16": {
"enMale": "I control what happens here--and I say what's good for Vaylin is good for you.",
"frMale": "Je contr\u00f4le ce qu'il se passe ici... et je dis que ce qui vaut pour Vaylin vaut pour vous.",
"frFemale": "Je contr\u00f4le ce qu'il se passe ici... et je dis que ce qui vaut pour Vaylin vaut pour vous.",
"deMale": "Ich kontrolliere, was hier geschieht. Und ich finde, dass das was f\u00fcr Vaylin gut ist, auch f\u00fcr Euch gut ist.",
"deFemale": "Ich kontrolliere, was hier geschieht. Und ich finde, dass das was f\u00fcr Vaylin gut ist, auch f\u00fcr Euch gut ist."
"pDfPsVD_17": {
"enMale": "You've spent a hundred lifetimes putting people in cages. Here's yours.",
"frMale": "Vous avez pass\u00e9 votre vie \u00e0 mettre des gens en cage. Voici la v\u00f4tre.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez pass\u00e9 votre vie \u00e0 mettre des gens en cage. Voici la v\u00f4tre.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt Hunderte von Leben damit verbracht, Leute einzusperren. Jetzt seid Ihr dran.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt Hunderte von Leben damit verbracht, Leute einzusperren. Jetzt seid Ihr dran."
"pDfPsVD_18": {
"enMale": "Look at your father, Vaylin. Trapped in the cage he built for you.",
"frMale": "Occupez-vous bien de votre p\u00e8re, Vaylin. Pi\u00e9g\u00e9 dans la cage qu'il avait construite pour vous.",
"frFemale": "Occupez-vous bien de votre p\u00e8re, Vaylin. Pi\u00e9g\u00e9 dans la cage qu'il avait construite pour vous.",
"deMale": "Seht Euch Euren Vater an, Vaylin. Gefangen in dem K\u00e4fig, den er f\u00fcr Euch gebaut hat.",
"deFemale": "Seht Euch Euren Vater an, Vaylin. Gefangen in dem K\u00e4fig, den er f\u00fcr Euch gebaut hat."
"AffectionGainTable": {
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"AffectionGainType": 200
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"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": []
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[ReqPrivacy] =>
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[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 4161794889_979609819
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[ClassesB62] => Array
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[Jz15izO] => Array
[enMale] => Arcann
[frMale] => Arcann
[frFemale] => Arcann
[deMale] => Arcann
[deFemale] => Arcann
[NodeText] => Array
[pDfPsVD_16] => Array
[enMale] => I control what happens here--and I say what's good for Vaylin is good for you.
[frMale] => Je contrôle ce qu'il se passe ici... et je dis que ce qui vaut pour Vaylin vaut pour vous.
[frFemale] => Je contrôle ce qu'il se passe ici... et je dis que ce qui vaut pour Vaylin vaut pour vous.
[deMale] => Ich kontrolliere, was hier geschieht. Und ich finde, dass das was für Vaylin gut ist, auch für Euch gut ist.
[deFemale] => Ich kontrolliere, was hier geschieht. Und ich finde, dass das was für Vaylin gut ist, auch für Euch gut ist.
[pDfPsVD_17] => Array
[enMale] => You've spent a hundred lifetimes putting people in cages. Here's yours.
[frMale] => Vous avez passé votre vie à mettre des gens en cage. Voici la vôtre.
[frFemale] => Vous avez passé votre vie à mettre des gens en cage. Voici la vôtre.
[deMale] => Ihr habt Hunderte von Leben damit verbracht, Leute einzusperren. Jetzt seid Ihr dran.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt Hunderte von Leben damit verbracht, Leute einzusperren. Jetzt seid Ihr dran.
[pDfPsVD_18] => Array
[enMale] => Look at your father, Vaylin. Trapped in the cage he built for you.
[frMale] => Occupez-vous bien de votre père, Vaylin. Piégé dans la cage qu'il avait construite pour vous.
[frFemale] => Occupez-vous bien de votre père, Vaylin. Piégé dans la cage qu'il avait construite pour vous.
[deMale] => Seht Euch Euren Vater an, Vaylin. Gefangen in dem Käfig, den er für Euch gebaut hat.
[deFemale] => Seht Euch Euren Vater an, Vaylin. Gefangen in dem Käfig, den er für Euch gebaut hat.
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