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{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb464d333180000cb09d4bc" }, "Name": "Detect and Destroy [Empire]", "NameId": "4102307948003416", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "Detect and Destroy [Empire]", "frMale": "D\u00e9tecter et d\u00e9truire [Empire] ", "frFemale": "D\u00e9tecter et d\u00e9truire [Empire] ", "deMale": "Entdecken und zerst\u00f6ren [Imperium] ", "deFemale": "Entdecken und zerst\u00f6ren [Imperium] " }, "Icon": "cdx.qst.mtx.companion.droid.iokath_probe", "IsRepeatable": true, "RequiredLevel": 0, "XpLevel": 70, "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal", "CanAbandon": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsClassQuest": false, "IsBonus": false, "BonusShareable": false, "CategoryId": "2466269005611315", "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Iokath", "frMale": "Iokath", "frFemale": "Iokath", "deMale": "Iokath", "deFemale": "Iokath" }, "Branches": [ { "Id": "1", "DbId": 0, "Steps": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "", "LocalizedJournalText": [], "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "ShowTracking": false, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "The time has come to eliminate threats to the Empire on Iokath. Take control of an Iokath monitor and defeat 10 enemies.", "LocalizedJournalText": { "enMale": "The time has come to eliminate threats to the Empire on Iokath. Take control of an Iokath monitor and defeat 10 enemies.", "frMale": "L'heure est venue d'\u00e9liminer les menaces qui p\u00e8sent sur les forces de l'Empire sur Iokath. Prenez le contr\u00f4le d'un moniteur de Iokath et \u00e9liminez 10\u00a0ennemis.", "frFemale": "L'heure est venue d'\u00e9liminer les menaces qui p\u00e8sent sur les forces de l'Empire sur Iokath. Prenez le contr\u00f4le d'un moniteur de Iokath et \u00e9liminez 10\u00a0ennemis.", "deMale": "Die Zeit ist gekommen, um die Bedrohungen f\u00fcr das Imperium auf Iokath zu eliminieren. \u00dcbernimm die Kontrolle \u00fcber einen Iokath-Aufpasser und besiege 10 Feinde.", "deFemale": "Die Zeit ist gekommen, um die Bedrohungen f\u00fcr das Imperium auf Iokath zu eliminieren. \u00dcbernimm die Kontrolle \u00fcber einen Iokath-Aufpasser und besiege 10 Feinde." }, "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "String": "Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor", "frMale": "Vaincre 10\u00a0ennemis en utilisant un moniteur de Iokath", "frFemale": "Vaincre 10\u00a0ennemis en utilisant un moniteur de Iokath", "deMale": "Besiege 10 Feinde mit einem Iokath-Aufpasser", "deFemale": "Besiege 10 Feinde mit einem Iokath-Aufpasser" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": true, "CountMax": 10, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcIds": [ 1.6140901395860345e+19, 1.6140903594882654e+19, 1.6140904694394286e+19, 1.614090469439523e+19, 1.6140905793906858e+19, 1.614091239097568e+19, 1.6140918110237092e+19, 1.614092147315581e+19, 1.6140922572667437e+19, 1.614092448560359e+19, 1.614092448560454e+19, 1.6140926601444995e+19, 1.6140928443392666e+19, 1.6140930616803002e+19, 1.6140930752339155e+19, 1.6140943857647241e+19, 1.6140945944469086e+19, 1.6140948022938782e+19, 1.6140948576196751e+19, 1.614094912245041e+19, 1.61409589913331e+19, 1.614096631213417e+19, 1.6140989749924573e+19, 1.6140989862808656e+19, 1.6140990849436199e+19, 1.6140995950160642e+19, 1.6141001656694231e+19, 1.6141004125921108e+19, 1.614100838144325e+19, 1.614101172895566e+19, 1.6141014314366134e+19, 1.6141015981051752e+19, 1.6141016708709e+19, 1.6141023881987283e+19, 1.614102498149891e+19, 1.6141034028418195e+19, 1.6141038517480014e+19, 1.6141042123049028e+19, 1.6141042155166403e+19, 1.6141047242160357e+19, 1.614105354109979e+19, 1.614105755593372e+19, 1.6141061081722882e+19, 1.614106218123451e+19, 1.6141063102337229e+19, 1.6141071413246407e+19, 1.6141077159813528e+19, 1.6141088032114225e+19, 1.6141091350643694e+19, 1.6141102881359884e+19, 1.6141103788977277e+19, 1.6141107628733913e+19, 1.614110872824554e+19, 1.6141109817123095e+19, 1.6141111535065793e+19, 1.6141111535066694e+19, 1.6141123629694585e+19, 1.614112582871696e+19, 1.6141126928228588e+19, 1.6141126928229472e+19, 1.61411280277411e+19, 1.6141128923214733e+19, 1.6141132185975745e+19, 1.614113394293088e+19, 1.6141134624810004e+19, 1.6141139471668713e+19, 1.6141152638534003e+19, 1.614115837653466e+19, 1.614116393071934e+19 ], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [ "ND3S9aD", "k67E9aD", "HMxE9aD", "fThS9aD", "4DlS9aD", "87BE9aD", "ZkPPnO0", "73tjmeF", "JpzsuKF", "yS3d4oD", "3zvk4oD", "n2t8o39", "gIjhfU6", "eWR5hk0", "FPLQFG0", "2KMMZkB", "XfxSRj1", "DajFNR5", "9zQ6bnM", "OKbFNR5", "EeUE9AF", "LTfDfb7", "wArvhw8", "0Xdayz2", "Lwjvhw8", "mFvNIaC", "2av0yJS", "m5wasxB", "AnQ7h9A", "kTlG4w6", "8EP92W0", "JZ5z344", "HQ4zGXD", "AjVohB3", "zEfvLbJ", "SjrR4zE", "tq5BH03", "Jadqm4A", "xuLCEr2", "upzYKVI", "zJ7e7DD", "6tAG054", "PeZvwO8", "aOdvwO8", "JA7vNrF", "nRB3QEE", "J3lROY8", "n31woWB", "MbizkGG", "dMvyaqD", "AyLPl30", "c5G8VDE", "HrK8VDE", "G3mn0jC", "n8AEzxB", "UZsSzxB", "gGYSzxB", "BvYEzxB", "yKr7VxB", "i1MSzxB", "vHUSzxB", "NLtzlfS", "McQrAJ4", "93XbFCD", "bzT7VxB", "1vNPVj4", "xwGj9SE", "9qwh806", "diJVJn3" ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "TiL5ylN" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ] } ], "Items": [], "Rewards": [ { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "5oYngcD", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 1, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16141071959813335065" }, { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "Bnh83iD", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 1, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16140978911026092593" }, { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "aVeOFv5", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 1, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16140998462527830675" }, { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "YdQTJ07", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 1, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16141084714287855244" } ], "ReqPrivacy": "", "CreditRewardType": "-5509327477874054083", "CreditsRewarded": 18485, "XP": 0, "SubXP": 0, "F2PXP": 0, "CommandXP": 1800, "HashedIcon": "1066809410_3797880929", "BranchCount": 1, "ClassesB62": [], "ConversationGains": { "CompanionsParsed": [], "NodeText": [], "AffectionGainTable": [] }, "QuestsNextB62": [], "QuestsPreviousB62": [], "Id": "16141029235521512018", "Base62Id": "Kc9q992", "Fqn": "qst.daily_area.iokath.imperial.daily_quest_imp_05", "B62References": { "requiredForAch": [ "ekaswPB", "hzwPypD" ], "conversationStarts": [ "nHshHl6" ], "QuestMpns": [ "TiL5ylN" ] }, "first_seen": "5.2.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.1a", "hash": "2716020326", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "ClassesAllowed", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "5.2.0", "5.2.1", "5.4.0", "5.4.0a", "5.6.1", "5.9.0", "6.0.0", "6.0.2", "6.2.0" ], "ClassesAllowed": [] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb464d333180000cb09d4bc ) [Name] => Detect and Destroy [Empire] [NameId] => 4102307948003416 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => Detect and Destroy [Empire] [frMale] => Détecter et détruire [Empire] [frFemale] => Détecter et détruire [Empire] [deMale] => Entdecken und zerstören [Imperium] [deFemale] => Entdecken und zerstören [Imperium] ) [Icon] => cdx.qst.mtx.companion.droid.iokath_probe [IsRepeatable] => 1 [RequiredLevel] => 0 [XpLevel] => 70 [Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal [CanAbandon] => [IsHidden] => [IsClassQuest] => [IsBonus] => [BonusShareable] => [CategoryId] => 2466269005611315 [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Iokath [frMale] => Iokath [frFemale] => Iokath [deMale] => Iokath [deFemale] => Iokath ) [Branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [Steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [ShowTracking] => [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => The time has come to eliminate threats to the Empire on Iokath. Take control of an Iokath monitor and defeat 10 enemies. [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( [enMale] => The time has come to eliminate threats to the Empire on Iokath. Take control of an Iokath monitor and defeat 10 enemies. [frMale] => L'heure est venue d'éliminer les menaces qui pèsent sur les forces de l'Empire sur Iokath. Prenez le contrôle d'un moniteur de Iokath et éliminez 10 ennemis. [frFemale] => L'heure est venue d'éliminer les menaces qui pèsent sur les forces de l'Empire sur Iokath. Prenez le contrôle d'un moniteur de Iokath et éliminez 10 ennemis. [deMale] => Die Zeit ist gekommen, um die Bedrohungen für das Imperium auf Iokath zu eliminieren. Übernimm die Kontrolle über einen Iokath-Aufpasser und besiege 10 Feinde. [deFemale] => Die Zeit ist gekommen, um die Bedrohungen für das Imperium auf Iokath zu eliminieren. Übernimm die Kontrolle über einen Iokath-Aufpasser und besiege 10 Feinde. ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Defeat 10 Enemies as an Iokath Monitor [frMale] => Vaincre 10 ennemis en utilisant un moniteur de Iokath [frFemale] => Vaincre 10 ennemis en utilisant un moniteur de Iokath [deMale] => Besiege 10 Feinde mit einem Iokath-Aufpasser [deFemale] => Besiege 10 Feinde mit einem Iokath-Aufpasser ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => 1 [CountMax] => 10 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.614090139586E+19 [1] => 1.6140903594883E+19 [2] => 1.6140904694394E+19 [3] => 1.6140904694395E+19 [4] => 1.6140905793907E+19 [5] => 1.6140912390976E+19 [6] => 1.6140918110237E+19 [7] => 1.6140921473156E+19 [8] => 1.6140922572667E+19 [9] => 1.6140924485604E+19 [10] => 1.6140924485605E+19 [11] => 1.6140926601445E+19 [12] => 1.6140928443393E+19 [13] => 1.6140930616803E+19 [14] => 1.6140930752339E+19 [15] => 1.6140943857647E+19 [16] => 1.6140945944469E+19 [17] => 1.6140948022939E+19 [18] => 1.6140948576197E+19 [19] => 1.614094912245E+19 [20] => 1.6140958991333E+19 [21] => 1.6140966312134E+19 [22] => 1.6140989749925E+19 [23] => 1.6140989862809E+19 [24] => 1.6140990849436E+19 [25] => 1.6140995950161E+19 [26] => 1.6141001656694E+19 [27] => 1.6141004125921E+19 [28] => 1.6141008381443E+19 [29] => 1.6141011728956E+19 [30] => 1.6141014314366E+19 [31] => 1.6141015981052E+19 [32] => 1.6141016708709E+19 [33] => 1.6141023881987E+19 [34] => 1.6141024981499E+19 [35] => 1.6141034028418E+19 [36] => 1.614103851748E+19 [37] => 1.6141042123049E+19 [38] => 1.6141042155166E+19 [39] => 1.614104724216E+19 [40] => 1.61410535411E+19 [41] => 1.6141057555934E+19 [42] => 1.6141061081723E+19 [43] => 1.6141062181235E+19 [44] => 1.6141063102337E+19 [45] => 1.6141071413246E+19 [46] => 1.6141077159814E+19 [47] => 1.6141088032114E+19 [48] => 1.6141091350644E+19 [49] => 1.614110288136E+19 [50] => 1.6141103788977E+19 [51] => 1.6141107628734E+19 [52] => 1.6141108728246E+19 [53] => 1.6141109817123E+19 [54] => 1.6141111535066E+19 [55] => 1.6141111535067E+19 [56] => 1.6141123629695E+19 [57] => 1.6141125828717E+19 [58] => 1.6141126928229E+19 [59] => 1.6141126928229E+19 [60] => 1.6141128027741E+19 [61] => 1.6141128923215E+19 [62] => 1.6141132185976E+19 [63] => 1.6141133942931E+19 [64] => 1.614113462481E+19 [65] => 1.6141139471669E+19 [66] => 1.6141152638534E+19 [67] => 1.6141158376535E+19 [68] => 1.6141163930719E+19 ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => ND3S9aD [1] => k67E9aD [2] => HMxE9aD [3] => fThS9aD [4] => 4DlS9aD [5] => 87BE9aD [6] => ZkPPnO0 [7] => 73tjmeF [8] => JpzsuKF [9] => yS3d4oD [10] => 3zvk4oD [11] => n2t8o39 [12] => gIjhfU6 [13] => eWR5hk0 [14] => FPLQFG0 [15] => 2KMMZkB [16] => XfxSRj1 [17] => DajFNR5 [18] => 9zQ6bnM [19] => OKbFNR5 [20] => EeUE9AF [21] => LTfDfb7 [22] => wArvhw8 [23] => 0Xdayz2 [24] => Lwjvhw8 [25] => mFvNIaC [26] => 2av0yJS [27] => m5wasxB [28] => AnQ7h9A [29] => kTlG4w6 [30] => 8EP92W0 [31] => JZ5z344 [32] => HQ4zGXD [33] => AjVohB3 [34] => zEfvLbJ [35] => SjrR4zE [36] => tq5BH03 [37] => Jadqm4A [38] => xuLCEr2 [39] => upzYKVI [40] => zJ7e7DD [41] => 6tAG054 [42] => PeZvwO8 [43] => aOdvwO8 [44] => JA7vNrF [45] => nRB3QEE [46] => J3lROY8 [47] => n31woWB [48] => MbizkGG [49] => dMvyaqD [50] => AyLPl30 [51] => c5G8VDE [52] => HrK8VDE [53] => G3mn0jC [54] => n8AEzxB [55] => UZsSzxB [56] => gGYSzxB [57] => BvYEzxB [58] => yKr7VxB [59] => i1MSzxB [60] => vHUSzxB [61] => NLtzlfS [62] => McQrAJ4 [63] => 93XbFCD [64] => bzT7VxB [65] => 1vNPVj4 [66] => xwGj9SE [67] => 9qwh806 [68] => diJVJn3 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => TiL5ylN ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) [Items] => Array ( ) [Rewards] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => 5oYngcD [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 1 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16141071959813335065 ) [1] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => Bnh83iD [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 1 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16140978911026092593 ) [2] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => aVeOFv5 [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 1 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16140998462527830675 ) [3] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => YdQTJ07 [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 1 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16141084714287855244 ) ) [ReqPrivacy] => [CreditRewardType] => -5509327477874054083 [CreditsRewarded] => 18485 [XP] => 0 [SubXP] => 0 [F2PXP] => 0 [CommandXP] => 1800 [HashedIcon] => 1066809410_3797880929 [BranchCount] => 1 [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [ConversationGains] => Array ( [CompanionsParsed] => Array ( ) [NodeText] => Array ( ) [AffectionGainTable] => Array ( ) ) [QuestsNextB62] => Array ( ) [QuestsPreviousB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 16141029235521512018 [Base62Id] => Kc9q992 [Fqn] => qst.daily_area.iokath.imperial.daily_quest_imp_05 [B62References] => Array ( [requiredForAch] => Array ( [0] => ekaswPB [1] => hzwPypD ) [conversationStarts] => Array ( [0] => nHshHl6 ) [QuestMpns] => Array ( [0] => TiL5ylN ) ) [first_seen] => 5.2.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.1a [hash] => 2716020326 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => ClassesAllowed [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 5.2.0 [1] => 5.2.1 [2] => 5.4.0 [3] => 5.4.0a [4] => 5.6.1 [5] => 5.9.0 [6] => 6.0.0 [7] => 6.0.2 [8] => 6.2.0 ) [ClassesAllowed] => Array ( ) )