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{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb45dd533180000cb09b4a7" }, "Name": "[WEEKLY] Story Uprisings", "NameId": "4049419720720472", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "[WEEKLY] Story Uprisings", "frMale": "[HEBDOMADAIRE] Soul\u00e8vements de niveau Histoire", "frFemale": "[HEBDOMADAIRE] Soul\u00e8vements de niveau Histoire", "deMale": "[W\u00d6CHENTLICH] Aufst\u00e4nde im Story-Modus", "deFemale": "[W\u00d6CHENTLICH] Aufst\u00e4nde im Story-Modus" }, "Icon": "cdx.missions.groupfinder", "IsRepeatable": true, "RequiredLevel": 70, "XpLevel": 0, "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyHard", "CanAbandon": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsClassQuest": false, "IsBonus": false, "BonusShareable": false, "CategoryId": "2466269005611310", "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Uprisings", "frMale": "Soul\u00e8vements", "frFemale": "Soul\u00e8vements", "deMale": "Aufst\u00e4nde", "deFemale": "Aufst\u00e4nde" }, "Branches": [ { "Id": "1", "DbId": 0, "Steps": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "", "LocalizedJournalText": [], "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "ShowTracking": false, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": true, "JournalText": "In a galaxy torn by war, many battles cannot be won with the strength of one hero alone. You will need allies in your fight to defend the Alliance. \n\nAid the Alliance by completing the following repeatable missions five times.\n\n[STORY] Uprising: Crimson Fang\n[STORY] Uprising: Done & Dusted\n[STORY] Uprising: Firefrost\n[STORY] Uprising: Fractured\n[STORY] Uprising: Inferno\n[STORY] Uprising: Landing Party\n[STORY] Uprising: Trial & Error\n[STORY] Uprising: Trench Runner\n[STORY] Uprising: Divided We Fall\n[STORY] Uprising: Destroyer of Worlds", "LocalizedJournalText": { "enMale": "In a galaxy torn by war, many battles cannot be won with the strength of one hero alone. You will need allies in your fight to defend the Alliance. \n\nAid the Alliance by completing the following repeatable missions five times.\n\n[STORY] Uprising: Crimson Fang\n[STORY] Uprising: Done & Dusted\n[STORY] Uprising: Firefrost\n[STORY] Uprising: Fractured\n[STORY] Uprising: Inferno\n[STORY] Uprising: Landing Party\n[STORY] Uprising: Trial & Error\n[STORY] Uprising: Trench Runner\n[STORY] Uprising: Divided We Fall\n[STORY] Uprising: Destroyer of Worlds", "frMale": "Dans une galaxie d\u00e9chir\u00e9e par la guerre, un h\u00e9ros seul, aussi puissant soit-il, ne peut pas remporter toutes les batailles. Vous aurez besoin d'alli\u00e9s dans votre combat pour d\u00e9fendre l'Alliance. \n\nAidez l'Alliance en remplissant cinq fois les missions r\u00e9p\u00e9tables suivantes.\n\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Croc pourpre\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: D\u00e9poussi\u00e9rage\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Givre ardent\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Fracture\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Enfer\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Commando de d\u00e9barquement\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Essai et erreur\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Coursier de tranch\u00e9es\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Unis contre l'adversit\u00e9\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Destructeur de mondes", "frFemale": "Dans une galaxie d\u00e9chir\u00e9e par la guerre, un h\u00e9ros seul, aussi puissant soit-il, ne peut pas remporter toutes les batailles. Vous aurez besoin d'alli\u00e9s dans votre combat pour d\u00e9fendre l'Alliance. \n\nAidez l'Alliance en remplissant cinq fois les missions r\u00e9p\u00e9tables suivantes.\n\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Croc pourpre\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: D\u00e9poussi\u00e9rage\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Givre ardent\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Fracture\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Enfer\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Commando de d\u00e9barquement\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Essai et erreur\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Coursier de tranch\u00e9es\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Unis contre l'adversit\u00e9\n[HISTOIRE] Soul\u00e8vement\u00a0: Destructeur de mondes", "deMale": "In einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Galaxis k\u00f6nnen viele Schlachten nicht durch die Kraft eines einzelnen Helden gewonnen werden. Du brauchst Verb\u00fcndete in deinem Kampf, die Allianz zu verteidigen. \n\nHilf der Allianz, indem du die folgenden wiederholbaren Missionen zehnmal abschlie\u00dft.\n\n[STORY] Aufstand: Rotrei\u00dfer\n[STORY] Aufstand: Abgefertigt\n[STORY] Aufstand: Feuerfrost\n[STORY] Aufstand: Zersplittert\n[STORY] Aufstand: Inferno\n[STORY] Aufstand: Entermannschaft\n[STORY] Aufstand: Versuch macht klug\n[STORY] Aufstand: Grabenl\u00e4ufer\n[STORY] Aufstand: Getrennt fallen wir\n[STORY] Aufstand: Weltenzerst\u00f6rer", "deFemale": "In einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Galaxis k\u00f6nnen viele Schlachten nicht durch die Kraft eines einzelnen Helden gewonnen werden. Du brauchst Verb\u00fcndete in deinem Kampf, die Allianz zu verteidigen. \n\nHilf der Allianz, indem du die folgenden wiederholbaren Missionen zehnmal abschlie\u00dft.\n\n[STORY] Aufstand: Rotrei\u00dfer\n[STORY] Aufstand: Abgefertigt\n[STORY] Aufstand: Feuerfrost\n[STORY] Aufstand: Zersplittert\n[STORY] Aufstand: Inferno\n[STORY] Aufstand: Entermannschaft\n[STORY] Aufstand: Versuch macht klug\n[STORY] Aufstand: Grabenl\u00e4ufer\n[STORY] Aufstand: Getrennt fallen wir\n[STORY] Aufstand: Weltenzerst\u00f6rer" }, "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "String": "Complete [STORY] Uprisings", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Complete [STORY] Uprisings", "frMale": "Terminez des soul\u00e8vements [HISTOIRE]", "frFemale": "Terminez des soul\u00e8vements [HISTOIRE]", "deMale": "Schlie\u00dfe Aufst\u00e4nde im Story-Modus ab", "deFemale": "Schlie\u00dfe Aufst\u00e4nde im Story-Modus ab" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": true, "CountMax": 5, "TaskQuestIds": [ 1.6140943070120114e+19, 1.6140948963272557e+19, 1.6140948980573026e+19, 1.6140967102675876e+19, 1.6140971517150695e+19, 1.614099394917099e+19, 1.6141079092475472e+19, 1.6141112682178011e+19, 1.614114032647474e+19, 1.614114935560106e+19 ], "TaskQuestB62Ids": [ "VFfFCZ4", "0FwHJP0", "2ZZ2L94", "tziXMmF", "LX1tYH3", "2VKGPdA", "i2byBtA", "kTx5577", "VN52XPB", "q5yGOzH" ], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ] } ], "Items": [], "Rewards": [ { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "MP0VQyS", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 120, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16141102122302148818" } ], "ReqPrivacy": "", "CreditRewardType": "589686270506543030", "CreditsRewarded": 20, "XP": 0, "SubXP": 0, "F2PXP": 0, "CommandXP": 14000, "HashedIcon": "1725496942_2827855603", "BranchCount": 1, "ClassesB62": [ "oQzLTb9", "wb1sOC1", "ipVkeb2", "5ZtRBpE" ], "ConversationGains": { "CompanionsParsed": [], "NodeText": [], "AffectionGainTable": [] }, "QuestsNextB62": [], "QuestsPreviousB62": [], "Id": "16141012343618330721", "Base62Id": "OU2GC35", "Fqn": "qst.location.uprising.daily.imperial.weekly_story_uprisings", "B62References": { "requiredForAch": [ "uiMadhA", "GWTuH73" ], "conversationStarts": [ "FXJJ1V1" ] }, "first_seen": "5.0.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.1a", "hash": "2360199678", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "ClassesAllowed", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "5.0.0", "5.1.0", "5.1.2", "5.1.3", "5.2.0", "5.2.2", "5.3.0", "6.0.0", "6.1.3", "6.1.4" ], "ClassesAllowed": [ "Sith Warrior", "Imperial Agent", "Sith Inquisitor", "Bounty Hunter" ] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb45dd533180000cb09b4a7 ) [Name] => [WEEKLY] Story Uprisings [NameId] => 4049419720720472 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => [WEEKLY] Story Uprisings [frMale] => [HEBDOMADAIRE] Soulèvements de niveau Histoire [frFemale] => [HEBDOMADAIRE] Soulèvements de niveau Histoire [deMale] => [WÖCHENTLICH] Aufstände im Story-Modus [deFemale] => [WÖCHENTLICH] Aufstände im Story-Modus ) [Icon] => cdx.missions.groupfinder [IsRepeatable] => 1 [RequiredLevel] => 70 [XpLevel] => 0 [Difficulty] => qstDifficultyHard [CanAbandon] => [IsHidden] => [IsClassQuest] => [IsBonus] => [BonusShareable] => [CategoryId] => 2466269005611310 [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Uprisings [frMale] => Soulèvements [frFemale] => Soulèvements [deMale] => Aufstände [deFemale] => Aufstände ) [Branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [Steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [ShowTracking] => [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => 1 [JournalText] => In a galaxy torn by war, many battles cannot be won with the strength of one hero alone. You will need allies in your fight to defend the Alliance. Aid the Alliance by completing the following repeatable missions five times. [STORY] Uprising: Crimson Fang [STORY] Uprising: Done & Dusted [STORY] Uprising: Firefrost [STORY] Uprising: Fractured [STORY] Uprising: Inferno [STORY] Uprising: Landing Party [STORY] Uprising: Trial & Error [STORY] Uprising: Trench Runner [STORY] Uprising: Divided We Fall [STORY] Uprising: Destroyer of Worlds [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( [enMale] => In a galaxy torn by war, many battles cannot be won with the strength of one hero alone. You will need allies in your fight to defend the Alliance. Aid the Alliance by completing the following repeatable missions five times. [STORY] Uprising: Crimson Fang [STORY] Uprising: Done & Dusted [STORY] Uprising: Firefrost [STORY] Uprising: Fractured [STORY] Uprising: Inferno [STORY] Uprising: Landing Party [STORY] Uprising: Trial & Error [STORY] Uprising: Trench Runner [STORY] Uprising: Divided We Fall [STORY] Uprising: Destroyer of Worlds [frMale] => Dans une galaxie déchirée par la guerre, un héros seul, aussi puissant soit-il, ne peut pas remporter toutes les batailles. Vous aurez besoin d'alliés dans votre combat pour défendre l'Alliance. Aidez l'Alliance en remplissant cinq fois les missions répétables suivantes. [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Croc pourpre [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Dépoussiérage [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Givre ardent [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Fracture [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Enfer [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Commando de débarquement [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Essai et erreur [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Coursier de tranchées [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Unis contre l'adversité [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Destructeur de mondes [frFemale] => Dans une galaxie déchirée par la guerre, un héros seul, aussi puissant soit-il, ne peut pas remporter toutes les batailles. Vous aurez besoin d'alliés dans votre combat pour défendre l'Alliance. Aidez l'Alliance en remplissant cinq fois les missions répétables suivantes. [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Croc pourpre [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Dépoussiérage [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Givre ardent [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Fracture [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Enfer [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Commando de débarquement [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Essai et erreur [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Coursier de tranchées [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Unis contre l'adversité [HISTOIRE] Soulèvement : Destructeur de mondes [deMale] => In einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Galaxis können viele Schlachten nicht durch die Kraft eines einzelnen Helden gewonnen werden. Du brauchst Verbündete in deinem Kampf, die Allianz zu verteidigen. Hilf der Allianz, indem du die folgenden wiederholbaren Missionen zehnmal abschließt. [STORY] Aufstand: Rotreißer [STORY] Aufstand: Abgefertigt [STORY] Aufstand: Feuerfrost [STORY] Aufstand: Zersplittert [STORY] Aufstand: Inferno [STORY] Aufstand: Entermannschaft [STORY] Aufstand: Versuch macht klug [STORY] Aufstand: Grabenläufer [STORY] Aufstand: Getrennt fallen wir [STORY] Aufstand: Weltenzerstörer [deFemale] => In einer vom Krieg zerrissenen Galaxis können viele Schlachten nicht durch die Kraft eines einzelnen Helden gewonnen werden. Du brauchst Verbündete in deinem Kampf, die Allianz zu verteidigen. Hilf der Allianz, indem du die folgenden wiederholbaren Missionen zehnmal abschließt. [STORY] Aufstand: Rotreißer [STORY] Aufstand: Abgefertigt [STORY] Aufstand: Feuerfrost [STORY] Aufstand: Zersplittert [STORY] Aufstand: Inferno [STORY] Aufstand: Entermannschaft [STORY] Aufstand: Versuch macht klug [STORY] Aufstand: Grabenläufer [STORY] Aufstand: Getrennt fallen wir [STORY] Aufstand: Weltenzerstörer ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Complete [STORY] Uprisings [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Complete [STORY] Uprisings [frMale] => Terminez des soulèvements [HISTOIRE] [frFemale] => Terminez des soulèvements [HISTOIRE] [deMale] => Schließe Aufstände im Story-Modus ab [deFemale] => Schließe Aufstände im Story-Modus ab ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => 1 [CountMax] => 5 [TaskQuestIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.614094307012E+19 [1] => 1.6140948963273E+19 [2] => 1.6140948980573E+19 [3] => 1.6140967102676E+19 [4] => 1.6140971517151E+19 [5] => 1.6140993949171E+19 [6] => 1.6141079092475E+19 [7] => 1.6141112682178E+19 [8] => 1.6141140326475E+19 [9] => 1.6141149355601E+19 ) [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => VFfFCZ4 [1] => 0FwHJP0 [2] => 2ZZ2L94 [3] => tziXMmF [4] => LX1tYH3 [5] => 2VKGPdA [6] => i2byBtA [7] => kTx5577 [8] => VN52XPB [9] => q5yGOzH ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) ) ) [Items] => Array ( ) [Rewards] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => MP0VQyS [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 120 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16141102122302148818 ) ) [ReqPrivacy] => [CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030 [CreditsRewarded] => 20 [XP] => 0 [SubXP] => 0 [F2PXP] => 0 [CommandXP] => 14000 [HashedIcon] => 1725496942_2827855603 [BranchCount] => 1 [ClassesB62] => Array ( [0] => oQzLTb9 [1] => wb1sOC1 [2] => ipVkeb2 [3] => 5ZtRBpE ) [ConversationGains] => Array ( [CompanionsParsed] => Array ( ) [NodeText] => Array ( ) [AffectionGainTable] => Array ( ) ) [QuestsNextB62] => Array ( ) [QuestsPreviousB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 16141012343618330721 [Base62Id] => OU2GC35 [Fqn] => qst.location.uprising.daily.imperial.weekly_story_uprisings [B62References] => Array ( [requiredForAch] => Array ( [0] => uiMadhA [1] => GWTuH73 ) [conversationStarts] => Array ( [0] => FXJJ1V1 ) ) [first_seen] => 5.0.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.1a [hash] => 2360199678 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => ClassesAllowed [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 5.0.0 [1] => 5.1.0 [2] => 5.1.2 [3] => 5.1.3 [4] => 5.2.0 [5] => 5.2.2 [6] => 5.3.0 [7] => 6.0.0 [8] => 6.1.3 [9] => 6.1.4 ) [ClassesAllowed] => Array ( [0] => Sith Warrior [1] => Imperial Agent [2] => Sith Inquisitor [3] => Bounty Hunter ) )