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{ "_id": { "$oid": "5fb486d733180000cb0a3598" }, "Name": "[DAILY] Recording History", "NameId": "4276211173818456", "LocalizedName": { "enMale": "[DAILY] Recording History", "frMale": "[JOURNALI\u00c8RE] Le plein d'Histoire", "frFemale": "[JOURNALI\u00c8RE] Le plein d'Histoire", "deMale": "[T\u00c4GLICH] Historische Aufzeichnungen", "deFemale": "[T\u00c4GLICH] Historische Aufzeichnungen" }, "Icon": "", "IsRepeatable": true, "RequiredLevel": 0, "XpLevel": 0, "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal", "CanAbandon": false, "IsHidden": false, "IsClassQuest": false, "IsBonus": false, "BonusShareable": false, "CategoryId": "2466269005611322", "LocalizedCategory": { "enMale": "Onderon Daily Quests", "frMale": "Missions journali\u00e8res sur Onderon", "frFemale": "Missions journali\u00e8res sur Onderon", "deMale": "T\u00e4gliche Onderon-Missionen", "deFemale": "T\u00e4gliche Onderon-Missionen" }, "Branches": [ { "Id": "1", "DbId": 0, "Steps": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": false, "JournalText": "", "LocalizedJournalText": [], "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "ShowTracking": false, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [], "MapNoteB62Ids": [], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [ { "Name": "itm_macrobinoculars", "Id": "16140942018410786460", "Base62Id": "d2wDKpF", "MaxCount": 1, "GUID": "4276211173818629", "Min": 1, "Max": 1, "VariableId": "14957309792081805573", "UnknownLong": "0" } ], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "IsShareable": true, "JournalText": "Onderon has a rich and complex cultural history. Any data gathered about the planet's civilization would greatly benefit those who collect it.\n\nScan significant landmarks to record the history of Onderon.", "LocalizedJournalText": { "enMale": "Onderon has a rich and complex cultural history. Any data gathered about the planet's civilization would greatly benefit those who collect it.\n\nScan significant landmarks to record the history of Onderon.", "frMale": "L'histoire culturelle d'Onderon est riche et complexe. Accumuler des donn\u00e9es sur la civilisation de cette plan\u00e8te pourrait vous procurer un certain avantage.\n\nScannez des lieux embl\u00e9matiques d'Onderon afin d'en retracer l'histoire.", "frFemale": "L'histoire culturelle d'Onderon est riche et complexe. Accumuler des donn\u00e9es sur la civilisation de cette plan\u00e8te pourrait vous procurer un certain avantage.\n\nScannez des lieux embl\u00e9matiques d'Onderon afin d'en retracer l'histoire.", "deMale": "Onderon hat eine umfangreiche und komplexe kulturelle Geschichte. Alle gefundenen Daten \u00fcber die Zivilisation des Planeten w\u00e4ren von gro\u00dfer Hilfe f\u00fcr jene, die sie sammeln.\n\nScanne bedeutende Wahrzeichen, um die Geschichte Onderon aufzuzeichnen.", "deFemale": "Onderon hat eine umfangreiche und komplexe kulturelle Geschichte. Alle gefundenen Daten \u00fcber die Zivilisation des Planeten w\u00e4ren von gro\u00dfer Hilfe f\u00fcr jene, die sie sammeln.\n\nScanne bedeutende Wahrzeichen, um die Geschichte Onderon aufzuzeichnen." }, "Tasks": [ { "Id": 1, "DbId": 0, "String": "Scan Statue of Freedon Nadd", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Scan Statue of Freedon Nadd", "frMale": "Scanner la statue de Freedon Nadd", "frFemale": "Scanner la statue de Freedon Nadd", "deMale": "Scanne die Statue von Freedon Nadd", "deFemale": "Scanne die Statue von Freedon Nadd" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcIds": [ 1.6141162173105633e+19 ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [ "rFJk5NA" ], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "ybgEKkR" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 2, "DbId": 0, "String": "Scan the Lair of the Untamed", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Scan the Lair of the Untamed", "frMale": "Scanner le repaire des Indompt\u00e9s", "frFemale": "Scanner le repaire des Indompt\u00e9s", "deMale": "Scanne das Versteck der Ungez\u00e4hmten", "deFemale": "Scanne das Versteck der Ungez\u00e4hmten" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcIds": [ 1.6141140768526223e+19 ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [ "yk9AE82" ], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "W4tATtD" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 3, "DbId": 0, "String": "Scan the Proving Grounds", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Scan the Proving Grounds", "frMale": "Scanner les terrains d'essai", "frFemale": "Scanner les terrains d'essai", "deMale": "Scanne das Trainingsgel\u00e4nde", "deFemale": "Scanne das Trainingsgel\u00e4nde" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcIds": [ 1.61410050585026e+19 ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [ "8AhKziK" ], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "MiqNU92" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] }, { "Id": 4, "DbId": 0, "String": "Scan Iziz Royal Palace", "LocalizedString": { "enMale": "Scan Iziz Royal Palace", "frMale": "Scanner le Palais royal d'Iziz", "frFemale": "Scanner le Palais royal d'Iziz", "deMale": "Scanne den k\u00f6niglichen Palast von Iziz", "deFemale": "Scanne den k\u00f6niglichen Palast von Iziz" }, "ShowTracking": true, "ShowCount": false, "CountMax": 1, "TaskQuestB62Ids": [], "TaskNpcB62Ids": [], "TaskPlcIds": [ 1.6140934300235854e+19 ], "TaskPlcB62Ids": [ "bzUyKmw" ], "MapNoteB62Ids": [ "fezdhKH" ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [] } ], "BonusMissionsIds": [], "ItemsGiven": [], "ItemsTaken": [ { "Name": "itm_macrobinoculars", "Id": "16140942018410786460", "Base62Id": "d2wDKpF", "MaxCount": 1, "GUID": "4276211173818629", "Min": 1, "Max": 1, "VariableId": "14957309792081805573", "UnknownLong": "0" } ] } ] } ], "Items": { "14957309792081805573": { "Name": "itm_macrobinoculars", "Id": "16140942018410786460", "Base62Id": "d2wDKpF", "MaxCount": 1, "GUID": "4276211173818629", "Min": 1, "Max": 1, "VariableId": "14957309792081805573", "UnknownLong": "0" } }, "Rewards": [ { "UnknownNum": 0, "IsAlwaysProvided": true, "Base62Id": "VrlGvhC", "ClassesB62": [], "NumberOfItem": 1, "MinLevel": 1, "MaxLevel": 75, "Id": "16141041513798851457" } ], "ReqPrivacy": "", "CreditRewardType": "589686270506543030", "CreditsRewarded": 20, "XP": 0, "SubXP": 0, "F2PXP": 0, "CommandXP": 600, "HashedIcon": "2639735275_2602955561", "BranchCount": 1, "ClassesB62": [ "oQzLTb9", "wb1sOC1", "ipVkeb2", "5ZtRBpE" ], "ConversationGains": { "CompanionsParsed": [], "NodeText": [], "AffectionGainTable": [] }, "QuestsNextB62": [], "QuestsPreviousB62": [], "Id": "16141129294930917506", "Base62Id": "WZW22f3", "Fqn": "", "B62References": { "requiredForAch": [ "JTxxmLE", "cC3xmLE", "ry5yy2l" ], "conversationStarts": [ "OkauKq4" ], "QuestMpns": [ "fezdhKH", "ybgEKkR", "W4tATtD", "MiqNU92" ] }, "first_seen": "6.0.0", "last_seen": "6.2.1a", "current_version": "6.2.1a", "hash": "975535528", "removed_in": "", "changed_fields": [ "ClassesAllowed", "hash" ], "previous_versions": [ "6.0.0", "6.0.1", "6.2.0" ], "ClassesAllowed": [ "Sith Warrior", "Imperial Agent", "Sith Inquisitor", "Bounty Hunter" ] }
Array ( [_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object ( [oid] => 5fb486d733180000cb0a3598 ) [Name] => [DAILY] Recording History [NameId] => 4276211173818456 [LocalizedName] => Array ( [enMale] => [DAILY] Recording History [frMale] => [JOURNALIÈRE] Le plein d'Histoire [frFemale] => [JOURNALIÈRE] Le plein d'Histoire [deMale] => [TÄGLICH] Historische Aufzeichnungen [deFemale] => [TÄGLICH] Historische Aufzeichnungen ) [Icon] => [IsRepeatable] => 1 [RequiredLevel] => 0 [XpLevel] => 0 [Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal [CanAbandon] => [IsHidden] => [IsClassQuest] => [IsBonus] => [BonusShareable] => [CategoryId] => 2466269005611322 [LocalizedCategory] => Array ( [enMale] => Onderon Daily Quests [frMale] => Missions journalières sur Onderon [frFemale] => Missions journalières sur Onderon [deMale] => Tägliche Onderon-Missionen [deFemale] => Tägliche Onderon-Missionen ) [Branches] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [Steps] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => [JournalText] => [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [ShowTracking] => [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Name] => itm_macrobinoculars [Id] => 16140942018410786460 [Base62Id] => d2wDKpF [MaxCount] => 1 [GUID] => 4276211173818629 [Min] => 1 [Max] => 1 [VariableId] => 14957309792081805573 [UnknownLong] => 0 ) ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [IsShareable] => 1 [JournalText] => Onderon has a rich and complex cultural history. Any data gathered about the planet's civilization would greatly benefit those who collect it. Scan significant landmarks to record the history of Onderon. [LocalizedJournalText] => Array ( [enMale] => Onderon has a rich and complex cultural history. Any data gathered about the planet's civilization would greatly benefit those who collect it. Scan significant landmarks to record the history of Onderon. [frMale] => L'histoire culturelle d'Onderon est riche et complexe. Accumuler des données sur la civilisation de cette planète pourrait vous procurer un certain avantage. Scannez des lieux emblématiques d'Onderon afin d'en retracer l'histoire. [frFemale] => L'histoire culturelle d'Onderon est riche et complexe. Accumuler des données sur la civilisation de cette planète pourrait vous procurer un certain avantage. Scannez des lieux emblématiques d'Onderon afin d'en retracer l'histoire. [deMale] => Onderon hat eine umfangreiche und komplexe kulturelle Geschichte. Alle gefundenen Daten über die Zivilisation des Planeten wären von großer Hilfe für jene, die sie sammeln. Scanne bedeutende Wahrzeichen, um die Geschichte Onderon aufzuzeichnen. [deFemale] => Onderon hat eine umfangreiche und komplexe kulturelle Geschichte. Alle gefundenen Daten über die Zivilisation des Planeten wären von großer Hilfe für jene, die sie sammeln. Scanne bedeutende Wahrzeichen, um die Geschichte Onderon aufzuzeichnen. ) [Tasks] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Id] => 1 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Scan Statue of Freedon Nadd [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Scan Statue of Freedon Nadd [frMale] => Scanner la statue de Freedon Nadd [frFemale] => Scanner la statue de Freedon Nadd [deMale] => Scanne die Statue von Freedon Nadd [deFemale] => Scanne die Statue von Freedon Nadd ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6141162173106E+19 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => rFJk5NA ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => ybgEKkR ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [1] => Array ( [Id] => 2 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Scan the Lair of the Untamed [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Scan the Lair of the Untamed [frMale] => Scanner le repaire des Indomptés [frFemale] => Scanner le repaire des Indomptés [deMale] => Scanne das Versteck der Ungezähmten [deFemale] => Scanne das Versteck der Ungezähmten ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6141140768526E+19 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => yk9AE82 ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => W4tATtD ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( [Id] => 3 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Scan the Proving Grounds [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Scan the Proving Grounds [frMale] => Scanner les terrains d'essai [frFemale] => Scanner les terrains d'essai [deMale] => Scanne das Trainingsgelände [deFemale] => Scanne das Trainingsgelände ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6141005058503E+19 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => 8AhKziK ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => MiqNU92 ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) [3] => Array ( [Id] => 4 [DbId] => 0 [String] => Scan Iziz Royal Palace [LocalizedString] => Array ( [enMale] => Scan Iziz Royal Palace [frMale] => Scanner le Palais royal d'Iziz [frFemale] => Scanner le Palais royal d'Iziz [deMale] => Scanne den königlichen Palast von Iziz [deFemale] => Scanne den königlichen Palast von Iziz ) [ShowTracking] => 1 [ShowCount] => [CountMax] => 1 [TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array ( ) [TaskPlcIds] => Array ( [0] => 1.6140934300236E+19 ) [TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => bzUyKmw ) [MapNoteB62Ids] => Array ( [0] => fezdhKH ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( ) ) ) [BonusMissionsIds] => Array ( ) [ItemsGiven] => Array ( ) [ItemsTaken] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [Name] => itm_macrobinoculars [Id] => 16140942018410786460 [Base62Id] => d2wDKpF [MaxCount] => 1 [GUID] => 4276211173818629 [Min] => 1 [Max] => 1 [VariableId] => 14957309792081805573 [UnknownLong] => 0 ) ) ) ) ) ) [Items] => Array ( [14957309792081805573] => Array ( [Name] => itm_macrobinoculars [Id] => 16140942018410786460 [Base62Id] => d2wDKpF [MaxCount] => 1 [GUID] => 4276211173818629 [Min] => 1 [Max] => 1 [VariableId] => 14957309792081805573 [UnknownLong] => 0 ) ) [Rewards] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [UnknownNum] => 0 [IsAlwaysProvided] => 1 [Base62Id] => VrlGvhC [ClassesB62] => Array ( ) [NumberOfItem] => 1 [MinLevel] => 1 [MaxLevel] => 75 [Id] => 16141041513798851457 ) ) [ReqPrivacy] => [CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030 [CreditsRewarded] => 20 [XP] => 0 [SubXP] => 0 [F2PXP] => 0 [CommandXP] => 600 [HashedIcon] => 2639735275_2602955561 [BranchCount] => 1 [ClassesB62] => Array ( [0] => oQzLTb9 [1] => wb1sOC1 [2] => ipVkeb2 [3] => 5ZtRBpE ) [ConversationGains] => Array ( [CompanionsParsed] => Array ( ) [NodeText] => Array ( ) [AffectionGainTable] => Array ( ) ) [QuestsNextB62] => Array ( ) [QuestsPreviousB62] => Array ( ) [Id] => 16141129294930917506 [Base62Id] => WZW22f3 [Fqn] => [B62References] => Array ( [requiredForAch] => Array ( [0] => JTxxmLE [1] => cC3xmLE [2] => ry5yy2l ) [conversationStarts] => Array ( [0] => OkauKq4 ) [QuestMpns] => Array ( [0] => fezdhKH [1] => ybgEKkR [2] => W4tATtD [3] => MiqNU92 ) ) [first_seen] => 6.0.0 [last_seen] => 6.2.1a [current_version] => 6.2.1a [hash] => 975535528 [removed_in] => [changed_fields] => Array ( [0] => ClassesAllowed [1] => hash ) [previous_versions] => Array ( [0] => 6.0.0 [1] => 6.0.1 [2] => 6.2.0 ) [ClassesAllowed] => Array ( [0] => Sith Warrior [1] => Imperial Agent [2] => Sith Inquisitor [3] => Bounty Hunter ) )