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Big Chief: Huttsbane Reward

Reward Level Range: -
Big Chief: Huttsbane Reward
Requires:Bounty Hunter
Mission Rewards
Provided Rewards:
Level 1-75
Accurate Boltblaster's Offhand Blaster MK-6
Accurate Boltblaster's Generator MK-6
Small Credit Box
Big Chief: Huttsbane Reward
Command XP: 600
Category: Class
Can Abandon: Yes
Hidden: No
Class Quest: Yes
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Big Chief: Huttsbane Reward
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 431. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 1. - Nice to see you alive and well. That was really rotten what Nem'ro did to you.
    • 155. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 157. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 2. Option - I'll get even.Player - One day, he'll pay for crossing me.
          • 3. - Maybe that's exactly what these credits are for.
        • 5. Option - You care?Player - Aw, were you worried about me?
          • 6. - Well, those pits are brutal.
          • 8. - Maybe a little--but don't read too much into it....
        • 13. Option - When?Player - Whatever do you mean?
          • 14. - If you don't want to talk about it, I understand.
            • 16. - I've got a very large payment here for you, but it doesn't say what for. Apparently that's between you and Nem'ro.
              • 17. Option - He knows me so well.Player - A large stack of credits does wonders for my affection level.
              • 19. Option - I'm pretty important.Player - Did you know I'm going to the Great Hunt?
                • 20. - That's the word on the street.
              • 25. Option - No big deal.Player - Another day, another blood stain.
                • 26. - Here you go. One large payment for mysterious reasons.
                  • 103. - Don't spend it all in one place.
      • 296. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 297. - Hey, girl, we've been had! Nem'ro's already sponsored someone for the Great Hunt!
        • 301. - Hey, hunter, we've been had! Nem'ro's already sponsored someone for the Great Hunt!
          • 302. Option - I already know.Player - That's old news, Mako.
            • 303. - Yeah? Bet you don't know who it is, though.
          • 307. Option - That was quick.Player - How do you hear these things so fast?
            • 308. - You'd think people would secure their comm channels better. Don't they understand I'm a genius?
          • 312. Option - Who is it?Player - Who did that bloated pile of guts Nem'ro pick over me?
            • 314. - Once again I've got the info everyone wants. Come to the hotel, and we'll talk.
              • 315. Option - Tell me now.Player - Don't toy with me. Who got that sponsorship token?
                • 317. - Have to tell you in person. Someone could overhear.
              • 319. Option - You have the name?Player - How'd you already find out who got my sponsorship?
                • 320. - I'm not saying anything over a non-secure channel.
              • 322. Option - You're amazing.Player - Did I ever mention that I think you do great work, Mako?
                • 323. - Really? Thank you.
                  • 325. - Now hurry back here! Plenty of other people are trying to find this guy. Mako out.
                    • 445. - Took you long enough! Finding Nem'ro's sponsorship token not a priority?
                      • 446. Option - Enough playing around.Player - This is serious, Mako.
                        • 447. - You're right. Won't happen again, boss.
                      • 450. Option - I was delayed.Player - Things tend to come up in our line of work.
                        • 451. - I'm just playing. Even when the situation's serious, doesn't mean you have to be.
                      • 454. Option - Stop wasting my time.Player - Get to the point, little girl.
                        • 455. - Little girl? Seriously? If that's all I am to you, prepare to be shocked.
                          • 457. - I know who got Nem'ro's sponsorship token and how to find him. I'll tell you everything, but I've got a price.
                            • 461. Option - Credits?Player - Suddenly you expect me to pay for your info?
                              • 462. - Not like you think.
                            • 464. Option - I figured as much.Player - I saw this coming a long way off.
                              • 465. - Yeah, I'll bet you did.
                            • 468. Option - Not funny.Player - Is that your idea of a joke?
                              • 469. - Do you see me smiling?
                                • 471. - Braden taught me how to fight, and you know I'm great with information. Take me with you--on this hunt and whatever comes after.
                                  • 472. Option - Sure, kid.Player - I think we'll have a lot of fun.
                                    • 473. - I'm good with a blaster, and Braden was like a father to me. It's not fair that--wait, did you just say yes?
                                  • 476. Option - I'm not sure....Player - I don't think that's a good idea.
                                    • 477. - Well, you better get keen--and fast. Without me, you'll never find Nem'ro's new pet.
                                  • 479. Option - I work alone.Player - You'd just slow me down. I'm a solo act.
                                    • 480. - Then I guess it ends here--your quest for glory, vengeance for Braden, all of it.
                                      • 482. - You can't leave me on this lousy mudball where Braden died! You want the info, you take me!
                                        • 483. Option - Keep your boots on.Player - All right, all right. Calm down and you can come along.
                                        • 485. Option - Okay, you win.Player - You're right, I can't leave you here. Partners it is.
                                        • 487. Option - Don't make me regret it.Player - You can come, but you'd better pull your own weight.
                                          • 488. - Thank you. Braden was sweet, but he always treated me like a child. I'm not a child. So thank you.
                                            • 490. - I want to be there when we find Braden's killer. I want that more than anything. So let's go find Nem'ro's bounty hunter.
                                              • 491. Option - Ready to fight?Player - You prepared to go toe-to-toe with this guy?
                                                • 492. - Whatever it takes to get you into the Great Hunt.
                                              • 494. Option - Then give me a name, already.Player - I can't do anything until I know who I'm chasing.
                                              • 496. Option - Let's start some trouble.Player - I can't wait to kill things.
                                                • 497. - Good. You're about to get plenty of it.
                                                  • 499. - The hunter we're after is named Rarsk. He's a Trandoshan and serious bad news. Burned a whole village alive on Dantooine.
                                                    • 501. - I intercepted a transmission between the Trandoshan and--get this--the bone-faced freak who was following me. Remember me warning you about him?
                                                      • 502. Option - I remember.Player - Think those two are working together?
                                                        • 503. - No clue. We better prepare for anything, though.
                                                      • 506. Option - "Trandoshan"?Player - What exactly is a "Trandoshan"?
                                                        • 507. - Lizard people. Cold-blooded in every sense of the word. They worship a goddess they believe wants them to treat everyone else like prey.
                                                      • 510. Option - Give me a location.Player - Just tell me where we're going.
                                                        • 511. - Rarsk is collecting on a bounty Fa'athra the Hutt, Nem'ro's rival, is holding for him. A Republic scientist or something.
                                                          • 513. - All we have to do is break into Fa'athra's ridiculously well-guarded palace in the swamp, find the scientist ourselves and set a trap for Rarsk.
                                                            • 514. Option - Clever girl.Player - And when Rarsk shows, we take his sponsorship token. Good plan.
                                                              • 515. - You haven't seen anything yet.
                                                            • 517. Option - Won't be easy.Player - Sounds like suicide to me.
                                                              • 518. - I know! And it gets better.
                                                            • 520. Option - This had better work--or else.Player - If your plan blows up in my face, you'll be sorry.
                                                              • 521. - There's another reason to risk our necks.
                                                                • 523. - Turns out Fa'athra keeps interesting people on his payroll--and by "interesting," I mean they have prices on their heads.
                                                                  • 525. - If we want to seriously compete in the Great Hunt or even get off this mudball, we need the extra credits from these bounties.
                                                                    • 526. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                      • 528. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                        • 529. Option - Who are the targets?Player - These goons have names?
                                                                          • 530. - They're Fa'athra's underbosses. You'll know them when they start blasting at you.
                                                                        • 533. Option - Do I have to buy my way in?Player - All I need to compete in the Great Hunt is my blaster.
                                                                          • 534. - Yeah? Well, my intel doesn't pay for itself--neither do armor and starships. We need this funding.
                                                                        • 537. Option - On it. Let's go.Player - We don't have any more time to waste.
                                                                          • 538. - You always know what you're doing, don't you?
                                                                          • 540. - A man of action to the end. Must be why I like you.
                                                                            • 542. - Come on--Fa'athra's palace is waiting....
                                                                              • 545. <Conversation Exit>
  • 28. - You just get more and more impressive.
    • 29. Option - Thanks.Player - Good to see you again.
      • 30. - You too, girl. Glad to see you're doing so well.
      • 32. - I was thinking the same thing.
    • 37. Option - It's easy when you're me.Player - I could kill accountants all day.
      • 38. - Heard you did a number on nasty little Nails, as well.
    • 40. Option - I'm here to stay.Player - You'll be seeing a lot of me.
      • 41. - Hope that's true.
        • 43. - Here you go--credits for the accountant. Poor little Yalt with his bossy wife.
          • 44. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 105. - See you soon, bounty hunter.
            • 562. <Conversation Exit>
  • 45. - Hey, I think I've got something for you.
    • 46. Option - My favorite words.Player - I was hoping you'd say that.
      • 47. - Working women have to watch out for each other.
      • 49. - That's not what I meant. You're a bad one.
    • 51. Option - Give it here.Player - Hand it over. I'm in a hurry.
      • 52. - Oh, so friendly!
    • 57. Option - Nem'ro tell you why?Player - Did you hear about my job?
      • 58. - I did indeed. Very impressive.
        • 60. - Here you go. Credits for the head of Huttsbane. Good work there.
          • 61. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 559. <Conversation Exit>
  • 62. - Good to see you again.
  • 64. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 65. - Hello there. Something I can do for you?
      • 66. Option - I'm looking for information.Player - What can you tell me about Nem'ro's court?
        • 67. - Not much. I try to keep out of there. The boss tends to get a little overly friendly with me, you know?
    • 72. - Hello there, handsome. Looking for something?
      • 79. Option - Let's start with your name.Player - Who might you be?
        • 84. - I'm Juda, Nem'ro's paymaster. If he gives you work, I'm the one you settle up with when the job's done.
      • 73. Option - [Flirt] You, beautiful.Player - Shall we get out of here?
        • 74. - Hehe, slow down, sugar. I'm working.
      • 76. Option - Just wandering.Player - I'm getting the lay of this place.
        • 77. - New here, huh? No problem.
          • 98. - Don't mean to be rude, but I need to finish crunching these numbers for Nem'ro.
            • 93. Option - Hint taken.Player - I'll let you get back to them.
              • 136. - Thanks. It was nice meeting you.
            • 85. Option - [Flirt] See you later.Player - Let's continue this conversation some other time.
              • 86. - Sure thing, cute stuff.
            • 88. Option - Pleasure meeting you.Player - I like your outfit, by the way. Very cute.
              • 89. - Thanks! I was thinking the same thing about yours!
            • 95. Option - You've got all his credits?Player - Can you give me a tour of Nem'ro's vault?
              • 96. - Nice try. I don't have access to the money. I just authorize the vouchers. See you around.
                • 145. <Conversation Exit>
  • 99. - Bit busy here, hon.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
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    "LocalizedName": {
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        "frMale": "Grand chef : r\u00e9compense d'Huttsbane",
        "frFemale": "Grand chef : r\u00e9compense d'Huttsbane",
        "deMale": "Gro\u00dfer H\u00e4uptling: Belohnung von Huttenfluch",
        "deFemale": "Gro\u00dfer H\u00e4uptling: Belohnung von Huttenfluch"
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