Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station. The explosives are already in place, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You've agreed to detonate the explosives yourself. Use the explosives in the Tularan Marsh to draw out the tremor maws and kill them.
2) Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks....
Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You handled the detonation of the explosives yourself and cleared the area of tremor maws. Report the good news to Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle in the Tularan Marsh.
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb3e68933180000cb06c6b5"
"Name": "The Loudest Bait",
"NameId": "392353852424280",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "The Loudest Bait",
"frMale": "App\u00e2t d\u00e9tonant",
"frFemale": "App\u00e2t d\u00e9tonant",
"deMale": "Der lauteste K\u00f6der",
"deFemale": "Der lauteste K\u00f6der"
"Icon": "cdx.location.taris_rep.tularan_marsh",
"IsRepeatable": false,
"RequiredLevel": 12,
"XpLevel": 20,
"Difficulty": "qstDifficultyHard",
"CanAbandon": true,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsClassQuest": false,
"IsBonus": false,
"BonusShareable": false,
"CategoryId": "2466269005611271",
"LocalizedCategory": {
"enMale": "Taris",
"frMale": "Taris",
"frFemale": "Taris",
"deMale": "Taris",
"deFemale": "Taris"
"Branches": [
"Id": "1",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": true,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": true,
"JournalText": "Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station. The explosives are already in place, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks. \n\nYou've agreed to detonate the explosives yourself. Use the explosives in the Tularan Marsh to draw out the tremor maws and kill them.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station. The explosives are already in place, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks. \n\nYou've agreed to detonate the explosives yourself. Use the explosives in the Tularan Marsh to draw out the tremor maws and kill them.",
"frMale": "Le contrema\u00eetre Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cit\u00e9. Les explosifs sont en place, mais ses hommes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 chass\u00e9s par des attaques de gueules profondes.\n\nVous acceptez de faire sauter les explosifs. Utilisez les explosifs dans le Marais Tular\u00e9en pour d\u00e9nicher et tuer les gueules profondes.",
"frFemale": "Le contrema\u00eetre Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cit\u00e9. Les explosifs sont en place, mais ses hommes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 chass\u00e9s par des attaques de gueules profondes.\n\nVous acceptez de faire sauter les explosifs. Utilisez les explosifs dans le Marais Tular\u00e9en pour d\u00e9nicher et tuer les gueules profondes.",
"deMale": "Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung f\u00fcr die Wasservorr\u00e4te der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine M\u00e4nner wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkr\u00f6pfen vertrieben. \n\nDu hast dich bereiterkl\u00e4rt, den Sprengstoff selbst zu z\u00fcnden. Benutze den Sprengstoff im Tularan-Sumpfland, um die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe zu vertreiben und zu t\u00f6ten.",
"deFemale": "Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung f\u00fcr die Wasservorr\u00e4te der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine M\u00e4nner wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkr\u00f6pfen vertrieben. \n\nDu hast dich bereiterkl\u00e4rt, den Sprengstoff selbst zu z\u00fcnden. Benutze den Sprengstoff im Tularan-Sumpfland, um die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe zu vertreiben und zu t\u00f6ten."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Defeat Tremor Maws",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Defeat Tremor Maws",
"frMale": "Vaincre les gueules profondes",
"frFemale": "Vaincre les gueules profondes",
"deMale": "Besiege die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe",
"deFemale": "Besiege die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": true,
"CountMax": 3,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.\n\nYou handled the detonation of the explosives yourself and cleared the area of tremor maws. Report the good news to Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle in the Tularan Marsh.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.\n\nYou handled the detonation of the explosives yourself and cleared the area of tremor maws. Report the good news to Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle in the Tularan Marsh.",
"frMale": "Le contrema\u00eetre Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cit\u00e9, mais ses hommes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 chass\u00e9s par des attaques de gueules profondes.\n\nVous avez fait sauter les explosifs et d\u00e9barrass\u00e9 la zone des gueules profondes. Annoncez la bonne nouvelle au contrema\u00eetre Meropta au camp Lytle du Marais Tular\u00e9en.",
"frFemale": "Le contrema\u00eetre Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cit\u00e9, mais ses hommes ont \u00e9t\u00e9 chass\u00e9s par des attaques de gueules profondes.\n\nVous avez fait sauter les explosifs et d\u00e9barrass\u00e9 la zone des gueules profondes. Annoncez la bonne nouvelle au contrema\u00eetre Meropta au camp Lytle du Marais Tular\u00e9en.",
"deMale": "Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung f\u00fcr die Wasservorr\u00e4te der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine M\u00e4nner wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkr\u00f6pfen vertrieben.\n\nDu hast die Z\u00fcndung des Sprengstoffs selbst \u00fcbernommen und die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe in der Gegend eliminiert. Melde Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager im Tularan-Sumpfland die guten Nachrichten.",
"deFemale": "Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung f\u00fcr die Wasservorr\u00e4te der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine M\u00e4nner wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkr\u00f6pfen vertrieben.\n\nDu hast die Z\u00fcndung des Sprengstoffs selbst \u00fcbernommen und die Schlotterkr\u00f6pfe in der Gegend eliminiert. Melde Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager im Tularan-Sumpfland die guten Nachrichten."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Foreman Meropta",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Foreman Meropta",
"frMale": "Rejoindre le contrema\u00eetre Meropta",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre le contrema\u00eetre Meropta",
"deMale": "Kehre zu Vorarbeiter Meropta zur\u00fcck",
"deFemale": "Kehre zu Vorarbeiter Meropta zur\u00fcck"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
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"ClassesB62": [
"ConversationGains": {
"CompanionsParsed": {
"iZ4l338": {
"enMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"frMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"frFemale": "Qyzen Fess",
"deMale": "Qyzen Fess",
"deFemale": "Qyzen Fess"
"EnMAMg0": {
"enMale": "Kira Carsen",
"frMale": "Kira Carsen",
"frFemale": "Kira Carsen",
"deMale": "Kira Carsen",
"deFemale": "Kira Carsen"
"5FtJ3I7": {
"enMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"frMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"frFemale": "Aric Jorgan",
"deMale": "Aric Jorgan",
"deFemale": "Aric Jorgan"
"hhqIyzA": {
"enMale": "Elara Dorne",
"frMale": "Elara Dorne",
"frFemale": "Elara Dorne",
"deMale": "Elara Dorne",
"deFemale": "Elara Dorne"
"BIWNCz6": {
"enMale": "Corso Riggs",
"frMale": "Corso Riggs",
"frFemale": "Corso Riggs",
"deMale": "Corso Riggs",
"deFemale": "Corso Riggs"
"Z2FFed2": {
"enMale": "T7-O1",
"frMale": "T7-O1",
"frFemale": "T7-O1",
"deMale": "T7-O1",
"deFemale": "T7-O1"
"NodeText": {
"0Pjc1V9_53": {
"enMale": "Pay me.",
"frMale": "Et si on parlait de ma r\u00e9compense.",
"frFemale": "Et si on parlait de ma r\u00e9compense.",
"deMale": "Ich m\u00f6chte jetzt bezahlt werden.",
"deFemale": "Ich m\u00f6chte jetzt bezahlt werden."
"0Pjc1V9_54": {
"enMale": "I think I got bit by the filthiest mouth this side of Nar Shaddaa.",
"frMale": "Je crois que j'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 mordu par la gueule la plus d\u00e9go\u00fbtante de la galaxie.",
"frFemale": "Je crois que j'ai \u00e9t\u00e9 mordue par la gueule la plus d\u00e9go\u00fbtante de la galaxie.",
"deMale": "Ich wurde gebissen - von dem wahrscheinlich gemeinsten Maul diesseits von Nar Shaddaa.",
"deFemale": "Ich wurde gebissen - von dem wahrscheinlich gemeinsten Maul diesseits von Nar Shaddaa."
"0Pjc1V9_107": {
"enMale": "You mistake me for someone else.",
"frMale": "Je ne suis pas cette personne.",
"frFemale": "Je ne suis pas cette personne.",
"deMale": "Da liegt wohl eine Verwechslung vor.",
"deFemale": "Da liegt wohl eine Verwechslung vor."
"0Pjc1V9_152": {
"enMale": "This colony won't fail on my watch. I'll let you put down that pipe safely.",
"frMale": "Je ne laisserai pas tomber la colonie. Je vous permettrai d'installer cet aqueduc en toute s\u00e9curit\u00e9.",
"frFemale": "Je ne laisserai pas tomber la colonie. Je vous permettrai d'installer cet aqueduc en toute s\u00e9curit\u00e9.",
"deMale": "Unter meiner Wache wird diese Kolonie nicht untergehen. Ihr werdet Eure Leitung bauen k\u00f6nnen.",
"deFemale": "Unter meiner Wache wird diese Kolonie nicht untergehen. Ihr werdet Eure Leitung bauen k\u00f6nnen."
"0Pjc1V9_169": {
"enMale": "I could do it, but I have to work for a living, too. Understand?",
"frMale": "Je peux m'en charger, mais je dois travailler pour vivre. Compris ?",
"frFemale": "Je peux m'en charger, mais je dois travailler pour vivre. Compris ?",
"deMale": "Das k\u00f6nnte ich schon tun, aber ich muss auch meinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen.",
"deFemale": "Das k\u00f6nnte ich schon tun, aber ich muss auch meinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen."
"0Pjc1V9_176": {
"enMale": "I don't know what a tremor maw is, but it doesn't sound good.",
"frMale": "Je ne [{F}]sais pas ce que c'est, mais \u00e7a ne me dit rien qui vaille.",
"frFemale": "Je [{F}]sais pas ce que c'est, mais \u00e7a ne me dit rien qui vaille.",
"deMale": "Ich wei\u00df zwar nicht, was ein Schlotterkropf ist, aber es klingt nicht gut.",
"deFemale": "Ich wei\u00df zwar nicht, was ein Schlotterkropf ist, aber es klingt nicht gut."
"0Pjc1V9_177": {
"enMale": "What's the lake got to do with this?",
"frMale": "Qu'est-ce que le lac vient faire dans l'histoire ?",
"frFemale": "Qu'est-ce que le lac vient faire dans l'histoire ?",
"deMale": "Was hat der See damit zu tun?",
"deFemale": "Was hat der See damit zu tun?"
"0Pjc1V9_180": {
"enMale": "How long can the colonists last without fresh water?",
"frMale": "Combien de temps les colons pourront-ils tenir sans eau potable ?",
"frFemale": "Combien de temps les colons pourront-ils tenir sans eau potable ?",
"deMale": "Wie lange k\u00f6nnen die Kolonisten denn ohne Trinkwasser \u00fcberleben?",
"deFemale": "Wie lange k\u00f6nnen die Kolonisten denn ohne Trinkwasser \u00fcberleben?"
"0Pjc1V9_181": {
"enMale": "The Republic outpost has soldiers. Can they spare a few to kill these things?",
"frMale": "Il y a des soldats \u00e0 l'avant-poste de la R\u00e9publique. Ils ne peuvent pas envoyer des hommes ?",
"frFemale": "Il y a des soldats \u00e0 l'avant-poste de la R\u00e9publique. Ils ne peuvent pas envoyer des hommes ?",
"deMale": "Im Republik-Au\u00dfenposten sind doch Soldaten. K\u00f6nnen die nicht diese Viecher t\u00f6ten?",
"deFemale": "Im Republik-Au\u00dfenposten sind doch Soldaten. K\u00f6nnen die nicht diese Viecher t\u00f6ten?"
"0Pjc1V9_210": {
"enMale": "Do you need me to get you back on track?",
"frMale": "Vous voulez un coup de main ?",
"frFemale": "Vous voulez un coup de main ?",
"deMale": "Soll ich Euch wieder auf die Beine helfen?",
"deFemale": "Soll ich Euch wieder auf die Beine helfen?"
"AffectionGainTable": {
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"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "hhqIyzA",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"0Pjc1V9_54": [
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_107": [
"CompanionId": "hhqIyzA",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_152": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "hhqIyzA",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_169": [
"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"CompanionId": "hhqIyzA",
"AffectionGainType": 50
"0Pjc1V9_176": [
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_177": [
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_180": [
"CompanionId": "BIWNCz6",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "hhqIyzA",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "EnMAMg0",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_181": [
"CompanionId": "iZ4l338",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"0Pjc1V9_210": [
"CompanionId": "Z2FFed2",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"CompanionId": "5FtJ3I7",
"AffectionGainType": 200
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"Id": "16141150223659777940",
"Base62Id": "b3ywyER",
"Fqn": "",
"B62References": {
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"QuestMpns": [
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"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "161052722",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": [
"Jedi Knight",
"Jedi Consular"
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb3e68933180000cb06c6b5
[Name] => The Loudest Bait
[NameId] => 392353852424280
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => The Loudest Bait
[frMale] => Appât détonant
[frFemale] => Appât détonant
[deMale] => Der lauteste Köder
[deFemale] => Der lauteste Köder
[Icon] => cdx.location.taris_rep.tularan_marsh
[IsRepeatable] =>
[RequiredLevel] => 12
[XpLevel] => 20
[Difficulty] => qstDifficultyHard
[CanAbandon] => 1
[IsHidden] =>
[IsClassQuest] =>
[IsBonus] =>
[BonusShareable] =>
[CategoryId] => 2466269005611271
[LocalizedCategory] => Array
[enMale] => Taris
[frMale] => Taris
[frFemale] => Taris
[deMale] => Taris
[deFemale] => Taris
[Branches] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] => 1
[JournalText] =>
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] => 1
[JournalText] => Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station. The explosives are already in place, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You've agreed to detonate the explosives yourself. Use the explosives in the Tularan Marsh to draw out the tremor maws and kill them.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station. The explosives are already in place, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You've agreed to detonate the explosives yourself. Use the explosives in the Tularan Marsh to draw out the tremor maws and kill them.
[frMale] => Le contremaître Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cité. Les explosifs sont en place, mais ses hommes ont été chassés par des attaques de gueules profondes.
Vous acceptez de faire sauter les explosifs. Utilisez les explosifs dans le Marais Tularéen pour dénicher et tuer les gueules profondes.
[frFemale] => Le contremaître Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cité. Les explosifs sont en place, mais ses hommes ont été chassés par des attaques de gueules profondes.
Vous acceptez de faire sauter les explosifs. Utilisez les explosifs dans le Marais Tularéen pour dénicher et tuer les gueules profondes.
[deMale] => Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung für die Wasservorräte der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine Männer wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkröpfen vertrieben.
Du hast dich bereiterklärt, den Sprengstoff selbst zu zünden. Benutze den Sprengstoff im Tularan-Sumpfland, um die Schlotterkröpfe zu vertreiben und zu töten.
[deFemale] => Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung für die Wasservorräte der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine Männer wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkröpfen vertrieben.
Du hast dich bereiterklärt, den Sprengstoff selbst zu zünden. Benutze den Sprengstoff im Tularan-Sumpfland, um die Schlotterkröpfe zu vertreiben und zu töten.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Defeat Tremor Maws
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Defeat Tremor Maws
[frMale] => Vaincre les gueules profondes
[frFemale] => Vaincre les gueules profondes
[deMale] => Besiege die Schlotterkröpfe
[deFemale] => Besiege die Schlotterkröpfe
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] => 1
[CountMax] => 3
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => LFpZl39
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You handled the detonation of the explosives yourself and cleared the area of tremor maws. Report the good news to Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle in the Tularan Marsh.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle is trying to get a pipeline built to bring in the water supply from the Lower City Hydro Station, but his men have been driven out by tremor maw attacks.
You handled the detonation of the explosives yourself and cleared the area of tremor maws. Report the good news to Foreman Meropta at Camp Lytle in the Tularan Marsh.
[frMale] => Le contremaître Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cité, mais ses hommes ont été chassés par des attaques de gueules profondes.
Vous avez fait sauter les explosifs et débarrassé la zone des gueules profondes. Annoncez la bonne nouvelle au contremaître Meropta au camp Lytle du Marais Tularéen.
[frFemale] => Le contremaître Meropta du camp Lytle veut mettre en place un aqueduc pour acheminer l'eau de la station hydraulique du bas de la cité, mais ses hommes ont été chassés par des attaques de gueules profondes.
Vous avez fait sauter les explosifs et débarrassé la zone des gueules profondes. Annoncez la bonne nouvelle au contremaître Meropta au camp Lytle du Marais Tularéen.
[deMale] => Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung für die Wasservorräte der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine Männer wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkröpfen vertrieben.
Du hast die Zündung des Sprengstoffs selbst übernommen und die Schlotterkröpfe in der Gegend eliminiert. Melde Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager im Tularan-Sumpfland die guten Nachrichten.
[deFemale] => Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager versucht, eine Leitung für die Wasservorräte der Unterstadt-Hydrostation zu bauen. Der Sprengstoff ist bereits platziert, aber seine Männer wurden durch Angriffe von Schlotterkröpfen vertrieben.
Du hast die Zündung des Sprengstoffs selbst übernommen und die Schlotterkröpfe in der Gegend eliminiert. Melde Vorarbeiter Meropta im Lytle-Lager im Tularan-Sumpfland die guten Nachrichten.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Foreman Meropta
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Foreman Meropta
[frMale] => Rejoindre le contremaître Meropta
[frFemale] => Rejoindre le contremaître Meropta
[deMale] => Kehre zu Vorarbeiter Meropta zurück
[deFemale] => Kehre zu Vorarbeiter Meropta zurück
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[Items] => Array
[16328894966679208085] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[16328894966679208086] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[16328894966679208087] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[16328894966679208088] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[16328894966679208089] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[16328894966679208090] => Array
[Name] => itm_03x1154
[Id] => 16140901745207248182
[Base62Id] => DeMFVPE
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 392353852424346
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 16328894966679208090
[UnknownLong] => 0
[Rewards] => Array
[ReqPrivacy] =>
[CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030
[CreditsRewarded] => 860
[XP] => 0
[SubXP] => 0
[F2PXP] => 0
[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 100398817_2024974462
[BranchCount] => 1
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => oUmW3P6
[1] => 8WjWQl8
[2] => d1waHAE
[3] => O1SBiJ5
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[iZ4l338] => Array
[enMale] => Qyzen Fess
[frMale] => Qyzen Fess
[frFemale] => Qyzen Fess
[deMale] => Qyzen Fess
[deFemale] => Qyzen Fess
[EnMAMg0] => Array
[enMale] => Kira Carsen
[frMale] => Kira Carsen
[frFemale] => Kira Carsen
[deMale] => Kira Carsen
[deFemale] => Kira Carsen
[5FtJ3I7] => Array
[enMale] => Aric Jorgan
[frMale] => Aric Jorgan
[frFemale] => Aric Jorgan
[deMale] => Aric Jorgan
[deFemale] => Aric Jorgan
[hhqIyzA] => Array
[enMale] => Elara Dorne
[frMale] => Elara Dorne
[frFemale] => Elara Dorne
[deMale] => Elara Dorne
[deFemale] => Elara Dorne
[BIWNCz6] => Array
[enMale] => Corso Riggs
[frMale] => Corso Riggs
[frFemale] => Corso Riggs
[deMale] => Corso Riggs
[deFemale] => Corso Riggs
[Z2FFed2] => Array
[enMale] => T7-O1
[frMale] => T7-O1
[frFemale] => T7-O1
[deMale] => T7-O1
[deFemale] => T7-O1
[NodeText] => Array
[0Pjc1V9_53] => Array
[enMale] => Pay me.
[frMale] => Et si on parlait de ma récompense.
[frFemale] => Et si on parlait de ma récompense.
[deMale] => Ich möchte jetzt bezahlt werden.
[deFemale] => Ich möchte jetzt bezahlt werden.
[0Pjc1V9_54] => Array
[enMale] => I think I got bit by the filthiest mouth this side of Nar Shaddaa.
[frMale] => Je crois que j'ai été mordu par la gueule la plus dégoûtante de la galaxie.
[frFemale] => Je crois que j'ai été mordue par la gueule la plus dégoûtante de la galaxie.
[deMale] => Ich wurde gebissen - von dem wahrscheinlich gemeinsten Maul diesseits von Nar Shaddaa.
[deFemale] => Ich wurde gebissen - von dem wahrscheinlich gemeinsten Maul diesseits von Nar Shaddaa.
[0Pjc1V9_107] => Array
[enMale] => You mistake me for someone else.
[frMale] => Je ne suis pas cette personne.
[frFemale] => Je ne suis pas cette personne.
[deMale] => Da liegt wohl eine Verwechslung vor.
[deFemale] => Da liegt wohl eine Verwechslung vor.
[0Pjc1V9_152] => Array
[enMale] => This colony won't fail on my watch. I'll let you put down that pipe safely.
[frMale] => Je ne laisserai pas tomber la colonie. Je vous permettrai d'installer cet aqueduc en toute sécurité.
[frFemale] => Je ne laisserai pas tomber la colonie. Je vous permettrai d'installer cet aqueduc en toute sécurité.
[deMale] => Unter meiner Wache wird diese Kolonie nicht untergehen. Ihr werdet Eure Leitung bauen können.
[deFemale] => Unter meiner Wache wird diese Kolonie nicht untergehen. Ihr werdet Eure Leitung bauen können.
[0Pjc1V9_169] => Array
[enMale] => I could do it, but I have to work for a living, too. Understand?
[frMale] => Je peux m'en charger, mais je dois travailler pour vivre. Compris ?
[frFemale] => Je peux m'en charger, mais je dois travailler pour vivre. Compris ?
[deMale] => Das könnte ich schon tun, aber ich muss auch meinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen.
[deFemale] => Das könnte ich schon tun, aber ich muss auch meinen Lebensunterhalt verdienen.
[0Pjc1V9_176] => Array
[enMale] => I don't know what a tremor maw is, but it doesn't sound good.
[frMale] => Je ne [{F}]sais pas ce que c'est, mais ça ne me dit rien qui vaille.
[frFemale] => Je [{F}]sais pas ce que c'est, mais ça ne me dit rien qui vaille.
[deMale] => Ich weiß zwar nicht, was ein Schlotterkropf ist, aber es klingt nicht gut.
[deFemale] => Ich weiß zwar nicht, was ein Schlotterkropf ist, aber es klingt nicht gut.
[0Pjc1V9_177] => Array
[enMale] => What's the lake got to do with this?
[frMale] => Qu'est-ce que le lac vient faire dans l'histoire ?
[frFemale] => Qu'est-ce que le lac vient faire dans l'histoire ?
[deMale] => Was hat der See damit zu tun?
[deFemale] => Was hat der See damit zu tun?
[0Pjc1V9_180] => Array
[enMale] => How long can the colonists last without fresh water?
[frMale] => Combien de temps les colons pourront-ils tenir sans eau potable ?
[frFemale] => Combien de temps les colons pourront-ils tenir sans eau potable ?
[deMale] => Wie lange können die Kolonisten denn ohne Trinkwasser überleben?
[deFemale] => Wie lange können die Kolonisten denn ohne Trinkwasser überleben?
[0Pjc1V9_181] => Array
[enMale] => The Republic outpost has soldiers. Can they spare a few to kill these things?
[frMale] => Il y a des soldats à l'avant-poste de la République. Ils ne peuvent pas envoyer des hommes ?
[frFemale] => Il y a des soldats à l'avant-poste de la République. Ils ne peuvent pas envoyer des hommes ?
[deMale] => Im Republik-Außenposten sind doch Soldaten. Können die nicht diese Viecher töten?
[deFemale] => Im Republik-Außenposten sind doch Soldaten. Können die nicht diese Viecher töten?
[0Pjc1V9_210] => Array
[enMale] => Do you need me to get you back on track?
[frMale] => Vous voulez un coup de main ?
[frFemale] => Vous voulez un coup de main ?
[deMale] => Soll ich Euch wieder auf die Beine helfen?
[deFemale] => Soll ich Euch wieder auf die Beine helfen?
[AffectionGainTable] => Array
[0Pjc1V9_53] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[3] => Array
[CompanionId] => hhqIyzA
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[4] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[0Pjc1V9_54] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_107] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => hhqIyzA
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_152] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[3] => Array
[CompanionId] => hhqIyzA
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[4] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_169] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[3] => Array
[CompanionId] => hhqIyzA
[AffectionGainType] => 50
[0Pjc1V9_176] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_177] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_180] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => BIWNCz6
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => hhqIyzA
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[2] => Array
[CompanionId] => EnMAMg0
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_181] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => iZ4l338
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[0Pjc1V9_210] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => Z2FFed2
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[1] => Array
[CompanionId] => 5FtJ3I7
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[QuestsNextB62] => Array
[0] => b3ywyER
[QuestsPreviousB62] => Array
[0] => b3ywyER
[Id] => 16141150223659777940
[Base62Id] => b3ywyER
[Fqn] =>
[B62References] => Array
[conversationEnds] => Array
[0] => 0Pjc1V9
[conversationStarts] => Array
[0] => 0Pjc1V9
[QuestMpns] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[1] => LFpZl39
[first_seen] => 1.0.0a
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 161052722
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => ClassesAllowed
[1] => hash
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 1.0.0a
[1] => 1.7.2
[2] => 2.1.1
[3] => 2.2.0
[4] => 2.3.1
[5] => 3.0.0
[6] => 3.0.2
[7] => 4.0.0
[8] => 4.1.0
[9] => 5.0.0
[10] => 5.2.0
[11] => 5.2.1
[12] => 5.7.0
[13] => 6.0.0
[ClassesAllowed] => Array
[0] => Smuggler
[1] => Trooper
[2] => Jedi Knight
[3] => Jedi Consular