Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Board Your Personal Starship
Use the Galaxy Map to Travel to Zakuul
Find and Speak to Yuun
Agree to Assist Yuun
Recover First Component
Recover Second Component
Recover Third Component
Recover Fourth Component
Return to Yuun
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
Report to Oggurobb
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
2) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
To reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul.
Now that you have boarded your ship, travel to the cockpit and interact with the Galaxy Map to open it. Find Zakuul in the map, click on it, and select the "Travel" option to pilot your starship to Zakuul.
3) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Yuun is somewhere in the Zakuul Undercity. Find him and convince him to join the Alliance.
Find and Speak to Yuun
4) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You will need to assist Yuun in completing his project before he will be willing to leave Zakuul and join the Alliance. Speak to Yuun in the Undercity and agree to help him.
Agree to Assist Yuun
5) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have agreed to help collect the last few components that Yuun needs to finish his project. Scour the Undercity for the required components.
Recover First Component
Recover Second Component
Recover Third Component
Recover Fourth Component
6) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in collecting the components Yuun asked you to find. Return the components to Yuun so that he can complete his project.
Return to Yuun
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
7) Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in locating Yuun and recruiting him to join your alliance. Report your success to Dr. Oggurobb at your alliance base on Odessen.
Report to Oggurobb
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/torcommunity/components/com_torcommunitydb/views/mission/tmpl/default.php on line 271
That's incredible, Yuun. Thank you.
Are you saying this will keep Arcann's ships from ever finding us?
You always did manage to work miracles. This will be a huge help to the Alliance.
You're making a pretty bold claim. This thing had better work like you say.
Wait... you knew I was coming?
I represent an Alliance opposing the Eternal Throne. I'm here to convince you to join us.
Pack your things, you're coming with me.
* Influence gains assume a player level of 45+. Lower level characters gain less influence.
(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
- While Broonmark's penchant for rending and violent destruction is admittedly impressive--both for the primal intensity of his conviction, as well as the astounding efficiency and savagery of his expression...
- I cannot help but to have some measure of concern over the likelihood of this individual deciding on a whim to try and slaughter everyone within arm's reach.
Link to Node 803
Link to Node 813
Link to Node 804
Link to Node 836
836. Player - [Interrupt Him] Oh spit it out already...
- Commander! Tell that blasted protocol droid that if he ever sets foot near my food hangars again, I'll have him scrapped and use his parts for experiments!
- Low calorie meals?! Pah! What... trite ignorance! Doesn't he realize food is the fuel of creativity? Meddlesome... prattling... little.... The nerve!
- Commander, I'm unsure what's gotten into that protocol droid, but he recently came by and dropped off a crate of packed meals in the middle of the lab.
- Firstly, I do not allow eating within this lab. Secondly, my staff otherwise has ready access to the base cantina for meals. The gesture is honestly more nuisance than help.
- Commander, someone has installed extra padding on all of the seats in the lab, plus any other surface that could be mistaken for one. It must have been that meddlesome protocol droid.
- Assuming this isn't some passive-aggressive slight against myself as a Hutt, these cushions are putting dust and feathers into the air that are interfering with our sensitive work.
- Not to mention the fact that at least one of them has proven to be disturbingly flammable.... I've had them removed. Tell that droid to cease this nonsense.
- Commander. Do you care to tell me what that protocol droid was doing near the lab's air circulators? I.... That divine fragrance... is that Alderaanian nectar?
- Yes, aromatherapy! Of course! Inspiring the mind by inspiring the senses! I dare say that droid has actually had a brilliant idea. Ahhh, yes... I must create.
- He will occasionally tolerate some cursory examination, but attempts at more in-depth analysis result in violent threats of surprising detail and specificity.
- Perhaps we could bribe him with a treat of sorts. Do you suppose you could convince Sana-Rae to part with one of her trainees? One of the less promising ones, of course.
776. Player - That's horrible! How could you suggest that?
- Hmm... I had my doubts, but if you believe so, perhaps it is possible. No worthwhile art is made without some sacrifice... perhaps she actually understands this.
- Sadly, my genius lies elsewhere, and as these types of technologies form the foundation of so much within the Eternal Empire, it has been a consistent stumbling block for us.
- However Doctor Drellik's insights have already started to break down these barriers to our progress, and I delight to imagine the inevitable breakthroughs that will soon follow.
- In fact, he was just speaking to me about the thesis for his doctorate, an in-depth analysis of an ancient race known as the Dashade. Fascinating work!
- Apparently these creatures could siphon and consume Force essence! Imagine what might result if the mechanisms behind this ability could be properly researched and understood!
- Could we create some sort of fixed, or even portable biotechnological platform? Some sort of Force-dampening or consuming field? Or... perhaps an explosive or warhead-like delivery platform? The possibilities... so myriad it is dizzying....
- A brilliant geneticist, boldly riding the bleeding edges of both biomedical and genetics research. And such a warm and pleasant personality! Truly a treat to work with.
- I can understand Aygo's logic, given Lokin's extensive history with Imperial Intelligence, but from the moment I saw Eckard it was painfully obvious that art was his true calling.
- Immediately upon his arrival he told me he could "feel that I was seeking." After a brief meditation, he located a precision torque-spanner that I had lost months ago!
- And then, as if it were no more challenging of a thing, he pointed out the solution to a thruster heat dissipation problem that I've been staring at for the past week!
- It is so true! I spent the last several years in a creative slump and, sadly lacking inspiration, let myself go. But these recent events have given me a renewed vigor and inspiration!
- Lana, for her part, insists that you possess the skills necessary, and as she has given me no cause to doubt her judgment, I shall take her at her word.
- Come now, Commander. Such petty closed-mindedness is unbecoming. Especially given how crucial cooperation and collaboration will be if we are to succeed in our work here.
- Given the... diverse nature of those gathered here, and the... tenuous nature of some of the friendships, I find it prudent to minimize the risk of linguistic misunderstandings. Now then: onto more pressing concerns!
- My role here is to coordinate the alliance effort to understand the Eternal Empire technology, and to develop our own to bring us to an even footing.
250. Player - [Let him continue]
Link to Node 269
252. Player - Even footing? That's quite a tall order.
Link to Node 269
254. Player - I'm surprised you're helping us. I thought Hutts maintained neutrality.
- Your casual bigotry aside, I'm afraid my brethren are being profoundly shortsighted in this matter. There is no neutrality with respect to the Eternal Empire, only eventual subjugation.
- But I, for one, have had enough of delusional moguls in my lifetime! Let them sit in their sad denial, ensconced within their opulent palaces! Let them hasten their own demise with inaction!
- The task is daunting indeed... which is what makes it exciting! To succeed, we must gather scientists, researchers, and representatives from the galaxy's many sentient species for their fresh perspectives.
312. Player - [He's on a roll, why interrupt him now?]
Link to Node 284
313. Player - You said you already had someone in mind?
- We currently have several running projects that are developing ideas into prototypes, and are finally seeing some results from our reverse engineering efforts.
- This has taken no small amount of vision, boldness, genius, and perseverance... but I must also say that your continual support to this point has been quite instrumental.
- But we cannot be happy with the successes of today! These new initiatives demand resources and minds all the same, and we still require whatever ongoing support you can offer.
- I am happy to report that progress seems to be picking up a bit. We're actually looking to start work on our first prototype built from the cooperative vision of the team.
- It is an important milestone, but certainly not the last. As we look to build future advancements off of today's, it only becomes more important that we continue efforts to recruit and secure supplies.
- You are a patron of our art, Commander. I am hopeful that you will be able to continue supporting us as we create yet more brilliant, bold, and groundbreaking artistry.
- We're starting to see some limited progress, though I'm afraid I must stress the "limited." That said, the problem with a task of this size is always finding the appropriate inroads to begin.
- We are still just starting out, I'm afraid. While I am applying my talents as fully as circumstances allow, we lack both the people and resources for any work of satisfactory scale.
- We are always in need of supplies--an artist cannot work without tools and material. If you could secure supplies for our research efforts, it would be most helpful.
- I'd also ask you to keep a keen eye out for new research associates--having a new creator who can more efficiently use what is onhand is better than merely gathering more material!
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb4481833180000cb0954d0"
"Name": "To Find A Findsman",
"NameId": "3599856903913560",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "To Find A Findsman",
"frMale": "Le Pisteur pist\u00e9",
"frFemale": "Le Pisteur pist\u00e9",
"deMale": "Einen Finder finden",
"deFemale": "Einen Finder finden"
"Icon": "cdx.exp.seasons.01.ep_07_undercity_02",
"IsRepeatable": false,
"RequiredLevel": 0,
"XpLevel": 60,
"Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
"CanAbandon": false,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsClassQuest": false,
"IsBonus": false,
"BonusShareable": false,
"CategoryId": "2466269005611305",
"LocalizedCategory": {
"enMale": "Alliance",
"frMale": "Alliance",
"frFemale": "Alliance",
"deMale": "Allianz",
"deFemale": "Allianz"
"Branches": [
"Id": "1",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nTo reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul. Your ship is located in the Alliance Camp Landing Area, accessed via the \"Player Ship Access\" door found in the Military Hangar. \n\nTo board your ship, go to the Alliance Camp Landing Area and use the ship door.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nTo reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul. Your ship is located in the Alliance Camp Landing Area, accessed via the \"Player Ship Access\" door found in the Military Hangar. \n\nTo board your ship, go to the Alliance Camp Landing Area and use the ship door.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nPour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel. Votre vaisseau se trouve sur la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance\u00a0: vous pouvez vous y rendre via la porte \"Acc\u00e8s au vaisseau personnel\" qui se trouve dans le hangar militaire. \n\nPour embarquer dans votre vaisseau, rendez-vous \u00e0 la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance et utilisez la porte du vaisseau.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nPour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel. Votre vaisseau se trouve sur la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance\u00a0: vous pouvez vous y rendre via la porte \"Acc\u00e8s au vaisseau personnel\" qui se trouve dans le hangar militaire. \n\nPour embarquer dans votre vaisseau, rendez-vous \u00e0 la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance et utilisez la porte du vaisseau.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nUm nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen. Dein Schiff befindet sich im Allianzlager-Landebereich, den du \u00fcber die T\u00fcr 'Spielerschiff-Zugang' im Milit\u00e4rhangar betreten kannst. \n\nGeh in den Allianzlager-Landebereich und benutze die Schiffst\u00fcr, um an Bord deines Schiffs zu gehen.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nUm nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen. Dein Schiff befindet sich im Allianzlager-Landebereich, den du \u00fcber die T\u00fcr 'Spielerschiff-Zugang' im Milit\u00e4rhangar betreten kannst. \n\nGeh in den Allianzlager-Landebereich und benutze die Schiffst\u00fcr, um an Bord deines Schiffs zu gehen."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Board Your Personal Starship",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Board Your Personal Starship",
"frMale": "Monter \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel",
"frFemale": "Monter \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel",
"deMale": "Geh an Bord deines eigenen Raumschiffs",
"deFemale": "Geh an Bord deines eigenen Raumschiffs"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestIds": [
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nTo reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul.\n\nNow that you have boarded your ship, travel to the cockpit and interact with the Galaxy Map to open it. Find Zakuul in the map, click on it, and select the \"Travel\" option to pilot your starship to Zakuul. ",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nTo reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul.\n\nNow that you have boarded your ship, travel to the cockpit and interact with the Galaxy Map to open it. Find Zakuul in the map, click on it, and select the \"Travel\" option to pilot your starship to Zakuul. ",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nPour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel.\n\nMaintenant que vous \u00eates \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau, entrez dans le cockpit et interagissez avec la carte de la galaxie pour l'ouvrir. Localisez Zakel sur la carte, cliquez dessus, puis s\u00e9lectionnez l'option \"Voyage\" pour piloter votre vaisseau jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel. ",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nPour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel.\n\nMaintenant que vous \u00eates \u00e0 bord de votre vaisseau, entrez dans le cockpit et interagissez avec la carte de la galaxie pour l'ouvrir. Localisez Zakel sur la carte, cliquez dessus, puis s\u00e9lectionnez l'option \"Voyage\" pour piloter votre vaisseau jusqu'\u00e0 Zakel. ",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nUm nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen.\n\nDu bist jetzt auf dem Schiff. Begib dich ins Cockpit und interagiere mit der Sternenkarte, um sie aufzurufen. Finde Zakuul auf der Karte, klicke darauf und w\u00e4hle die Option 'Reisen', um mit deinem Raumschiff nach Zakuul zu fliegen. ",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nUm nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen.\n\nDu bist jetzt auf dem Schiff. Begib dich ins Cockpit und interagiere mit der Sternenkarte, um sie aufzurufen. Finde Zakuul auf der Karte, klicke darauf und w\u00e4hle die Option 'Reisen', um mit deinem Raumschiff nach Zakuul zu fliegen. "
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Use the Galaxy Map to Travel to Zakuul",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Use the Galaxy Map to Travel to Zakuul",
"frMale": "Utiliser la carte de la galaxie pour aller sur Zakel",
"frFemale": "Utiliser la carte de la galaxie pour aller sur Zakel",
"deMale": "Benutze die Sternenkarte, um nach Zakuul zu reisen",
"deFemale": "Benutze die Sternenkarte, um nach Zakuul zu reisen"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestIds": [
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 4,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYuun is somewhere in the Zakuul Undercity. Find him and convince him to join the Alliance.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYuun is somewhere in the Zakuul Undercity. Find him and convince him to join the Alliance.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nYuun se trouve quelque part dans la Basse-cit\u00e9 de Zakel. Rejoignez-le et persuadez-le de rejoindre l'Alliance.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nYuun se trouve quelque part dans la Basse-cit\u00e9 de Zakel. Rejoignez-le et persuadez-le de rejoindre l'Alliance.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nYuun ist irgendwo in der Unterstadt von Zakuul. Finde ihn und \u00fcberzeuge ihn davon, sich der Allianz anzuschlie\u00dfen.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nYuun ist irgendwo in der Unterstadt von Zakuul. Finde ihn und \u00fcberzeuge ihn davon, sich der Allianz anzuschlie\u00dfen."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Find and Speak to Yuun",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Find and Speak to Yuun",
"frMale": "Trouver Yuun et lui parler",
"frFemale": "Trouver Yuun et lui parler",
"deMale": "Finde Yuun und sprich mit ihm",
"deFemale": "Finde Yuun und sprich mit ihm"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 5,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou will need to assist Yuun in completing his project before he will be willing to leave Zakuul and join the Alliance. Speak to Yuun in the Undercity and agree to help him.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou will need to assist Yuun in completing his project before he will be willing to leave Zakuul and join the Alliance. Speak to Yuun in the Undercity and agree to help him.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous devez aider Yuun \u00e0 terminer son projet pour qu'il soit pr\u00eat \u00e0 quitter Zakel et \u00e0 rejoindre l'Alliance. Parlez \u00e0 Yuun dans la Basse-cit\u00e9 et acceptez de l'aider.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous devez aider Yuun \u00e0 terminer son projet pour qu'il soit pr\u00eat \u00e0 quitter Zakel et \u00e0 rejoindre l'Alliance. Parlez \u00e0 Yuun dans la Basse-cit\u00e9 et acceptez de l'aider.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nYuun ist nur bereit, Zakuul zu verlassen und sich der Allianz anzuschlie\u00dfen, wenn du ihm vorher hilfst, sein Projekt zu beenden. Spricht mit Yuun in der Unterstadt und stimme zu, ihm zu helfen.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nYuun ist nur bereit, Zakuul zu verlassen und sich der Allianz anzuschlie\u00dfen, wenn du ihm vorher hilfst, sein Projekt zu beenden. Spricht mit Yuun in der Unterstadt und stimme zu, ihm zu helfen."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Agree to Assist Yuun",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Agree to Assist Yuun",
"frMale": "Accepter de venir en aide \u00e0 Yuun",
"frFemale": "Accepter de venir en aide \u00e0 Yuun",
"deMale": "Stimme zu, Yuun zu helfen",
"deFemale": "Stimme zu, Yuun zu helfen"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 6,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have agreed to help collect the last few components that Yuun needs to finish his project. Scour the Undercity for the required components.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have agreed to help collect the last few components that Yuun needs to finish his project. Scour the Undercity for the required components.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider Yuun \u00e0 rassembler les quelques derniers composants dont il a besoin pour finir son projet. Fouillez la Basse-cit\u00e9 pour trouver les composants requis.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez accept\u00e9 d'aider Yuun \u00e0 rassembler les quelques derniers composants dont il a besoin pour finir son projet. Fouillez la Basse-cit\u00e9 pour trouver les composants requis.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nDu hast zugestimmt, dabei zu helfen, die letzten Komponenten zu sammeln, die Yuun noch f\u00fcr sein Projekt braucht. Suche in der Unterstadt nach den ben\u00f6tigten Komponenten.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nDu hast zugestimmt, dabei zu helfen, die letzten Komponenten zu sammeln, die Yuun noch f\u00fcr sein Projekt braucht. Suche in der Unterstadt nach den ben\u00f6tigten Komponenten."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Recover First Component",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Recover First Component",
"frMale": "Trouver le premier composant",
"frFemale": "Trouver le premier composant",
"deMale": "Besorg die erste Komponente",
"deFemale": "Besorg die erste Komponente"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Recover Second Component",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Recover Second Component",
"frMale": "Trouver le deuxi\u00e8me composant",
"frFemale": "Trouver le deuxi\u00e8me composant",
"deMale": "Besorg die zweite Komponente",
"deFemale": "Besorg die zweite Komponente"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Recover Third Component",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Recover Third Component",
"frMale": "Trouver le troisi\u00e8me composant",
"frFemale": "Trouver le troisi\u00e8me composant",
"deMale": "Besorg die dritte Komponente",
"deFemale": "Besorg die dritte Komponente"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 4,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Recover Fourth Component",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Recover Fourth Component",
"frMale": "Trouver le quatri\u00e8me composant",
"frFemale": "Trouver le quatri\u00e8me composant",
"deMale": "Besorg die vierte Komponente",
"deFemale": "Besorg die vierte Komponente"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 7,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have succeeded in collecting the components Yuun asked you to find. Return the components to Yuun so that he can complete his project.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have succeeded in collecting the components Yuun asked you to find. Return the components to Yuun so that he can complete his project.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 rassembler les composants que Yuun vous a demand\u00e9 de trouver. Rapportez les composants \u00e0 Yuun pour qu'il puisse terminer son projet.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 rassembler les composants que Yuun vous a demand\u00e9 de trouver. Rapportez les composants \u00e0 Yuun pour qu'il puisse terminer son projet.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nEs ist dir gelungen, die Komponenten zu sammeln, die du f\u00fcr Yuun gesucht hast. Bring Yuun die Komponenten, damit er sein Projekt abschlie\u00dfen kann.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nEs ist dir gelungen, die Komponenten zu sammeln, die du f\u00fcr Yuun gesucht hast. Bring Yuun die Komponenten, damit er sein Projekt abschlie\u00dfen kann."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Yuun\n(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Yuun\n(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)",
"frMale": "Rejoindre Yuun\n(La fen\u00eatre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre Yuun\n(La fen\u00eatre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)",
"deMale": "Kehre zu Yuun zur\u00fcck\n(\u00dcber das Fenster 'Gef\u00e4hrten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)",
"deFemale": "Kehre zu Yuun zur\u00fcck\n(\u00dcber das Fenster 'Gef\u00e4hrten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": [
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Id": 8,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have succeeded in locating Yuun and recruiting him to join your alliance. Report your success to Dr. Oggurobb at your alliance base on Odessen.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.\r\n\r\nYou have succeeded in locating Yuun and recruiting him to join your alliance. Report your success to Dr. Oggurobb at your alliance base on Odessen.",
"frMale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 localiser Yuun et \u00e0 le convaincre de rejoindre votre Alliance. Faites part de votre succ\u00e8s au professeur Oggurobb \u00e0 la base de l'Alliance sur Odessen.",
"frFemale": "Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demand\u00e9 de recruter le Gand nomm\u00e9 Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun \u00e9tant \u00e0 la fois Pisteur et ing\u00e9nieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'av\u00e9rer inestimables.\r\n\r\nVous avez r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 localiser Yuun et \u00e0 le convaincre de rejoindre votre Alliance. Faites part de votre succ\u00e8s au professeur Oggurobb \u00e0 la base de l'Alliance sur Odessen.",
"deMale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nEs ist dir gelungen, Yuun zu finden und ihn f\u00fcr deine Allianz zu gewinnen. Berichte Doktor Oggurobb in deiner Allianzbasis auf Odessen von deinem Erfolg.",
"deFemale": "Doktor Oggurobb m\u00f6chte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun f\u00fcr deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, w\u00e4ren Yuuns Beitr\u00e4ge zur Forschung von unsch\u00e4tzbarem Wert f\u00fcr die Allianz.\r\n\r\nEs ist dir gelungen, Yuun zu finden und ihn f\u00fcr deine Allianz zu gewinnen. Berichte Doktor Oggurobb in deiner Allianzbasis auf Odessen von deinem Erfolg."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Report to Oggurobb\n(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Report to Oggurobb\n(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)",
"frMale": "Parler \u00e0 Oggurobb\n(La fen\u00eatre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)",
"frFemale": "Parler \u00e0 Oggurobb\n(La fen\u00eatre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)",
"deMale": "Melde dich bei Oggurobb\n(\u00dcber das Fenster 'Gef\u00e4hrten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)",
"deFemale": "Melde dich bei Oggurobb\n(\u00dcber das Fenster 'Gef\u00e4hrten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Items": {
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"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
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"UnknownLong": "0"
"11688111091205275969": {
"Name": "itm_component_4",
"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
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"UnknownLong": "0"
"11688111091205275970": {
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"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"11688111091205275971": {
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"Id": "16140924681683225031",
"Base62Id": "nqaGpdA",
"MaxCount": 1,
"GUID": "3599856903913795",
"Min": 1,
"Max": 1,
"VariableId": "11688111091205275971",
"UnknownLong": "0"
"Rewards": [
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"IsAlwaysProvided": true,
"Base62Id": "TzypGPM",
"ClassesB62": [],
"NumberOfItem": 1,
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16140906931535347321"
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"UnknownNum": 0,
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"ClassesB62": [],
"NumberOfItem": 1,
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16140903146161401883"
"UnknownNum": 0,
"IsAlwaysProvided": false,
"Base62Id": "hG1epV0",
"ClassesB62": [],
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"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
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"UnknownNum": 0,
"IsAlwaysProvided": false,
"Base62Id": "54LflVE",
"ClassesB62": [],
"NumberOfItem": 1,
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16141025303897654549"
"ReqPrivacy": "",
"CreditRewardType": "589686270506543030",
"CreditsRewarded": 10410,
"XP": 0,
"SubXP": 0,
"F2PXP": 0,
"CommandXP": 600,
"HashedIcon": "342516764_178518797",
"BranchCount": 1,
"ClassesB62": [],
"ConversationGains": {
"CompanionsParsed": {
"E6mQvzF": {
"enMale": "Yuun",
"frMale": "Yuun",
"frFemale": "Yuun",
"deMale": "Yuun",
"deFemale": "Yuun"
"NodeText": {
"KijXWKD_16": {
"enMale": "It's good to see you too, Yuun.",
"frMale": "C'est bon de vous revoir aussi, Yuun.",
"frFemale": "C'est bon de vous revoir aussi, Yuun.",
"deMale": "Es ist auch sch\u00f6n, Euch zu sehen, Yuun.",
"deFemale": "Es ist auch sch\u00f6n, Euch zu sehen, Yuun."
"KijXWKD_17": {
"enMale": "Guess you can't find everything after all.",
"frMale": "Vous ne pouvez pas toujours tout trouver, apr\u00e8s tout.",
"frFemale": "Vous ne pouvez pas toujours tout trouver, apr\u00e8s tout.",
"deMale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt wohl doch nicht alles finden.",
"deFemale": "Ihr k\u00f6nnt wohl doch nicht alles finden."
"KijXWKD_71": null,
"KijXWKD_85": {
"enMale": "That's incredible, Yuun. Thank you.",
"frMale": "C'est incroyable, Yuun. Merci.",
"frFemale": "C'est incroyable, Yuun. Merci.",
"deMale": "Das ist unglaublich, Yuun. Danke.",
"deFemale": "Das ist unglaublich, Yuun. Danke."
"KijXWKD_92": {
"enMale": "Are you saying this will keep Arcann's ships from ever finding us?",
"frMale": "Vous voulez dire que gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 \u00e7a, les vaisseaux d'Arcann ne pourront pas nous trouver\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Vous voulez dire que gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 \u00e7a, les vaisseaux d'Arcann ne pourront pas nous trouver\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Ihr behauptet also, dass uns Arcanns Schiffe damit nicht mehr finden k\u00f6nnen?",
"deFemale": "Ihr behauptet also, dass uns Arcanns Schiffe damit nicht mehr finden k\u00f6nnen?"
"KijXWKD_94": {
"enMale": "You always did manage to work miracles. This will be a huge help to the Alliance.",
"frMale": "Vous avez toujours r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 produire des miracles. Voil\u00e0 qui sera d'une aide pr\u00e9cieuse pour l'Alliance.",
"frFemale": "Vous avez toujours r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 produire des miracles. Voil\u00e0 qui sera d'une aide pr\u00e9cieuse pour l'Alliance.",
"deMale": "Ihr habt schon immer f\u00fcr Wunder gesorgt. Das wird eine riesige Hilfe f\u00fcr die Allianz sein.",
"deFemale": "Ihr habt schon immer f\u00fcr Wunder gesorgt. Das wird eine riesige Hilfe f\u00fcr die Allianz sein."
"KijXWKD_99": {
"enMale": "You're making a pretty bold claim. This thing had better work like you say.",
"frMale": "C'est une affirmation bien audacieuse. Cette chose a int\u00e9r\u00eat de marcher aussi bien que vous le dites.",
"frFemale": "C'est une affirmation bien audacieuse. Cette chose a int\u00e9r\u00eat de marcher aussi bien que vous le dites.",
"deMale": "Das ist eine ziemlich k\u00fchne Behauptung. Ich hoffe f\u00fcr Euch, dass Ihr Euch nicht irrt.",
"deFemale": "Das ist eine ziemlich k\u00fchne Behauptung. Ich hoffe f\u00fcr Euch, dass Ihr Euch nicht irrt."
"KijXWKD_113": {
"enMale": "Wait... you knew I was coming?",
"frMale": "Attendez... vous saviez que j'allais venir\u00a0?",
"frFemale": "Attendez... vous saviez que j'allais venir\u00a0?",
"deMale": "Moment ... Ihr wusstet, dass ich kommen w\u00fcrde?",
"deFemale": "Moment ... Ihr wusstet, dass ich kommen w\u00fcrde?"
"KijXWKD_130": {
"enMale": "I represent an Alliance opposing the Eternal Throne. I'm here to convince you to join us.",
"frMale": "Je repr\u00e9sente une Alliance qui s'oppose au Tr\u00f4ne \u00e9ternel. Je suis ici pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre.",
"frFemale": "Je repr\u00e9sente une Alliance qui s'oppose au Tr\u00f4ne \u00e9ternel. Je suis ici pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre.",
"deMale": "Ich repr\u00e4sentiere eine Allianz, die sich dem Ewigen Thron widersetzt. Ich bin hier, um Euch f\u00fcr unsere Sache zu gewinnen.",
"deFemale": "Ich repr\u00e4sentiere eine Allianz, die sich dem Ewigen Thron widersetzt. Ich bin hier, um Euch f\u00fcr unsere Sache zu gewinnen."
"KijXWKD_134": {
"enMale": "Pack your things, you're coming with me.",
"frMale": "Rassemblez vos affaires, vous venez avec moi.",
"frFemale": "Rassemblez vos affaires, vous venez avec moi.",
"deMale": "Packt Eure Sachen, Ihr kommt mit mir.",
"deFemale": "Packt Eure Sachen, Ihr kommt mit mir."
"AffectionGainTable": {
"KijXWKD_16": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_17": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 0
"KijXWKD_71": [],
"KijXWKD_85": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_92": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_94": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_99": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_113": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 0
"KijXWKD_130": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 200
"KijXWKD_134": [
"CompanionId": "E6mQvzF",
"AffectionGainType": 0
"QuestsNextB62": [
"QuestsPreviousB62": [
"Id": "16141079410917537432",
"Base62Id": "c7OSWp4",
"Fqn": "qst.alliance.alerts.companions.yuun.to_find_a_findsman",
"B62References": {
"requiredForAch": [
"conversationProgresses": [
"conversationStarts": [
"conversationEnds": [
"QuestMpns": [
"first_seen": "4.0.0",
"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "54257030",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": {
"0": "ConversationGains",
"1": "ClassesAllowed",
"3": "hash"
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": []
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb4481833180000cb0954d0
[Name] => To Find A Findsman
[NameId] => 3599856903913560
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => To Find A Findsman
[frMale] => Le Pisteur pisté
[frFemale] => Le Pisteur pisté
[deMale] => Einen Finder finden
[deFemale] => Einen Finder finden
[Icon] => cdx.exp.seasons.01.ep_07_undercity_02
[IsRepeatable] =>
[RequiredLevel] => 0
[XpLevel] => 60
[Difficulty] => qstDifficultyNormal
[CanAbandon] =>
[IsHidden] =>
[IsClassQuest] =>
[IsBonus] =>
[BonusShareable] =>
[CategoryId] => 2466269005611305
[LocalizedCategory] => Array
[enMale] => Alliance
[frMale] => Alliance
[frFemale] => Alliance
[deMale] => Allianz
[deFemale] => Allianz
[Branches] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
To reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul. Your ship is located in the Alliance Camp Landing Area, accessed via the "Player Ship Access" door found in the Military Hangar.
To board your ship, go to the Alliance Camp Landing Area and use the ship door.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
To reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul. Your ship is located in the Alliance Camp Landing Area, accessed via the "Player Ship Access" door found in the Military Hangar.
To board your ship, go to the Alliance Camp Landing Area and use the ship door.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Pour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer à bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'à Zakel. Votre vaisseau se trouve sur la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance : vous pouvez vous y rendre via la porte "Accès au vaisseau personnel" qui se trouve dans le hangar militaire.
Pour embarquer dans votre vaisseau, rendez-vous à la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance et utilisez la porte du vaisseau.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Pour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer à bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'à Zakel. Votre vaisseau se trouve sur la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance : vous pouvez vous y rendre via la porte "Accès au vaisseau personnel" qui se trouve dans le hangar militaire.
Pour embarquer dans votre vaisseau, rendez-vous à la zone d'atterrissage du camp de l'Alliance et utilisez la porte du vaisseau.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Um nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen. Dein Schiff befindet sich im Allianzlager-Landebereich, den du über die Tür 'Spielerschiff-Zugang' im Militärhangar betreten kannst.
Geh in den Allianzlager-Landebereich und benutze die Schiffstür, um an Bord deines Schiffs zu gehen.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Um nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen. Dein Schiff befindet sich im Allianzlager-Landebereich, den du über die Tür 'Spielerschiff-Zugang' im Militärhangar betreten kannst.
Geh in den Allianzlager-Landebereich und benutze die Schiffstür, um an Bord deines Schiffs zu gehen.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Board Your Personal Starship
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Board Your Personal Starship
[frMale] => Monter à bord de votre vaisseau personnel
[frFemale] => Monter à bord de votre vaisseau personnel
[deMale] => Geh an Bord deines eigenen Raumschiffs
[deFemale] => Geh an Bord deines eigenen Raumschiffs
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestIds] => Array
[0] => 1.6140959804108E+19
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[0] => oy1OCBC
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => xXGWNGF
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
To reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul.
Now that you have boarded your ship, travel to the cockpit and interact with the Galaxy Map to open it. Find Zakuul in the map, click on it, and select the "Travel" option to pilot your starship to Zakuul.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
To reach Zakuul City, you will need to board your personal starship on Odessen, and use it to travel to Zakuul.
Now that you have boarded your ship, travel to the cockpit and interact with the Galaxy Map to open it. Find Zakuul in the map, click on it, and select the "Travel" option to pilot your starship to Zakuul.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Pour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer à bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'à Zakel.
Maintenant que vous êtes à bord de votre vaisseau, entrez dans le cockpit et interagissez avec la carte de la galaxie pour l'ouvrir. Localisez Zakel sur la carte, cliquez dessus, puis sélectionnez l'option "Voyage" pour piloter votre vaisseau jusqu'à Zakel.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Pour atteindre la ville de Zakel, vous devez embarquer à bord de votre vaisseau personnel sur Odessen, et l'utiliser pour voyager jusqu'à Zakel.
Maintenant que vous êtes à bord de votre vaisseau, entrez dans le cockpit et interagissez avec la carte de la galaxie pour l'ouvrir. Localisez Zakel sur la carte, cliquez dessus, puis sélectionnez l'option "Voyage" pour piloter votre vaisseau jusqu'à Zakel.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Um nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen.
Du bist jetzt auf dem Schiff. Begib dich ins Cockpit und interagiere mit der Sternenkarte, um sie aufzurufen. Finde Zakuul auf der Karte, klicke darauf und wähle die Option 'Reisen', um mit deinem Raumschiff nach Zakuul zu fliegen.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Um nach Zakuul City zu kommen, musst du auf Odessen dein eigenes Raumschiff betreten und damit nach Zakuul reisen.
Du bist jetzt auf dem Schiff. Begib dich ins Cockpit und interagiere mit der Sternenkarte, um sie aufzurufen. Finde Zakuul auf der Karte, klicke darauf und wähle die Option 'Reisen', um mit deinem Raumschiff nach Zakuul zu fliegen.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Use the Galaxy Map to Travel to Zakuul
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Use the Galaxy Map to Travel to Zakuul
[frMale] => Utiliser la carte de la galaxie pour aller sur Zakel
[frFemale] => Utiliser la carte de la galaxie pour aller sur Zakel
[deMale] => Benutze die Sternenkarte, um nach Zakuul zu reisen
[deFemale] => Benutze die Sternenkarte, um nach Zakuul zu reisen
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestIds] => Array
[0] => 1.6140941108909E+19
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[0] => yv04IBB
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => xXGWNGF
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[3] => Array
[Id] => 4
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Yuun is somewhere in the Zakuul Undercity. Find him and convince him to join the Alliance.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
Yuun is somewhere in the Zakuul Undercity. Find him and convince him to join the Alliance.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Yuun se trouve quelque part dans la Basse-cité de Zakel. Rejoignez-le et persuadez-le de rejoindre l'Alliance.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Yuun se trouve quelque part dans la Basse-cité de Zakel. Rejoignez-le et persuadez-le de rejoindre l'Alliance.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Yuun ist irgendwo in der Unterstadt von Zakuul. Finde ihn und überzeuge ihn davon, sich der Allianz anzuschließen.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Yuun ist irgendwo in der Unterstadt von Zakuul. Finde ihn und überzeuge ihn davon, sich der Allianz anzuschließen.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Find and Speak to Yuun
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Find and Speak to Yuun
[frMale] => Trouver Yuun et lui parler
[frFemale] => Trouver Yuun et lui parler
[deMale] => Finde Yuun und sprich mit ihm
[deFemale] => Finde Yuun und sprich mit ihm
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[4] => Array
[Id] => 5
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You will need to assist Yuun in completing his project before he will be willing to leave Zakuul and join the Alliance. Speak to Yuun in the Undercity and agree to help him.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You will need to assist Yuun in completing his project before he will be willing to leave Zakuul and join the Alliance. Speak to Yuun in the Undercity and agree to help him.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous devez aider Yuun à terminer son projet pour qu'il soit prêt à quitter Zakel et à rejoindre l'Alliance. Parlez à Yuun dans la Basse-cité et acceptez de l'aider.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous devez aider Yuun à terminer son projet pour qu'il soit prêt à quitter Zakel et à rejoindre l'Alliance. Parlez à Yuun dans la Basse-cité et acceptez de l'aider.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Yuun ist nur bereit, Zakuul zu verlassen und sich der Allianz anzuschließen, wenn du ihm vorher hilfst, sein Projekt zu beenden. Spricht mit Yuun in der Unterstadt und stimme zu, ihm zu helfen.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Yuun ist nur bereit, Zakuul zu verlassen und sich der Allianz anzuschließen, wenn du ihm vorher hilfst, sein Projekt zu beenden. Spricht mit Yuun in der Unterstadt und stimme zu, ihm zu helfen.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Agree to Assist Yuun
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Agree to Assist Yuun
[frMale] => Accepter de venir en aide à Yuun
[frFemale] => Accepter de venir en aide à Yuun
[deMale] => Stimme zu, Yuun zu helfen
[deFemale] => Stimme zu, Yuun zu helfen
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[5] => Array
[Id] => 6
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have agreed to help collect the last few components that Yuun needs to finish his project. Scour the Undercity for the required components.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have agreed to help collect the last few components that Yuun needs to finish his project. Scour the Undercity for the required components.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez accepté d'aider Yuun à rassembler les quelques derniers composants dont il a besoin pour finir son projet. Fouillez la Basse-cité pour trouver les composants requis.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez accepté d'aider Yuun à rassembler les quelques derniers composants dont il a besoin pour finir son projet. Fouillez la Basse-cité pour trouver les composants requis.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Du hast zugestimmt, dabei zu helfen, die letzten Komponenten zu sammeln, die Yuun noch für sein Projekt braucht. Suche in der Unterstadt nach den benötigten Komponenten.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Du hast zugestimmt, dabei zu helfen, die letzten Komponenten zu sammeln, die Yuun noch für sein Projekt braucht. Suche in der Unterstadt nach den benötigten Komponenten.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Recover First Component
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Recover First Component
[frMale] => Trouver le premier composant
[frFemale] => Trouver le premier composant
[deMale] => Besorg die erste Komponente
[deFemale] => Besorg die erste Komponente
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Recover Second Component
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Recover Second Component
[frMale] => Trouver le deuxième composant
[frFemale] => Trouver le deuxième composant
[deMale] => Besorg die zweite Komponente
[deFemale] => Besorg die zweite Komponente
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Recover Third Component
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Recover Third Component
[frMale] => Trouver le troisième composant
[frFemale] => Trouver le troisième composant
[deMale] => Besorg die dritte Komponente
[deFemale] => Besorg die dritte Komponente
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[3] => Array
[Id] => 4
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Recover Fourth Component
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Recover Fourth Component
[frMale] => Trouver le quatrième composant
[frFemale] => Trouver le quatrième composant
[deMale] => Besorg die vierte Komponente
[deFemale] => Besorg die vierte Komponente
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[6] => Array
[Id] => 7
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in collecting the components Yuun asked you to find. Return the components to Yuun so that he can complete his project.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in collecting the components Yuun asked you to find. Return the components to Yuun so that he can complete his project.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez réussi à rassembler les composants que Yuun vous a demandé de trouver. Rapportez les composants à Yuun pour qu'il puisse terminer son projet.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez réussi à rassembler les composants que Yuun vous a demandé de trouver. Rapportez les composants à Yuun pour qu'il puisse terminer son projet.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Es ist dir gelungen, die Komponenten zu sammeln, die du für Yuun gesucht hast. Bring Yuun die Komponenten, damit er sein Projekt abschließen kann.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Es ist dir gelungen, die Komponenten zu sammeln, die du für Yuun gesucht hast. Bring Yuun die Komponenten, damit er sein Projekt abschließen kann.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Yuun
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Yuun
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
[frMale] => Rejoindre Yuun
(La fenêtre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)
[frFemale] => Rejoindre Yuun
(La fenêtre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)
[deMale] => Kehre zu Yuun zurück
(Über das Fenster 'Gefährten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)
[deFemale] => Kehre zu Yuun zurück
(Über das Fenster 'Gefährten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[0] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[1] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[2] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[3] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[7] => Array
[Id] => 8
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in locating Yuun and recruiting him to join your alliance. Report your success to Dr. Oggurobb at your alliance base on Odessen.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Dr. Oggurobb has sent you to recruit the Gand known as Yuun to your alliance. Being both a Findsman and an engineer, Yuun's potential contributions to the Alliance's research efforts are beyond measure.
You have succeeded in locating Yuun and recruiting him to join your alliance. Report your success to Dr. Oggurobb at your alliance base on Odessen.
[frMale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez réussi à localiser Yuun et à le convaincre de rejoindre votre Alliance. Faites part de votre succès au professeur Oggurobb à la base de l'Alliance sur Odessen.
[frFemale] => Le professeur Oggurobb vous a demandé de recruter le Gand nommé Yuun pour votre Alliance. Yuun étant à la fois Pisteur et ingénieur, ses contributions potentielles aux recherches de l'Alliance pourraient s'avérer inestimables.
Vous avez réussi à localiser Yuun et à le convaincre de rejoindre votre Alliance. Faites part de votre succès au professeur Oggurobb à la base de l'Alliance sur Odessen.
[deMale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Es ist dir gelungen, Yuun zu finden und ihn für deine Allianz zu gewinnen. Berichte Doktor Oggurobb in deiner Allianzbasis auf Odessen von deinem Erfolg.
[deFemale] => Doktor Oggurobb möchte, dass du den Gand namens Yuun für deine Allianz rekrutierst. Da er sowohl ein Finder als auch ein Techniker ist, wären Yuuns Beiträge zur Forschung von unschätzbarem Wert für die Allianz.
Es ist dir gelungen, Yuun zu finden und ihn für deine Allianz zu gewinnen. Berichte Doktor Oggurobb in deiner Allianzbasis auf Odessen von deinem Erfolg.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Report to Oggurobb
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Report to Oggurobb
(The Companions & Contacts window allows quick travel to known contacts)
[frMale] => Parler à Oggurobb
(La fenêtre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)
[frFemale] => Parler à Oggurobb
(La fenêtre Partenaires & contacts permet de rejoindre directement les contacts.)
[deMale] => Melde dich bei Oggurobb
(Über das Fenster 'Gefährten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)
[deFemale] => Melde dich bei Oggurobb
(Über das Fenster 'Gefährten und Kontakte' kannst du schnell zu bekannten Kontakten reisen)
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[Items] => Array
[11688111091205275968] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[11688111091205275969] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[11688111091205275970] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[11688111091205275971] => Array
[Name] => itm_component_4
[Id] => 16140924681683225031
[Base62Id] => nqaGpdA
[MaxCount] => 1
[GUID] => 3599856903913795
[Min] => 1
[Max] => 1
[VariableId] => 11688111091205275971
[UnknownLong] => 0
[Rewards] => Array
[0] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] => 1
[Base62Id] => TzypGPM
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16140906931535347321
[1] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] => 1
[Base62Id] => TzypGPM
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 61
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16140906931535347321
[2] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => 6d3lhE4
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16140903146161401883
[3] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => hG1epV0
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141003253803909294
[4] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => 54LflVE
[ClassesB62] => Array
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141025303897654549
[ReqPrivacy] =>
[CreditRewardType] => 589686270506543030
[CreditsRewarded] => 10410
[XP] => 0
[SubXP] => 0
[F2PXP] => 0
[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 342516764_178518797
[BranchCount] => 1
[ClassesB62] => Array
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[E6mQvzF] => Array
[enMale] => Yuun
[frMale] => Yuun
[frFemale] => Yuun
[deMale] => Yuun
[deFemale] => Yuun
[NodeText] => Array
[KijXWKD_16] => Array
[enMale] => It's good to see you too, Yuun.
[frMale] => C'est bon de vous revoir aussi, Yuun.
[frFemale] => C'est bon de vous revoir aussi, Yuun.
[deMale] => Es ist auch schön, Euch zu sehen, Yuun.
[deFemale] => Es ist auch schön, Euch zu sehen, Yuun.
[KijXWKD_17] => Array
[enMale] => Guess you can't find everything after all.
[frMale] => Vous ne pouvez pas toujours tout trouver, après tout.
[frFemale] => Vous ne pouvez pas toujours tout trouver, après tout.
[deMale] => Ihr könnt wohl doch nicht alles finden.
[deFemale] => Ihr könnt wohl doch nicht alles finden.
[KijXWKD_71] =>
[KijXWKD_85] => Array
[enMale] => That's incredible, Yuun. Thank you.
[frMale] => C'est incroyable, Yuun. Merci.
[frFemale] => C'est incroyable, Yuun. Merci.
[deMale] => Das ist unglaublich, Yuun. Danke.
[deFemale] => Das ist unglaublich, Yuun. Danke.
[KijXWKD_92] => Array
[enMale] => Are you saying this will keep Arcann's ships from ever finding us?
[frMale] => Vous voulez dire que grâce à ça, les vaisseaux d'Arcann ne pourront pas nous trouver ?
[frFemale] => Vous voulez dire que grâce à ça, les vaisseaux d'Arcann ne pourront pas nous trouver ?
[deMale] => Ihr behauptet also, dass uns Arcanns Schiffe damit nicht mehr finden können?
[deFemale] => Ihr behauptet also, dass uns Arcanns Schiffe damit nicht mehr finden können?
[KijXWKD_94] => Array
[enMale] => You always did manage to work miracles. This will be a huge help to the Alliance.
[frMale] => Vous avez toujours réussi à produire des miracles. Voilà qui sera d'une aide précieuse pour l'Alliance.
[frFemale] => Vous avez toujours réussi à produire des miracles. Voilà qui sera d'une aide précieuse pour l'Alliance.
[deMale] => Ihr habt schon immer für Wunder gesorgt. Das wird eine riesige Hilfe für die Allianz sein.
[deFemale] => Ihr habt schon immer für Wunder gesorgt. Das wird eine riesige Hilfe für die Allianz sein.
[KijXWKD_99] => Array
[enMale] => You're making a pretty bold claim. This thing had better work like you say.
[frMale] => C'est une affirmation bien audacieuse. Cette chose a intérêt de marcher aussi bien que vous le dites.
[frFemale] => C'est une affirmation bien audacieuse. Cette chose a intérêt de marcher aussi bien que vous le dites.
[deMale] => Das ist eine ziemlich kühne Behauptung. Ich hoffe für Euch, dass Ihr Euch nicht irrt.
[deFemale] => Das ist eine ziemlich kühne Behauptung. Ich hoffe für Euch, dass Ihr Euch nicht irrt.
[KijXWKD_113] => Array
[enMale] => Wait... you knew I was coming?
[frMale] => Attendez... vous saviez que j'allais venir ?
[frFemale] => Attendez... vous saviez que j'allais venir ?
[deMale] => Moment ... Ihr wusstet, dass ich kommen würde?
[deFemale] => Moment ... Ihr wusstet, dass ich kommen würde?
[KijXWKD_130] => Array
[enMale] => I represent an Alliance opposing the Eternal Throne. I'm here to convince you to join us.
[frMale] => Je représente une Alliance qui s'oppose au Trône éternel. Je suis ici pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre.
[frFemale] => Je représente une Alliance qui s'oppose au Trône éternel. Je suis ici pour vous convaincre de nous rejoindre.
[deMale] => Ich repräsentiere eine Allianz, die sich dem Ewigen Thron widersetzt. Ich bin hier, um Euch für unsere Sache zu gewinnen.
[deFemale] => Ich repräsentiere eine Allianz, die sich dem Ewigen Thron widersetzt. Ich bin hier, um Euch für unsere Sache zu gewinnen.
[KijXWKD_134] => Array
[enMale] => Pack your things, you're coming with me.
[frMale] => Rassemblez vos affaires, vous venez avec moi.
[frFemale] => Rassemblez vos affaires, vous venez avec moi.
[deMale] => Packt Eure Sachen, Ihr kommt mit mir.
[deFemale] => Packt Eure Sachen, Ihr kommt mit mir.
[AffectionGainTable] => Array
[KijXWKD_16] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_17] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 0
[KijXWKD_71] => Array
[KijXWKD_85] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_92] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_94] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_99] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_113] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 0
[KijXWKD_130] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 200
[KijXWKD_134] => Array
[0] => Array
[CompanionId] => E6mQvzF
[AffectionGainType] => 0
[QuestsNextB62] => Array
[0] => c7OSWp4
[QuestsPreviousB62] => Array
[0] => hx49f20
[1] => 7ao78c0
[2] => c7OSWp4
[Id] => 16141079410917537432
[Base62Id] => c7OSWp4
[Fqn] => qst.alliance.alerts.companions.yuun.to_find_a_findsman
[B62References] => Array
[requiredForAch] => Array
[0] => z5dOBo8
[1] => BBN6oj0
[conversationProgresses] => Array
[0] => Co2dtCF
[1] => oIodtCF
[2] => 6YsdtCF
[3] => i2cdtCF
[4] => hTMSe2B
[5] => KijXWKD
[conversationStarts] => Array
[0] => OIPgMg1
[conversationEnds] => Array
[0] => OIPgMg1
[QuestMpns] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[1] => xXGWNGF
[first_seen] => 4.0.0
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 54257030
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => ConversationGains
[1] => ClassesAllowed
[3] => hash
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 4.0.0
[1] => 4.0.0a
[2] => 4.0.1
[3] => 4.0.1a
[4] => 4.0.2
[5] => 4.0.2a
[6] => 4.0.3
[7] => 4.0.3a
[8] => 4.0.4
[9] => 4.1.0
[10] => 4.1.0a
[11] => 4.1.0b
[12] => 4.2.0
[13] => 4.2.0a
[14] => 4.2.0b
[15] => 4.3.0
[16] => 4.3.0a
[17] => 4.4.0
[18] => 4.5.0
[19] => 4.6.0
[20] => 4.6.0a
[21] => 4.7.0
[22] => 4.7.0a
[23] => 4.7.1
[24] => 4.7.2
[25] => 4.7.3
[26] => 4.7.3a
[27] => 5.0.0
[28] => 5.0.0a
[29] => 5.0.1
[30] => 5.0.1a
[31] => 5.1.0
[32] => 5.1.1
[33] => 5.1.2
[34] => 5.1.3
[35] => 5.2.0
[36] => 5.2.1
[37] => 5.2.2
[38] => 5.3.0
[39] => 5.3.0a
[40] => 5.4.0
[41] => 5.4.0a
[42] => 5.5.0
[43] => 5.5.0a
[44] => 5.5.1
[45] => 5.5.1a
[46] => 5.6.0
[47] => 5.6.1
[48] => 5.7.0
[49] => 5.7.0a
[50] => 5.7.0b
[51] => 5.8.0
[52] => 5.9.0
[53] => 5.9.0a
[54] => 5.9.1
[55] => 5.9.1a
[56] => 5.9.2
[57] => 5.9.2a
[58] => 5.9.2b
[59] => 5.9.3
[60] => 5.9.3a
[61] => 5.10.0
[62] => 5.10.0a
[63] => 5.10.0b
[64] => 5.10.1
[65] => 5.10.1a
[66] => 5.10.2
[67] => 5.10.2a
[68] => 5.10.2b
[69] => 5.10.3
[70] => 5.10.3a
[71] => 5.10.4
[72] => 6.0.0
[73] => 6.0.0a
[74] => 6.0.1
[75] => 6.0.1a
[76] => 6.0.2
[77] => 6.0.2a
[78] => 6.1.0
[79] => 6.1.0a
[80] => 6.1.0b
[81] => 6.1.0c
[82] => 6.1.1
[83] => 6.1.1a
[84] => 6.1.1b
[85] => 6.1.2
[86] => 6.1.2a
[87] => 6.1.2b
[88] => 6.1.2c
[89] => 6.1.2d
[90] => 6.1.3
[91] => 6.1.4
[92] => 6.1.4a
[93] => 6.1.4b
[94] => 6.1.4c
[95] => 6.2.0
[96] => 6.2.0a
[97] => 6.2.0b
[98] => 6.2.0b
[99] => 6.2.1
[100] => 6.2.1a
[ClassesAllowed] => Array