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endgame crawl

Reward Level Range: -
endgame crawl
Requires:Jedi Consular
Command XP: 600
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: Yes
Class Quest: Yes
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: endgame crawl
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(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • 1. - Ladies and gentlemen of the Senate, I present the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, and defender of the Rift Alliance.
    • 3. - In my predecessor's place, I have invoked the protocol of special requital, which ensures the Rift Alliance will be properly rewarded.
      • 394. - Several billion credits for rebuilding, privileged access to new hyperspace routes, extra support for your armies--these are only the beginning.
        • 4. Option - Quite the honor.Player - Thank you, Supreme Chancellor. We sought only to serve.
        • 5. Option - A shrewd political move.Player - Which should also ensure the Rift Alliance worlds never think of seceding again.
        • 6. Option - Can we afford that?Player - Given what the Republic has suffered, that seems extraordinarily generous.
          • 62. - I consider it both a reward and an investment.
            • 14. - The resources of the Core Worlds are stretched, but we will try to grant any additional requests you have.
              • 20. - Herald. Esh-kha were outsiders, but fought to death for us. Should reward their courage.
                • 21. Option - Give them Republic membership.Player - Hallow Voice and his warriors deserve to be part of the Republic they defended.
                • 22. Option - Ask away, Hallow Voice.Player - What would serve you and your warriors best?
                  • 28. - A new foundation, to rebuild. A shared place to grow and intertwine.
                    • 397. - You wish to... begin a colony? Of course, I'm sure there are plenty of worlds that would welcome you.
                • 23. Option - They deserve their own planet.Player - The Esh-kha have earned the chance to begin again on a new homeworld.
                  • 24. - An entire planet? There may be a few possible candidates....
                    • 34. - But grass to tread, and peaceful skies? A rebirth? We would bask gloriously in this!
                      • 39. - Hey hey hey, what about the Voss commandos? And Gaden-Ko?
                        • 471. - Commandos will be honored. I hope for learning. New Jedi to come to Voss. Mystics can teach.
                          • 477. Option - We could learn a great deal.Player - The Mystics could greatly expand our conception of the Force.
                            • 483. - We must be exceptionally careful who we expose to Voss ideas.
                          • 479. Option - That's all you want?Player - Gaden-Ko, the entire Republic stands ready to grant whatever request you desire.
                            • 485. - You have been generous. This is my duty.
                          • 478. Option - The Council may not agree.Player - Masters? I know you had concerns about the Voss.
                            • 480. - The Voss are more... gray than we would like. We will consider this carefully.
                              • 487. - One Force. Jedi know dark and light. Mystics know gray. The pivot between. We can show.
                                • 58. - The Rift Alliance no longer requires day-to-day oversight, but they'll need a spokesperson in the Senate. Someone invested with your authority.
                                  • 80. - Why, Supreme Chancellor, it'll be an honor.
                                    • 82. - Not your decision, Alauni. And I'd be better. Less arguing.
                                      • 84. - What? I have twice the executive experience and--Jedi, tell them!
                                        • 85. Option - Shuuru would be best.Player - As you can see, Representative Shuuru has the passion and drive necessary for the job.
                                          • 90. - Exactly. Thank you, Jedi.
                                        • 86. Option - Give Diab Duin the post.Player - Duin is a stabilizing influence. He would be ideal as our representative.
                                          • 89. - Will do what I can.
                                        • 87. Option - I nominate Alauni.Player - Representative Alauni would be perfect for this position. Besides, she's already accepted.
                                          • 88. - I'll be certain the Republic knows the debt it owes.
                                            • 150. - This is a small part of the greater victory you engineered, yet you've asked nothing for yourself.
                                              • 157. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                • 153. - Your devotion to the light, and your diplomatic talents, make you perfect to fill the empty seat on the Jedi Council.
                                                  • 171. Option - I accept, gladly.Player - I will do my best to serve the order in this role, Master Satele.
                                                • 165. - You have the rare gift of true balance, accepting both contemplation, and action. You would be perfect to fill the empty seat on the Jedi Council.
                                                  • 168. Option - I can't replace Master Syo.Player - To me, that seat will always belong to Syo Bakarn.
                                                    • 187. - Syo can never sit on the Council again. But he should know his position will be filled by someone utterly trustworthy.
                                                    • 210. - Jedi, do you honestly think Syo would have wanted anyone else to take his place?
                                                  • 179. Option - Then I accept.Player - If this is the path the Force has set before me, I am content.
                                                  • 180. Option - I don't want a "desk job."Player - Being stuck on Tython doesn't appeal to me.
                                                    • 191. - Perhaps it is time the Council became less... insular. You'll be free to act as the Force directs you.
                                                • 155. - Your relentless pursuit of the First Son merits a unique position. We would like to make you our special military advisor.
                                                  • 202. - You will rank alongside us, but work with the Republic, to capture the remaining Children and prepare for any future threat from the Sith.
                                                    • 177. Option - No Council position?Player - Rank alongside? So I would not be a member of the Jedi Council.
                                                      • 207. - We would prefer you to focus on assisting the Republic, rather than on Council duties.
                                                    • 178. Option - That will suit me.Player - I will accept this duty, Master Jaric.
                                                    • 203. Option - Only if I can keep fighting.Player - I wouldn't want to be held back from the front lines.
                                                      • 204. - As special military advisor, your deployment will be your business.
                                                        • 209. - But this is only a small reward beside the great service you have done, for all of us.
                                                          • 400. Option - Let us look forward.Player - We all suffered under the Empire's onslaught. But we have not only survived, we have grown.
                                                            • 401. - Is struggle to sharpen an edge.
                                                          • 212. Option - This is a shared victory.Player - I am only one person, among millions from across the galaxy, who stood up in the face of evil and said "no."
                                                            • 417. - Though some said it more vociferously than others.
                                                          • 399. Option - We must remain vigilant.Player - Complacency is a luxury we can never afford again. A threat can come from within, as well as without.
                                                            • 413. - Wasn't planning on dropping my guard yet.
                                                            • 419. - Keeping one open eye is wisdom.
                                                              • 403. Option - Adhere to our principles.Player - The Republic is entering a new age. And in victory, our values--justice, compassion, equality--grow even more important.
                                                                • 409. - At least let us boast a little, Jedi.
                                                                  • 420. - Tharan, shush, I want to record this!
                                                              • 402. Option - Remember the fallen.Player - We cannot forget those who paid the ultimate price for us. We carry the burden of living up to their sacrifice.
                                                                • 406. - I owe it to father.
                                                                • 408. - Those are big shoes to fill, but we can try.
                                                              • 404. Option - We must seize this time.Player - Now is our chance to consolidate this victory, while the Empire is weak. This is our moment, to build a Republic stronger than ever before.
                                                                • 427. - Yes, while the Empire's out of tricks.
                                                                • 434. - There's no shortage of new allies to help us out.
                                                                  • 448. Option - We did this together.Player - But in the end, this success belongs to all of us. May that spirit of cooperation continue. Thank you.
                                                                  • 449. Option - I've said my piece.Player - Words can only do so much. Our actions, from now on, must speak for us. Thank you all.
                                                                  • 435. Option - Fight for what's right.Player - The battle never truly ends, but our cause is worth any cost. Never forget that. Thank you.
                                                                    • 443. - Let's go. We belong out there, not in here.
                                                                    • 444. - Let's leave them to it, for now. We've got a galaxy waiting for us.
                                                                    • 437. - Future is yours again, Herald.
  • 502. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 503. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 92. - Nadia Grell, representative for Sarkhai, would like to speak.
        • 95. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 98. - Alongside reinforcements, we held off an Imperial assault and drove them out of our home system. We stand ready to help the Republic rebuild.
            • 109. Option - Welcome back.Player - We missed you, Padawan.
              • 141. - We did our best without you, Master.
            • 113. Option - I'm glad you're alright.Player - I was afraid I'd never see you again.
              • 138. - I thought the same. It's so good to be wrong.
            • 114. Option - And my troops?Player - I hope you were careful with the forces entrusted to you.
              • 140. - They don't have a scratch. Well, maybe one or two. The Imperials weren't happy to be ambushed.
                • 149. <Conversation Exit>
            • 173. Option - Gaden-Ko is dead.Player - You may not have heard. We lost Gaden-Ko in the final assault.
              • 174. - I didn't know. I'm sorry. But without those soldiers, we--I don't even want to imagine it.
          • 99. - An Imperial fleet attacked, and we couldn't repel them. Our capital city's a smoking ruin. Two... two million dead, at least. Thousands missing.
            • 101. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 106. - You owe me the truth. Was it worth it?
              • 102. - I want to know, Master. Was it worth it?
                • 103. Option - Yes. You saved us all.Player - I am sorry. But without those tragic losses, we could never have stopped the Children of the Emperor. +50
                • 104. Option - We must make sure of it.Player - We have to work together to ensure your people's suffering was not in vain. +50
                  • 117. - Then... let's look to the future. We'll need help to stand on our own again, but we'll remember what part we played.
                    • 162. - You've accepted the responsibility of a terrible decision. You deserve something for yourself.
                      • 163. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 154. - Your adherence to the light side, and the truth--however you phrase it--suggest you as a candidate for the Jedi Council.
                • 105. Option - This is war. Grow up.Player - If you can't accept necessary casualties, you and your people don't belong out in the galaxy. +50
                  • 126. - How couldn't I see what you really are? I actually thought I....
                  • 115. - So this is what you really are.
                    • 151. - Ahem. Despite your opinions, you have done a great service to the Republic, and that should be recognized.
                      • 152. <Conversation Exit>
      • 38. - Hey, don't forget the Voss commandos. They lost their Mystic.
        • 473. - Gaden-Ko spoke. Mystics must teach. New Jedi must come to Voss. To learn. We ask this.
          • 476. Option - Nothing for yourselves?Player - You fought with honor; you've earned any reward you desire from the Republic.
            • 496. - Gaden-Ko wished this. We ask in his place.
      • 131. - I won't stand and be counted alongside you. Excuse me, sirs. You can find me with my people, where I belong.
        • 499. <Conversation Exit>
  • 514. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 520. <Conversation Exit>
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
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    "ClassesAllowed": [
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