2) Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik to Speak with Lord Veijel
3) Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
Speak with Lord Veijel
4) Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Lord Veijel says that there are arrays in the jungle that are picking up strange signals from beyond the galaxy. The signals indicate a connection to you. Perhaps if you were to activate them, they'd respond in some way.
Activate Arrays: 0/4
5) Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
You've activated the arrays and been given the gift of a small extension of your life. Perhaps Lord Veijel has more information back in his lab.
- Whatever the case, I stand by my decision to not impede in Theron's abduction--and I know Theron would, too. Now he's in a position to do what he does.
439. Option - [Flirt] Sending me away, Theron?Player - What's the matter, Theron--is my being around so distracting you need to hurry me off to some other island?
- I will await you at these coordinates, but do make haste. My visit to Rishi must be brief.
Link to Node 755
743. Option - There are plots afoot.Player - There are schemes at hand that require my attention. If you are involved, I would know. If you are not, then your moment is poorly chosen.
- We may be able to refine the Silencer cannons further, but their radiation output will begin to kill our own gunners. Shall we proceed?
692. Option - Try to minimize our losses.Player - Make the refinements, but post a skeleton crew to any ships so equipped. We have only so many troops to spare.
Link to Node 697
694. Option - Time we retire the Silencers.Player - The Silencers served us well, but there's no use clinging to obsolete technology at our people's expense.
Link to Node 697
696. Option - We proceed, and fear no death.Player - If our men are to die, let them die gloriously in my name. Continue the refinements.
- Your Overseers on Korriban believe the Alzarians might be trained as Sith, but to recruit them now could make an enemy of Ravage.
702. Option - Let Ravage do as he wishes.Player - Ravage is a useful ally. He may crush the Alzarians with my blessing; we'll find new acolytes elsewhere.
Link to Node 705
704. Option - Recruit the natives anyway.Player - Let Ravage whine at the next council meeting. The Empire needs allies, not resentful colonies.
- Along with a high-ranking Republic officer who led the assault on Korriban, Darth Arkous was working for a dangerous cult known as the Order of Revan.
229. Player - The Order of Revan's no secret to me--I had a run-in with them on Dromund Kaas.
- We have a trusted source who's determined that the Nova Blades' base, a wrecked ship called the Aggressor, contains their entire security apparatus. That's our final target.
138. Option - Let's get to it, then.Player - Where do I start?
- That's not the point! Whether we saved him or not, the attempt would have revealed us to the enemy, and then we'd be running now instead of completing our mission!
- A hidden fleet, pirates altering shipping lanes... that's it! They aren't just affecting the shipping lanes, they're also changing Imperial and Republic patrol paths.
634. Player - Revan is trying to draw them into a battle.
- After they caught Theron, I intercepted their transmissions. After that, triangulating their base was a simple calculation. I completed it almost eighty-seven seconds ago!
- They're on a small island, not far from here. The native Rishii have a trading village on the same island. I'm sure they'd give us comfortable lodging.
"_id": {
"$oid": "5fb4389633180000cb08c659"
"Name": "Secrets of the Darkest Stars",
"NameId": "3387539490603096",
"LocalizedName": {
"enMale": "Secrets of the Darkest Stars",
"frMale": "Les secrets des \u00e9toiles les plus noires",
"frFemale": "Les secrets des \u00e9toiles les plus noires",
"deMale": "Geheimnisse der dunkelsten Sterne",
"deFemale": "Geheimnisse der dunkelsten Sterne"
"Icon": "cdx.lore.inquisitor.the_quest_for_immortality",
"IsRepeatable": false,
"RequiredLevel": 0,
"XpLevel": 57,
"Difficulty": "qstDifficultyHard",
"CanAbandon": false,
"IsHidden": false,
"IsClassQuest": true,
"IsBonus": false,
"BonusShareable": false,
"CategoryId": "2466269005611289",
"LocalizedCategory": {
"enMale": "Class",
"frMale": "Classe",
"frFemale": "Classe",
"deMale": "Klasse",
"deFemale": "Klasse"
"Branches": [
"Id": "1",
"DbId": 0,
"Steps": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "",
"LocalizedJournalText": [],
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "You cannot progress in this mission without finishing your class story arc. Complete the mission \"The Dark Council\" to proceed.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "You cannot progress in this mission without finishing your class story arc. Complete the mission \"The Dark Council\" to proceed.",
"frMale": "Pour progresser dans cette mission, vous devez finir l'histoire de votre classe. Terminez la mission \"Le Conseil Noir\" pour continuer.",
"frFemale": "Pour progresser dans cette mission, vous devez finir l'histoire de votre classe. Terminez la mission \"Le Conseil Noir\" pour continuer.",
"deMale": "Du kannst diese Mission erst fortsetzen, wenn du den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse beendet hast. Schlie\u00dfe die Mission 'Der Rat der Sith' ab, um fortzufahren.",
"deFemale": "Du kannst diese Mission erst fortsetzen, wenn du den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse beendet hast. Schlie\u00dfe die Mission 'Der Rat der Sith' ab, um fortzufahren."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Complete Your Class Story Arc",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Complete Your Class Story Arc",
"frMale": "Terminer l'histoire de votre classe",
"frFemale": "Terminer l'histoire de votre classe",
"deMale": "Schlie\u00dfe den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse ab",
"deFemale": "Schlie\u00dfe den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse ab"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestIds": [
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nTake Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nTake Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.",
"frMale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9 pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nRejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.",
"frFemale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9e pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nRejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.",
"deMale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nNimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.",
"deFemale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nNimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Take Talos Drellik to Speak with Lord Veijel",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Take Talos Drellik to Speak with Lord Veijel",
"frMale": "Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel avec Talos Drellik",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel avec Talos Drellik",
"deMale": "Nimm Talos Drellik mit und sprich mit Lord Veijel",
"deFemale": "Nimm Talos Drellik mit und sprich mit Lord Veijel"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 4,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nTake Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nTake Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.",
"frMale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9 pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nRejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.",
"frFemale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9e pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nRejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.",
"deMale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nNimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.",
"deFemale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nNimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Speak with Lord Veijel",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Speak with Lord Veijel",
"frMale": "Parler au Seigneur Veijel",
"frFemale": "Parler au Seigneur Veijel",
"deMale": "Sprich mit Lord Veijel",
"deFemale": "Sprich mit Lord Veijel"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 5,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nLord Veijel says that there are arrays in the jungle that are picking up strange signals from beyond the galaxy. The signals indicate a connection to you. Perhaps if you were to activate them, they'd respond in some way.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nLord Veijel says that there are arrays in the jungle that are picking up strange signals from beyond the galaxy. The signals indicate a connection to you. Perhaps if you were to activate them, they'd respond in some way.",
"frMale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9 pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nD'apr\u00e8s le Seigneur Veijel, des dispositifs install\u00e9s dans la jungle captent d'\u00e9tranges signaux provenant des confins de la galaxie. Les signaux indiquent une connexion avec vous. Si vous arriviez \u00e0 les activer, ils vous r\u00e9pondraient peut-\u00eatre d'une mani\u00e8re ou d'une autre.",
"frFemale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9e pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nD'apr\u00e8s le Seigneur Veijel, des dispositifs install\u00e9s dans la jungle captent d'\u00e9tranges signaux provenant des confins de la galaxie. Les signaux indiquent une connexion avec vous. Si vous arriviez \u00e0 les activer, ils vous r\u00e9pondraient peut-\u00eatre d'une mani\u00e8re ou d'une autre.",
"deMale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nLord Veijel sagt, dass es im Dschungel Anlagen gibt, die seltsame Signale von au\u00dferhalb der Galaxis empfangen. Die Signale weisen auf eine Verbindung zu dir hin. Vielleicht reagieren sie, wenn du sie aktivierst.",
"deFemale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nLord Veijel sagt, dass es im Dschungel Anlagen gibt, die seltsame Signale von au\u00dferhalb der Galaxis empfangen. Die Signale weisen auf eine Verbindung zu dir hin. Vielleicht reagieren sie, wenn du sie aktivierst."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Activate Arrays",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Activate Arrays",
"frMale": "Activer les dispositifs",
"frFemale": "Activer les dispositifs",
"deMale": "Aktiviere die Anlagen",
"deFemale": "Aktiviere die Anlagen"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": true,
"CountMax": 4,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [],
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 2,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 3,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 4,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 5,
"DbId": 0,
"ShowTracking": false,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Id": 6,
"DbId": 0,
"IsShareable": false,
"JournalText": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nYou've activated the arrays and been given the gift of a small extension of your life. Perhaps Lord Veijel has more information back in his lab.",
"LocalizedJournalText": {
"enMale": "Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.\r\n\r\nYou've activated the arrays and been given the gift of a small extension of your life. Perhaps Lord Veijel has more information back in his lab.",
"frMale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9 pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nVous avez activ\u00e9 les dispositifs et re\u00e7u en retour une petite prolongation de votre vie. Le Seigneur Veijel a peut-\u00eatre de plus amples informations dans son laboratoire.",
"frFemale": "Le Moff Pyron vous a contact\u00e9e pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.\r\n\r\nVous avez activ\u00e9 les dispositifs et re\u00e7u en retour une petite prolongation de votre vie. Le Seigneur Veijel a peut-\u00eatre de plus amples informations dans son laboratoire.",
"deMale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nDu hast die Anlagen aktiviert und konntest dein Leben dadurch um eine kurze Zeitspanne verl\u00e4ngern. Vielleicht hat Lord Veijel in seinem Labor weitere Informationen.",
"deFemale": "Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erz\u00e4hlen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten f\u00fcr dich hat.\r\n\r\nDu hast die Anlagen aktiviert und konntest dein Leben dadurch um eine kurze Zeitspanne verl\u00e4ngern. Vielleicht hat Lord Veijel in seinem Labor weitere Informationen."
"Tasks": [
"Id": 1,
"DbId": 0,
"String": "Return to Lord Veijel",
"LocalizedString": {
"enMale": "Return to Lord Veijel",
"frMale": "Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel",
"frFemale": "Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel",
"deMale": "Kehre zu Lord Veijel zur\u00fcck",
"deFemale": "Kehre zu Lord Veijel zur\u00fcck"
"ShowTracking": true,
"ShowCount": false,
"CountMax": 1,
"TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
"TaskNpcB62Ids": [],
"TaskPlcB62Ids": [],
"MapNoteB62Ids": [
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"BonusMissionsIds": [],
"ItemsGiven": [],
"ItemsTaken": []
"Items": [],
"Rewards": [
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"ClassesB62": [
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"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16140904042588689103"
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"IsAlwaysProvided": false,
"Base62Id": "3YTJp8A",
"ClassesB62": [
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"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16141165543420012303"
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"Base62Id": "pzvWhmI",
"ClassesB62": [
"NumberOfItem": 1,
"MinLevel": 1,
"MaxLevel": 75,
"Id": "16141165026185706704"
"ReqPrivacy": "",
"CreditRewardType": "-5509327477874054083",
"CreditsRewarded": 12200,
"XP": 0,
"SubXP": 0,
"F2PXP": 0,
"CommandXP": 600,
"HashedIcon": "2625183123_2914528133",
"BranchCount": 1,
"ClassesB62": [
"ConversationGains": {
"CompanionsParsed": [],
"NodeText": [],
"AffectionGainTable": []
"QuestsNextB62": [],
"QuestsPreviousB62": [
"Id": "16141173207625629891",
"Base62Id": "mm2KGe3",
"Fqn": "qst.exp.02.rishi.class.sith_sorcerer.secrets_of_the_darkest_stars",
"B62References": {
"requiredForAch": [
"conversationProgresses": [
"conversationEnds": [
"conversationStarts": [
"QuestMpns": [
"first_seen": "3.0.0",
"last_seen": "6.2.1a",
"current_version": "6.2.1a",
"hash": "957606353",
"removed_in": "",
"changed_fields": [
"previous_versions": [
"ClassesAllowed": [
"Sith Inquisitor"
[_id] => MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId Object
[oid] => 5fb4389633180000cb08c659
[Name] => Secrets of the Darkest Stars
[NameId] => 3387539490603096
[LocalizedName] => Array
[enMale] => Secrets of the Darkest Stars
[frMale] => Les secrets des étoiles les plus noires
[frFemale] => Les secrets des étoiles les plus noires
[deMale] => Geheimnisse der dunkelsten Sterne
[deFemale] => Geheimnisse der dunkelsten Sterne
[Icon] => cdx.lore.inquisitor.the_quest_for_immortality
[IsRepeatable] =>
[RequiredLevel] => 0
[XpLevel] => 57
[Difficulty] => qstDifficultyHard
[CanAbandon] =>
[IsHidden] =>
[IsClassQuest] => 1
[IsBonus] =>
[BonusShareable] =>
[CategoryId] => 2466269005611289
[LocalizedCategory] => Array
[enMale] => Class
[frMale] => Classe
[frFemale] => Classe
[deMale] => Klasse
[deFemale] => Klasse
[Branches] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[Steps] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] =>
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
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[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
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[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => You cannot progress in this mission without finishing your class story arc. Complete the mission "The Dark Council" to proceed.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => You cannot progress in this mission without finishing your class story arc. Complete the mission "The Dark Council" to proceed.
[frMale] => Pour progresser dans cette mission, vous devez finir l'histoire de votre classe. Terminez la mission "Le Conseil Noir" pour continuer.
[frFemale] => Pour progresser dans cette mission, vous devez finir l'histoire de votre classe. Terminez la mission "Le Conseil Noir" pour continuer.
[deMale] => Du kannst diese Mission erst fortsetzen, wenn du den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse beendet hast. Schließe die Mission 'Der Rat der Sith' ab, um fortzufahren.
[deFemale] => Du kannst diese Mission erst fortsetzen, wenn du den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse beendet hast. Schließe die Mission 'Der Rat der Sith' ab, um fortzufahren.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Complete Your Class Story Arc
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Complete Your Class Story Arc
[frMale] => Terminer l'histoire de votre classe
[frFemale] => Terminer l'histoire de votre classe
[deMale] => Schließe den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse ab
[deFemale] => Schließe den Handlungsbogen deiner Klasse ab
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestIds] => Array
[0] => 1.6141094196775E+19
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[0] => IONU7A7
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
[frMale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contacté pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Rejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.
[frFemale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contactée pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Rejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.
[deMale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Nimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.
[deFemale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Nimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Take Talos Drellik to Speak with Lord Veijel
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Take Talos Drellik to Speak with Lord Veijel
[frMale] => Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel avec Talos Drellik
[frFemale] => Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel avec Talos Drellik
[deMale] => Nimm Talos Drellik mit und sprich mit Lord Veijel
[deFemale] => Nimm Talos Drellik mit und sprich mit Lord Veijel
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[3] => Array
[Id] => 4
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Take Talos Drellik with you to meet Lord Veijel on Rishi.
[frMale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contacté pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Rejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.
[frFemale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contactée pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Rejoignez le Seigneur Veijel sur Rishi avec Talos Drellik.
[deMale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Nimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.
[deFemale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Nimm Talos Drellik mit und triff dich mit Lord Veijel auf Rishi.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Speak with Lord Veijel
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Speak with Lord Veijel
[frMale] => Parler au Seigneur Veijel
[frFemale] => Parler au Seigneur Veijel
[deMale] => Sprich mit Lord Veijel
[deFemale] => Sprich mit Lord Veijel
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[4] => Array
[Id] => 5
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Lord Veijel says that there are arrays in the jungle that are picking up strange signals from beyond the galaxy. The signals indicate a connection to you. Perhaps if you were to activate them, they'd respond in some way.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
Lord Veijel says that there are arrays in the jungle that are picking up strange signals from beyond the galaxy. The signals indicate a connection to you. Perhaps if you were to activate them, they'd respond in some way.
[frMale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contacté pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
D'après le Seigneur Veijel, des dispositifs installés dans la jungle captent d'étranges signaux provenant des confins de la galaxie. Les signaux indiquent une connexion avec vous. Si vous arriviez à les activer, ils vous répondraient peut-être d'une manière ou d'une autre.
[frFemale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contactée pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
D'après le Seigneur Veijel, des dispositifs installés dans la jungle captent d'étranges signaux provenant des confins de la galaxie. Les signaux indiquent une connexion avec vous. Si vous arriviez à les activer, ils vous répondraient peut-être d'une manière ou d'une autre.
[deMale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Lord Veijel sagt, dass es im Dschungel Anlagen gibt, die seltsame Signale von außerhalb der Galaxis empfangen. Die Signale weisen auf eine Verbindung zu dir hin. Vielleicht reagieren sie, wenn du sie aktivierst.
[deFemale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Lord Veijel sagt, dass es im Dschungel Anlagen gibt, die seltsame Signale von außerhalb der Galaxis empfangen. Die Signale weisen auf eine Verbindung zu dir hin. Vielleicht reagieren sie, wenn du sie aktivierst.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Activate Arrays
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Activate Arrays
[frMale] => Activer les dispositifs
[frFemale] => Activer les dispositifs
[deMale] => Aktiviere die Anlagen
[deFemale] => Aktiviere die Anlagen
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] => 1
[CountMax] => 4
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[1] => Array
[Id] => 2
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[2] => Array
[Id] => 3
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[3] => Array
[Id] => 4
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[4] => Array
[Id] => 5
[DbId] => 0
[ShowTracking] =>
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[5] => Array
[Id] => 6
[DbId] => 0
[IsShareable] =>
[JournalText] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
You've activated the arrays and been given the gift of a small extension of your life. Perhaps Lord Veijel has more information back in his lab.
[LocalizedJournalText] => Array
[enMale] => Moff Pyron has contacted you to tell you that Lord Veijel, a member of your retinue, has news that relates to you on Rishi.
You've activated the arrays and been given the gift of a small extension of your life. Perhaps Lord Veijel has more information back in his lab.
[frMale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contacté pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Vous avez activé les dispositifs et reçu en retour une petite prolongation de votre vie. Le Seigneur Veijel a peut-être de plus amples informations dans son laboratoire.
[frFemale] => Le Moff Pyron vous a contactée pour vous dire que le Seigneur Veijel, un de vos subalternes, a des nouvelles vous concernant sur Rishi.
Vous avez activé les dispositifs et reçu en retour une petite prolongation de votre vie. Le Seigneur Veijel a peut-être de plus amples informations dans son laboratoire.
[deMale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Du hast die Anlagen aktiviert und konntest dein Leben dadurch um eine kurze Zeitspanne verlängern. Vielleicht hat Lord Veijel in seinem Labor weitere Informationen.
[deFemale] => Moff Pyron hat dich kontaktiert, um dir zu erzählen, dass Lord Veijel, ein Mitglied deines Gefolges, auf Rishi Neuigkeiten für dich hat.
Du hast die Anlagen aktiviert und konntest dein Leben dadurch um eine kurze Zeitspanne verlängern. Vielleicht hat Lord Veijel in seinem Labor weitere Informationen.
[Tasks] => Array
[0] => Array
[Id] => 1
[DbId] => 0
[String] => Return to Lord Veijel
[LocalizedString] => Array
[enMale] => Return to Lord Veijel
[frMale] => Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel
[frFemale] => Rejoindre le Seigneur Veijel
[deMale] => Kehre zu Lord Veijel zurück
[deFemale] => Kehre zu Lord Veijel zurück
[ShowTracking] => 1
[ShowCount] =>
[CountMax] => 1
[TaskQuestB62Ids] => Array
[TaskNpcB62Ids] => Array
[TaskPlcB62Ids] => Array
[MapNoteB62Ids] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[BonusMissionsIds] => Array
[ItemsGiven] => Array
[ItemsTaken] => Array
[Items] => Array
[Rewards] => Array
[0] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => pb8gPB5
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => ipVkeb2
[1] => O1SBiJ5
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16140904042588689103
[1] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => 3YTJp8A
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => ogjsy1H
[1] => nXyrPO6
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141165543420012303
[2] => Array
[UnknownNum] => 0
[IsAlwaysProvided] =>
[Base62Id] => pzvWhmI
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => MSAQx31
[1] => zpXqLr0
[NumberOfItem] => 1
[MinLevel] => 1
[MaxLevel] => 75
[Id] => 16141165026185706704
[ReqPrivacy] =>
[CreditRewardType] => -5509327477874054083
[CreditsRewarded] => 12200
[XP] => 0
[SubXP] => 0
[F2PXP] => 0
[CommandXP] => 600
[HashedIcon] => 2625183123_2914528133
[BranchCount] => 1
[ClassesB62] => Array
[0] => ipVkeb2
[ConversationGains] => Array
[CompanionsParsed] => Array
[NodeText] => Array
[AffectionGainTable] => Array
[QuestsNextB62] => Array
[QuestsPreviousB62] => Array
[0] => n4LBu90
[1] => nlf6Vy3
[2] => bkNA0f1
[3] => xwCwOp1
[4] => W2eTWk4
[Id] => 16141173207625629891
[Base62Id] => mm2KGe3
[Fqn] => qst.exp.02.rishi.class.sith_sorcerer.secrets_of_the_darkest_stars
[B62References] => Array
[requiredForAch] => Array
[0] => Ox73ihA
[conversationProgresses] => Array
[0] => 3fPojvF
[conversationEnds] => Array
[0] => 3fPojvF
[conversationStarts] => Array
[0] => Y2HtTI7
[QuestMpns] => Array
[0] => 0000000
[first_seen] => 3.0.0
[last_seen] => 6.2.1a
[current_version] => 6.2.1a
[hash] => 957606353
[removed_in] =>
[changed_fields] => Array
[0] => ClassesAllowed
[1] => hash
[previous_versions] => Array
[0] => 3.0.0
[1] => 3.0.2
[2] => 4.0.0
[3] => 4.1.0
[4] => 5.0.0
[5] => 5.2.0
[6] => 5.2.1
[7] => 6.0.0
[ClassesAllowed] => Array
[0] => Sith Inquisitor