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[HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected

Reward Level Range: -
[HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected
Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.

The Dread Lords have not been idle, however, and have sent elite assassins led by the Lord of Agony to retake the ship. You must battle your way through the Fatality's halls once again and defeat the Lord of Agony before you will be able to reach the cargo hold.
Defeat the Lord of Agony
Examine the Fabricator
Mission Rewards
Provided Rewards:
Level 1-75
Ancient Artifact Storage Box
HK51's Combat Outfit
[HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected
Defeat the Lord of Agony
2) Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs. ...
Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.

You have managed to defeat the Lord of Agony and clear the way to the Fatality's cargo hold. Enter the cargo hold and engage the fabricator console to begin the repair process.
Examine the Fabricator
Command XP: 600
Category: Companion
Can Abandon: No
Hidden: No
Class Quest: No
Bonus: No
Shareable: No
Required Privacy: None
First Seen: 1.4.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: [HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected
Other Sites:


(Click an NPC or another link in the list below to open the conversation)
  • Starts:
  • Progresses: hk_51
  • Ends: hk_51
  • 285. - Thanks to you, maybe now we can get the rest of those HK droids working for the Republic.
  • 294. <Conversation Exit>
  • 245. Player - I have everything we need to reactivate the HK droids.
    • 246. - Everything except the best droid engineer in the sector. Luckily, he owes me a favor. He'll meet you inside the Fatality when it's clear.
      • 250. - And yes, that means enemy forces have retaken the ship. This time, a Sith calling himself the Lord of Agony.
        • 251. Option - He won't be a problem for me.Player - I fought more than a few Sith getting these parts. One more shouldn't make much difference.
          • 257. - This one's not your average Sith. He tore through a platoon of our soldiers like they were flimsiplast.
        • 252. Option - Tell me who he works for.Player - Whom does this lord serve? The Dread Masters, the Empire, or himself?
          • 258. - Does it matter? He's between us and an army of assassin droids.
        • 253. Option - That doesn't sound good.Player - I guess it's too much to hope that he attacks people with boring conversation?
          • 259. - No, that's the Lord of Annoyance. Different guy.
        • 254. Option - At least he's honest.Player - Say what you want about Sith, but I appreciate their openness. You always know what their hobbies and interests are.
          • 260. - Personally, I'd prefer they keep more to themselves.
        • 255. Option - How did this happen?Player - The Republic couldn't spare a platoon to secure the Fatality while I was gone?
          • 261. - The Republic assigned a whole company to guard the crash site. It didn't make any difference.
        • 256. Option - Don't worry, I'll kill him.Player - He'll have to change his nickname to the Lord of Corpses when I'm done.
          • 262. - I think that name's taken. Wicked little guy on Nar Shaddaa. You don't want to know.
            • 278. - You're in for a nightmare of a fight, but it's the only way to keep those HK droids out of enemy hands.
              • 264. - Once the Fatality is safe to enter, my engineer friend will head inside. Not much of a talker, but he gets the job done.
                • 293. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - I'm staying put. There's a lot more I need to see if we're going to get these HK units out.
  • 5. Player - Here's your cargo manifest. The Fatality was carrying HK droids.
    • 6. - HK droids haven't been seen in the galaxy for decades.
      • 175. - ...and that ship is filled with them. Some kind of secret Imperial project. No wonder our friends are fighting over that wreck.
        • 182. Option - There's more to this story.Player - That doesn't explain why the Fatality came to Belsavis years ago. Was the Empire planning to use those droids here?
          • 183. - Not the Empire--an apprentice of the Dread Masters. According to this, he stole the Fatality and its HKs at their command.
        • 9. Option - Explain these HKs.Player - What exactly is an HK droid? What are they used for?
          • 176. - Skipped history class? The HK model was the deadliest assassin droid ever produced. The most famous one was made to order for Darth Revan.
        • 178. Option - We should destroy the droids.Player - Let's demolish that ship and be rid of this threat once and for all.
          • 179. - Hang on, we're talking about serious hardware--the kind that wins wars for whoever controls it.
            • 185. - It's all starting to make sense. The Dread Masters used their powers to guide the Fatality and its HKs here to stage a breakout.
              • 189. - That plan failed, but now our enemies can use the droids for something much worse.
                • 190. Option - But we defeated their forces.Player - The Houk and his minions are all dead. The Dread Masters aren't a problem.
                  • 194. - They're not our only enemies. What if the Empire gets these things--or the Hutt Cartel?
                • 192. Option - The droids are that powerful?Player - What's the damage potential of these droids? How much could they do to us?
                  • 193. - A single HK droid operating alone can easily eliminate military, political and economic leaders. The Fatality holds dozens of HKs. An army.
                • 191. Option - The HKs I saw were broken.Player - There wasn't a single HK droid on the ship that wasn't damaged and frozen in ice.
                  • 195. - You can bet our enemies have a plan to fix them.
                    • 177. - HK droids are a bigger advantage than our enemies deserve. We've got to get those things out of the Fatality and working for us.
                      • 202. Option - I'm not sure I agree.Player - How can we use something designed for evil to do anything good?
                        • 199. - Assassination isn't the Republic's style--but if we take out enough Sith to end this war we'll be saving billions of lives.
                      • 241. Option - What about working for me?Player - I could do a lot of good with an assassin droid on my team.
                        • 204. - Considering how many defeats you've personally handed the Empire, I'd say you're exactly who needs an HK unit.
                      • 203. Option - HKs shouldn't be trusted.Player - I've heard assassin droids have a tendency to kill their own masters.
                        • 206. - Only the ones with poor programming. Remember, they're just machines.
                          • 208. - Problem is, the Fatality's droids were all damaged in the crash. They've spent years on ice, but we need them working yesterday.
                            • 210. - Schematics and spare parts are the key ingredients. I know for a fact Czerka Corporation maintains HK designs in their laboratory databases.
                              • 211. Option - Then let's get them.Player - If it's the only way to ensure the HKs don't wind up in enemy hands, I'll do whatever it takes.
                                • 217. - You've got a track record for achieving the impossible, master Jedi. I like that.
                              • 212. Option - We need a plan.Player - I doubt Czerka's leaders will just hand over the schematics. That doesn't leave us too many legal options.
                                • 218. - We don't need Czerka's permission. They desert their operations without wiping the databanks all the time.
                              • 213. Option - I can get whatever we need.Player - I'll start by asking Czerka nicely. If that doesn't work, I know lots of other ways to ask.
                                • 219. - I think we can do this without going to war with an entire corporation.
                              • 214. Option - Sounds like a plan.Player - Good old Czerka... you can always count on those guys to have things they shouldn't. Time for a little breaking and entering.
                                • 220. - Probably more of the former than the latter.
                              • 216. Option - Great. Go and get them.Player - You're the spy. Go fetch those things yourself.
                                • 222. - In case it's not obvious, I'm the kind of spy who's good at watching and not much else.
                                  • 224. - I have a lead on one private Czerka complex. Raiding it won't be easy, but what is? The rest will be up to you.
                                    • 226. - Get the schematics and whatever parts we'll need. I'll maintain position and watch the Fatality until you get back. Be seeing you.
                              • 215. Option - I want no part of this.Player - The Republic has no business reactivating murderous droids designed by the Empire. This will end badly.
                                • 221. - Unlike people, droids can be reprogrammed. If anything goes wrong, we'll pull the plug.
                                  • 286. - There's a Czerka complex you can raid for the schematics. At least give it a look before making up your mind.
                                    • 288. - Regardless, I'm stuck here until the Republic sends reinforcements. Be seeing you--I hope.
                                      • 291. <Conversation Exit>
  • 58. - Better head for the Fatality now. It isn't getting any warmer.
  • 59. - Finally! I've been comming the Republic for days. Starting to get frostbite out here.
    • 114. - Name's Bren. I'm SIS. Been tracking intel reports of Imperial activity in Belsavis's frigid zone. Nothing's supposed to be here.
      • 116. - Turns out there's something: the "Fatality." Imperial destroyer downed years ago. The Dread Masters' forces are holding it like she's still spaceworthy.
        • 118. Option - That ship shouldn't be here.Player - The Empire didn't know Belsavis existed until recently. Are you saying one of their warships came here that long ago?
          • 119. - Republic brass locked down the incident tighter than a Sith Lord's helmet, but yeah--that recent invasion wasn't the first.
        • 120. Option - Dread Master forces, too?Player - So the Imperials aren't the only ones after this wreck. That ship must really be something.
          • 121. - Don't get me wrong, the Fatality's a write-off--which makes this all the more interesting.
        • 117. Option - Good. Let them fight.Player - Once the Imperials and the Dread Masters have softened each other up, we can carpet bomb the lot of them.
          • 73. - They can kill each other for all I care. I want to know what's in that wreck that's worth fighting for.
            • 124. - Been piecing together old intel reports. Long time back, shortly after the Dread Masters' capture, the Fatality paid Belsavis a surprise visit.
              • 126. - We shot it down before it could do much damage. Looked like the vessel disintegrated on impact. No more Imp ships came, so we figured it was a fluke.
                • 128. Option - It was no coincidence.Player - Hard to believe an Imperial destroyer accidentally stumbled onto the Republic's top-secret prison.
                  • 131. - That's how it looked then... but the Dread Masters knew to look for the Fatality's wreckage. I'm thinking it came here to rescue them.
                • 127. Option - Did anyone survive?Player - No escape pods launched before the Fatality went down? It must have been a short fight.
                  • 130. - We got lucky--cracked the enemy's reactor with our first hit. Crew died from radiation exposure. Better than freezing under the ice, I guess.
                • 129. Option - Our people failed.Player - If there's more to that wreck than scrap metal, whoever shot down the Fatality didn't do his job.
                  • 132. - We scanned the Fatality's crash site and found nothing. Now I know why--the Imp vessel went deep under the ice.
                    • 134. - I got close to the fighting out there. The Dread Masters' forces are a nasty bunch, led by a mean mountain of a Houk.
                      • 171. - The Imps are terrified of this guy. Heard the commander telling his men the Houk's hunting them for sport. Can't argue with that assessment.
                        • 154. Option - Neither can I.Player - Imperial soldiers don't scare easily. The leader of the Dread Masters' forces must be especially dangerous.
                          • 156. - I've seen this Houk, master Jedi. "Dangerous" is an understatement.
                        • 155. Option - I have a very bad feeling.Player - I sense great evil at work here. The Dread Masters have sent something malignant to protect their objective.
                          • 157. - My guess? The Imperials bought us very little time to sort this out in our favor.
                        • 151. Option - Seems like the Houk's winning.Player - If your intel's right, the Dread Masters have the upper hand here.
                          • 149. - They've definitely got position. The Houk and his men are down in the wreck, and the Imps are outside licking their wounds.
                        • 152. Option - There goes my sly approach.Player - What I'm hearing is, challenging the Houk to a game of sabacc probably isn't an option.
                          • 153. - I don't think he plays cards. Might eat them, I suppose.
                        • 160. Option - You're lucky to be alive.Player - If either enemy force had caught you watching them, this conversation wouldn't be happening.
                          • 161. - That's the spy lifestyle. Glamorous as it sounds, I decided to fall back when I saw that Houk.
                        • 142. Option - Is that supposed to scare me?Player - I've faced all kinds of predators, animal and otherwise. The Imperials may be easily frightened, but I'm not.
                          • 143. - Fear's not the issue. This Dread Master legion is vicious and dug in deep.
                            • 144. - Whatever's inside the Fatality, we don't want the Imps or Dread Masters getting it. People like you could make sure they don't.
                              • 164. Option - Count me in.Player - I didn't listen to all this just to say "no." Of course I'll help you.
                              • 166. Option - This better be worth my time.Player - If they aren't fighting over some ancient secret weapon that could crack the galaxy in half, I'll be very disappointed.
                                • 105. - Trust me-- whatever's down there, it's big.
                              • 165. Option - I'll kill them all.Player - I'll make sure the Fatality earns it name. Dread Master forces... Imperial troops... they all die.
                                • 168. - I appreciate thoroughness, but don't lose sight of what these people are chasing. That's the prize.
                                  • 172. - I'm giving you coordinates to the Fatality's excavation site. Send the competition packing and hunt down the ship's cargo manifest. Then we'll know what we're dealing with. Be seeing you.
                                    • 108. <Conversation Exit>
  • 109. - Always nice to see a warm, friendly face. Well, a friendly one, anyway.
MissionCategoryRequired LevelAdded In
    "_id": {
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    "Name": "[HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected",
    "NameId": "2981836879822936",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "[HEROIC 2+] Warning: Rivals Detected",
        "frMale": "[H\u00c9RO\u00cfQUE 2+] Alerte\u00a0: ennemis d\u00e9tect\u00e9s",
        "frFemale": "[H\u00c9RO\u00cfQUE 2+] Alerte\u00a0: ennemis d\u00e9tect\u00e9s",
        "deMale": "[HELDEN 2+] Warnung: Rivalen entdeckt",
        "deFemale": "[HELDEN 2+] Warnung: Rivalen entdeckt"
    "Icon": "cdx.qtr.1x4.persons.belsavis.hk_51",
    "IsRepeatable": false,
    "RequiredLevel": 0,
    "XpLevel": 50,
    "Difficulty": "qstDifficultyNormal",
    "CanAbandon": false,
    "IsHidden": false,
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    "CategoryId": "2466269005611288",
    "LocalizedCategory": {
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        "frMale": "Partenaire",
        "frFemale": "Partenaire",
        "deMale": "Gef\u00e4hrte",
        "deFemale": "Gef\u00e4hrte"
    "Branches": [
            "Id": "1",
            "DbId": 0,
            "Steps": [
                    "Id": 1,
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                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "",
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                    "Tasks": [
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
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                    "Id": 2,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": true,
                    "JournalText": "Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.\r\n\r\nThe Dread Lords have not been idle, however, and have sent elite assassins led by the Lord of Agony to retake the ship. You must battle your way through the Fatality's halls once again and defeat the Lord of Agony before you will be able to reach the cargo hold.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.\r\n\r\nThe Dread Lords have not been idle, however, and have sent elite assassins led by the Lord of Agony to retake the ship. You must battle your way through the Fatality's halls once again and defeat the Lord of Agony before you will be able to reach the cargo hold.",
                        "frMale": "Apr\u00e8s avoir parcouru la galaxie et rassembl\u00e9 les pi\u00e8ces n\u00e9cessaires pour r\u00e9parer un des dro\u00efdes HK contenus dans la soute du Fatalisme, vous retournez \u00e0 l'\u00e9pave pour faire les r\u00e9parations.\r\n\r\nCependant, les Seigneurs d'Effroi ne sont pas rest\u00e9s sans rien faire. Ils ont envoy\u00e9 des assassins d'\u00e9lite dirig\u00e9s par le Seigneur de l'Agonie reprendre le vaisseau. Vous devrez de nouveau vous battre dans les couloirs du Fatalisme et vaincre le Seigneur de l'Agonie pour pouvoir atteindre la soute.",
                        "frFemale": "Apr\u00e8s avoir parcouru la galaxie et rassembl\u00e9 les pi\u00e8ces n\u00e9cessaires pour r\u00e9parer un des dro\u00efdes HK contenus dans la soute du Fatalisme, vous retournez \u00e0 l'\u00e9pave pour faire les r\u00e9parations.\r\n\r\nCependant, les Seigneurs d'Effroi ne sont pas rest\u00e9s sans rien faire. Ils ont envoy\u00e9 des assassins d'\u00e9lite dirig\u00e9s par le Seigneur de l'Agonie reprendre le vaisseau. Vous devrez de nouveau vous battre dans les couloirs du Fatalisme et vaincre le Seigneur de l'Agonie pour pouvoir atteindre la soute.",
                        "deMale": "Du hast die Galaxis bereist und alle Komponenten zusammengetragen, die zur Reparatur eines HK-Droiden im Laderaum der Fatality ben\u00f6tigt werden, und kehrst nun zum Schiffswrack zur\u00fcck, um die Reparaturen durchzuf\u00fchren.\r\n\r\nDie Schreckensmeister waren jedoch nicht unt\u00e4tig und haben Elite-Attent\u00e4ter unter der F\u00fchrung des Lords der Qualen ausgesandt, um das Schiff zur\u00fcckzuerobern. Du musst dich erneut durch die Hallen der Fatality k\u00e4mpfen und den Lord der Qualen besiegen, bevor du den Laderaum erreichen kannst.",
                        "deFemale": "Du hast die Galaxis bereist und alle Komponenten zusammengetragen, die zur Reparatur eines HK-Droiden im Laderaum der Fatality ben\u00f6tigt werden, und kehrst nun zum Schiffswrack zur\u00fcck, um die Reparaturen durchzuf\u00fchren.\r\n\r\nDie Schreckensmeister waren jedoch nicht unt\u00e4tig und haben Elite-Attent\u00e4ter unter der F\u00fchrung des Lords der Qualen ausgesandt, um das Schiff zur\u00fcckzuerobern. Du musst dich erneut durch die Hallen der Fatality k\u00e4mpfen und den Lord der Qualen besiegen, bevor du den Laderaum erreichen kannst."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Defeat the Lord of Agony",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Defeat the Lord of Agony",
                                "frMale": "Vaincre le Seigneur de l'Agonie",
                                "frFemale": "Vaincre le Seigneur de l'Agonie",
                                "deMale": "Besiege den Lord der Qualen",
                                "deFemale": "Besiege den Lord der Qualen"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
                            "ShowCount": false,
                            "CountMax": 1,
                            "TaskQuestB62Ids": [],
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                    "BonusMissionsIds": [],
                    "ItemsGiven": [],
                    "ItemsTaken": []
                    "Id": 3,
                    "DbId": 0,
                    "IsShareable": false,
                    "JournalText": "Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.\r\n\r\nYou have managed to defeat the Lord of Agony and clear the way to the Fatality's cargo hold. Enter the cargo hold and engage the fabricator console to begin the repair process.",
                    "LocalizedJournalText": {
                        "enMale": "Having traveled the galaxy and gathered the components necessary to repair one of the HK droids held in the cargo hold of the Fatality, you now return to the shipwreck to perform the repairs.\r\n\r\nYou have managed to defeat the Lord of Agony and clear the way to the Fatality's cargo hold. Enter the cargo hold and engage the fabricator console to begin the repair process.",
                        "frMale": "Apr\u00e8s avoir parcouru la galaxie et rassembl\u00e9 les pi\u00e8ces n\u00e9cessaires pour r\u00e9parer un des dro\u00efdes HK contenus dans la soute du Fatalisme, vous retournez \u00e0 l'\u00e9pave pour faire les r\u00e9parations.\r\n\r\nVous avez vaincu le Seigneur de l'Agonie et vous vous \u00eates fray\u00e9 un chemin jusqu'\u00e0 la soute du Fatalisme. Entrez dans la soute et interagissez avec le terminal de fabrication pour commencer le processus de r\u00e9paration.",
                        "frFemale": "Apr\u00e8s avoir parcouru la galaxie et rassembl\u00e9 les pi\u00e8ces n\u00e9cessaires pour r\u00e9parer un des dro\u00efdes HK contenus dans la soute du Fatalisme, vous retournez \u00e0 l'\u00e9pave pour faire les r\u00e9parations.\r\n\r\nVous avez vaincu le Seigneur de l'Agonie et vous vous \u00eates fray\u00e9 un chemin jusqu'\u00e0 la soute du Fatalisme. Entrez dans la soute et interagissez avec le terminal de fabrication pour commencer le processus de r\u00e9paration.",
                        "deMale": "Du hast die Galaxis bereist und alle Komponenten zusammengetragen, die zur Reparatur eines HK-Droiden im Laderaum der Fatality ben\u00f6tigt werden, und kehrst nun zum Schiffswrack zur\u00fcck, um die Reparaturen durchzuf\u00fchren.\r\n\r\nDu hast den Lord der Qualen besiegt und den Weg zum Laderaum der Fatality gesichert. Betritt den Laderaum und benutze die Verarbeiterkonsole, um den Reparaturvorgang zu starten.",
                        "deFemale": "Du hast die Galaxis bereist und alle Komponenten zusammengetragen, die zur Reparatur eines HK-Droiden im Laderaum der Fatality ben\u00f6tigt werden, und kehrst nun zum Schiffswrack zur\u00fcck, um die Reparaturen durchzuf\u00fchren.\r\n\r\nDu hast den Lord der Qualen besiegt und den Weg zum Laderaum der Fatality gesichert. Betritt den Laderaum und benutze die Verarbeiterkonsole, um den Reparaturvorgang zu starten."
                    "Tasks": [
                            "Id": 1,
                            "DbId": 0,
                            "String": "Examine the Fabricator",
                            "LocalizedString": {
                                "enMale": "Examine the Fabricator",
                                "frMale": "Examiner le terminal de fabrication",
                                "frFemale": "Examiner le terminal de fabrication",
                                "deMale": "Untersuche den Verarbeiter",
                                "deFemale": "Untersuche den Verarbeiter"
                            "ShowTracking": true,
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                    "Id": 4,
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