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Level 1 Doc
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Jedi_knight
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Doc
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  • 3. - Looks like ol' Doc got here just in time. How have you survived with a droid and Little Miss Uptight as your only friends?
    • 83. Option - Be nice to my crew.Player - Teeseven's as loyal as they come--and you should address my fellow Jedi by her name.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 89. - No offense intended. I stopped listening to names after I heard yours.
      • 97. - Right. What's her name? Sneera? Kannoyah? Never mind.
    • 84. Option - Do you think this is a club?Player - This is no party, Doc. We're on an important mission.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 90. - We can save the galaxy and still have a good time, right? Leave everything to me.
    • 82. Option - They are pretty dull.Player - I thought I was about to die of boredom.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 85. - Not while I'm around. Anything happens, I'll be there to resuscitate you.
      • 86. - Your girl's a cold fish, huh? Knew it wasn't just me.
        • 93. - Before I settle in, a few things. First, I like my quarters kept at least five degrees warmer than the rest of the ship.
          • 101. - I only eat energy pudding, so stock up on that. Also, give me thirty minutes in the refresher every morning. That's all.
            • 103. Option - I'll see what I can do.Player - I'll at least accommodate your standard of living on Balmorra.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 105. - Bar's pretty high. Had it awfully good there.
            • 102. Option - You're being silly.Player - Are you sure there isn't more? I could have Teeseven clean your laundry--or read you bedtime stories.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 114. - Make my own bedtime stories, gorgeous. Play your cards right, I'll make yours, too.
              • 115. - Laundry service? Done--and have the girl turn down my bed every night.
            • 104. Option - Get over yourself.Player - If it wasn't for me, you'd be unemployed on Balmorra. Be thankful for what you get.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 107. - Ooh, tough negotiator. I like a little fire. We'll get along fine.
              • 108. - All I'm saying is, world class medical care isn't free.
                • 111. - Never seen a ship's medbay right next to the engine compartment before. Not exactly convenient.
                  • 122. - I've done better with worse. Until I have everything online, stay in one piece. Doctor's orders.
                    • 120. <Conversation Exit>
  • 33. - Funniest thing... that thrill I used to get from saving a patient? It's gone. Once you're saving the galaxy, nothing else compares.
    • 1334. - I mean, how many doctors get to say they saved a septillion beings? I'm thinking it's just me.
      • 1335. Option - It's true.Player - Without your help, the Emperor would've destroyed us all. You're a hero.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1340. - I even got the medals to prove it.
      • 1344. Option - Don't count your victory yet.Player - I wouldn't add "saving the galaxy" to your resume right now. The Emperor's still out there.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1345. - We'll have that crazy Sith under our thumbs in no time, or my name isn't Doc.
      • 1336. Option - [Flirt] You're unique.Player - Not many doctors have married a Jedi, either.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1339. - That's a different kind of thrill.
      • 1337. Option - That's a made-up number.Player - No one knows how many living beings there are in the galaxy.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1341. - Good point. It could be twice that many.
      • 1338. Option - You didn't save them--I did.Player - I don't remember you being in the room when the Emperor fell.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1342. - I fought the whole Imperial Army so you and the Emperor could go toe-to-toe.
      • 1355. Option - Victory will be all mine.Player - The only person who'll get to say they saved the galaxy is me. Don't take credit for my work.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1356. - Come on--let me claim a few billion. Preferably on a planet where people know how to treat a hero.
          • 1346. - Point is, if you hadn't taken me along for this ride, I would've missed out. I appreciate that.
            • 1360. - In fact, I'm offering free medical care for you and anyone else you want. Lifetime guarantee.
              • 1361. Option - Thank you, Doc. Player - That's very generous, especially considering all the trouble we get in. You're making a big commitment.
                • 1369. - And if I'd thought about that before saying it, probably wouldn't have used the word "free."
                  • 1370. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1362. Option - Your lifetime or mine?Player - Does that offer expire with me?
                • 1365. - Good question. I'm gonna live forever, but you can't expand my commitments after you're gone. We'll figure it out later.
                  • 1366. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1363. Option - I want you healing everyone.Player - Free medical care for the galaxy will make us even.
                • 1367. - Did I say "free"? I meant "steeply discounted."
                  • 1368. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 1371. - I've also figured out a way for us to have children without having to explain it to anyone.
                      • 1376. - Those robes you people wear are pretty spacious. I'm betting we could hide a little Doc under them.
                        • 1390. Option - Can we even get pregnant?Player - Our genetics have key differences. Children might not be possible.
                          • 1391. - There's always adoption. Balmorra's full of orphans who need a good home.
                        • 1377. Option - We'll see.Player - There's more to keeping a child secret from the Jedi Council than hiding the mother's belly.
                          • 1385. - Once the kid's born, we'll just tell everyone it's my cousin. It'll work. Trust me--I'm a doctor.
                        • 1378. Option - That's a wonderful idea.Player - I'd love to raise a family with you.
                          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                        • 1379. Option - After we save the galaxy, yes.Player - We can't even consider children until the Emperor's been dealt with. After that, I'll put serious thought into your proposal.
                          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                          • 1381. - I'm a big fan of thinking, myself. Can't wait to put our heads together.
                        • 1380. Option - No children. Not ever.Player - Marrying you is one thing. I'm not ready to raise a family.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 1382. - You keep telling yourself that. Ol' Doc's a patient man.
                            • 1384. - I'll make a great dad. Think of everything I can teach the little scamps.
                    • 1530. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1861. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 51. - All right, you win. Here's the deal: I'm good-looking, smart and charming. I'm a top-flight medical specialist who does charity work.
      • 1210. - I've completely stopped looking at other women, which should be physically impossible. Bottom line, I'm pretty sure I love you.
        • 1211. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1212. - This war may go on forever, but that's no excuse not to get married. Can't believe I just said that.
          • 1213. - The galaxy could end any second, but that's no excuse not to get married. Can't believe I just said that.
            • 1214. Option - I'll marry you, Doc.Player - In a strange twist of fate, it turns out you're the only person I can truly count on. +50
              +200 Influence : greatly approves.
              • 1307. Player - I don't care what the Jedi Code says. I love you, and I want us to be together.
                • 1220. - Whew. For a second I thought you were gonna say "maybe" and I'd have to ask all over again later.
            • 1216. Option - Said what?Player - You didn't actually propose. I can't tell if you're applying for a job or just babbling.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1222. - Knew I should've written this down....
            • 1215. Option - That was a terrible proposal.Player - Please don't tell me you rehearsed that. I prefer to think you've suffered some head trauma and are rambling incoherently.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 1221. - I didn't hear a "no." That's a start.
                • 1225. - I want us to spend the rest of our lives together, like the Wookiees. I'm asking you to make an honest man of me.
                  • 1228. Option - I'll do my best. [Accept]Player - I don't know about the "honest" part, but I'll happily spend the rest of my life with you. +50
                    +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                    • 1237. - Seeger! Get your shiny tail out here! It's a go!
                      • 1240. - I am Ceremony, Gala and Ritual droid designation CGR-80. You may call me "Seeger." Shall we begin your joining?
                        • 1242. Option - Yes. Immediately.Player - There's no time like the present.
                          • 1269. - I've been keeping Seeger on standby. Didn't want you getting cold feet and running for it.
                        • 1243. Option - Where did you come from?Player - Have you been hiding on my ship? I need to chat with Sergeant Rusk and Kira about security.
                          • 1262. - Please--they're no match for ol' Doc. I've had Seeger on board for weeks.
                        • 1241. Option - Doc, this is ridiculous.Player - We're letting a droid marry us? That's insane.
                          • 1263. - No, it's perfect. Seeger will delete the whole ceremony from his database when we're done. You'll never get in trouble for breaking Jedi rules.
                            • 1265. - Please hold hands while I recite the Terms of Bonding.... In all the galaxy, there is no greater force than true love.
                              • 1272. - Love sustains, nourishes and protects. Without love, the galaxy would be cold and empty. Your bond lends fire to the stars, dissolving the darkness.
                                • 1279. - Do you take this man as your husband, to cherish for the rest of your days?
                                  • 1280. Option - Yes.Player - I do. Now and forever.
                                  • 1284. Option - Oh, all right.Player - I suppose it's too late to back out.
                                    • 1285. - Not funny.
                                  • 1281. Option - What if I get a better offer?Player - That's an awfully long time. What if a better man comes along?
                                    • 1282. - Better than me? Impossible.
                                      • 1287. - Do you take this woman as your wife, to honor in word and deed?
                                        • 1292. - Definitely and always. We married yet?
                                          • 1274. - May your love transcend time, distance and all barriers between. The Terms of Bonding are complete. You may now kiss.
                                            • 1298. - Seeger, be a good droid and deactivate yourself. We'll drop you off at our next stop.
                                              • 1300. - Please do. I am scheduled to preside over a Rodian harvest festival in three days. Rodians expect punctuality....
                                                • 1302. - So there you have it. You and me. Together forever.
                                                  • 1294. Option - Perfect. [Kiss Doc]Player - I never imagined it happening like this, but now I can't imagine it any other way.
                                                    • 1305. - I don't know what that means, but it sounded good.
                                                  • 1296. Option - Any doubts or regrets?Player - You're sure this is what you really want?
                                                    • 1303. - Too late to back out, beautiful. You're stuck with me.
                                                  • 1295. Option - Time for the honeymoon.Player - The best thing about quick marriage ceremonies is, you can get right to the good part.
                                                    • 1304. - And that's why I love you.
                  • 1229. Option - Let's keep things as they are.Player - I don't want you to change, Doc. We can be together without getting married.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1231. - I wish somebody'd told me that! Maybe I can still get back my deposit....
                      • 1233. - Don't worry about me. Ol' Doc's up for anything, sweetheart. Whatever you need, I'm your man.
                        • 1235. Option - Thank you for the sweet offer.Player - I appreciate you asking. It's nice to know you care.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1259. - Seemed like you needed a little pick-me-up. Thought I could help out.
                        • 1234. Option - [Flirt] Yes, you are.Player - That goes without saying.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1250. - Doesn't have to. I kinda like hearing it.
                        • 1236. Option - I wouldn't go that far.Player - You're one of my men. Top five, definitely.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 1251. - Come on! I at least qualify for top three. You can't tell me Big Blue and Lord Sithypants have anything I don't.
                    • 1313. - We've never even kissed. I'm not sure keeping things the same means we're "together."
                      • 1314. Option - Maybe someday.Player - I'm not closing the door on anything, Doc.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1324. - Guess that'll have to be enough.
                      • 1316. Option - We aren't--and never will be.Player - I was trying to let you down easy. We're not meant to be, Doc.
                        +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                        • 1317. - A simple "no" would've been plenty.
                      • 1836. Option - [Flirt] We'll fix that.Player - Drop by my quarters after the others have turned in. I'll see what I can do. +50
                        +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                        • 1837. - Blast, I'm easy.
                          • 1253. - Excuse me, gorgeous. I have some, uh, things to cancel. Honeymoon Palace on Naboo, for starters. We'll continue this later.
                            • 1255. - And for the record... I would've made a great husband.
                  • 1230. Option - I can't. [End relationship]Player - I'm a Jedi, Doc. I can't marry you--and I never should have let things go this far. +150
                    +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                    • 1245. Player - I think it's better if you and I are just friends, from now on.
                      • 1246. - Friends... right. Far be it for ol' Doc to argue with your superior wisdom.
                        • 1248. - Let's not drag this awkwardness out. I'll see you around....
    • 1717. - This end-of-the-galaxy business we're always mixed-up in... it can't last, right? Sooner or later, we'll win. Then what?
      • 1797. - I've always been happy to just drift from one system to the next. Settling down is for... settlers.
        • 1799. - The thing is, there's a lot to be said for a home-cooked meal and a warm bed at the end of the day.
          • 1800. Option - You'd be much happier.Player - That sounds like a good life. I think you've earned it, Doc.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1804. - I'm not talking about me. I'm never leaving.
          • 1801. Option - Is that what you want?Player - Are you sure you'd be happy living a quiet life?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1803. - Me? Ha! I'm talking about the rest of this crew.
          • 1802. Option - That life isn't for you.Player - You're a man of action, Doc. The last thing you want to do is become boring.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1805. - Exactly! But we're not having nearly as much fun as we could, because we're surrounded by serious people.
              • 1809. - We've got to convince Kira, Rusk and the others to retire. They're taking up valuable crew space we could use for more interesting personalities.
                • 1811. - We could hire a Zeltron or even a Theelin--they're easy on the eyes. This crew could be colossal. Think about it.
                  • 1528. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1863. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 48. - If someone was going crazy... would your Jedi powers let you know?
      • 1116. Option - They don't work like that.Player - I wish that were true. Would've saved me a lot of trouble.
      • 1200. Option - Are we talking about you?Player - I don't need Jedi powers to see you've been avoiding me lately.
        • 1201. - I haven't avoided you at all--believe me.
      • 1117. Option - Are we talking about you?Player - You seem a little nervous, Doc. Everything alright?
        • 1120. - I'm fine. Probably. How would I know if I wasn't?
      • 1118. Option - [Lie] Definitely. You're nuts.Player - I've known about your insanity for a long time. I've chosen to ignore it.
        • 1121. - I don't mean my usual liveliness.
          • 1123. - Thing is, I've been thinking about someone. A lot. Can't get her out of my head. That's not normal.
            • 1125. Option - [Flirt] It might be.Player - Sounds like you're developing real feelings for her. She must be special to you.
              • 1135. - Doc doesn't develop feelings--but she is special.
            • 1131. Option - You'd better mean me.Player - Unless that someone is standing in the room with you, we probably shouldn't have this conversation.
              • 1134. - Like I have time to date anyone else.
            • 1124. Option - You sound obsessed.Player - Clearly, you're infatuated with the woman.
              • 1133. - That's not necessarily bad, is it?
            • 1126. Option - Nothing about you ever is.Player - I wouldn't worry. "Normal" isn't a word most people associate with you.
              • 1132. - I'm not worried about most people. Just one.
                • 1140. - If I'm going crazy, I don't want to be the only one. You think she might feel the same way about me?
                  • 1147. Option - [Flirt] I'm here, aren't I?Player - She keeps coming back, despite her better instincts. That can only mean one thing.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1834. - Normally I'd kiss you for talking like that. But I'm trying to do this right.
                      • 1164. Option - Sounds like you have a plan.Player - Interesting. And what exactly is "this"?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1168. - No clue. But we're gonna find out together.
                          • 1178. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 1165. Option - I like the new you.Player - Nice to see you're more than just another slick operator.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1179. - Don't be silly. I'm the best slick operator there is.
                      • 1166. Option - [Flirt] Then don't stop.Player - There's a reason we never stopped with just one kiss. +50
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1835. - Why'd it take you so long to finally admit that?
                      • 1161. Option - I'm just glad I finally did.Player - I've been waiting for this a long time. Too long.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1174. - You should've just asked. I never make a lady wait.
                      • 1162. Option - You were being an idiot.Player - You haven't made things easy on yourself. I would've kissed you a long time ago, if you'd treated me better.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1175. - Better than what? Scratch that. Pretend I said something charming.
                      • 1163. Option - [Flirt] Don't ask why.Player - This is no time for questions. +50
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1171. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 1172. - I keep waiting for this to get stale. It keeps staying fresh. That's... weird.
                            • 1194. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 1193. - I'm not a patient guy... but that was definitely worth the wait.
                            • 1195. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 1150. Option - Maybe--if you grow up.Player - She might be waiting for you to behave like an adult, for a change.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1155. - Adults, huh? I studied those in med school.
                  • 1149. Option - Probably not.Player - She may not think you're the right man for her.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1151. - What if I am? It'd be a big mistake to shoot me down without being sure.
                      • 1158. - All I know is, I can't stop thinking--and that's a first.
                        • 1185. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 1186. - Now that the galaxy has a future again, maybe ol' Doc better cogitate on his future--and who's in it.
                          • 1187. - Sooner or later, you and me are gonna save this galaxy. Might be time to start thinking about our reward.
    • 1716. - Lynlee... she was a sweet girl. Wonder whatever happened to her? Hope she caught that shuttle off Malastare. Probably should've left her some credits....
      • 1790. - Oh, hey. Strangest thing... I was chatting with Kira, and I suddenly had this urge to rethink my past relationships.
        • 1793. Option - That is odd.Player - Interesting. What were you and Kira discussing that triggered this?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1815. - I asked her what she likes in a man. Next thing I know, I'm sitting here by myself thinking about old girlfriends.
        • 1794. Option - Kira mind-tricked you.Player - Sounds like you're the victim of a Jedi mind trick, Doc. I'm guessing Kira wanted to get rid of you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1816. - What? You mean... that's dishonest! You people shouldn't do that to your friends! I oughta file a complaint with the Jedi Council.
            • 1830. - From now on, I'm keeping my distance from Kira. If she can't play nice with ol' Doc, she won't play at all!
        • 1795. Option - What have you learned?Player - Any brilliant insights you'd like to share?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1817. - It occurs to me I haven't always been a gentleman. My intentions were pure--it was the follow-through that got me in trouble.
            • 1819. - On the other hand, the follow-through is why they always forgive me. Aah, I'm over-analyzing things. I should eat something....
              • 1526. <Conversation Exit>
  • 30. - This is the worst day of my life! Some idiot bounty hunter killed Nem'ro the Hutt before the Journal of Xenomedicine could examine him.
    • 1055. - They can't verify my treatment worked because Nem'ro's a big messy puddle of goo. There's no proof I saved him.
      • 1057. Option - What a horrifying crime.Player - Someone murdered Nem'ro? That's awful news.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1059. - You're telling me. I staked my whole career on him.
      • 1056. Option - I'm so sorry, Doc.Player - I know how hard you worked to develop that cure.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1060. - The average Hutt lifespan is a thousand years. Nem'ro was only six hundred. Stupid bounty hunter!
      • 1058. Option - Life is like that, sometimes.Player - I understand your frustration, but perhaps you have a destiny beyond mere fame and glory.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 1061. - "Mere"? I was gonna be an immortal giant in the medical community.
          • 1063. - My only hope is someone else coming down with the disease so I can cure it again. I'm not holding my breath.
            • 1089. - The disease is rare. It could be years--decades--before I get another shot at it.
              • 1068. Option - Get some perspective!Player - Another living being is dead, and all you can think about is how it inconveniences you.
                • 1091. Player - I thought you were better than this. I thought you were a healer. Was I wrong?
                  • 1073. - Fame isn't everything. I've got my health. And I know this beautiful, smart woman.
                  • 1074. - Nem'ro wasn't a nice person, but he didn't deserve vaporizing. I'll send something respectful to his memorial service.
              • 1069. Option - Don't do anything foolish.Player - I know how your mind works. Don't even think about infecting someone with that terrible disease.
                • 1072. - I'm not a monster. It would be a mild strain.
              • 1070. Option - Just find another disease.Player - You cured one incurable illness. You can probably cure more.
                • 1071. - That's like saying if you save one planet, you can save another. All right, bad example--but you get my point.
                  • 1079. - You know what? The Journal of Xenomedicine can take a flying leap into a black hole. I'm starting my own blasted journal.
                    • 1081. - I've had enough medical adventures these past few years to fill a library--and I'm telling people all about them.
                      • 1082. Option - Share your wisdom.Player - Good. Your knowledge will make the galaxy a better place.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1094. - And if I get moderately famous in the process, that's alright, too.
                      • 1092. Option - That's the Doc I know.Player - There you are. I was wondering where the real Doc was hiding.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1093. - Ol' Doc never hides. He hibernates.
                      • 1083. Option - That's the spirit.Player - You don't need other people's approval to tell your story.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1095. - No, but it helps.
                      • 1084. Option - Be sure you tell the truth.Player - Leave out your personal embellishments. This could become an important resource. Keep it pure.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1096. - I'm always honest. I can't help leading a legendary lifestyle.
                          • 1098. - Publishing a HoloNet journal won't be easy. I'm gonna need recorders, edit droids and a good s-thread broadcaster.
                            • 1100. - That's some serious scratch. I'll have to start charging for my services. You understand.
                              • 1108. Option - We'll work something out.Player - I'm willing to invest in a worthy venture. +50
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 1111. - I only need a couple of million credits to get started. See what you can do.
                              • 1109. Option - The Empire has credits.Player - Why don't we rob an Imperial bank for the money? +50
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 1112. - This is why I keep you around. You say what I'm thinking.
                              • 1110. Option - Charge me? Forget that!Player - In case you haven't noticed, Jedi aren't rich.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 1113. - Oh, please. This ship alone is worth more than I've made for the past three years.
                                  • 1524. <Conversation Exit>
  • 27. - Ol' Doc's luck is finally turning around! Got a holocall from this ravishing Rattataki I knew on Hutta. Big opportunity to cure something important.
    • 838. Option - That's wonderful news.Player - I take it that means you're no longer attempting to create your own disease.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 844. - Like I always say, a plague in the wild is better than two in the lab.
    • 839. Option - [Flirt] Should I be jealous?Player - "Ravishing Rattataki," eh? Sounds like I might have some competition.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 842. - Until you came along, she was the greatest afternoon I ever had. But don't worry--I'm over her.
      • 843. - Hard to say when I have no standard of comparison. She was really something.
    • 840. Option - Who is she to you?Player - Is this woman another broken-hearted lover you jilted along the way?
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 845. - She wishes. We were like two ships passing in the hyperlanes. Never thought I'd hear from her again.
    • 841. Option - You lived on Hutta?Player - What were you doing on the Hutts' homeworld?
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 846. - There was a big misunderstanding about a debt. I cleared it up.
        • 848. - My friend's old employer is a Hutt Cartel boss named Nem'ro. He's infected with an incurable disease. It's eating him alive--literally.
          • 858. - No one's ever cured what Nem'ro has. He'll pay top credits to any doctor who can save his life. This is my big chance.
            • 859. Option - I thought your goal was fame.Player - You never said you were in this for the money.
              • 866. - The credits are just a bonus. The real reward is my name on every Hutt's lips from here to the Deep Core.
            • 860. Option - Can you cure Nem'ro?Player - Do you actually have a plan to fight this disease?
            • 861. Option - Don't drag me into this.Player - I can already see where this is going--and the answer's "no."
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 862. - Come on--it never hurts to have a Hutt in your pocket. Imagine how grateful Nem'ro will be to us.
                • 864. - Turns out, I studied this disease back in medical school. There's an experimental treatment no one's ever been able to try. It's too risky.
                  • 1665. - But I figure if there's a safe place to work with toxic chemicals, it's a Jedi starship. I know you don't mind.
                    • 1669. Option - I'd better not regret this.Player - Just tell me you know what you're doing.
                      • 1670. - After all this time, doesn't that go without saying? Besides, I started mixing the solution hours ago and the ship's still intact.
                    • 1666. Option - Toxic chemicals?Player - What exactly are you planning to bring on my ship?
                      • 1671. - The main ingredients are cyanogen silicate, ardanium and accelerite, but don't worry--I'm already mixing the solution and we're all still alive.
                    • 1667. Option - Actually, I do.Player - I don't want any toxic substances on this ship.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 1668. - Relax, will you? I'm already mixing the solution and it hasn't exploded. That's a good sign.
                        • 1686. - Now give ol' Doc room to work. I've got a date with medical history.
                          • 1661. - The treatment formula's ready, and good thing--Nem'ro's half the Hutt he used to be.
                            • 1847. - My friend's on her way to help. How's my hair? These clothes fit alright? Ol' Doc's gotta look his best for the historical record.
                              • 907. Option - You haven't made history yet.Player - Worry about your appearance after you've cured Nem'ro.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 911. - By then it'll be too late.
                              • 908. Option - [Flirt] You look great.Player - History will remember you as a handsome man.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 912. - Sure, sure--but what about dashing and intelligent? Forceful, yet sensitive? That's what people expect from a doctor.
                              • 1848. Option - And your ex-girlfriend.Player - I'm sure you old flame will be impressed. Why is she coming here?
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 1849. - Hutt politics. It's complicated.
                              • 910. Option - Get over yourself.Player - Can you possibly be more egotistical?
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 915. - Why, you think it'll help? People expect doctors to act with confidence.
                                  • 919. - When I save Nem'ro's life, the holojournalists will be all over me. Ooh, here she comes....
                                    • 924. - Look at you, gorgeous. Love the new tattoo. Nice gun.
                                      • 1693. - Let's get this over with. I don't enjoy playing hostage. Not for you, anyway.
                                        • 1696. - I need to make sure Nem'ro doesn't try to keep me all to himself after I cure him. Hutts occasionally confuse gratitude with kidnaping.
                                          • 1698. - Nem'ro's got a soft spot for my friend. I'm paying her to stay here as my hostage while I fly to Hutta. Brilliant, huh?
                                            • 1691. Option - No, it's insane.Player - If you're worried about Nem'ro, take me with you. This hostage scheme is ridiculous.
                                              • 1699. - Jedi don't have clearance to land on Hutta. This'll work--trust me.
                                            • 1692. Option - How much are you paying?Player - What's the going rate for a professional hostage?
                                              • 1700. - She charges by the minute. Worth every credit.
                                            • 1694. Option - I don't want her here.Player - You are not leaving your old fling on my ship.
                                              • 1701. - Don't get snippy. A Hutt's life is on the line.
                                                • 945. - Sit tight while I take care of business. I'll be back in no time.
                                                  • 951. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                    • 952. - But before I become the most important medical specialist since Korace Vondar, how about a kiss for luck?
                                                      • 955. Option - You don't need luck.Player - You already have everything you need. May the Force be with you.
                                                        +200 Influence : approves.
                                                        • 968. - All right--but you owe me one.
                                                      • 1707. Option - Not in front of her.Player - Call me old-fashioned, but kissing in the presence of a hostage seems unladylike.
                                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 1708. - Pfft... you're no fun.
                                                      • 1833. Option - [Flirt] Once you're safe, yes.Player - You'll get something much better than a kiss when you get back.
                                                        +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                                                        • 959. - Now that's a heroic send-off.
                                                    • 953. - Nem'ro will be healthy as a rancor in a meat factory, or my name isn't Doc.
                                                      • 965. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 966. - Word to the wise: Every girl is allowed one indiscretion. Doc counts as two.
                                                          • 972. Option - He was good enough for you.Player - According to him, you broke your own rule.
                                                            • 974. - Some mistakes are more satisfying than others--but I suppose Jedi wouldn't understand that.
                                                          • 975. Option - You're jealous.Player - I bet you'd make that same indiscretion again.
                                                            • 977. - I prefer men who aren't in love with the sound of their own voice.
                                                          • 973. Option - Do tell.Player - If you have a story to share, I'm all ears.
                                                            • 979. - It's nothing you haven't already learned for yourself.
                                                        • 967. - Jedi standards must be slipping if a worm like Doc qualifies as an ally.
                                                          • 982. Option - He's a good man.Player - Doc has saved my life many times. He's my friend.
                                                            • 985. - Jedi need him to stay alive? No wonder you people are losing the war.
                                                          • 981. Option - Doc speaks highly of you.Player - Is that any way to talk about an old friend--especially one who clearly adores you?
                                                            • 984. - I'm usually worshiped by men beneath me.
                                                          • 983. Option - Tell me why you call him that.Player - Anyone who's friends with Hutts must know all about slimy creatures. If you have dirt on Doc, let's hear it.
                                                            • 986. - Nothing you haven't already discovered yourself. If you've stayed with him this long, you deserve him.
                                                              • 1712. - Anyway, that's enough polite chit-chat. Is there anything interesting to eat on this rust bucket? I'm famished....
                                                                • 1021. - I did it! Nem'ro's gonna live! The disease is cured! He's already regenerating lost tissue and organs.
                                                                  • 1025. - Wonderful news. I can leave. It's been amusing.
                                                                    • 1027. - You're not gonna stay and help us celebrate?
                                                                      • 1029. - Ha... no.
                                                                        • 1030. Option - Congratulations, Doc.Player - You did a great thing today. You cured an incurable disease. Saved a life.
                                                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                          • 1036. - Even better--I saved someone famous. That's the kind of story the Journal of Xenomedicine loves.
                                                                        • 1033. Option - I can't believe you like her.Player - That woman is a degenerate. She probably eats human hearts for breakfast.
                                                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                          • 1035. - Isn't she great? Uh, not as great as you, though.
                                                                        • 1032. Option - Let's leave.Player - I've already spent far more time here than I intended. Let's celebrate your impressive victory elsewhere.
                                                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                          • 1034. - Just as well. I need to publish my findings to the Journal of Xenomedicine right away.
                                                                        • 1031. Option - She isn't a friend.Player - She said awful things about you. Be happy she's leaving.
                                                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                          • 1049. - Not everyone can appreciate greatness. Lucky for me, I have real fans.
                                                                          • 1037. - Are you kidding? I'm thrilled. The view's twice as good.
                                                                            • 1039. - The important thing is, ol' Doc finally made his mark. When the Journal of Xenomedicine hears this, people will know my name.
                                                                              • 1041. - Couldn't have done this without you. I'm putting your name in the "special thanks" section of my article. At the top, even!
                                                                                • 1533. <Conversation Exit>
  • 24. - It shouldn't be this hard to find a terrible disease I can cure--but all the good ones are taken!
    • 803. - All that's left are embarrassing things like Bothan Nether Rot, or diseases that'll take decades to treat. I don't have that kind of time.
      • 804. Option - Look into rare diseases.Player - There's bound to be something you can cure. Does it have to be a major disease? There are plenty of uncommon ones.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 810. - You don't understand how medicine works. If no one knows it's a disease, they don't care if you cure it.
      • 805. Option - [Flirt] You're still my hero.Player - Even if you never cure a disease, you'll always be the galaxy's greatest doctor to me.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 808. - That's sweet. Not helpful, but sweet.
      • 806. Option - Bothan Nether Rot?Player - Do I want to know what "Bothan Nether Rot" is?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 811. - The diagnosis is too gruesome for delicate ears. Forget I mentioned it.
        • 815. - If you ever develop purple-green discoloration in the trouser area, tell me so I can leave the ship immediately.
      • 807. Option - Or the talent.Player - That's your excuse? Why don't you just admit you lack the skills?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 813. - I'm as skilled as they come! All I need's a good challenge!
          • 819. - This won't keep me down. I'll cure an important disease even if I have to create it myself. Say... that's not a bad idea.
            • 824. Option - Yes, it is.Player - The galaxy doesn't need any new diseases, Doc. +50
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 828. - What's the harm? I'd cure it right away.
            • 826. Option - I won't even try arguing.Player - I know better than to criticize your terrible ideas. You'll figure it out on your own.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 829. - I could mix a little Pig-lizard Flu with a strain of Gamorrean Mumps... oh, yeah--this is going somewhere.
            • 825. Option - Create a Sith-only plague.Player - If you could invent a disease that only infects the Sith, you'd be plenty famous. +50
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 830. - Then I wouldn't need to develop the cure. Not bad.
                • 832. - I'm glad you stopped by, but ol' Doc has thinking to do. You should go meditate. Clean your lightsaber. Whatever.
                  • 1520. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1865. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 45. - Every time I think I've seen it all, the galaxy shows me something new and crazy.
      • 678. - The latest Journal of Xenomedicine reports that Wookiees live for centuries--and mate for life! How can they do that? It's unnatural.
        • 680. Option - Not according to Wookiees.Player - I don't think the Wookiee population would appreciate that sentiment.
          • 682. - I'd never say that while there's one standing around. I like my arms. But still... weird.
        • 679. Option - [Flirt] You disappoint me.Player - So you lack the endurance to stay with a woman more than a few weeks?
          • 683. - If she was a really good kisser, I could be with the right woman for months.
          • 691. - It's not about endurance, gorgeous. It's about enthusiasm. Always best to quit at the top of your game.
        • 681. Option - I agree completely.Player - Being with the same man for the rest of my life? No thanks.
          • 694. - I'm supposed to believe if ol' Doc offered you a lifetime commitment, you'd turn me down? Not that I'm... it was hypothetical.
          • 684. - Trying reverse psychology, huh? Doesn't work on ol' Doc, sweetheart. I know you're crazy for me.
            • 686. - Catching up on the latest medical data always makes me hungry--and I hate eating alone. What do you say, beautiful? Grab a bite?
              • 700. Option - Not until we talk about us.Player - What are we doing, Doc? Jedi aren't supposed to have relationships. I keep hoping I'm breaking that rule for a good reason.
                • 716. Player - But all I see is a man who runs when things get complicated.
              • 699. Option - I hate your pet names for me!Player - My name isn't "beautiful," "gorgeous" or "sweetheart." Keep calling me those, and you'll be on a liquid diet.
                • 703. - They're just nicknames. Didn't mean anything by them.
                • 704. - Read you loud and clear. No more nicknames--that's a promise, darling.
                  • 711. - Now, how about that meal? A healthy diet will keep your lightsaber arm strong.
                    • 728. Option - I'm not done talking about us.Player - This isn't only about how you talk to me. I need to know if I'm wasting my time.
                      • 733. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                        • 734. Player - The Jedi Council would punish me if they knew about our relationship. Do you even care?
                        • 735. Player - I think you're a better man than you pretend to be, Doc. I just wish you'd stop pretending.
                          • 722. Player - You ask me to risk everything, while you risk nothing. I won't do that.
                            • 717. - I'm not trying to take advantage of you. I thought this was how you wanted things. No attachments.
                            • 718. - I'm not asking you to risk anything. We're just having fun, right?
                              • 723. Option - I want more.Player - If I'm breaking the Jedi Code, it can't be for a casual fling. It has to mean something.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 757. - I can't be responsible for messing up your career. Ol' Doc's too much of a gentleman for that.
                                  • 759. - Let's you and me take a little breather. You'll feel better, I'll feel better. We'll come back fresh.
                                    • 761. - I'm, uh... gonna eat now. We'll talk later.
                              • 724. Option - [Flirt] Maybe you're right.Player - I suppose I'm not actually breaking the Jedi Code if we never form a real bond. And you are fun....
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 746. - We have a bond. It's relaxed, that's all.
                                • 747. - See? We're having fun.
                              • 725. Option - Not anymore. It's over.Player - This isn't working out. From now on, our relationship is strictly professional.
                                +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                                • 745. - I'm eating alone, huh? If you change your mind... aw, who am I kidding?
                                  • 751. - We took this as far as it can go. Time for ol' Doc to move on.
                    • 729. Option - [Flirt] I'd prefer some rest.Player - I came here hoping to relax and unwind. +50
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 730. Option - Not in the mood. Goodbye.Player - This little chat spoiled my appetite.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 731. - You don't have to eat with me, but... take care of yourself.
              • 701. Option - [Flirt] That wasn't my plan.Player - I had something else in mind, but if you aren't feeling up to it.... +50
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 702. - Snack time can wait.
                  • 707. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 708. - I swear every time we're together, it's different. You're not using Jedi mind tricks on me, are you?
                      • 764. Option - I would never do that.Player - I only use it on people trying to resist me.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 771. - Good point. Must be something else.
                          • 773. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 765. Option - [Flirt] What if I am?Player - Would you be excited if I said "yes"?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 770. - Sure. I mean, no. I don't know. Are you doing it right now? Don't answer that.
                          • 774. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 766. Option - Don't get weird on me.Player - Keep it casual. You sound like a girl.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 772. - What? Naw, I'm making a clinical observation. Sheesh....
                          • 775. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 793. - I'm tired, that's all. Been a long year.
                            • 794. - This was... interesting. I mean... good. I'm hungry.
                              • 776. - Sergeant Rusk better have left me some energy pudding. Crazy soldier eats everything that isn't nailed down. I'll, uh, see you around.
                    • 752. - All right, now I'm really hungry--but it was worth it. What's a little starvation between friends?
                      • 767. Option - Go eat--I have work to do.Player - Get yourself a meal. I'll be busy saving everyone's lives.
                        • 785. - And we appreciate that.
                      • 768. Option - I'm hungry, too.Player - I'm a bit famished, myself.
                        • 786. - Race you to the food storage.
                      • 769. Option - You'll survive.Player - Stop complaining. I should be enough for you.
                        • 779. - Man can't live on stunningly beautiful Jedi alone.
                          • 754. - If Sergeant Rusk ate all the energy pudding again, I'm gonna be upset. That man has no respect for other people's food.
    • 1776. - I don't believe this. We missed the party of the millennium last night! It's all over the HoloNet. Music... dancing... attractive people.
      • 1778. - We could've been part of that if we hadn't been on the wrong side of the galaxy--saving everyone's lives as usual.
        • 1781. - Two heroes of the Republic would've been colossal at that shindig. Infinite opportunities for romance. We would've had it made.
          • 1759. Option - Fun for you, not me.Player - What you mean is, you would've had it made. I would've been stuck keeping you out of trouble.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1779. - If that trouble was one point six meters tall with green eyes and red hair, I'd have let you off the hook.
          • 1760. Option - Maybe next time, Doc.Player - Just think how much more "colossal" we'll be at these parties once the Empire is defeated.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1763. - We've already earned more admirers than we'll ever have time for. Anything extra is just wasteful.
          • 1761. Option - What do you mean "we," lackey?Player - I'm the famous hero of the Republic. You're just my loyal sidekick.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1767. - I prefer the term "wingman." And you wouldn't even know about these parties if I wasn't around to tell you.
              • 1769. - I'm in the prime of my life, and I'm spending it with people who enjoy running around on exploding planets.
                • 1787. - All I want is to abuse our fame, just for one night. Is that so wrong?
                  • 1518. <Conversation Exit>
  • 21. - Ol' Doc's always been more of a lover than a fighter, but I had to up my game since you came around.
    • 653. - It's not easy looking good when you're fighting next to a Jedi, but I've figured out the trick.
      • 654. Option - I'd like to hear it.Player - Care to clue me in before our next big battle?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 658. - Let's just say I'm getting a new nickname: "Doctor Knockout."
      • 655. Option - [Flirt] You always look good.Player - You're dashing even when you're only standing around.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 659. - That comes naturally. I'm talking about skill, gorgeous.
      • 656. Option - You're too hard on yourself.Player - I've never expected you to keep up with me, Doc. We all have our own strengths.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 660. - "Keep up" with you? I'm leading the way, my friend.
      • 657. Option - Right--staying in my shadow.Player - Hiding behind me is working out very well for you.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 671. - What can I say? I like the way you move. Taught me some things.
        • 672. - If you'd just stop running and admit your true feelings, I'd be right alongside--kicking tail, taking names.
        • 661. - You got me all wrong. I've been researching. Studying your moves. Making my own.
          • 666. - Yep, next time we're surrounded by the scum of the galaxy, they're gonna be sorry they met me.
            • 1516. <Conversation Exit>
  • 18. - Can't believe this... standards at the Republic Health Administration must be nonexistent! I went to medical school with the new acting head.
    • 618. - Guy's a moron. Doesn't know a vibroscalpel from a field cauterizer. He barely passed final exams. How is he top doctor in the Republic?
      • 619. Option - He must have earned it.Player - It's been a while since you were in school together. His skills must have improved.
        • 623. - The only thing that improved was his bank account. Now he's gonna be in all the medical journals....
      • 620. Option - Sounds like trouble.Player - If what you say is true, he shouldn't be allowed to remain in that position. We should contact the authorities.
        • 624. - The authorities are the ones who put him in charge!
      • 621. Option - Connections and payoffs.Player - The Republic isn't a meritocracy. I'm sure he bribed all the right politicians.
        • 626. - This is what always happens. Real doctors go out and save lives. Idiots stay on Coruscant and get themselves promoted!
          • 628. - So what if this guy invented a vaccine for Zabrak Scalp Necrosis? I could've done it. I was just busy.
            • 629. Option - Zabrak Scalp Necrosis?Player - What is "Zabrak Scalp Necrosis"? It sounds bad.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 637. - Ah, it's just a low-grade flesh-eating virus. Makes Zabraks' horns fall out. Embarrassing, not life-threatening.
            • 630. Option - [Flirt] You're a great doctor.Player - You're saving the whole galaxy--and keeping me alive, too.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 639. - Sure, but nobody knows it. I'm languishing in heroic obscurity.
            • 631. Option - You're doing great work.Player - Don't let your rival's achievements get you down. You're much more successful.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 641. - What good is being great if there's no one around to hear about it?
            • 632. Option - No, you're lazy.Player - If you spent half as much time practicing medicine as you do chasing women, you'd be famous, too.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 643. - This isn't about fame. It's about glory.
                • 645. - Tell you this much--enough's enough. No more "Mister Nice Doc." The galaxy's gonna find out what a real physician looks like.
                  • 650. - I gotta find a disease to cure. Something really unpleasant.
                    • 1514. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1867. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 42. - This ship is way too quiet. No offense to the others, but you're the only decent conversationalist here.
      • 534. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 541. - Of course, talking's the least of your skills.
          • 551. Option - [Flirt] I'm multitalented.Player - I'm naturally gifted in many ways.
            • 553. - I've only found two. You're holding out on me, beautiful.
        • 544. - Question is, are you interested in more than just talking?
          • 545. Option - Tell me about your ex-fiancee.Player - We haven't spoken about Prudy on Alderaan. You left her broken-hearted, Doc. Why did you abandon her?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 713. - I didn't abandon her. She was clingy. Making plans faster than I could react.
              • 563. - Prudy's a wonderful girl. Someday, she'll make a boring proper gentleman very happy. Ol' Doc just isn't the settling type.
                • 564. Option - Define "settling."Player - What bothers you most: marriage, or commitment in general?
                  • 568. - That's a trick question--and the answer is, I love freedom. It's why I fight for the Republic.
                • 565. Option - Not with anyone?Player - There's no woman who could get you to settle down?
                  • 567. - I never say never... but no--not happening.
                • 566. Option - Prudy's better off.Player - From what I've seen, you did Prudy a favor by leaving.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 556. - If every man was judged by his ex-girlfriends, we'd all serve life sentences without hope of parole.
                    • 569. - Forget about Prudy, all right? She's the past. You're the now.
                      • 574. Option - I'm a Jedi breaking rules.Player - Being with you violates my vow of non-attachment. I can't do that lightly.
                        • 580. - Sure you can. Anything you break, I can fix. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
                      • 576. Option - [Flirt] I'm more than that.Player - I'm the best you'll ever have. +50
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 575. Option - [Flirt] Not at the moment.Player - Actually, I'm the later. Keep your schedule open.
          • 546. Option - [Flirt] Maybe.Player - There must be some reason I keep coming back here.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 552. - We both know what that is.
          • 547. Option - [Flirt] You're so crude.Player - You're more obvious than a Sith Lord in a snowbank.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 558. - Point is, you can't miss me.
              • 560. - We don't get much downtime. Be a shame not to take advantage of it.
                • 583. Option - I should go.Player - I have other duties.
                • 584. Option - [Flirt] Tempt me.Player - My schedule is crowded. I'll need a very good excuse to clear it. +50
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 586. - No, just me.
                • 585. Option - [Flirt] I agree.Player - Excellent point. +50
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 588. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 589. - We're getting good at this. But you know what they say about practice making perfect.
                    • 595. - I don't consider myself a greedy man, but I'm making an exception for you.
                      • 603. - The galaxy will survive a little while longer without us. What do you say?
                        • 596. Option - Duty calls.Player - We should get back to work.
                          • 604. - Wore you out, huh? It happens.
                        • 597. Option - [Flirt] We've earned time off.Player - We deserve a vacation. +50
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 609. - And I know just how to spend it.
                            • 611. - You're... this was... I'm positive I heard your holocom beeping on the bridge. Might be important.
                              • 616. - I, uh... need to clean the medbay. It's filthy. I'll see you later.
                        • 598. Option - [Flirt] Wait your turn.Player - I'm busy. You'll need to make an appointment.
                          • 605. - Stealing my lines? No fair, gorgeous.
                            • 579. - Come back anytime. Soon is good.
    • 1714. - We have got to get off this ship and do something besides beat up bad guys.
      • 1739. - Don't get me wrong--that's important. But it wouldn't kill us to go out and socialize a bit.
        • 1741. - I know all the best clubs. I'll show you around, make some introductions. Never know who you might meet. It'll be fun.
          • 1742. Option - We have a galaxy to save.Player - When the Sith Empire is finally defeated, I'll be able to relax.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1745. - You can't put a conditional like that on your life. What happens if we all die or get really old and boring before then?
          • 1744. Option - No, it won't.Player - I have better things to do than spend time with the sort of people you think are "fun."
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1746. - Is the last step of becoming a Jedi Knight having your sense of humor removed? It would explain a lot.
              • 1749. - You keep saying "no" all you want, but ol' Doc's not gonna stop asking. Might as well give in and live a little, right?
          • 1743. Option - Sign me up.Player - Lead the way, Doc. Where should we start?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1747. - Everyone will tell you Nar Shaddaa is the place to be, but that's just hype. Truth is, Hutt space is full of boring tourists.
              • 1754. - If you want real fun, you have to visit the private clubs. They're invitation-only. No tourists allowed.
                • 1756. - Give ol' Doc some time to work his magic. I'll get us invited to the best club this side of Ord Mantell.
                  • 1512. <Conversation Exit>
  • 15. - Those gangsters on Alderaan brought back some great memories. Well, they used to call me "Doc Operator," back in the day.
    • 462. - I was the go-to guy for everything medical. Trauma kits, surgical droids, hospitals--you name it, and I could get it.
      • 467. - One time, this Hutt was hoarding medpacs after a massive groundquake. Selling them at an obscene markup. I tricked Mandalorians into attacking his palace.
        • 464. Option - You're lucky to be alive.Player - Pitting Mandalorians against a Hutt? You enjoy living dangerously, Doc.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 470. - It's why you can't resist me.
          • 479. - You love that about me. Don't deny it.
          • 480. - Please. I risk more walking down the street with you.
        • 463. Option - And that helped how?Player - Inciting violence hardly seems like a useful response.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 469. - How else was I gonna liberate those medpacs?
        • 465. Option - Mandalorians are idiots.Player - If those Imperial lackeys are dumb enough to fall for your nonsense, it's a wonder they haven't been wiped out.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 468. - Don't sell me short. It was a pretty good lie.
            • 472. - I forged a death mark signed by the Hutt against the Mandalorian clan. They "accidentally" found it with a little help from yours truly.
              • 478. - The Mandalorians attacked the Hutt palace in record time. By sheer coincidence, I was there to sweep in and clear out the Hutt's medpacs.
                • 485. Option - That's horrible.Player - You deliberately caused unnecessary deaths. Regardless of your goals, that was wrong. +50
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 491. - Come on--a greedy Hutt and some bloodthirsty Mandalorians? Like the galaxy needs more of those.
                • 486. Option - [Flirt] Get my help next time.Player - You could've been killed doing that alone. Promise you'll take me along if you ever do anything that crazy again.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 490. - Done. I won't need the Mandalorians.
                • 487. Option - And they never suspected?Player - You did this without either side realizing they'd been manipulated?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 489. - It helped that they all killed each other. Sometimes things work out.
                • 488. Option - What else did you steal?Player - You expect me to believe that's all you took? I know how Hutts live.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 495. - The Hutt was hiding rare gems in a few medpacs. Strangest thing.
                    • 497. - Thanks to an anonymous donor, every hospital in the disaster zone received supplies to treat their patients. Saved thousands of lives.
                      • 519. - That was small-time compared to what we're doing. When we save the galaxy, I'm not staying anonymous.
                        • 1510. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1643. - You can get along without me for a bit, right? Need to pop over to Alderaan.
    • 404. - Old friend of mine there got kidnapped by gangsters. They'll kill her if I don't deliver the spice they paid me for.
      • 406. Option - Dealing spice is illegal.Player - You realize selling spice is against the law? What's to stop me from turning you in?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 408. - They only paid me for spice. Never planned to actually deliver any.
      • 405. Option - Shouldn't you be more upset?Player - How can you be so casual about this? Your friend is in terrible danger.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1644. - Why worry? Ol' Doc's got everything under control.
      • 407. Option - I knew you were a criminal.Player - This comes as no surprise. I've had you pegged for a degenerate lowlife ever since Balmorra.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 412. - "Lowlife"? Ol' Doc's many things, but never that.
          • 414. - Couple of years back, I scammed this gang for a bulk-load of credits. Spent everything to set up a refugee hospital on Alderaan.
            • 420. - My friend is the head doctor there. Guess the gangsters finally figured out where all their money went.
              • 421. Option - And now they want it back.Player - They're holding your friend hostage until you give them their credits--or the spice.
              • 422. Option - Contact the authorities.Player - This is a matter for Alderaan's law enforcement, not us.
                • 1648. - Way ahead of you.
              • 423. Option - You're a complete idiot.Player - What made you think stealing from gangsters was a good plan?
                • 432. - They're not the first gang that contributed to my favorite charity. It's like taking candy from a baby.
                  • 1602. - I'm going undercover for Republic Customs. Once I deliver the spice and free my friend, the good guys swoop in.
                    • 1604. - Gangsters go to prison and my friend gets her hospital back. Whole plan's foolproof. Won't take any time at all.
                      • 1605. Option - All right, but be careful.Player - Watch your back, Doc. Someone's always building a better fool.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1608. - Don't I know it.
                      • 1606. Option - I should go with you.Player - This sounds too dangerous for you to handle alone. I should come.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1609. - That's sweet, gorgeous--but there are some things a man just has to do for himself.
                        • 1651. - I can take care of these laserbrains, pal. You keep the Sith busy until I get back, alright?
                      • 1607. Option - You can't just leave.Player - You have a responsibility to this crew. You're not allowed to come and go whenever you like.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1610. - Relax. I'll be back before you know it.
                          • 1622. - Those gangsters were smarter than I thought, but the Republic hostage negotiators talked them out of killing me. They were really something.
                            • 1628. Option - They must have been.Player - Sounds like the expert on talking finally met his match.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1629. - I was at a disadvantage. The gangsters really wanted me dead. The good news is, my old friend's fine. They forgot all about her.
                            • 1630. Option - And your friend?Player - I assume the woman you went to save also survived?
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1631. - Ol' Doc never lets down a lady in distress. My friend got away clean.
                            • 1624. Option - I knew you'd mess things up.Player - You had to be rescued from your own rescue mission. Classic Doc.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 1625. - I let myself get captured. It was the only way to keep my old friend alive. The gangsters completely forgot about her.
                                • 1627. - We never got the chance to catch up, but... hey, that's her on the holo. Probably wants to say thanks. Pretend you work for me, alright?
                                  • 1547. - You look terrific, Prudy. Have you lost weight? Love the new hairstyle.
                                    • 1549. - Two years without so much as a holo, and that's all you can say? You abandoned me at our wedding!
                                      • 1554. Option - Doc, you're married?Player - You never told me you had a wife.
                                        • 1555. - We're not married. We were barely even engaged.
                                      • 1558. Option - You two are married?Player - Doc, is this woman your wife?
                                        • 1559. - We're just good friends. She's a little confused, that's all.
                                      • 1638. Option - I should leave you two alone.Player - Sounds like you have some catching up to do. I'll go meditate.
                                        • 1639. - Don't leave me alone with her.
                                          • 1655. - That was ages ago, darlin'. Don't tell me you're holding a grudge.
                                      • 1641. Option - This keeps getting better.Player - Wow. This conversation got entertaining in a hurry.
                                        • 1563. - I thought you loved me. You said all those wonderful things on Ord Mantell.
                                          • 1565. - Prudy, sweetheart... those were sweet nothings. You should never take those at face value.
                                            • 1567. - My parents flew all the way from Coruscant for a wedding that never happened. You loathsome cad! I wish I'd never met you!
                                              • 1568. Option - Doc is a good man.Player - Whatever happened before, Doc risked his life to save you.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 1569. - I'd never have been kidnapped if it wasn't for him.
                                              • 1572. Option - You aren't the woman for him.Player - You're a little high-strung for Doc. I don't blame him for running.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 1573. - I didn't run. I... got sidetracked.
                                                  • 1575. - Ugh! How do you live with yourself?
                                              • 1578. Option - It just wasn't meant to be.Player - Some people simply aren't destined for each other.
                                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                                • 1579. - Destiny had nothing to do with it. He's a coward.
                                              • 1582. Option - That makes two of us.Player - You'd be amazed how many people share that sentiment.
                                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                • 1583. - That's no surprise at all.
                                                  • 1585. - Look on the bright side, Prudy. You still have that hospital I bought you.
                                                    • 1587. - The gangsters burned it to the ground.
                                                      • 1593. - She still loves me.
                                                        • 1596. <Conversation Exit>
  • 9. - Ah, the life of a combat medic. Long hours, grueling work... patients bleeding all over your nice clothes.
    • 340. - I'm not complaining. Nothing beats the look of gratitude from someone whose life you just saved.
      • 342. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 343. - But my female patients are always developing feelings for me. Some just won't take "no" for an answer.
          • 370. Option - [Flirt] It's understandable.Player - You're a hard man to resist.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 371. - Can't help being born handsome with charisma to spare. We all have our curses.
          • 347. Option - Male patients might be easier.Player - Perhaps you should limit yourself to only operating on men.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 358. - A doctor can't pick his patients. It's unethical--not to mention boring.
          • 348. Option - They despise you, don't they?Player - I see your difficulty. They find you revolting, ask you to fly into the nearest sun--and yet you refuse.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 359. - That was one time--and she had a head injury. The rest love me.
        • 345. - But it gets distracting when beautiful patients fall in love with you. Lots of ethical dilemmas, you know?
          • 346. Option - You must resist temptation.Player - It's natural for attraction to develop under life-and-death circumstances. It's wrong to act on those feelings.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 357. - Not if it helps the patient recover. Sometimes, you just have to go that extra step.
          • 349. Option - Does that happen a lot?Player - How often do combat medics meet beautiful women?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 352. - Why do you think I took the job?
          • 351. Option - Not for you, I'll bet.Player - You couldn't resist temptation if your life depended on it.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 354. - If she was married to a gangster, maybe. No, wait--did that.
              • 356. - I figure Jedi have the same problem. You must have admirers lined up from one end of the galaxy to the other.
                • 376. Option - We don't encourage that.Player - Jedi have no interest in gaining admirers--or being admired.
                  • 398. - Could've fooled me, gorgeous.
                  • 385. - You don't know what you're missing.
                • 379. Option - [Flirt] None like you.Player - Only one of them actually matters to me.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 380. - Sounds like a lucky guy. Introduce me, sometime.
                • 377. Option - Not really, no.Player - I haven't had anyone throwing themselves at me.
                  • 382. - Might be afraid of breaking their necks.
                  • 395. - Remember, it's quality not quantity--unless you have a lot.
                • 378. Option - And back again.Player - I have billions of fans on Coruscant alone.
                  • 388. - Just imagine how popular we'll be after we knock the Sith Empire into a black hole.
                    • 393. - If I were you, I'd get some extra sleep now.
                      • 1506. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1869. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 39. - Knew you were coming. Every time you're in the area, the local air temperature goes up ten degrees.
      • 270. Option - How would you know that?Player - Are you a doctor or a weather droid?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 271. - I'm all man, all the time.
      • 269. Option - [Flirt] You're the reason.Player - Didn't realize I had that effect. You must be burning up, Doc.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 272. - Not yet, but there's always hope.
      • 268. Option - You're so corny.Player - That line was old when they founded the Republic.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 273. - What can I tell you? I'm drawn to the classics.
          • 262. - We could dance around each other for weeks, beautiful, but who has that kind of time?
            • 264. - Let's admit the truth and get on with it. We're like two asteroids on a collision course. All that's left is... colliding.
              • 265. Option - That's against the rules.Player - I'm a Jedi, Doc. I have to be above personal attachments--especially the kind you're offering. +50
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 278. - Didn't say we should elope to Nar Shaddaa. We're adults. What could one little kiss hurt?
                  • 288. Option - I'm sorry, but no.Player - One kiss always leads to another. It's better if we never start. +50
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 291. - Let's agree to disagree on that--for now.
                  • 289. Option - We'll find out. [Kiss Doc]Player - You tell me.... +50
                    +200 Influence : approves.
              • 266. Option - Then get ready. [Kiss Doc]Player - Prepare for impact.... +50
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 267. Option - [Flirt] You can't handle me.Player - Careful what you wish for. I'll break you into a million pieces.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 280. - I'm sturdier than you think. Sounds like you're the one who's afraid.
                  • 294. Option - You're out of your league.Player - It's for your own protection. I'm not like other women.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 295. - Don't I know it. Just not as well as I'd like to.
                      • 284. - You can't fight gravity. Trust me, I've tried.
                  • 292. Option - You asked for it. [Kiss Doc]Player - Just remember, I gave you a fighting chance.... +50
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 297. - Ah... I had this crick in my neck ever since Balmorra. You got rid of it, gorgeous. Thanks.
                      • 310. Option - That's all you have to say?Player - "Thanks"? I was expecting a little more, Doc.
                        • 311. - Oh yeah--you're a good kisser. Is that a Jedi thing, or just you?
                          • 324. - This was fun. We'll have to do it again soon.
                      • 309. Option - [Flirt] Anytime.Player - Even doctors need people looking after them.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 312. - You'd be amazed how few women understand that.
                          • 327. - You and I are gonna get along great. Now scoot. Ol' Doc's got work to do.
                      • 308. Option - You're a pig.Player - I always suspected you were completely useless. Now I know for sure.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 313. - Can't fool me, sweetheart. You'll be back for more of ol' Doc.
                          • 314. Option - We'll see.Player - I suppose anything's possible.
                            • 315. - You can't play hard-to-get now. It is kinda cute, though.
                          • 317. Option - Only if you drop the act.Player - Don't count on this happening again, unless you're ready to behave like an actual human being.
                            • 319. - Oh, come on--where's the fun in that?
                              • 335. - Let's not ruin this moment with a bunch of talk, all right? Catch you later....
                          • 318. Option - Not in this lifetime.Player - Maybe when the last star in the galaxy dies, I'll consider it. On second thought, no, I won't.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 320. - You're not the first woman who couldn't handle me. I don't take it personally.
                              • 333. - At least we got the tension out of the way. It'll make working together lots easier.
                  • 293. Option - [Flirt] Only of strangers.Player - I hardly know you. What kind of woman lets a strange man kiss her?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 302. - I get it. You enjoy the chase. All right--go ahead and run.
                      • 304. - When you get tired, I'll help you catch your breath.
    • 1718. - I need the Jedi Council's holofrequency. Ol' Doc's gonna have a chat with your bosses.
      • 1720. - This code you people follow has you wrapped tighter than the Emperor's shorts. It's not healthy.
        • 1722. - In my professional experience, enjoying life on a regular basis dramatically reduces your chances of falling to the dark side.
          • 1726. Option - Explain that theory.Player - How exactly would indulging myself lead me away from the dark side?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1727. - It's like swallowing tiny doses of poison for an extended period. Eventually, you develop a tolerance.
          • 1723. Option - I enjoy a simple existence.Player - Peace and contentment are the foundation of a good life. Everything else is only a distraction.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1724. - This is exactly what I'm talking about. You have no idea what you're missing!
          • 1729. Option - Don't be foolish.Player - You don't understand the first thing about being a Jedi.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1730. - See? You're cranky. If you just relaxed a little, that chip on your shoulder would fall right off.
              • 1732. - Glad I'm around to keep things lively. This ship would be way too serious without me.
                • 1504. <Conversation Exit>
  • 6. - Gotta say, this is one comfy starship. Never saw anything this cushy on the Outer Rim. Those fringers use rocks for pillows.
    • 199. - And medical care? Forget it. Kolto might as well be a myth. Tough work, being a doctor outside the Core.
      • 201. Option - Or anywhere.Player - Healing the sick and wounded is difficult no matter where you are.
        • 205. - Try doing surgery without anesthetic. It's even harder if the patient doesn't get any.
      • 200. Option - Is that where you're from?Player - I take it you didn't start your career on Balmorra?
        • 203. - Born on Ralltiir, graduated Coruscant University. Highest honors.
      • 202. Option - Couldn't handle it, huh?Player - You like things easy, don't you?
        • 214. - Not necessarily, gorgeous--but I'm open.
        • 215. - Sure. Because if there's anything easy, it's hanging around a Jedi Knight.
          • 209. - I could've gone home, had a safe medical practice--and died of boredom. But I'm a man of action.
            • 213. - You have any idea how many people have tried to kill me for bringing quality health care to their planets?
              • 219. Option - It's dangerous work.Player - In my experience, helping others is hazardous to your health.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 226. - Luckily for my patients, I enjoy a challenge.
              • 222. Option - Were they your patients?Player - You must have a lot of unhappy customers.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 223. - All my patients love me--even the ones who don't make it.
                  • 231. - The frontier worlds are crawling with pirates, gangsters and tax collectors. But they're no match for ol' Doc.
                    • 233. - Not everyone needs a "laser sword" and mind tricks to get out of a tight spot.
                      • 245. Option - But they do help.Player - I don't need them, either. They're just efficient.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 246. - Me, I rely on superior intellect and natural charm. Works every time.
                      • 220. Option - [Flirt] Especially not you.Player - You have your own special abilities.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 225. - Nice of you to notice.
                      • 221. Option - I didn't say you did.Player - You wouldn't be here if I didn't respect your skills.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 224. - You've got the Force. I bring the finesse.
                          • 255. - If I were you, I wouldn't leave the ship without me.
                      • 247. Option - Respect the Jedi weapon, fool.Player - They're called "lightsabers," you moron. Get it right.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 248. - No offense intended, sweetheart. I still respect you.
                        • 250. - Touchy, touchy... what are you compensating for?
              • 234. Option - I couldn't care less.Player - I'm sure this is a fascinating story--to someone else.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 237. - You're adorable when you pretend you don't like me.
                • 235. - I save my best material for the ladies.
                  • 241. - Go on. Don't wanna keep you from saving the galaxy....
                    • 1502. <Conversation Exit>
  • 36. - So far, so good. Now that we're a team, figure it's only a matter of time before the whole galaxy gets saved.
    • 123. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 124. - Not too early for vacation planning, gorgeous. Ol' Doc's ready to whisk you away someplace special when this war's over.
        • 129. Option - Jedi don't take vacations.Player - When the Sith Empire is defeated, I'll go wherever the Jedi Council assigns me.
          • 164. - Sure, eventually--but until then, the stars are wide open.
        • 128. Option - We can't be a couple.Player - I think you may have the wrong idea about us. Jedi aren't permitted to form attachments. +50
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 158. - Whoa... not looking to tie you down. Just enjoy a well-earned victory party.
        • 130. Option - [Flirt] Sounds nice.Player - And what will we do on this getaway?
          • 159. - What won't we do?
            • 161. - Working too hard is bad for you. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
              • 171. - Don't make me confine you to bed rest, beautiful. Unless you want me to....
                • 172. Option - No thank you.Player - I can take care of myself. Focus your attention elsewhere. +50
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 177. - If you don't want my services, why'd you bring me on board?
                    • 196. - Have it your way. I'll reserve my special care for somebody who'll appreciate it....
                • 173. Option - [Flirt] You're the doctor.Player - I trust your instincts. I'll do whatever's necessary to protect my health. +50
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 175. - I like that in a patient. I recommend routine physical checkups.
                    • 179. - In fact, you should stop by the medbay at least once a day. I'll clear my schedule.
                • 174. Option - [Flirt] You're not man enough.Player - Not if you were the last living thing in the whole galaxy. +50
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 178. - What, you don't respect me as a doctor? I'm more than just a ruggedly handsome face, you know.
                    • 182. - You'll come around. They always do....
      • 125. - Prepare yourself for fortune and glory, pal. You'll be up to your chin in beautiful women when this war's over.
        • 131. Option - No, I won't.Player - My fans will be disappointed. It's against the Jedi Code for me to form emotional attachments.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 134. - Who said anything about emotions? Wait... you can't enjoy the adoring public? Good thing I'll be there to comfort those poor women.
        • 132. Option - That isn't why I fight.Player - I don't do this for fame or wealth. Jedi are above those petty concerns.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 140. - Petty? You only say that because you don't know what you're missing.
        • 133. Option - I already am.Player - Got news for you, Doc--I started that party early.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 137. - I'll bet you did.
            • 139. - Ol' Doc's no stranger to the fame game. Cure a plague-ridden planet or two, and people get grateful enough to give you anything.
              • 145. Option - Which you should refuse.Player - It's wrong to take advantage of such generosity. Good deeds are their own reward. +50
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 149. - Ha! Oh... you're serious.
              • 146. Option - You saved planets?Player - That's amazing, Doc. Which worlds did you save?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 148. - Ah, they're way off on the Outer Rim. Point is, millions are alive and kicking thanks to me.
              • 147. Option - Apparently not.Player - If that's true, then why aren't you rich?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 150. - Donated everything to charity. Can't take it with you, right?
                  • 152. - Yessir, soon as this galaxy's saved, you've got a lot to look forward to. I'll be there to see you through it all, buddy.
                    • 1500. <Conversation Exit>
  • 77. - Need a private chat. Maybe on the ship? My quarters?
  • 78. - We should talk, but back on the ship is better.
  • 74. - Gonna need a moment of your time. Soon is good.
  • 75. - Next time we're taking it easy, let's talk.
  • 1874. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1875. - Don't worry, I'm right here.
    • 1876. - What are you asking me for? You're the Jedi.
    • 1877. - I hear you.
    • 80. - Everything's copacetic. No need for any chitchat.
    • 81. - Normally, I'm a man of many words. But not today.
    • 1878. - If we die, at least it'll be heroic. But we're not gonna die, right?
    • 1879. - Between my good looks and your lightsaber, there's nothing we can't do.
    • 1880. - Just when I thought this couldn't get crazier....
    • 1881. - Every time I think I've seen it all, the galaxy shows me something new and crazy.
    • 1882. - I'm in the prime of my life, and I'm spending it with people who enjoy running around on exploding planets.
    • 1883. - Ah, the life of a combat medic. Long hours, grueling work... patients bleeding all over your nice clothes.
    • 1884. - Hey, look at that. We're alive. Nice work.
    • 1886. - This is gonna be one of those days. I can already tell.
    • 1887. - I keep getting offers to go work in a medcenter. I keep telling the doctors, "No, I like getting shot at...."
    • 1888. - My life's so much more exciting since you showed up.
    • 1889. - Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Actually, I can't think of what that might be.
  • 1870. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1621. Player - What happened with the gangsters? Is your friend alright?
    • 1660. Player - Have you found a cure for Nem'ro the Hutt's disease?
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    "Fqn": "npc.companion.jedi_knight.doc",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "102847870",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "B62References": {
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    "AbilityPackageB62IdList": [