- I doubt the Nova Blades set up all of this data security on their own. The Revanites must've given them a helping hand. This is going to take a while....
24. Option - You could be like me, too.Player - What I achieve, I do through patience and the guidance of the Force. You could do the same, if you chose to.
- Hey. Slicing the Nova Blade files is slow going, but I've already found more references to this Torch person that Margok and Revan were talking about.
- She definitely heads up a group of Mandalorians based here on Rishi. They were allied with the Revanites, but then broke ties--and not on good terms.
- What we've seen in war, the truths we've learned, will be our gift to later generations. And few Jedi have seen or learned more than you.
448. Option - You want my lore preserved...Player - Our understanding of the Esh-kha, the Emperor's Children, even the shielding technique that defeated Terrak Morrhage--it could all be lost if we take no pains to preserve it.
Link to Node 461
451. Option - I'm nothing special.Player - I've done no more than any Jedi. You were there at the war's beginning, you rediscovered Tython....
- Yes. You've contributed to holocrons before, but we need a full archive of your history, your thoughts--a record to continue all your life, as you grow, learn and change.
463. Option - I've been thinking about it.Player - As you said, we have a duty to the future, and I feel the burden keenly. But I've had no opportunities to act.
465. Player - How do you suggest I proceed, Master Satele?
Link to Node 474
467. Option - What makes holocrons special?Player - I don't object--but why a holocron instead of a written record? It would certainly be simpler.
519. Option - You're awfully confident.Player - You never struck me as the get-rich-quick type. More the practical, helpful, scary-when-she's-cornered type.
- You're really committed to this whole protector-of-the-Republic bit, aren't you? Come on, you can make a little time. Might even broaden your horizons.
- And I'm beginning to think we're better off without you. Deal with your own problems if you want to prove otherwise.
132. Option - The plan worked perfectly.Player - We have Revan and his followers fooled. We'd better move quickly--if they cut the Nova Blades out, there may not be any information left to recover.
- Jakarro is refueling his ship as we speak. While you approach the Aggressor, you can use your target designator to call for his assistance, just like before.
156. Player - I'll contact you as soon as I reach the Aggressor. And then we can finally get the answers we need.
Link to Node 159
158. Player - Our enemy is cornered, but not helpless. I'll proceed cautiously and contact you when I reach the Aggressor.
- The Nova Blades are being sent to attack trade lanes in very specific areas. They've gradually remapped quite a bit of stellar traffic. It's all very strange.
269. Option - Then let's find the truth.Player - We may not know the Revanites' exact plan. But the pirates will.
- That may well be part of it. But there's more... a pattern, though we can't determine its purpose.
Link to Node 298
286. <Non-dialogue segment.>
287. Player - No one would expect a Jedi, a Sith, and a spy to work together, but here we are.
Link to Node 292
289. Player - They've got Revanites and pirates, we've got Special Forces, a covert agent, and a Sith lord. I think we've got them beat in the "strange" department.
Link to Node 292
291. Player - Revanites teaming up with pirates isn't any weirder than our little group. A smuggler, a spy, and a Sith lord... sounds like the set-up for a good joke, actually....
- We tracked Colonel Darok and Darth Arkous to a facility on Rakata Prime. They were going to mass-produce the cyborgs they developed in their research lab.
- Jakarro and Deefour helped us defeat them, but we still barely escaped with our lives. And we discovered that Darok and Arkous weren't the ones in charge.
- Not in good standing, if that's at all reassuring. This cult is a threat to the Empire as well as the Republic. They've infiltrated the highest levels of both our governments.
- At first, we thought Colonel Darok and his Imperial accomplice were in charge. We even destroyed an operation they had going on the planet Rakata Prime. That's where we uncovered their real leader.