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Level 5-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Alexc
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: mag_convo_starter_cc
Other Sites:


  • 6. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 123. - Good timing, Commander. It seems the right people saw your broadcast to Theron.
    • 8. - Good timing, Commander. It seems the bounty you put on Theron reached the right people.
      • 122. - I just approved a landing request from an unarmed shuttle from the Chiss Ascendancy.
        • 17. - The envoy claims he has a lead on where Theron went.
          • 43. Option - We can still save him.Player - If someone's spotted Theron, that means we can reach him before he makes a huge mistake.
            • 49. - Every day our chances lessen. Let's hope the Chiss give us the information we need.
          • 136. Option - [Flirt] Nicely done, Lana.Player - An informant landing on our doorstep? You've outdone yourself.
            • 137. - It's not entirely my doing. But I'll let you thank me properly later, if his information is good.
          • 46. Option - So he's in Chiss space.Player - What would Theron be after in Chiss-controlled space?
            • 50. - Your guess is as good as mine.
          • 47. Option - They'd better not steal my kill.Player - Theron had better still be alive. I want to wring the life from him myself.
            • 51. - Only if you let me help. Here's hoping the Chiss bring us good news.
              • 21. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 30. - It's good to see you again, agent. Though I suppose I should call you Commander now.
                  • 31. Player - Aristocra Saganu. I didn't expect you were our mysterious envoy.
                    • 41. - It feels like an eternity since our time together on Hoth.
                    • 42. - It's been a long time since we defeated Admiral Davos on Hoth.
                • 32. - A pleasure to finally meet you, Commander. Aristocra Saganu, of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force.
                  • 33. Player - You said you have information on Theron.
                    • 34. - Information that will benefit us both. Theron Shan is hiding on the Chiss world of Copero.
                      • 40. - He's receiving aid from Syndic Zenta of House Inrokini in exchange for Alliance secrets. With our help, you can catch them both unaware.
                        • 83. Option - But she's one of yours.Player - You would really turn against one of your own to help the Alliance?
                          • 94. - You're also one of ours, Commander--and you deserve our help. Zenta's actions have proven her true intentions.
                          • 96. - After Zenta's actions, she's no longer welcome among the Chiss.
                        • 132. Option - You'd trust a Republic ally?Player - You've fought the Republic for years, and now you're offering help to their allies?
                          • 133. - This is a transaction, Commander. Solving your problem will also solve our own.
                        • 82. Option - What's in it for you?Player - You said this information also benefits the Ascendancy. How?
                          • 89. - We're hoping you can take care of two traitors at once.
                        • 60. Option - You could lead me into a trap.Player - I have no reason to trust you. How do I know you're not conspiring with Theron?
                          • 90. - I assure you, we want a resolution to this as much as you.
                            • 61. - Zenta violated Ascendancy orders when she sheltered Theron--and now she's ignoring our communications. She's gone rogue.
                              • 88. - She has the backing of House Inrokini, so we can't capture Theron without igniting a political war.
                                • 81. - But if a strike team were to land and take care of the problem... the Ascendancy will look the other way.
                                  • 84. Player - Outsiders have never been allowed on Copero. You trust us that much?
                                    • 59. - I do have one stipulation. I'll send a representative along to keep the Ascendancy's best interests in mind.
                                      • 149. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                        • 63. - Lieutenant Raina Temple of the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force reporting.
                                          • 65. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 67. - I'm... relieved to see you alive, sir.
                                              • 69. Option - [Flirt] I can't believe it's you.Player - Temple! I didn't know if I'd ever see you again.
                                                • 70. - There's so much I want to say to you.
                                              • 102. Option - It's good to see you.Player - I can say the same for you. I wasn't sure we would cross paths again.
                                                • 71. - We have a lot of catching up to do.
                                              • 103. Option - The surprises keep coming.Player - Are there any more allies of mine hiding in there?
                                                • 107. - Just me, sir. And I have plenty of stories to tell you.
                                              • 104. Option - You sure took your time.Player - It's been six years, Temple. You can't have been too concerned.
                                                • 108. - I understand your anger, and I can explain.
                                                  • 73. - But it'll have to wait until after the mission--we have a job to complete.
                                            • 68. - I've heard a lot about your tactics, Commander. I hope to prove a useful ally.
                                              • 106. Option - I'm confident you will.Player - I look forward to working with you, Lieutenant.
                                                • 109. - Here's to a beneficial partnership.
                                              • 105. Option - You don't look Chiss.Player - Forgive me if I notice the lack of blue skin, Lieutenant.
                                                • 110. - That's a long story. I'd be happy to tell you on the way.
                                              • 76. Option - This is ridiculous.Player - I don't need an Ascendancy watchdog keeping tabs on me.
                                                • 115. - We trust your judgment, sir. I'm simply here to provide support.
                                                  • 77. - If there are no objections, we should get a move on. We don't know how long the Aristocra's information will be valid.
                                                    • 78. Player - Get ready to take off.
                                                      • 129. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 128. Player - It's time to catch a traitor.
                                                        • 130. Player - Let's bring Theron home.
                                                          • 156. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.npc.default.houk.bmf
Appearance ID16141047612806005916
Body Typebmf
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    "first_seen": "5.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "5.6.0",
    "hash": "1295367395",
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