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Private Vekker

Private Vekker
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Corellia
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Private Vekker
Other Sites:


  • 89. - My transport's scheduled to leave today. The guys in my unit are finally gonna get some help.
  • 33. - Nice work! They already started the medship transports, and reinforcement deployments are being prioritized.
    • 36. - This who I'm looking for, private?
      • 38. - Yes, sir.
        • 40. - Captain Haren, second infantry. Thank you for getting our transports off the ground. You've done us a great service today.
          • 41. Option - You should thank Vekker.Player - It's all because Private Vekker wanted to get back to his unit so badly. You could use a man like him on the front.
            • 45. - I certainly could. Which is why I've just signed his deployment orders. You're headed back to your unit, Vekker.
          • 43. Option - It's what I do.Player - Just doing my duty.
            • 44. - You probably noticed Vekker here is a man of duty too. Which is why I'm re-deploying him today. You're back in action, Vekker.
          • 42. Option - Don't let this happen again.Player - Next time try taking charge before the Empire cripples your whole outfit.
            • 92. - Right... Well, now that the transports are running, I'm sending out reinforcements. Vekker, grab your gear. You're headed back to your unit.
  • 88. - The sooner you take out that jamming equipment, the sooner we can get our reinforcements and wounded back in the air.
  • 1. - What about my unit?
    • 3. - Battle droid ambush. Pretty heavy casualties, I hear.
      • 5. - And we're all stuck here in port!
        • 6. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 96. - Master Jedi--you gotta do something. We need to get out there and help our guys, but our transports are all grounded.
          • 95. - Major, you're Havoc Squad--you can do something, right? We can't back up our units 'cause the blasted transports are all grounded.
          • 7. - You can do something about this, can't you? We gotta get out there and help our guys, but our transports are all grounded.
            • 8. Option - What happened?Player - Why are the transports grounded?
            • 10. Option - I like your commitment.Player - Your dedication shows character.
            • 48. Option - That's the spirit.Player - I like your attitude, private. Does a fellow trooper proud.
              • 56. - Thanks, but I'm no model soldier. Give me five minutes alone with the scum that grounded our flights, and I'll show ya.
            • 9. Option - What's the hurry?Player - Count your blessings, kid. Combat's no picnic.
              • 27. - Combat's where I can do some good. If we ever get back there.
            • 11. Option - Pull yourself together!Player - Calm yourself!
              • 12. - That's not easy when your friends are stuck fighting a war without reinforcements.
                • 14. - Get this--our own ships started showing up as enemy blips on our scanners. Turns out it's an Imperial signal jamming operation.
                  • 16. - Command grounded all flights after our fleet shot down three of our own medship transports.
                    • 17. Option - Tell me about their operation.Player - Have your people tracked down the jamming signal?
                      • 18. - They've set up in an old traffic control tower. But they're not dumb.
                    • 106. Option - That's horrible!Player - How many people aboard the medical transports?
                      • 107. - Couple hundred--Imps probably planned it that way. We all want to hit back.
                    • 19. Option - Stick to your job, private.Player - Soldiers follow orders. They don't elicit help outside their chain of command.
                      • 22. - Look, I promise I'll tell my CO about this if you help, okay? But command is up against a wall here.
                        • 24. - The Empire's got a massive force protecting their operation--too big for our local units to handle.
                          • 26. - If you don't cut through their defenses and shut down those jammers, I don't know who will.
                            • 50. Option - I'll do it.Player - Don't worry, your transports will be airborne soon enough.
                            • 28. Option - I'll do it.Player - This Imperial trickery is unacceptable, and I intend to stop it.
                            • 29. Option - I'll do it.Player - In Havoc Squad, being outnumbered is just another day at the office.
                              • 83. - Outnumbered isn't outmanned, right, Major?
                            • 30. Option - I'll do it.Player - Getting those transports in the air is just good business.
                              • 81. - Whatever gets our guys the help they need.
                            • 49. Option - It's beneath me... but fine.Player - Hardly worthy of my talents, but sure.
                              • 68. - You won't regret it, I promise.
                                • 51. - The jamming equipment's probably in the control tower, so you'll have to get access.
                                  • 53. - I'll tell my superiors that you're going in.
                                    • 104. <Conversation Exit>
                            • 66. Option - Forget it.Player - Sorry, I don't have time to fix your logistical problems.
                              • 67. - You're kidding, right? Then how are we supposed to reinforce our battlefield units?
                                • 105. <Conversation Exit>
  • 87. - Just waiting for my deployment orders.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141050617125736445
Body Typebmn
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        "frFemale": "Soldat Vekker",
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    "MinLevel": 50,
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        "LocalizedName": {
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
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