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Hylo Visz

Hylo Visz
Specialist: Underworld Logistics
Level 1-75 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Alliance
SubCategory: Conflicting_priorities
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.2.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Hylo Visz
Other Sites:


  • 128. - Welcome to the party, Commander. Not much of one today since everyone is busy rushing around.
    • 130. - We're receiving countless requests from across the galaxy. Most are handled simply enough.
      • 132. - Yeah, but some of those asks are draining our supplies as fast as we get 'em. Hypermatter, people, ammo, even food.
        • 134. - It's getting hard to keep up.
          • 135. Player - Is there anything we can do about it?
            • 136. - Get more of... well, everything. People. Ships. Fuel. Time. You know, the easy stuff.
              • 138. - We simply have to do more with less. We have some proposed solutions, but there are recent developments that we should discuss first.
                • 142. - Sana-Rae and I--along with the members of our Force enclave here on Odessen--have kept a watchful eye for any further signs of Valkorion's influence.
                  • 145. - I really miss the days where dead people stayed dead....
                    • 147. - We are hopeful. The Force feels... different. Lighter, somehow, as if Valkorion's very existence was a weight that none of us recognized.
                      • 149. - Our enclave, the Voss... I'm told that even Satele's students have felt the change. It seems our ancient enemy is well and truly gone.
                        • 155. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 157. - Unsurprisingly, anyone sensitive to it felt that shift. The question now is how do we proceed?
                          • 156. - I'm sure you felt it too, knowing your own strength in the Force. The question now is how do we proceed?
                            • 228. Option - What would you suggest?Player - Do you have a recommendation?
                              • 230. - I suggest keeping the members of our enclave vigilant for any sign of him. Best not to take any chances.
                            • 158. Option - Remain vigilant.Player - We need to be sure he's actually gone and it's not just another trick.
                              • 162. - A prudent decision. I will instruct the enclave to continue searching for any signs of him.
                            • 159. Option - He's dead and gone.Player - Valkorion is dead. Let's move on.
                              • 163. - As you wish.
                                • 165. - So, onto the Mandalorians. It's a pretty crazy time for them.
                                  • 277. - Shae Vizla's taken down half the Dar'manda on Mek-Sha, but hasn't gotten any closer to this "Field Marshal" Kol.
                                    • 279. - Indigo never was a hands-on manager... probably didn't even know his people were involved.
                                      • 281. - As promised, Jekiah Ordo has been aiding our operations in Shae's place. Despite the turmoil in the clans, he's helped us secure escorts for our cargo shipments.
                                        • 282. Option - Excellent.Player - That's good to hear.
                                        • 283. Option - Is that really needed?Player - Is piracy really such a big problem?
                                        • 284. Option - Get someone else.Player - If the Mandalorians can't be counted on, find me someone who can.
                                          • 285. - I know some Echani mercs who'd jump at the chance. I'll put out feelers.
                                            • 173. - Going back to the numerous requests we've received for assistance from our allies across the galaxy--we have a potential solution.
                                              • 175. - We already employ a number of incredibly skilled and resourceful individuals who could likely handle these requests, alone or in small teams.
                                                • 176. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                  • 235. - Additionally, between my contacts and Theron's, there are a number of... "outside assets" we could recruit to fulfill our allies' needs.
                                                  • 236. - Additionally, I've identified a number of... "outside assets" we could recruit to fulfill our allies' needs.
                                                    • 239. - As we've done before, if those assets prove useful, we can bring them into the fold officially. A sort of field test, if you will.
                                                      • 242. Player - I get the feeling you already have one of these "tests" in mind.
                                                        • 244. - Naturally.
                                                          • 246. - Our first situation is on Balmorra. They're prepping a big shipment of turbolasers for a Republic base on Corellia.
                                                            • 247. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                              • 248. - Obviously, our friends in the Empire would prefer that those cannons never get to their destination.
                                                                • 193. - Commodore Pardax knows of an external asset that has plagued the Balmorran Governor for years.
                                                                  • 195. - The asset is a Twi'lek using the codename "Zenith". He hates the Sith Empire intensely--but that hatred could be used to manipulate him.
                                                                    • 197. - Pardax believes we can feed him false intelligence, convince him the turbolasers are instead being sold to the Sith.
                                                                      • 199. - Zenith does our work for us, and Pardax uses the opportunity to take him into custody. Rather elegant, I think.
                                                                        • 204. Option - Use Zenith.Player - Agreed--make it happen.
                                                                          • 206. - As you wish. I will have Commodore Pardax proceed immmediately.
                                                                        • 205. Option - Let the Empire handle this.Player - A single shipment of turbolasers isn't a crisis. Let the Empire deal with it themselves.
                                                                          • 207. - Very well. I'll leave this matter to Darth Rivix.
                                                                        • 250. Option - [Saboteur] Ignore this.Player - A single shipment of turbolasers isn't worth our time. Forget about it.
                                                              • 223. - Problem is, the Imps know about it. They're going to ambush the shipment.
                                                                • 209. - Admiral Aygo has someone in mind in mind for the job. Resistance fighter from Balmorra.
                                                                  • 210. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                    • 252. - Someone you know quite well: Zenith.
                                                                      • 253. Option - That's great news!Player - I'm glad to hear he's still alive. Zenith could be very helpful to us.
                                                                      • 254. Option - I'm surprised he's still alive.Player - I was sure he'd have gotten himself killed by now.
                                                                        • 261. - Evidently, he's quite resilient. Always a fine quality in a potential recruit.
                                                                      • 255. Option - Zenith is too extreme to trust.Player - That man is a zealot--we can't put our faith in him.
                                                                        • 256. - We don't need to like the guy, we just need him to shoot some Imps, right? Sounds like someone who'd love to deal with this ambush.
                                                                    • 211. - He's a Twi'lek, goes by the name Zenith. Really hates Imperials. Figure he'd love to ambush the ambushers.
                                                                      • 216. - So: we give Zenith the info about the shipment, he does his thing, everyone walks away happy. Except the Imps, I guess. What do you think?
                                                                        • 217. Option - Yes, let's do it.Player - Have Bey'wan reach out to Zenith, and we'll go from there.
                                                                          • 219. - Great. I'll let the Admiral know he can get started.
                                                                        • 292. Option - No, he won't fit in.Player - We have a lot of former Imperials here. Involving this "Zenith" is asking for trouble.
                                                                        • 218. Option - No, he's a loose cannon.Player - Zenith can't be counted on. That's all there is to it. There must be some other way.
                                                                          • 220. - I'll try contacting Corellia directly, let them know what the Imps are planning. They can figure something out.
                                                                        • 267. Option - [Saboteur] Ignore this.Player - A single shipment of turbolasers isn't worth our time. Forget about the whole thing.
                                                                          • 251. - Understood. We'll move on to the other requests and submit plans as they're developed.
                                                                            • 222. - I believe that's it for today, Commander. I'll let everyone else know what was discussed. Thank you for your time.
                                                                              • 294. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16140984933829547781
Body Typebfn
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    "Title": "Specialist: Underworld Logistics",
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        "frMale": "Sp\u00e9cialiste\u00a0: logistique clandestine",
        "frFemale": "Sp\u00e9cialiste\u00a0: logistique clandestine",
        "deMale": "Spezialist: Unterweltlogistik",
        "deFemale": "Spezialist: Unterweltlogistik"
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    "MaxLevel": 75,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "RepublicReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
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    "Fqn": "npc.alliance.conflicting_priorities.hylo_visz",
    "first_seen": "6.2.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.1",
    "hash": "4283370240",
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    "CnvB62": "HbxLBA0",
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.alliance.conflicting_priorities.briefing",
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