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Level 5-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Dhayden
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: kotet_conv_starter_05
Other Sites:


  • 41. - There remain Sith who do not approve of the alliance I offer. They hold tight to the old ways. But to stop Vaylin, we must work together.
    • 80. Option - You're right.Player - Taking her down is all that matters. I welcome any help I can get.
    • 77. Option - [Flirt] Just work together?Player - Is that all you want... or are you looking for a way to get closer to me?
      +200 Influence : is amused.
      • 86. - The commander of the Alliance is a tempting prospect... but this is purely a political offer.
    • 42. Option - I don't need assistance.Player - I was strong enough to take Arcann down without your help.
      • 43. - And then his sister took his place.
        • 45. - We both know there is only one path to victory. You want to seize the Eternal Throne. And I will help you.
          • 154. Option - That's not my path.Player - I want nothing to do with the throne.
          • 46. Option - You don't want it?Player - Why me? You don't want the throne for yourself?
            • 47. - I am focused on the survival of my people.
          • 69. Option - So you can double cross me.Player - And then you'll betray me and claim it for yourself.
            • 70. - Ambition was the downfall of many great Sith. I will not let it be mine.
              • 49. - Unchecked, Vaylin will grind us into dust. I am not powerful enough to stop her. You are, with my help.
                • 53. - Engines non-responsive! We need to bring it down!
                  • 59. - We're coming in too fast! Bail out!
                    • 166. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 66. <Conversation Exit>
                      • 183. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - Dromund Kaas. I clung to this world for too long, before I cast it aside as a failed experiment.
    • 4. Option - No, I defeated you.Player - You didn't cast it aside. I fought you and drove your spirit into hiding.
      • 5. - I had already shifted my focus to Zakuul many centuries before your victory here.
    • 130. Option - Just like all your projects.Player - You abandon everything you create.
      • 131. - Not everything. Zakuul succeeded in ways Dromund Kaas never could.
    • 126. Option - The Empire isn't some game.Player - We weren't an experiment. We were your people... and you deserted us.
      • 132. - Do not count yourself among them. You're beyond that.
    • 127. Option - A trip down memory lane?Player - Don't tell me you're getting sentimental.
      • 133. - I spent centuries here. You cannot imagine what I created.
    • 128. Option - Good riddance.Player - The Sith are weak. You were right to leave them.
      • 134. - They are flawed, but they have their merits.
    • 129. Option - We didn't need you.Player - The Empire was stronger without you.
      • 135. - Were you?
        • 7. - This is the empty husk I left behind--but the Sith could still be a useful tool to help you seize the Eternal Throne.
          • 9. - Honored guests, welcome to Dromund Kaas.
            • 11. - Moff Lorman?
              • 13. - It's Minister Lorman now.
                • 15. - Really? Figured your career was over after you lost the Ascendant Spear.
                  • 16. Option - Friend of yours?Player - Sounds like you know each other.
                    • 17. - Lorman and I have a little history.
                  • 118. Option - This sounds interesting.Player - This story sounds too good to pass up.
                    • 121. - Back in my SIS days, I may have blown up a prototype Sith warship. Lorman was the deputy commander.
                  • 119. Option - Our welcome party is pathetic.Player - Of course, Acina sends a lackey to greet us.
                    • 120. - Lorman was a Sith lapdog when I met him too.
                      • 19. - It's Minister Lorman! And the past is irrelevant. I serve Empress Acina now. She awaits us in the throne room.
                        • 23. - Welcome, Commander. These are strange times.
                          • 24. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 25. - Did you ever imagine the Sith would negotiate with a Jedi?
                            • 96. - I never imagined I would be negotiating with someone like you.
                              • 26. Option - We are all more than we seem.Player - I hope you're able to move beyond your prejudice.
                                • 27. - In the past, arrogance would have blinded us to our flaws. Now we understand admitting weakness is the first step in eliminating it.
                              • 99. Option - Not quite a friendly welcome.Player - I see we're beginning with a round of compliments.
                                • 101. - There is no point hiding our past, but the future depends on the correction of our flaws.
                            • 95. - Once, we would have been on the same side. Now, we negotiate as strangers.
                              • 108. Option - It's odd to be back.Player - I didn't expect to be on Dromund Kaas again.
                                • 111. - I can imagine. Much has changed for the better since you were last here.
                                  • 114. - I urge you to not be so critical, Empress. The Sith Empire has always been glorious.
                              • 109. Option - I expect a hero's welcome.Player - I hope you prepared the same feast you give all your honored guests.
                                • 112. - I hardly think this is the time for jokes, Commander.
                              • 98. Option - Time to kneel, Acina.Player - I only came to watch you beg for my help.
                                • 100. - You're speaking to the Empress of the Sith! You will address her with respect.
                                  • 31. - I would like to continue this conversation on my personal shuttle. Just the two of us, speaking freely.
                                    • 33. - It may not be wise to split up.
                                      • 90. Option - I trust Acina.Player - I'm choosing to put my faith in her. Stay with Lorman and behave yourselves.
                                      • 34. Option - Don't worry about me.Player - I can handle myself if she tries anything. Will you two be okay if I leave you with Lorman?
                                      • 91. Option - Just stay alert.Player - Be ready if anything happens--and keep an eye on Lorman.
                                        • 35. - It's Minister Lorman! Minister Lorman! Is that so hard to remember?
                                          • 37. - Don't worry about us, Commander.
                                            • 38. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.npc.default.chagrian.bmn
Appearance ID16140964185854315838
Body Typebmn
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "Fqn": "npc.test.dhayden.testing.kotet_conv_starter_05",
    "first_seen": "5.0.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "5.2.0",
    "hash": "1378865991",
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