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Lord Paladius

Lord Paladius
Level 44 Force Twister
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lord Paladius
Other Sites:


  • 193. <Conversation Exit>
  • 178. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 59. - My lord, what is this? You've given the cult over to the Veil? This was not what I had in mind.
      • 60. Option - You failed me.Player - If you had been more competent, I might have let you keep the cult.
        • 72. - Competent? You have the audacity to judge my competence? Who do you think runs this cult?
          • 74. - You have gotten too proud since becoming a Lord of the Sith. It's time you were taught some respect.
      • 61. Option - It was time for a change.Player - I am not the apprentice I was. I am a Lord of the Sith, and I need powerful allies.
        • 71. - Lest you forget, I am a Lord of the Sith too, and was long before you were. I will not stand for this!
          • 75. <Conversation Exit>
      • 154. Option - Don't question me. [Kill him.]Player - Well, it's over now.
    • 64. Player - I've recovered the CN-12. Thank you for your help.
      • 65. - Excellent news. I am glad if I was able to repay, even in the slightest, the immense debt I owe you.
        • 67. - Stay as long as you like. The cultists cannot have enough of your presence, and neither can I.
          • 68. <Conversation Exit>
  • 195. <Conversation Exit>
  • 77. - My lord! You've returned to us. My lord!
    • 78. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 87. - The Great Healer. Who shakes the earth with a thought!
      • 89. - The Great Dragon. Who shakes the earth with a thought.
        • 91. - Is it true you killed Darth Zash?
          • 93. - And that you can bind ghosts and steal their power?
            • 79. - My lord, take this. It's not much, but we want you to have it.
              • 80. Option - Keep it.Player - I don't need your donations. I need a CN-12 chip.
              • 82. Option - Where is Paladius?Player - I believe I placed someone in charge of this cult while I'm gone. Where would he be?
                • 98. - I told him you'd returned. He's coming to see you right now.
              • 81. Option - Thank you very much. Player - Come by later and perhaps I will demonstrate my power more fully.
                • 96. - Oh thank you, my lord. Thank you!
                  • 1. - My lord. How delightful to see you again.
                    • 3. - I am sorry to hear of your struggles with Darth Thanaton. But there can be no doubt--you are the future of the Sith.
                      • 5. - I have kept our, I mean, your cult well-maintained in your absence.
                        • 6. Option - I'm calling in my debts.Player - I need a CN-12 sensor chip to help complete a special project for a Moff.
                        • 7. Option - I understand you've been busy.Player - So what's this about my cult and the CN-12 sensor chip? I need one for a special project.
                        • 8. Option - Good to hear it.Player - I would expect nothing less. Now I'm interested in the CN-12 chip.
                          • 9. - It is a worthy master who expects the most of his servants.
                            • 10. - The CN-12? Why that was just some speculation, a side project of ours. But I am delighted if you would find it useful.
                              • 101. - Unfortunately, a new ganglord, the Veil, is giving us a bit of trouble. Our last CN-12 shipment was stolen, and our supply chain is dead.
                                • 103. Option - Then I'll talk to him.Player - Where does the Veil make his hideout?
                                • 102. Option - I'll deal with it.Player - The Veil will answer to me.
                                  • 156. - I hope so. The more the Veil interferes, the more costly this endeavor becomes.
                                • 104. Option - Stop him.Player - Why haven't you done anything about it?
                                  • 155. - Well, my lord, that's easier said than done.
                                    • 157. - The Veil stays well out of view in Shadow Town.
                                      • 158. - When I tried to negotiate, he said he would only talk to you, but I didn't think that would be possible.
                                        • 165. Option - Then I'll meet with him.Player - Perhaps I can persuade this Veil character to see things my way.
                                        • 164. Option - Next time, call, don't think.Player - You should have told me about this when it happened.
                                          • 170. - I had hoped to resolve the problem without troubling you. My apologies.
                                        • 166. Option - Then he's a fool.Player - When will people learn? If I'm involved, they've already lost.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc30 seconds30m10011.0.0
Npc9 seconds30m9011.0.0
Npc15 seconds35m8511.0.0
Npc30 seconds4m5011.0.0
Npc6 seconds30m111.0.0
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.sith_sorcerer.lord_paladius
Appearance ID16141110237899679521
Body Typebmf
    "_id": {
        "$oid": "5fb3e68d33180000cb06df33"
    "ParentSpecId": "16141073755103767556",
    "ParentSpecB62Id": "12nNgWF",
    "Name": "Lord Paladius",
    "NameId": "586112712048640",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Lord Paladius",
        "frMale": "Seigneur Paladius",
        "frFemale": "Seigneur Paladius",
        "deMale": "Lord Paladius",
        "deFemale": "Lord Paladius"
    "ClassId": "16141178725485662585",
    "ClassB62Id": "UL6gza7",
    "AbilityPackageB62Id": "Ij5ndiF",
    "MinLevel": 44,
    "MaxLevel": 44,
    "Faction": 11,
    "DetFaction": {
        "RepublicReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "NameId": "1173582633762823",
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [
        "FactionId": "3780939478746129694",
        "FactionString": "friendly",
        "OpposingFactionIds": [],
        "Id": "3780939478746129694",
        "Base62Id": "7kNfSsC"
    "Toughness": "Boss1",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "LocalizedToughness": {
        "enMale": "Elite",
        "frMale": "\u00c9lite",
        "frFemale": "\u00c9lite",
        "deMale": "Elite",
        "deFemale": "Elite"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.open_worlds.class.sith_sorcerer.chapter_3.event_and_finale.lord_paladius",
    "CnvB62": "Rsw4azR",
    "CodexId": "0",
    "ProfessionTrained": 0,
    "CompanionOverrideId": "0",
    "LootTableId": "0",
    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.none",
    "WanderPackage": "pkg.wander.npc.none",
    "AggroPackage": "pkg.aggro.npc.standard",
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            "AppearanceFqn": "npp.location.multi.class.sith_sorcerer.lord_paladius",
            "SpeciesScale": 0
    "CharRef": "chr.lord_paladius",
    "Gender": "0x00",
    "FqnCategory": "location",
    "FqnSubCategory": "open_worlds",
    "CommandXP": 240,
    "Id": "16141101098850573083",
    "Base62Id": "6ytJa7E",
    "Fqn": "npc.location.open_worlds.class.sith_sorcerer.chapter_3.building_a_power_base.lord_paladius",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "4170260923",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [