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Darmas Pollaran

Darmas Pollaran
Level 13 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Coruscant
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Darmas Pollaran
Other Sites:


  • 1. - Good luck hunting Skavak, Captain. That cheat deserves whatever he gets from you.
  • 2. - Jiik and Juul told me Skavak went into the Works. Be careful down there, Captain.
  • 3. - Juul contacted me about her brother. If you don't free him from the Justicars, you'll never find Skavak.
  • 413. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 414. - The Justicars' territory isn't friendly to non-humans, but I'm afraid that's where your contacts are. Good luck.
    • 415. - Your contacts are in the Justicars' territory. They're good people, Captain. Treat them well.
  • 7. - Having some trouble with bounty hunters, Captain?
    • 500. Option - Only a little.Player - I can't help it if I'm popular with all the wrong people.
      • 505. - Don't sell yourself short, my dear. All the right people find you charming, too.
      • 512. - Being famous has its drawbacks, doesn't it?
    • 501. Option - Any news?Player - Got anything for me about Skavak?
      • 503. - He's still hiding beneath whatever rock he crawled under--but I expect that will change soon.
    • 502. Option - You should have helped.Player - You're supposed to know everything. Why didn't you warn me about them?
      • 504. - I didn't see those wild cards coming until it was too late. Fortunately, you trumped them.
        • 507. - I hear Black Sun's on an emergency recruitment drive, and you had an altercation at the spaceport. I take it my lead was worthwhile.
          • 20. Option - There was a potential ally.Player - Turns out there's a Sullustan lawman chasing Skavak, too.
            • 21. - It's always good to have friends with common interests.
          • 701. Option - Give me more.Player - No matter how close I get, I still can't catch Skavak. I need the best information you've got.
            • 711. - You're receiving it, I assure you. These things take time.
          • 24. Option - I'm tightening the noose.Player - Skavak will be writhing on the floor before this is over.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 25. - That's quite the vicious streak. It seems he brings out the worst in people.
              • 516. - While we wait for Skavak to make his next move, perhaps we could play a little sabacc?
                • 519. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 520. - I saw that one coming....
                    • 524. - Corso, don't be such a spoilsport. What do you say, Captain? First game's on me.
                  • 521. - We could both use a relaxing diversion. The first game's on me. What do you say?
                    • 525. Option - As long as you're buying.Player - What's the harm in a friendly game of cards?
                      • 529. - Sabacc is the sport of spacers--everyone who's anyone plays it. I'll deal the cards....
                    • 526. Option - [Flirt] Just the two of us?Player - I was hoping we'd have the chance to get better acquainted.
                      • 536. - That sounds delightful. I'd love to hear all about you, my dear.
                        • 547. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 549. - I may have been a bit hasty when I said we could trust Darmas....
                            • 550. Option - I like older men.Player - I prefer a man with some life experience.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 567. - Right. I, uh, think I'll leave you two alone.
                            • 551. Option - You're still tops, Corso.Player - Nobody's going to replace you, farm boy.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 570. - Oh. Uh, that's good. I mean... what are we talking about?
                            • 552. Option - I shouldn't be doing this.Player - On second thought, how about we play a little pazaak?
                              • 623. - I'm afraid I've never been a fan. Its strategy has always felt a bit shallow.
                          • 548. - Please don't spare any details.
                            • 560. Option - I won't.Player - Sit back and relax. This might take a while.
                              • 569. - I'll just put a "do not disturb" sign outside so we can talk as long as we like....
                                • 584. - Well, that was highly informative. I'm already looking forward to our future discussions.
                                  • 594. Option - Me, too.Player - Who knew playing cards could be so much fun?
                                  • 595. Option - Back to business.Player - Sorry, but there's only one thing on my mind right now.
                                    • 634. - Yes, I can see you're eager to continue your other manhunt.
                                  • 596. Option - There won't be any.Player - That's all you're ever going to know about me.
                            • 561. Option - I'm interested in Corso.Player - What do you know about our mutual friend?
                              • 621. - Corso? He's, ah, well... let's just call him "uncomplicated" and leave it at that.
                            • 562. Option - Don't get your hopes up.Player - Do you honestly think you have a chance with me?
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 619. - Playing hard to get, hmm? I know that game, too.
                    • 527. Option - You're on, old man.Player - I play to win, Darmas. Hope you can keep up with me.
                      • 541. - Don't say I didn't warn you, Captain.
                        • 545. - Get us a round of drinks, won't you, Corso? There's a good man. Let's deal some cards....
                      • 538. - Always a pleasure to meet a new challenger....
                        • 566. - You win again. That was... very impressive.
                          • 656. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 657. - Impressive? The captain just cleaned your chrono, Darmas.
                            • 658. - Hmm. I'd say you've played this game before.
                              • 610. Option - Maybe I have.Player - I never said I was a beginner.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 611. - Then I'm a victim of my assumptions. Well played, my friend.
                              • 612. Option - It was all luck.Player - I just played the cards I was dealt.
                                • 613. - Pleading beginner's luck? I'm not sure if that's better or worse.
                              • 614. Option - I thought you were good.Player - If you're tops around here, the other players must really be lousy.
                                • 615. - I clearly need to seek out fresh competition.
                    • 528. Option - I'm not in the mood.Player - All I care about is getting my ship back.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 644. - As you wish--but you don't know what you're missing.
                        • 531. - I beg your forgiveness, but there's a Neimoidian who's been requesting a round of sabacc from me all day. I really shouldn't disappoint him....
                          • 559. - Ah, that was time well spent. I do love the smell of fresh credits.
                            • 604. Option - Wish I had my ship.Player - Until I get my ship back, my earning potential is pretty limited.
                              • 607. - You worry too much. A smart spacer always finds a way to turn a profit.
                            • 605. Option - So do I.Player - Maybe I should take up sabacc to pay the bills.
                              • 654. - There's a reason they call it the "sport of spacers," my friend.
                            • 606. Option - You're boring me.Player - I'm sick of wasting time in this cantina.
                              • 609. - Relax, my friend. You've practically worn a groove in the floor.
                                • 598. - Hold on, I'm receiving an alert from my network. This may be what we've been waiting for....
                                  • 27. - Looks like your efforts have paid off, Captain. My informants just witnessed Skavak fighting someone and fleeing into Justicars' territory. We have him!
                                    • 662. Option - Justicars?Player - Who are these "Justicars"?
                                      • 664. - They're vigilantes--self-appointed "judges" of a whole city sector. Executioners is more like it.
                                    • 661. Option - There was a fight?Player - Did your informants say who Skavak was fighting?
                                      • 666. - An alien of some sort, according to this report. Very peculiar.
                                    • 663. Option - Not yet.Player - Tell me where I'm going, Darmas.
                                      • 665. - You're headed into one of the most dangerous parts of Coruscant.
                                        • 29. - The Justicars don't tolerate outsiders in their sector. Skavak must truly be desperate to risk his life going there.
                                          • 36. Option - I want him first.Player - I'm not letting some Justicar kill Skavak before I do.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 37. - Then you'd better hurry. Justicars aren't known for their mercy.
                                          • 421. Option - Justicars don't sound so bad.Player - They sound like a friendly bunch.
                                            • 422. - Don't bet on it. They've been known to "punish" non-humans simply for being alien.
                                            • 33. - You'll want to avoid the Justicars unless you're particularly hungry for a fight. They're all ex-soldiers and armed to the teeth.
                                          • 40. Option - I left him no choice.Player - He's a scared little man running out of options.
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 41. - It would seem so. Justicars are heavily armed ex-soldiers. It's no exaggeration calling them an army.
                                              • 43. - My informants are a brother and sister named Jiik and Juul. They know where to find Skavak. I'll tell them you're coming.
                                                • 72. - Play your hand carefully in the Justicar sector. My instincts tell me Skavak hasn't shown all his cards yet.
                                                  • 49. Option - You've helped a lot.Player - You've been a real prince, Darmas. I won't forget it.
                                                  • 51. Option - Time to settle this.Player - Skavak won't get away from me this time.
                                                  • 428. Option - I'll keep that in mind.Player - Thanks for the advice.
                                                  • 429. Option - He can play all he wants.Player - I'll fight anyone and anything I have to.
                                                    • 458. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                      • 57. - I hope this isn't the last we'll see of each other. I can't help feeling there's more to our relationship than revenge on Skavak.
                                                        • 62. Option - Like what?Player - You think a starship captain like me and a gambler like you would ever work out?
                                                          • 63. - Why not? I think we complement each other well.
                                                        • 58. Option - [Flirt] I agree.Player - I think you'll see me again before you know it.
                                                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                        • 68. Option - In your dreams, grandpa.Player - Sorry, but you're way too old for me.
                                                          +200 Influence : approves.
                                                          • 69. - Hmph. I must be losing my touch. Maybe it really is time to retire.
                                                      • 45. - Good luck to you, Captain. I hope you make Skavak pay all his debts.
                                                        • 75. <Conversation Exit>
  • 207. - I'll continue to gather information. We'll find Skavak, I promise.
  • 77. - An informant spotted you leaving the Migrant Merchants' Guild. I trust Kixi was useful?
    • 10. Option - She was indeed.Player - Kixi did a real number on Skavak's identity record.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 11. - On a world this crowded with people and technology, he can't hide for long.
    • 702. Option - A little.Player - I have a better idea what Skavak is up to, but still no clue where he is.
    • 703. Option - Not at all.Player - She was useless. Didn't know where Skavak went.
      • 705. - Sorry to hear that. Sometimes, the process of elimination is painful--but cheer up.
        • 707. - My sources reveal Skavak is doing business with the Black Sun gang. A dangerous friendship for all sorts of reasons.
          • 173. - Black Sun is notorious for keeping holorecordings of all their meetings. No doubt they've preserved the highlights of Skavak's visit.
            • 176. Option - Holorecordings, huh?Player - I doubt Black Sun lets just anybody peek at their holos.
            • 419. Option - What a flimsy lead.Player - You could be wrong.
              • 181. - Black Sun made a fortune extorting corrupt officials using their holorecordings. Nowadays, the gang records everything "just in case."
            • 184. Option - Black Sun?Player - Bring me up to speed on this gang.
              • 185. - After the Empire sacked Coruscant, the worst criminal scum organized and called themselves Black Sun. A bit theatrical, if you ask me.
                • 177. - Black Sun fragments its recordings over several computers to prevent unauthorized viewing. You'll have to assemble the relevant footage by accessing each computer.
                  • 187. - I should warn you, Black Sun controls an entire sector of Coruscant. They're thugs with the most horrible manners. Do be careful. Good luck.
                    • 188. <Conversation Exit>
  • 78. - I don't know anything new yet, Captain.
  • 80. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 675. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 81. - Forgive me for being so forward, but you're more radiant than a Tatooine sunset. Darmas Pollaran, at your service.
        • 90. Option - Right.Player - I'm sure you say that to all the girls.
          • 91. - Nonsense, my dear. I can't remember the last time this dark cantina seemed so bright and lively.
            • 486. - Give it up, old man. She's not your type.
              • 490. - Ah, Corso. Good to see you in person, my boy.
        • 86. Option - [Flirt] Charmed, I'm sure.Player - You're even better-looking in person, Darmas.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 485. - Come on, Captain. Isn't he a little old for you?
            • 87. - Don't listen to the boy. Feel free to compliment me any time.
        • 94. Option - Oh, brother.Player - Darmas, you're slicker than a greased Hutt.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 493. - She's got your number, old man.
            • 95. - You wound me. I meant that compliment from the bottom of my heart.
      • 98. - Welcome, my friend. I'm Darmas Pollaran, sabacc player and information resource without equal.
        • 103. Option - I can top that.Player - Nice to meet you. I'm the fastest blaster in the galaxy.
          • 104. - I guess congratulations are in order. I wasn't aware that competition had been settled. Good for you.
        • 107. Option - Who are these women?Player - You seem to have a lot of female admirers.
          • 108. - Women seem to find me irresistible. Just one more way I'm an extremely fortunate man.
        • 416. Option - Skip it, pal.Player - Do you always talk to strangers this way?
          • 112. - You'll find a little politeness goes a long way in the shadows of Coruscant. Try it some time.
            • 114. - Sorry to hear about Viidu. He was a man of refined tastes and a terrible card player. I'll truly miss him.
              • 116. - Life is like sabacc. The trick is to quit while you're ahead and enjoy your winnings--exactly how I'll spend my twilight years.
                • 125. Option - I plan to never die.Player - I'll still be flying around this galaxy a hundred years from now.
                  • 126. - Ha! I like your spirit, Captain. Sometimes I think I'm already too old for this business.
                • 121. Option - [Flirt] Not all alone, I hope.Player - I can't imagine a handsome man like you living as a hermit.
                  • 122. - Perish the thought. I simply have to convince the right woman to come with me. If you have any recommendations, let me know.
                • 417. Option - I'll drink to that.Player - Good luck.
                  • 130. - Who needs luck? With the right preparation and a flexible strategy, a man can be ready for anything life throws at him--even death.
                • 133. Option - You mean now?Player - Looks to me like you're already in your twilight years.
                  • 134. - Really? Good thing I'm having such a wonderful time, then.
                    • 136. - Now, I know this isn't a social call. Corso says you have troubles, and I'm prepared to help.
                      • 137. Option - Tell me where to find my ship.Player - A man named Skavak stole my freighter and brought it here.
                        • 138. - Corso mentioned a cargo hold full of stolen blasters and the infamous Rogun the Butcher, too. My sympathies.
                      • 141. Option - I need revenge, not help.Player - I want payback on a man named Skavak.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 142. - Yes, Corso was equally emphatic about that. Having met Skavak, I understand completely.
                      • 145. Option - Get a gangster off my back.Player - Rogun the Butcher put a bounty on my head. I want it removed.
                        • 146. - Not much I can do about that, except find the man who got you into trouble. Name is Skavak, yes?
                          • 152. - Skavak is well known in the galactic underworld. He's earned death sentences across the galaxy for everything from armed robbery to kidnapping.
                            • 154. - He's known to be in the Sith Empire's pocket, and he even cheats at cards. I'm happy to help you find him.
                              • 157. Option - A thief and a cheater.Player - If there's one thing I hate, it's a card cheat.
                                • 158. - Oh, my... beauty, intelligence and fine moral values--what's not to like about that combination?
                                • 161. - In my book, if you can only win by cheating you shouldn't be playing the game at all.
                              • 164. Option - He deals with Sith?Player - Skavak works for the Empire?
                                • 165. - On occasion, yes. The man isn't particular about his friends. Let's hope that makes him easier to catch.
                              • 418. Option - So point me at him, already.Player - No time to waste.
                                • 169. - Patience, my friend. Your enemy has more than one associate here. We need to plan our search carefully, or he'll escape again.
                                  • 171. - Soon as Corso mentioned Skavak's name, I alerted all my best informants. I'm getting some interesting leads.
                                    • 464. - What did I tell you, Captain? Darmas can find out anything. We'll have Skavak in no time.
                                      • 465. Option - At what cost?Player - How much do you want for your information, Darmas?
                                        • 478. - This information is free of charge, my dear. I would never consider extorting credits from a beautiful woman in distress.
                                        • 468. - Nothing, my friend. I couldn't live with myself, taking advantage of a man who lost his starship.
                                      • 466. Option - We'll see.Player - Let's hear Darmas's brilliant advice, first.
                                        • 469. - I don't offer advice, Captain--only information. What you do with it is up to you.
                                      • 467. Option - I've heard that before.Player - Viidu said the same thing--and look what happened to him.
                                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                        • 470. - Viidu, good as he was, lacked my particular gift for conversation--not to mention my vast network of contacts.
                                          • 189. - Skavak recently used the services of a data slicer named Kixi in the Migrant Merchants' Guild headquarters. Quite talented, I hear.
                                            • 190. Option - Data slicer?Player - What would Skavak need with a data slicer?
                                              • 191. - Slicers are masters at cracking codes and manipulating data. Miscreant like Skavak'll have all sorts of nefarious uses for such talent.
                                            • 194. Option - More of Skavak's girlfriends.Player - I'll say this: The man has a way with women.
                                              • 195. - I don't think it's a romantic relationship. Skavak doesn't cavort with aliens--even near-humans like Kixi.
                                            • 202. Option - Migrant Merchants' Guild?Player - What do you know about this guild?
                                              • 203. - It's made up of aliens who lost their homes in the war. The guild's original goal was self-preservation, but lately they've become... greedy.
                                                • 205. - Kixi might be able to help you flush Skavak out of hiding. Be careful, though--the guild is well armed and doesn't like outsiders.
                                                  • 230. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                    • 235. - Excuse me, darling, but there's a Chagrian with more credits than sense. I really shouldn't let him leave with all his money.
                                                    • 238. - Excuse me, but I notice some delightful young ladies in desperate need of attention. Duty calls.
                                                      • 239. <Conversation Exit>
    • 497. - Greetings, Captain. I was expecting my old friend Corso, as well. What I have to say is for both of you.
  • 244. - Care to try your luck at sabacc? I promise to go easy on you for the first hand, heh....
  • 6. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 472. - My sources revealed two places to start your hunt for Skavak. First, he recently paid a visit to the Black Sun gang.
    • 412. - There's a trio of well-armed youths outside asking for you. Not sure what they want.
    • 76. - I hear Black Sun is on an emergency recruitment drive. Nicely done. You should still talk to Kixi in the Migrant Merchants' Guild.
    • 481. - The captain and I can handle them. What's your other lead?
    • 240. - Come see me after you visit Black Sun and the Migrant Merchants' Guild. Good luck, Captain.
      • 221. Option - Find him, but don't touch him.Player - Nobody deals with Skavak except me, understood?
        • 222. - Absolutely. I've never felt the urge to pull a trigger, not when others have so much more enthusiasm.
          • 223. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 213. Option - [Flirt] Thanks for everything.Player - You're a good man to have around, Darmas.
        • 214. - When this is all over, maybe we can discuss other ways I can be of assistance?
          • 215. <Conversation Exit>
      • 217. Option - Don't let me down.Player - I'm holding you to that promise, pal.
        • 218. - I've never failed to provide useful information and I don't plan to start now.
      • 420. Option - If I regret this, you're dead.Player - If you try to double-cross me, you're dead.
        • 227. - Throttle down, Captain. Darmas is a friend. He wouldn't hurt us.
          • 229. - It's alright, Corso. If I'd been through what the captain has I'd be paranoid, too.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.smuggler.darmas_pollaran
Appearance ID16140985523607668474
Body Typebmn
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