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Nadia Grell

Nadia Grell
Level 70 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Daily_area
SubCategory: Ossus
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.10.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Nadia Grell
Other Sites:


  • 230. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 2. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 122. - Haha! It's you! It's really you!
        • 125. - All right, Nadia, cancel the whole evacuation. I don't care what's coming for us, we have got nothing to worry about.
          • 127. - He's wonderful at introductions, isn't he? I'm Nadia Grell. You were the Battlemaster, weren't you? Back before Zakuul invaded?
            • 128. Player - Yes, that's right.
              • 129. - And, of course, the only woman who could ever make an honest man out of me. Crushed me as easily as a Sith lord, though... much more pleasantly.
                • 132. Option - Same old Doc.Player - You always did know just the wrong thing to say.
                  • 142. - I want you to do the talking--it's been so long. How did you survive that explosion? What have you been doing?
                • 131. Option - Talk, talk, talk. [Kiss Doc]Player - Shut up and kiss me.
                  • 134. - Stars, it's really you... I missed you so much. We were so afraid, everyone was sure that you had... that you didn't make it.
                    • 139. - Doc, I'm---I'm sorry to break this up, but we really need to get these ships ready to go.
                • 133. Option - [Change the subject]Player - Yes, well... you said you were evacuating? So you know about the Imperials?
              • 130. - Toughest Jedi I ever knew. We took on things you could never even imagine... are you hearing me? I don't care how many Imps are here, they're toast.
                • 140. Player - So you know about the Imperials?
      • 123. - It's really you! I sensed your presence, but I just couldn't believe... it's you!
        • 148. - Friend of yours, I take it?
          • 150. - This is my old master! The Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order!
            • 151. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 152. - The one I've missed so... so much.
                • 156. Option - It's good to see you again.Player - I was afraid we'd never see each other again. I'm glad to be wrong.
                  • 165. - You found us just in time....
                • 157. Option - I missed you too.Player - If only I'd known you were here... I'd never have kept you waiting.
                  • 160. - We've been cut off from the galaxy for years, you couldn't have known... it was supposed to keep us hidden....
                • 158. Option - [Change the subject]Player - So... it looks like you're evacuating. I take it you're aware of the Imperials?
              • 153. - Now that you're here... everything is going to work out.
      • 3. - Hello there! I'm afraid you're going the wrong direction.
        • 4. Player - I'm the Commander of the Alliance--I've come to help.
          • 5. - Commander of the what? Doesn't matter....
            • 6. Player - This looks like an evacuation... so you know the Imperials are here?
              • 136. - Yes. We don't know how many there are, but they have serious resources. If they're here, it's for a major fight, and we can't afford to give them one.
                • 9. - Civilians and "non-essentials" are loading up first. Who calls a doctor "non-essential" when there's a fight brewing? You ask me, the Jedi have lost their minds.
                  • 14. Option - I'll sort this out.Player - I'll speak with Master Gnost-Dural--do you know where I can find him?
                  • 10. Option - Where's the leader of the Jedi?Player - I'm looking for the one in charge--Gnost-Dural. Do you know where I can find him?
                    • 172. - A guest, looking for me? What a strange day this has been... I'll be with you just in a moment.
                  • 13. Option - How did you end up here, Doc?Player - How exactly did you get mixed up in all this?
                    • 177. - I got split up from Kira and Scourge--long story--so I went to find other Jedi. Seemed like the best odds of catching up with them, or you, eventually.
                  • 11. Option - How did you get involved here?Player - If you're not a Jedi, how did you get involved in all this?
                    • 15. - Oh, I've been tight with the Jedi for a long time now. Helped them save the galaxy once or twice... no big deal.
                      • 17. - I heard about the colony after it was already built, so I was a latecomer, but they were happy to have a full-time doctor on staff.
                        • 19. - That was before we got to know him.
                  • 33. Option - I don't have time for this.Player - Save the whining for later, Doc. Take me to Gnost-Dural--now.
                  • 12. Option - I don't have time for this.Player - Complain to someone else. I need to talk to the person in charge.
                    • 36. - I'll be happy to oblige you--in just a moment.
                      • 21. - Doctor Kimble. Nadia. How go the shuttle preparations?
                        • 182. - We'd be a lot further along if we hadn't borrowed so many of the shuttles' parts for the colony's systems... it's going to be hours before we can launch.
                          • 183. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 28. - We should be calling the whole thing off. Do you know who this is? Hero of Tython, slayer of the Emperor, ring any bells?
                            • 23. - We should be calling the whole thing off. Don't you recognize a real bar... uh... bar-room-door, when you see one?
                              • 185. - Barsen'thor....
                                • 29. Player - I command the Alliance, now. We overthrew the Eternal Empire and destroyed the Sith Emperor, once and for all. I've come to help.
                            • 24. - So, do you know our new arrival? The Commander of the... something or other?
                              • 25. Player - I command the Alliance. We overthrew the Eternal Empire, and now we're helping the Republic--which means helping you.
                                • 30. - Sounds like a lot's happened since we cut our communications.
                                  • 32. - Which helped to keep us hidden all this time.
                                    • 39. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 40. - I am quite familiar with your past service to the Jedi, Commander. And I look forward to updating my journals with your more recent exploits.
                                      • 41. - Nadia has told me much about you, Barsen'thor. And I look forward to updating my journals to include your new title and accomplishments.
                                      • 42. - You commanded Havoc Squad for many years, didn't you? I always hoped we could meet so that I could better document your accomplishments.
                                      • 43. - I've come across you many times in my research, Commander--always in surprising places. I create and maintain the Jedi Order's historical records.
                                        • 45. - It's probably time you had a chapter all your own--but that will have to wait.
                                          • 53. - The Sith are on our doorstep. I formed this colony to safeguard the Jedi and their teachings for the future... now, we must abandon it to serve that same goal.
                                            • 190. Player - Republic reinforcements are coming. We just have to hold out until they get here.
                                              • 193. - We welcome any help they can offer. But until they arrive, our plan must remain the same: we have to get these shuttles ready as soon as possible.
                                                • 55. Option - Where will you go next?Player - Do you have a new hiding place in mind?
                                                  • 72. - Somewhere further, more remote. I once read claims of a forgotten Jedi world deep within the Unknown Regions... perhaps we'll seek it out.
                                                • 54. Option - You don't trust the Republic?Player - You don't seem convinced that help is on the way. You don't think the Republic will come?
                                                • 56. Option - Dont run away--fight!Player - If the Sith are here, we should destroy them. Not run away.
                                                  • 69. - Employing the same singleminded, oblivious thirst for blood as our enemies will not keep the Jedi whole for generations to come.
                                                • 57. Option - Don't run away--fight!Player - I always heard the Jedi were the best--not the kind of people to break rank and run as soon as the enemy shows up.
                                                  • 66. - Even you must have retreated from unfavorable odds at least once, Commander.
                                                • 58. Option - Guess I wasted a trip then.Player - So... you just want some help moving boxes, or...?
                                                  • 195. - I wouldn't mind a hand.
                                                    • 59. - Perimeter alarms--they're coming again. I'm on my way to handle it.
                                                      • 61. - Hmm... yes. Take backup this time.
                                                        • 81. - Backup?
                                                          • 63. - Got all the backup I need right here.
                                                            • 65. - Commander? This is Tau Idair, our head of security. Would you be willing to join her in holding off the enemy as we complete our preparations?
                                                              • 78. Option - Of course.Player - Whatever's out there, we can handle it. Do what you need to do.
                                                              • 203. Option - Can Doc come too?Player - Could I bring Doc along as well? We make a great team.
                                                              • 204. Option - Can Nadia come too?Player - I'd like to bring Nadia along as well--we've fought together countless times in the past.
                                                              • 205. Option - Can I bring Doc or Nadia?Player - Not knowing what we're up against, I'd be glad to have a medic or another Jedi backing us up.
                                                              • 79. Option - Can I bring Nadia or Doc?Player - Having another Jedi wouldn't hurt--and a doctor always comes in handy.
                                                                • 83. - Tau? What do you think?
                                                                  • 85. - Sensors aren't picking up a major push. Could even be a feint, so we shouldn't over-commit.
                                                                    • 87. - Either way, sending the two of us is overkill already--Doc and Nadia should help cover the farming crews.
                                                                      • 209. - We'll leave you to it then. May the Force be with you.
                                                                        • 220. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                              • 80. Option - Sure, if she's actually good.Player - Let's see if she's got the skills to back up that attitude.
                                                                • 89. - You must have lots of friends.
                                                                  • 91. - We'll leave you to it, then. Nadia, Doctor Kimble--let's see how the farming crews are doing.
                                                                    • 92. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                      • 95. - We're going to catch up when this is all over, gorgeous. Believe it.
                                                                        • 97. Player - I promise.
                                                                      • 93. - I'll find you later--I've got to hear what you've been up to!
                                                                      • 96. - We'll be together again before we know it. Stay safe.
                                                                        • 100. Player - You too.
                                                                      • 201. - Once we're through all of this, you owe me a lot of stories.
                                                                      • 104. Player - What did your sensors pick up? Imperial Soldiers? Sith?
                                                                        • 105. - Neither. The Imps are just toying with us. The Old Man's pretty sure they're being led by a Sith named Malora.
                                                                          • 107. - Malora's into biology, genetic manipulation, Sith alchemy, blah, blah, blah... she makes monsters. For us, she's cooked up some kind of mutated Geonosians.
                                                                            • 109. - Hyper-aggressive, heavily armored, psychotic Geonosians. With weapons. Making their way toward the colony in swarms.
                                                                              • 110. Option - And you aren't worried?Player - That doesn't really sound like you're being toyed with.
                                                                                • 111. - The mutants are brutal, and tough in a fight, but they aren't strategic. If the Imps were serious about it, they could destroy us faster without the storybook monsters.
                                                                              • 112. Option - What about the Sith in charge?Player - You said Gnost-Dural had an idea about who's running the operation--Malora?
                                                                                • 215. - He's got profiles on all of the major Sith, their specialties, favorite meals, everything. If he says it's Malora, odds are he's right.
                                                                                  • 217. - She doesn't care about strategy or conquests; she wants to control life itself. For Malora, war is just a test for her creations.
                                                                              • 113. Option - Lucky for you that I showed up.Player - Sounds like you'll definitely need my help.
                                                                                • 114. - Haven't so far.
                                                                                  • 116. - Ossus is riddled with old, buried ruins--the mutants like to cut through them to approach unseen.
                                                                                    • 118. - We get out there and collapse a few tunnels, they'll be cut off and the colonists will have a lot more time to move.
                                                                                      • 119. Player - Then let's get to it.
                                                                                        • 120. - After you... Commander.
                                                                                          • 121. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.daily_area.ossus.republic.scene_1_doc_gnost_tau",
    "CnvB62": "mTcQMH8",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "Fqn": "npc.daily_area.ossus.story.republic.nadia_grell_intro",
    "first_seen": "5.10.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "649926262",
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