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Elara Dorne

Elara Dorne
Level 1-50 Elara Dorne
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Alliance
SubCategory: Camp
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.1.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Elara Dorne
Other Sites:


  • 2. Player - Looks like all of the refugees got squared away.
    • 3. - Yes--the mass triage drills have proven their worth. To be honest, it was a bit exhilarating. Like the old days.
      • 4. Option - Thinking about old times, huh?Player - Something on your mind, Elara?
      • 6. Option - It used to be easier.Player - Things were a lot more straightforward back then. Go here, blow up that, report back to Garza's office over and over....
        • 8. - We were fortunate to have that reserved hangar on Coruscant, certainly.
      • 7. Option - I'm much happier now.Player - Colonel overseeing a task force is a big improvement over a lieutenant commanding a single squad.
      • 10. Option - I'm much happier now.Player - Commanding the Alliance is incredible. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to grunt work.
        • 11. - I can certainly understand that.
          • 13. - I've become so embroiled in my duties as an officer over the years, I've moved away from my medical work almost completely. I miss it.
            • 14. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 15. - And now that the Alliance has joined the Republic, my liaison work is all but nonexistent.
              • 16. - And with the Alliance working directly with Task Force Nova, my liaison work is all but nonexistent.
                • 24. - I have time for more, and I know how I'd like to spend it. I want to form a rapid response search-and-rescue unit.
                  • 26. - Soldiers with equally extensive combat and medical expertise who can extract friendly personnel--civilian or military--from harm's way, stabilize them, and return them to safety.
                    • 27. Option - You have my full support.Player - Sounds like a great idea. Put in all the requests you need and I'll back them.
                      • 34. - I always knew there was something I liked about you.
                      • 28. - Thank you--I'm glad you agree.
                    • 30. Option - What would your role be?Player - Would you be leading this unit, or training them?
                      • 32. - Both, I'd expect--in the beginning, at least. Once they're fully operational, I could pass on command and shift to other duties as needed.
                    • 31. Option - Sounds expensive.Player - I'm not convinced we could spare the resources to train up a unit like this.
                      • 35. - Weighed against the losses we'd incur without such a unit, I don't believe we can afford not to have them.
                        • 37. - I'll complete my full proposal and submit it to you and General Daeruun for review.
                          • 44. - Now, that will need to include a PK-87-5 personnel requisition, an AX-590 supply outlay request, at least twenty GR-10s....
                            • 45. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 53. Player - Now, now--you don't get to dive into all of that fun paperwork until you have at least one drink to celebrate with your boring old husband.
                              • 71. Player - Now, now--you don't get to dive into all of that fun paperwork until we have at least one drink to celebrate.
                            • 55. Player - I guess things haven't changed as much as you thought.
                            • 46. Option - [Flirt] You really love paperwork.Player - I love that glow you get when you're thinking about paperwork... it's always made me smile.
                              • 63. - Really?
                                • 64. Player - Really.
                                  • 65. - I could keep working on this while we share a drink or two... if you're interested?
                                    • 66. Player - I'm interested.
                                      • 67. - Well. After you, then. Colonel.
                            • 47. Option - I'm here if you need me.Player - Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
                            • 49. - An AT-1319 would move things along more quickly... though the AT-1320 would permit more detail....
                              • 50. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.trooper.elara_dorne
Appearance ID16140962180269259381
Body Typebfn
    "_id": {
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    "ParentSpecId": "16140966305425822495",
    "ParentSpecB62Id": "7vDq5b6",
    "Name": "Elara Dorne",
    "NameId": "4379492252385280",
    "LocalizedName": {
        "enMale": "Elara Dorne",
        "frMale": "Elara Dorne",
        "frFemale": "Elara Dorne",
        "deMale": "Elara Dorne",
        "deFemale": "Elara Dorne"
    "ClassId": "16141134731577355541",
    "ClassB62Id": "5MrZsu4",
    "AbilityPackageB62Id": "iyXPu90",
    "AbilityPackageB62IdList": [
    "MinLevel": 1,
    "MaxLevel": 50,
    "Faction": 13,
    "DetFaction": {
        "RepublicReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
        "NameId": "1173582633762818",
        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Republic",
            "frMale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "frFemale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "deMale": "Republik",
            "deFemale": "Republik"
        "DefendedFactionIds": [
        "FactionId": "2012565618654812528",
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    "Toughness": "Standard",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
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        "deFemale": "Standard"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.alliance.pinnacles_of_power.republic.elara",
    "CnvB62": "cEsuITF",
    "CodexId": "0",
    "ProfessionTrained": 0,
    "CompanionOverrideId": "0",
    "LootTableId": "0",
    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.companion",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.companion",
    "WanderPackage": "pkg.wander.npc.none",
    "AggroPackage": "pkg.aggro.npc.extreme_high_baf",
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            "MeleeWepId": "16141173282837695788",
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            "RangedWepB62Id": "kwDElY3",
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            "AppearanceId": "16140962180269259381",
            "AppearanceFqn": "npp.companion.trooper.elara_dorne",
            "SpeciesScale": 0
    "CharRef": "chr.elara_dorne",
    "FqnCategory": "alliance",
    "FqnSubCategory": "camp",
    "CommandXP": 16,
    "Id": "16141007289613140011",
    "Base62Id": "Ay0mkqS",
    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "6.1.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.1.0",
    "hash": "1244743455",
    "removed_in": ""