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Theron Shan

Theron Shan
Level 55 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Flashpoint
SubCategory: Manaan
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 2.5.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Theron Shan
Other Sites:


  • 139. - There you are. Our first few interviews with Jakarro's "friends" went well, believe it or not.
    • 141. - We're going to start with some antique smugglers from the Exchange, see if the Revanites have gone for any other Rakata tech.
      • 142. Option - Anything from Darok or Arkous?Player - Have you found any traces of Colonel Darok or Darth Arkous?
        • 246. - Not one. Apparently the Revanites know a thing or two about staying hidden.
      • 143. Option - [Flirt] It's good to see you.Player - I'm glad to see you're still in one piece. It's a good look for you.
        • 241. - And I was starting to wonder if it was Lana you had your eyes on.
        • 269. - Then I'll do my best to stay that way.
      • 144. Option - We can do that without Lana.Player - I still think working with a Sith is more trouble than it's worth. We can handle this on our own, Theron.
        • 145. - You're good, I know that. And I'm not so bad, either. But I still think we're better off spreading the work--and the risk--around a bit.
          • 239. - If the Revanites did manage to take us out... at least there will still be someone else going after them, even if it is a backstabbing Sith and a murderous Wookiee.
            • 147. - "The Order of Revan". Hmph. My family has even more pull than I thought.
              • 156. Option - You're related to Revan?Player - You're related to Revan?
                • 158. - You never heard that story? Bastila Shan, Revan's great Jedi love? The name made it all the way down to me, even if the Force didn't.
                  • 160. - Look: Revan was a wild card, and his crazy cult of followers is bound to be the same.
                    • 162. - Highly-trained bravado aside, we're up against some long odds here. Are you sure you still want to be dragged into all of this?
                      • 163. Option - This threat must be ended.Player - The Revanites are a danger to the entire Republic. We can't afford to ignore them.
                        • 261. - If you keep going up against impossible enemies, it's going to turn into a habit.
                      • 251. Option - The Force guides me.Player - I follow the will of the Force. As long as I'm needed, I'll help--it's as simple as that.
                        • 256. - Just like Master Zho always said.
                      • 252. Option - Odds don't mean anything.Player - We're not fighting odds, we're fighting people. And people can always be taken down, no matter what the numbers say.
                        • 255. - You make it all sound so easy.
                      • 253. Option - Definitely.Player - I figure, the longer the odds, the better the payout. And I love a good payout.
                        • 254. - I guess that's one way of looking at it.
                      • 164. Option - [Flirt] Of course.Player - I'm not going anywhere, Theron. You can count on that.
                        • 168. - Teams aren't my usual style, but I think I could get used to this one.
                      • 165. Option - I won't quit without payback.Player - They tried to kill me. I'm not going to let that slide.
                        • 166. - You and Jakarro will make a great team.
                          • 169. - All right, I'd better get back to Lana and Jakarro before they... do... anything. I'll get in touch as soon as we get something concrete--stay safe.
                            • 170. <Conversation Exit>
  • 10. - ...I just think it might put everyone at ease if you ditched the lightsaber.
    • 95. - Is that really necessary? Surely I'm not as intimidating as you imply?
      • 96. Option - No need to play coy.Player - You can understand our concern, I'm sure.
        • 198. - As I'm sure you can understand mine. I've come to help, and I can hardly do that without my weapon of choice.
      • 191. Option - I sense the truth.Player - Your mastery of the Dark Side is plain enough--but I also sense your intentions. You mean no harm.
        • 201. - Theron mentioned that you were quite perceptive. I'm Lana Beniko.
      • 192. Option - Convince me.Player - You've earned a little trust so far--I'm sure you wouldn't mind earning a bit more.
        • 204. - As pragmatic as described. I'm Lana Beniko.
      • 193. Option - I don't scare easily.Player - After the day I've had, one Sith lord isn't worth getting worked up about.
        • 207. - You see, Theron? We'll get on just fine.
      • 97. Option - [Flirt] Maybe so, maybe not.Player - If we just spent some time together, I'll bet we could come to an understanding.
        • 148. - I'm confident we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the days to come.
          • 150. - Lana Beniko: dedicated Imperial citizen and fully-armed Sith lord.
            • 153. - But you don't need to worry about that.
      • 194. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 195. Player - Deception is one of the key weapons in the Sith arsenal.
        • 196. Player - Sith lie. It's in your nature.
          • 99. - You trust him, and lying is the core of his profession. Couldn't "Lana Beniko, terrifying lord of the Sith" earn the same trust?
            • 101. - Arkous manipulated her and her people, same as Darok did to us. She's already shared a lot of good intel.
              • 103. - Based on your work in the lab, we know that Arkous and Darok are working together, manipulating both sides for some third party.
                • 105. - They're Revanites. Members of the Order of Revan, a secretive cult that's had its claws in the Empire for many years. It seems they've pierced the Republic now, as well.
                  • 106. Option - Tell me more about them.Player - How large is this cult? What kind of resources do they have?
                    • 220. - Given what you uncovered in the lab, they're much larger and better funded than we'd ever guessed.
                  • 107. Option - Revan?Player - I helped pull Revan out of the Maelstrom Prison. I heard he died not too long afterward... was that incorrect?
                    • 217. - Not as far as Lana or I know. But dead men can be even better cult leaders than live ones.
                  • 210. Option - Revan?Player - I'm not sure I've ever heard of this "Revan" person.
                    • 211. - I'm sure Theron could tell you all about him.
                      • 213. - He was a Jedi, then he was a Sith, then he was a Jedi again, all about three hundred years ago. I'll send you a history file.
                  • 108. Option - Let's expose them.Player - They won't be so secretive once we tell everyone what they've been doing.
                    • 109. - All of the physical evidence went down with the lab. How would we convince anyone?
                      • 111. - We know the Revanites have highly-placed moles in both the Republic and the Empire. That means we have no idea who we can really trust.
                        • 112. Player - Then it's up to us to stop them.
                          • 113. - Droid! Tell them this is boring and I don't care about any of it!
                            • 115. - Uh... my master, the incomparable star captain Jakarro....
                              • 118. Player - ...Is more interested in action than discussion. And this is his translator, C2-D4.
                              • 116. Player - ...Has a short attention span. And this is what's left of his translator, C2-D4.
                                • 117. - Former interpreter for Her Imminence, Queen Lina of Onderon!
                                  • 121. - Yeah, we got that earlier.
                                    • 126. - All of it.
                                      • 123. - If you understand me, then understand this: the Pub and Imp left me to die--twice! I won't rest until I've tasted their blood!
                                        • 127. - I saw your list of known accomplices earlier--quite impressive. Could any of them help us find where these traitors might be hiding?
                                          • 129. - Of course! But I do the talking, understand?
                                            • 131. - Superb! Then if Theron agrees...?
                                              • 133. - Go ahead and get the ship prepped. I'll cover our tracks and catch up.
                                                • 137. - Very well. It's been a pleasure meeting you. May the Force ever serve you.
                                                  • 135. - You'd better travel separately. If the Revanites put a tail on us, they won't know which to follow.
                                                    • 136. Option - Good thinking.Player - I don't think these cultists realize who they're up against.
                                                    • 223. Option - Should we lay low?Player - If the Revanites realize their trap didn't work, won't that make things worse?
                                                      • 225. - I think it's better if they do see you. They'll have to alter their plans to compensate--and that's when they'll make mistakes.
                                                    • 224. Option - We can't trust a Sith.Player - Lana isn't our ally, Theron. She's going to betray us, sooner or later.
                                                      • 226. - You're probably right. But for now, she can be useful--the Revanites are just as dangerous to the Empire as they are to us.
                                                        • 228. - We're going to need allies, even if they aren't as trustworthy as we'd like. But that doesn't mean we have to let our guard down.
                                                          • 230. - I'd better get moving. Watch your back out there.
                                                            • 235. <Conversation Exit>
  • 8. - Get down to that lab and see what's happening. I'll stay in contact.
  • 16. - Hey. I just called Tee-Three to have him find you, and he said you were already on the way. That's some impressive timing.
    • 34. Player - What are you doing here, Theron?
      • 35. - Digging, just like I said I would. Let me show you what I've got so far.
        • 60. - Colonel Darok commanded our strike on Korriban, supposedly to gather valuable intelligence data--none of which has been turned over to the SIS.
          • 62. - This is the Sith you spoke to on Tython: Darth Arkous. Member of the Dark Council, organizer of the attack on the Jedi Temple.
            • 63. Player - You've found a connection between them?
              • 66. - Yes--they've both been paying visits to the same genetics lab, in an underwater facility here on Manaan. They're headed down there again as we speak.
                • 67. Option - Then we'll catch them both.Player - How quickly can you arrange transportation? We can catch up to them and find out the truth before any more lives are lost.
                • 178. Option - There's more, isn't there?Player - That's not all you've discovered, is it? You've found something else, something they've already done....
                • 179. Option - So Darok is a traitor.Player - If Colonel Darok is working with the Imps, we need to move on him right away, before he can do any more damage.
                  • 184. - I haven't even gotten to the good part.
                • 180. Option - Could just be a coincidence.Player - I've flown with some pretty nasty characters--didn't mean we were buddies.
                • 68. Option - Tell me about the lab.Player - Is it some kind of medical treatment facility? Experimental research? Something else?
                  • 70. - There's no documentation for the lab's purpose, but traffic in and out is mostly freight, not passenger. Probably research--which fits my other findings.
                • 69. Option - You should have called sooner.Player - How long were you planning to wait before you contacted me? This is a major threat!
                  • 71. - I wanted more than just circumstantial evidence. And I got it.
                    • 73. - With Darok and Arkous working together, the timing of the attacks makes perfect sense. They weren't really attacks at all--they were robberies.
                      • 74. Player - Robberies? What do you mean?
                        • 75. - The Imps hauled something out of the Jedi Temple just before you got there. A few security holos were still working, so I got a shot of it.
                          • 77. - Darok's top guy, Commander Jensyn, grabbed something similar on Korriban. I ran the images through some databases--they were pieces of ancient Rakata technology.
                            • 78. Option - Sounds dangerous.Player - Any technology that the Sith would keep under lock and key must be bad.
                            • 79. Option - Rakata tech?Player - As in, technology from the ruthless empire that conquered the galaxy before the founding of the Republic?
                              • 81. - Yes. You can understand my concern.
                            • 80. Option - This gets crazier every minute.Player - Ancient technology, galactic conspiracies, secret labs... should we get our heads checked?
                              • 83. - I probably wouldn't believe it either, if I hadn't seen all of the evidence for myself.
                                • 85. - I'm pretty sure Darok and Arkous have brought their Rakata tech to the lab, but you're going to have to go in to figure out exactly what they're doing with it.
                                  • 87. - There. I've arranged transport to get you in, but security will probably come after you with more than smiles. Don't let them slow you down.
                                    • 89. - While you're searching the lab for Arkous and Darok, I'm going to meet with one last contact. I think she might have some interesting intel for us.
                                      • 90. Player - "She"?
                                        • 91. - You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Good luck down there.
                                          • 187. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                            • 291. <Conversation Exit>
  • 93. - We're going to get to the bottom of all of this.
  • 33. - Hey. I just called Tee-Three to have him find you, but it looks like you were already on the way. That's impressive timing.
    • 17. Player - Why are we here, Theron? What is this all about?
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.flashpoint.manaan.republic.theron_shan
Appearance ID16140991816566175843
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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            "enMale": "Friendly",
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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        "frFemale": "Champion",
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "FqnCategory": "flashpoint",
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    "first_seen": "2.5.0",
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    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "2649478670",
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    "CnvB62": "qxLAFP2",
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.flashpoint.manaan.republic.theron_shan",
    "changed_fields": [
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