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Level 5-60 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Mholochwost
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: test_conv_starter_03
Other Sites:


  • 222. - You're clear to hit the weapon factory. We'll keep the Imps busy.
  • 198. - That'll teach the Imp scum.
    • 200. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 201. - No offense, Commander.
        • 199. Player - None taken.
          • 205. - Good to finally meet you. Judging by the damage you caused, I'm glad we're on the same side.
      • 202. - Honored, Commander. Glad to see you back fighting for the Republic.
        • 132. - Theron... You're looking good, son. Combat suits you.
          • 5. - And small talk doesn't. What's the latest?
            • 9. - Our base is secured, and the Empire's finest are running home to their Empress. Not bad for our first battle as allies.
              • 11. Option - Now we strike back.Player - Acina's weakened. If we retaliate now, she won't have time to recover.
              • 16. Option - Time for the kill shot.Player - Acina's on the ropes. We need to take her down quick, or she'll find a way to rally.
              • 10. Option - [Flirt] We make a good team.Player - We should've teamed up sooner. I could've used a strong warrior like you by my side.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 15. Option - The credit is all mine.Player - You killed a handful of grunts. I held off an entire army.
                • 17. - I didn't know we were keeping score. I'll aim higher for our next battle.
                  • 21. - If I know the Empress, she's already planning her next offensive.
                    • 25. - We suffered heavy losses. The survivors await your command.
                      • 27. - Malcom and his new ally are no doubt gloating over their presumed victory.
                        • 28. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 140. - You served with the Alliance Commander. What is your recommendation?
                            • 146. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 155. - He was once a powerful Sith, hardened, merciless, and cruel. Nothing could stop his pursuit of power.
                              • 147. - She was once a powerful Sith, hardened, merciless, and cruel. Nothing could stop her pursuit of power.
                              • 154. - Unlike other Sith, he abandoned the dark cruelties of his order to root out the Empire's corruption. Even Dark Council members feared him.
                              • 148. - Unlike other Sith, she abandoned the dark cruelties of her order to root out the Empire's corruption. Even Dark Council members feared her.
                          • 143. - You compiled the Alliance Commander's psych profile. What is your recommendation?
                            • 141. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                              • 142. - He is a battle-hardened champion, surrounded by allies, and bolstered by the Eternal Fleet.
                                • 150. - Only an unexpected blow will pierce his armor.
                              • 108. - She is a battle-hardened champion, surrounded by allies, and bolstered by her Eternal Fleet.
                                • 149. - Only an unexpected blow will pierce her armor.
                                  • 31. - Then we will endeavor to surprise the Alliance Commander. Gather your top engineers and rally the troops. I'm coming to Iokath.
                                    • 212. Player - What are we looking at?
                                      • 35. - The Imps are holed up in their base. Defenses are heavy, but they're not equipped for a prolonged offensive.
                                        • 183. - With our combined armies, we can lay siege to Acina's base--and suffocate her war effort.
                                          • 39. Option - Acina won't fall so easily.Player - Acina didn't climb to the top of the Sith Empire by being a fool. If we give her enough time, she'll find a way out.
                                          • 56. Option - Acina will fight back.Player - You didn't see Acina stand her ground against the GenoHaradan. We won't win this war by starving her out.
                                            • 62. - Then we hit her hard and fast. Crack the base wide open and stop the Imps in their tracks.
                                              • 63. - It's our best shot--and that's why Acina will be expecting it.
                                                • 168. - She'll ambush us the second we enter the base. We'll be trapped inside, running blind and locked in the Empire's sights.
                                          • 38. Option - What's your take, Theron?Player - You spied on Acina's personal files during our trip to Dromund Kaas. How do we break her?
                                            • 40. - Acina's a survivor.
                                              • 42. - She knows when to strike, and when to let her opponents dig their own graves.
                                                • 121. Player - She'll hang back. Act distressed.
                                                • 122. Player - I know this trick. She's going to play dead.
                                                • 120. Player - She will feign weakness.
                                                • 43. Player - She's going to prey on our overconfidence.
                                                  • 44. - And then spring her trap, right when we let our guard down. Clever Sith.
                                                    • 46. - Acina knows we're going to hit her base. That's where she'll spring her ambush--and wipe us out.
                                                      • 53. Option - We need Iokath weaponry.Player - We need something the Empire won't expect--like an arsenal of Iokath's deadliest weapons.
                                                        • 217. - That'll change the playing field. Lucky for us, my scouts found a weapon stockpile nearby.
                                                      • 78. Option - What about the superweapon?Player - What's stopping us from making a run on the superweapon?
                                                        • 85. - A battalion of Imperial troops.
                                                          • 192. - They'd corner us before we gained access. If we want that superweapon, we have to take the base down first.
                                                      • 54. Option - Sounds like a job for my fleet.Player - If the Eternal Fleet were cooperating, I'd have them torch the Imperial base.
                                                        • 189. - First we'd need to cut the signal that's scrambling their systems, and that's locked away with the superweapon.
                                          • 47. Option - I prefer a quicker kill.Player - Why suffocate them slowly when it's so much more satisfying to crush their windpipe?
                                            • 58. - To pull that off, we'd need the Eternal Fleet--and they're still on standby.
                                              • 194. - What if we armed ourselves with Iokath weapons? My scouts found a stockpile nearby.
                                                • 70. - Droid resistance is heavy, but if we breach the factory and grab the munitions, we'll have enough firepower to level the Imp base--ambush or not.
                                                  • 214. Option - An excellent plan.Player - Good work, Malcom. Now I know how you've survived so many battles.
                                                  • 73. Option - Now we're talking.Player - I like how you think, Malcom. That's the best plan I've heard all day.
                                                    • 97. - I didn't get these scars by playing it safe.
                                                  • 88. Option - Any objections, Theron?Player - Will Iokath's weaponry be enough to break the Imperial defenses?
                                                    • 89. - Acina won't see it coming, which means it's the best shot we have.
                                                  • 90. Option - You were hiding this from me.Player - You could've mentioned the factory sooner. You were hoping to take it for yourself, weren't you?
                                                    • 91. - Not at all. The factory's a secondary objective. It wasn't worth mentioning--until now.
                                                      • 94. Player - No more secrets. Understood?
                                                        • 95. - Understood.
                                                          • 96. Player - Coordinate with Lana, and get ready to attack the base. Theron and I will take the weapons factory.
                                                            • 225. <Conversation Exit>
  • 235. <Conversation Exit>
  • 241. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.creature.jawa.a01
Appearance ID16141125492427083251
Body Typedwarf
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.daily_area.iokath.republic.scene_04_malcom",
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