- Toborro the Hutt is masterminding the greatest crime in galactic history. With Veedrig's ark, they'll escape Makeb and leave us all to die. We can't let that happen.
138. Option - Veedrig might help us.Player - The Devaronian is more salesman than soldier. If we pressure him, he'll turn against the Hutts and give us the ark.
- Calling the ark schematics "fuzzy" would be a compliment. We need the source of this data.
Link to Node 160
150. Option - Veedrig will join us, or else.Player - I know this Devaronian's type. A thousand credits says he'll switch sides if we point a blaster in his face.
184. Option - No one noticed this?Player - There's no way the Hutts could've started a major construction project inside a planetary landmark without attracting attention.
- The only good thing to come out of these groundquakes is that they exposed the turret power generators. Overload those, and turrets lose their punch.
50. Option - Understood.Player - Disable the turret power generators so we don't get torched on the way in. And then?
Link to Node 56
49. Option - They'll try to stop us.Player - I doubt the Hutts left those generators unguarded. How hard will it be to reach them?
- Good news is they can be reprogrammed. The droid control station in my old security HQ will do the trick.
98. <Non-dialogue segment.>
99. Player - We could use some allies. Those droids will do nicely. We'll take it from here, chief.
Link to Node 94
100. Player - Turning the droids against the Hutts will be poetic justice. You've been most helpful, chief--we're going in.
Link to Node 94
101. Player - We'll get the droids working for us. Smart thinking, chief. We're on our way.
Link to Node 94
102. Player - I've always wanted my own droid army. Thanks for the tip, old-timer. Let's do this.
Link to Node 94
86. Option - I'd rather destroy the droids.Player - After jumping through those first two hoops, I'll prefer to crush a droid army the old-fashioned way.