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Lieutenant Iresso

Lieutenant Iresso
Level 1 Lieutenant Iresso
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Jedi_wizard
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lieutenant Iresso
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  • 8. - Now we can talk without sub-zero wind in our ears--thank you.
    • 15. - Not just for saving my guys. You got me out of Hoth. You have no idea how much I was starting to hate that planet.
      • 12. Option - It's not a problem.Player - I hope you feel welcome here.
        • 22. - If your shower doesn't freeze solid halfway through, I like it here already.
      • 16. Option - You didn't enjoy the scenery?Player - I found Hoth rather picturesque, actually.
        • 17. - Digging graves out there takes the bloom off, I'm afraid.
      • 13. Option - You'll pay me back.Player - There'll be plenty of opportunities for you to repay the favor.
  • 1560. - You ever think about the future?
    • 1937. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1938. - I refuse to believe a Jedi doesn't have plans.
        • 1633. Option - I'll expand my knowledge.Player - There must be so much forgotten lore out there, waiting to be discovered.
        • 1618. Option - I want to stay with you.Player - Whatever my future, I'd like you to be in it.
          • 1624. - That could be arranged.
            • 1942. - What we have is so rare, we should make the most of it. Think about making... a real commitment to each other.
        • 1600. Option - The future is unknowable.Player - What we call "the future" is countless threads of cause and consequence, waiting to come to fruition.
          • 1601. - I should have learned by now...
            • 2325. - I always try to think a few steps ahead. If you want things to turn out right, you've got to make it happen.
              • 1946. - That's what we're fighting for. People being free to make plans, and live however they want.
                • 1950. - Like, settling down somewhere, with their beautiful Jedi Master.
                  • 1951. Option - Keep going.Player - I like the sound of this.
                  • 1952. Option - You mean marriage?Player - Are you proposing?
                    • 1960. - Yes. I am.
                      • 1969. - I love you. I want to spend my life with you... if you'll have me.
                        • 1963. Option - Yes, I will.Player - There's nothing I'd like more.
                          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                          • 1979. - Then... then one day we'll have a huge ceremony. On Tython. Or wherever you'd like. And invite everyone.
                            • 1991. - But for now, take my promise. I'm yours, Barsen'thor of the Jedi. Forever.
                              • 1999. Option - And I, yours.Player - May we always cherish each other, remembering the lives we now leave behind, and joyful for the life we begin together.
                              • 2000. Option - A huge ceremony, you said?Player - I hope you appreciate what's involved in a Jedi wedding....
                              • 2001. Option - Just kiss me.Player - We have all night to whisper promises to each other.
                        • 1964. Option - I can't answer right away.Player - I need some time to think this over.
                          • 1978. - Sorry. My fault for springing this on you.
                            • 1982. - Don't worry about it, for now. We've got all the time we need to make plans.
                        • 1968. Option - I have to say no.Player - I'm sorry. I can't.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1953. Option - No. I can't do that.Player - I care for you, but... I can't. I'm sorry.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1965. - It's because of the order, isn't it?
                      • 1971. - But I'm still here for you. And who knows? Maybe one day, things will be different.
                        • 2515. <Conversation Exit>
      • 2322. - Like, where you'd want to end up when all this is over.
        • 2327. Option - I'll return to Tython.Player - The Jedi Temple will always be a home to me.
        • 2328. Option - You first.Player - What about you? Are you planning to retire somewhere?
        • 2329. Option - Jedi never retire.Player - The order, and the Republic, need all the help they can get. I won't have the luxury of retirement.
          • 2349. - My guys on Hoth always talked about going home, but for me, "home" was some refugee camp they closed years back.
            • 2353. - Besides, who could settle on just one world? There's always more to see.
              • 2355. - Maybe that's my retirement. Swap the blaster for a ship, start seeing the galaxy. Assuming this Sith data in my head doesn't start leaking.
                • 2357. Option - Don't worry about that.Player - Even if it becomes a problem, I'm sure we could find a way to help you.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 2358. Option - Be positive.Player - I'd be concerned about this too, but you can't let it take over your life.
                • 2356. Option - An unfortunate prospect.Player - Losing a good soldier to a Sith experiment would be a real victory for the Empire.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 2360. - We'll figure it out, we always do. It's good to know there's someone I can always count on.
                    • 2553. <Conversation Exit>
  • 947. - So, I was doing some thinking.
    • 951. - And my thinking is: This is the best posting I've ever had.
      • 949. Option - That's due to your efforts.Player - We'd never have come so far without your help.
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 965. Option - [Flirt] The very best?Player - So you'd say this mission has been... uniquely memorable?
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 955. Option - And the worst?Player - What's at the other end of the spectrum?
        • 957. - A five-week rotation on a planetoid that smelled like sewage, but that's beside the point.
      • 954. Option - Let's keep it that way.Player - Don't rest on your laurels, there's still much to be done.
        • 962. - That's sort of where I'm going with this.
          • 964. - I want you to know I'm with you to the end. Win or lose.
            • 972. - I'd rather be your lieutenant than a Republic colonel. Doesn't matter what comes next for us, I've got your back.
              • 2552. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1873. - I need to talk to you.
    • 1874. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1875. - What we have... I've never felt this way about anyone.
        • 1878. - I can't stop thinking about you. Your scent, your smile... I want you to be mine.
          • 1893. Option - I know, and I feel the same.Player - It's alright, Felix. I sensed your feelings long before. And returned them.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1897. Option - I've waited to hear that.Player - I love you, more than anything.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1899. Option - Shh. I know.Player - We don't need words to express how we feel.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1907. - You want to stop me saying "I love you," you'll have to do better than that.
      • 2273. - I got a letter from Milo Pellam. Kind of rambling, but still, sounds like he's getting better.
        • 2330. - Thing is, this letter has "intel" about the facility where we were held. He wants me to give the intel to SIS, but it's... you couldn't call it coherent.
          • 2331. Option - Give it to them anyway.Player - Coherent or not, Milo could have useful information. I'm sure SIS would be interested.
            • 2336. - Fair enough. Milo's trying to be a soldier again, I should treat him like one.
          • 2332. Option - Write back. It might help him.Player - Start a dialogue with Milo. Ask him questions about the facility, see if he's consistent. Then decide.
            • 2337. - Seems smart. Hey, it might even help him focus. I'll get to work on a reply.
          • 2334. Option - I wouldn't bother, then.Player - I don't think that's a good idea.
            • 2335. - I was thinking the same, I'm not sure this is worth bothering SIS with. Maybe when Milo's better.
              • 2340. - It's encouraging that he's able to write at all. Maybe there's hope for me too.
                • 2549. <Conversation Exit>
  • 876. - This must be torture for you, huh?
    • 887. - A library of ancient knowledge in my head, and no way to reach it without me going crazy.
      • 879. Option - I don't need Sith knowledge.Player - The teachings of madmen, murderers or cantankerous old ghosts have little appeal for me.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 882. - So nothing you're planning to rummage for. Good to know.
      • 878. Option - I'm worried for you.Player - Felix, we don't know what the holocron's knowledge could do to you.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 884. - Hey, hey. It's alright. Nothing's changed, okay?
      • 877. Option - Be serious.Player - This isn't funny.
        • 881. - A ground-pounding soldier getting the wisdom of the ages? Come on, that's a little funny.
      • 880. Option - Yes, it's infuriating.Player - Think of what I could learn from a holocron belonging to the Dark Council itself.
        • 893. - Hey, don't get any ideas, this is the only brain I've got.
          • 2316. - I won't pretend I like this. It's a massive risk for both of us. But, I've carried this data for years and never knew a thing.
            • 2317. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 903. - And, I have you. If anyone could keep me from madness, it's you.
              • 904. - Besides, if anything does go wrong, I have your expertise on hand.
                • 907. Option - Of course.Player - I'm always here if you need me.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 908. Option - Nobody's an expert on this.Player - I'm afraid we're in uncharted territory here, Lieutenant.
                • 909. Option - It should be our secret.Player - It's probably best if the others don't know about your condition.
                  • 919. - Right. Tharan might suddenly decide he's a brain surgeon and "help."
                    • 924. - I doubt Republic Command will have a change of heart if I report this. My career's still going nowhere.
                      • 929. - But... so what? You have a cause worth fighting for. I want to see it through.
                        • 2547. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2276. - You're not gonna believe this. Remember Milo's talk about a "glowing box"? And the lady doctor he was chasing?
    • 2278. - That "lady doctor" turns out to be real. She sent me a message.
      • 766. - Lieutenant Iresso, my name is Doctor Sera Fray. I hear you've been looking for me.
        • 2274. - I have fled the Empire; your search has put me in grave danger. But I imagine you won't be satisfied until you have answers.
          • 768. - I am responsible for Milo Pellam's... instability. And your suffering. I could not refuse a Darth's orders.
            • 789. Option - A Darth's orders?Player - It sounds like the Sith are involved in this.
            • 790. Option - At least she admits it.Player - No dissembling, I see.
            • 769. Option - A feeble defense.Player - Those who do evil have a thousand excuses. Those who do what's right need none.
              • 2450. - The Sith Lord I... once served, Darth Ouzal, is a great scholar. He even advises the Dark Council. His specialty is ancient holocrons.
                • 2452. - What's a holocron?
                  • 2453. Option - They store information.Player - It's short for "holographic chronicle." Both the Jedi and the Sith use them to store ancient knowledge.
                  • 2455. Option - A "glowing box."Player - Holocrons contain ancient knowledge. To the untrained eye, they match Milo's description.
                  • 2457. Option - A dangerous relic.Player - Artifacts containing knowledge and rituals. Sith holocrons have been the downfall of many unwary Jedi.
                    • 2458. - The Dark Council trusted Darth Ouzal to decipher a rare holocron for them. But, Ouzal saw a chance to keep its knowledge for himself.
                      • 2462. - He wanted to copy the holocron into a person's mind.
                        • 2463. Option - I thought that was impossible.Player - The matrix of a holocron is far too complex to be mapped onto a person's brain.
                        • 2467. Option - So that's what was done.Player - I think I see where this is leading.
                        • 2265. Option - Unethical, but impressive.Player - The ingenuity of the Sith never ceases to amaze me.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 2472. - Darth Ouzal requisitioned two prisoners from the Empire. You, Lieutenant Iresso, and your friend.
                            • 2474. - The initial procedure was... imperfect. Milo Pellam's mind simply collapsed under so much knowledge. But you were a great success.
                              • 2279. - A great success? She hid a Sith library in my head!
                                • 2280. Option - And, you didn't go insane.Player - Doctor Fray must have sealed the holocron's data from your conscious mind, somehow.
                                • 2304. Option - Let's keep listening.Player - The recording hasn't finished.
                                • 2483. Option - You outsmart our enemy.Player - You possess more Sith knowledge than a graduate of their Academy. Ironic.
                                  • 2386. - Any Sith would kill for that holocron's knowledge. But no one will know it's there, unless you tell them.
                                    • 2496. - All I have said is the truth. Now, please, remove my image from the Republic database. I won't be safe until then.
                                      • 2410. - Lieutenant--Felix. That's your name, isn't it? I'm... I'm sorry.
                                        • 2293. - She's asking me to keep her safe? At least she's got a blasted sense of humor.
                                          • 2294. Option - You should remove her picture.Player - She obviously regrets her actions. Show the compassion she couldn't, and help her. +100
                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                            • 2313. - You're way more forgiving than I am. Okay, I'll see it gone.
                                            • 2307. - Doctor Fray's lucky I've got a Jedi to be my conscience. Okay, I'll see it gone.
                                          • 2298. Option - What will you do?Player - So what happens now?
                                          • 2296. Option - Leave her picture where it is.Player - Doctor Fray broke Milo's mind and ruined your life. Let her fend for herself. +100
  • 729. - That's quite the fighting style you have.
    • 737. - Looks like you sneaked a few combat manuals in amongst the history texts.
      • 735. Option - I embrace all learning.Player - There is poetry and logic in battle.
      • 742. Option - No, it's a natural talent.Player - Some things cannot be taught, only improved.
      • 743. Option - A Jedi must know defense.Player - I can't help the Republic if I can't protect myself.
        • 748. - I'm used to fighting in squads. Constant redeployment's taught me to sync fast with whoever's at my shoulder.
          • 760. - Now you--you know your tactics, but you're not afraid of your gut instinct either.
            • 762. - I've tightened down my style to match. Might make the Imperials think twice the next time we're cornered.
              • 2542. <Conversation Exit>
    • 2219. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1176. - I have a surprise for you. Four hours, thirty-four minutes and eleven seconds.
        • 1177. Option - What's the occasion?Player - And to what do I owe this surprise?
        • 1179. Option - Go on....Player - All right, you have me hooked.
        • 1178. Option - I'm confused, not surprised.Player - You may be misunderstanding the concepts at work here.
          • 1180. - Let this be a practice, then. I'll eventually get the hang of it.
            • 1182. - I thought you could use some R & R, so I arranged a little circuitry fault in the ship's doors.
              • 1184. - You'll have about four hours of peace and quiet in your quarters. Time to read, or meditate, or... whatever you like.
                • 1185. Option - Then come with me.Player - I think we should take this time for ourselves.
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1186. Option - But I'd be lonely....Player - You wouldn't leave me with just my studies for company, would you?
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1187. Option - Finally, study time!Player - How thoughtful of you. There's a copy of the Vordegen Codex I've been sorely neglecting.
                  • 1189. - I did have a few... strategies to help you unwind. If you're interested.
                    • 1195. Option - I am, I was teasing.Player - I'm not a fool. I just wanted to be certain of your meaning.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 1218. Option - Show me.Player - Actions speak louder than words.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1226. - Maybe I won't use words at all next time.
                        • 1216. - You're so beautiful.
                          • 1718. - All that emotional control. It was just--waiting for the right moment.
                            • 1805. - I'm glad I was here for it.
                              • 1804. Option - I like your surprises.Player - Thank you, for my surprise vacation.
                              • 1803. Option - Who says it's over?Player - Sometimes those "right moments" can arrive in quick succession.
                              • 1806. Option - Well, duty calls.Player - Fun's fun, but we have business to attend to.
                                +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                    • 1197. Option - No, reading will suit me fine.Player - Don't worry. If I finish the codex, I have the writings of Master Q'Anilia, and a volume of Khilese poetry.
                      • 1199. - Ha. Okay, okay. Go on, enjoy yourself. I'll... be around.
      • 2198. - I've been meaning to ask. Have you been in any major battles? Apart from Hoth, I mean.
        • 2200. Option - Jedi aren't soldiers.Player - A Jedi's role is less about being on the front lines, and more about stopping the battle before it starts.
        • 2199. Option - I've seen my share.Player - When the Republic has needed my help, I've always been ready.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 2201. Option - Not ones you'd know about.Player - My battles have mostly been behind the scenes, with enemies few would recognize.
          • 2220. - Standard for a Jedi, I guess.
            • 2222. - My postings haven't exactly been stellar, but I was there for the Eight Hour Invasion. Did my part, watched the Imperials slink away.
              • 2224. - I'm proud of that. Though what we're doing seems more important. Even if the historians never know.
                • 2520. <Conversation Exit>
  • 647. - Still no luck with the doctor's picture. I think it's time to admit defeat.
    • 692. Option - If you think it best.Player - You must be the judge of that.
    • 691. Option - Are you sure?Player - You said yourself, this may be your best lead.
    • 693. Option - You're giving up.Player - Admitting defeat isn't becoming of a Republic soldier.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 694. - I won't give up looking for her, but I don't want to turn into Milo, either.
        • 698. - Her picture's in the Republic database. So I'm going to delete my copy. I've done all I can.
          • 702. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 2215. - Sorry I haven't been giving you the attention you deserve.
            • 703. - I have a good situation here. I won't let the past mess it up.
              • 2536. <Conversation Exit>
  • 840. - Any chance I can use the ship's long-distance communication system, for about an hour?
    • 842. Option - Looking for someone?Player - Is there somebody you're trying to reach?
    • 843. Option - Of course.Player - The ship is your home too, feel free.
    • 841. Option - If no one else is using it.Player - Be sure you don't interrupt any important communications.
      • 2070. - Don't worry, any calls from the Council will kick me off.
        • 850. - I want to put Milo's "lady doctor" into the Republic's database. I keep studying her picture, but... nothing.
          • 575. - I'm hoping it can jog something about her or that "glowing box." I'm close--practically seeing her in my sleep.
            • 576. Option - That's not healthy.Player - Take care that you don't become obsessed with this woman.
              • 589. - I'm not obsessed. This is important. What if I just need one more day before I remember?
                • 628. Option - You just proved my point.Player - Listen to yourself. You're losing perspective.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 627. Option - It might be time to move on.Player - If you've tried this hard already, one more day won't make a difference.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 626. Option - Perhaps you're right.Player - Given how little we know of what happened, this approach might bear fruit. Eventually.
            • 577. Option - Her, but not me?Player - I hoped I had pride of place in your dreams.
              • 588. - Hold on. Are you jealous?
                • 592. Option - No, I'm worried.Player - Jealousy is a base emotion. I'm concerned about you.
                • 599. Option - Don't be ridiculous.Player - I think you need to get some perspective on this.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 590. Option - Maybe a little.Player - You could be a bit more attentive, that's all.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 2206. - Getting captured ruined Milo's life, and destroyed my career. I'll never be anything more than a lieutenant. I deserve to know why.
                    • 2211. - I know you're looking out for me, but imagine how you'd feel. I can't miss this chance.
            • 618. Option - Is it working?Player - Has her face triggered anything?
              • 615. - No. Everything between Althir and waking up in that cell is still a big fat blank.
            • 587. Option - Keep trying, you'll get there.Player - You said she seems familiar. Don't give up now.
  • 437. - I got word from Tatooine.
    • 441. - Six holocalls, a few payments to the right people, and Milo's a free man.
      • 445. - All I need to do is meet him and his security escort at Anchorhead. But Milo's still in a bad way.
        • 446. Option - I'm sorry to hear that.Player - So his time in isolation didn't help.
        • 447. Option - Then let's go together.Player - We shouldn't keep him waiting.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 2133. - I appreciate it, but I should probably take this one. If Milo's really this unstable, too many people might scare him.
        • 448. Option - I'm not bringing him aboard.Player - Be aware, I have enough passengers to handle without taking on a charity case.
          +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
          • 451. - Then it's a good thing I made arrangements already.
            • 2135. - I'll take a shuttle to Tatooine and see Milo gets somewhere safe. Shouldn't risk him hurting himself, or blowing up someone else's starship.
              • 2146. - Thinking he was dead... it was almost easier than this.
                • 2136. Option - Still, he may have answers.Player - Milo could know what happened to you when you were captured.
                • 2487. Option - Jedi treatment might help.Player - Attros Finn, a Jedi researcher on Coruscant, once treated my Master. His experience may be useful.
                • 2140. Option - Watch your back.Player - If the man who lost his ship is still around, he may want revenge. Don't give him an opening.
                  • 2147. - I hear that.
                    • 2149. - Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm ready for trouble before I move out. See you soon.
                      • 2158. - I got Milo off Tatooine okay. But--heck, I don't even know where to start.
                        • 2171. - Milo was trying to talk to me, but he couldn't get the words out. He kept using other languages. Equations, even. Like his mind was shattered.
                          • 2172. Option - What happened to him?Player - Does he know what the Imperials did while you were held prisoner?
                          • 2182. Option - That's terrible. Poor Milo.Player - No one should suffer like that.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 470. Option - Madness. Sounds familiar.Player - Regrettably, I have experience in this area.
                            • 2160. - I tried asking him about when we were captured, if he knew anything.
                              • 2173. - If I understood him right, Milo said a doctor came into his cell. She showed him a "glowing box". That's when it all went wrong inside his head.
                                • 2177. - Thing is... Milo said this doctor used that box on me, too.
                                  • 2176. Option - You don't remember?Player - The doctor, this "box" she had--none of it seems familiar?
                                    • 2189. - Nope, and I'm guessing that box is the reason why.
                                  • 2185. Option - This is troubling.Player - I don't like where this conversation's heading.
                                    • 2186. - And you didn't see Milo. How d'you think I feel?
                                  • 528. Option - Don't trust a madman's word.Player - With respect, Milo is hardly a reliable witness.
                                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                    • 529. - You trust a man with your life, you learn to read him. He thought he was telling the truth.
                                      • 523. - So, Milo's lady doctor used a glowing box on both of us. I lose seven days of memory, and Milo loses his mind.
                                        • 525. - A glowing box. Maybe a new Imperial torture device.
                                          • 527. Option - Or it could be an artifact.Player - There are ancient relics that fit that description, too.
                                            • 531. - You're the expert. But me and Milo were nobodies. Why use an artifact on us?
                                          • 526. Option - An experiment? That fits.Player - If it was experimental, that may explain why it had such drastically different effects on you and Milo.
                                            • 552. - But unless we find one and take it apart, there's no way to be sure.
                                          • 2184. Option - That doctor is the key.Player - It might not be important. The woman who did this to you and Milo; she's the one we need to find.
                                            • 2192. - I think Milo tracked the doctor to Tatooine. He thought the starship he blew up was hers.
                                              • 2196. - He gave me a picture. Assuming it's actually her, that might give us a lead. I'll see what I can find out.
                                                • 2532. <Conversation Exit>
  • 335. - Remember I told you about Milo Pellam? Who vanished when we were captured by the Empire?
    • 341. - After we talked, I put his name out, in case he had a wife or kids he hadn't mentioned.
      • 343. - Instead, I find out he was arrested on Tatooine a few weeks ago. He actually made it!
        • 345. Option - Arrested for what?Player - I didn't think Tatooine had any laws to break.
        • 349. Option - I'm glad he's alright.Player - Good to hear it.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 346. Option - And... now he's in prison.Player - He may have escaped the Empire, but it appears his situation is little improved.
          • 352. - Milo's being held for "destruction of private property."
            • 359. - Anchorhead authorities said he's been acting nutty since he was arrested. They had to isolate him.
              • 361. - Milo was a rock. Something's wrong.
                • 364. Option - He may have been tortured.Player - Perhaps he was badly treated when the Empire captured him.
                • 362. Option - Can we help him?Player - If we spoke to him, there might be something I could do.
                • 363. Option - Mistaken identity, perhaps.Player - Tatooine's authorities are hardly reliable. They may have the wrong person.
                  • 369. - No, the picture they sent is definitely him.
                    • 373. - I can get him out, but there's a hitch. The property Milo destroyed was a starship.
                      • 376. - Owner's a gangster, and he's a little upset. So the authorities aren't too happy about setting Milo free.
                        • 380. Option - In case of a gang war.Player - Gangsters tend to spread their anger around.
                        • 382. Option - He'll be safe with us.Player - He'll have all the protection he needs once we arrive.
                        • 383. Option - Prison might be best for him.Player - You may need to accept that Milo's changed, and that he belongs behind bars.
                          • 420. - I can't abandon him, not if there's anything I can do.
                            • 415. - I wrote up a signed character reference for Milo.
                              • 381. - Could you sign it, too? A Jedi Master's endorsement would really speed things along.
                                • 412. Option - No. Let's do this right.Player - This situation's precarious enough. We should go by the book. +50
                                • 411. Option - Of course I'll sign it.Player - It's my duty to help anyone who's been unjustly imprisoned.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 413. Option - But I don't know Milo.Player - Sorry, I can't vouch for a man I've never met.
                                  • 422. - That makes sense. Milo's release should be ironclad. I'll have a quiet word with the authorities.
                                    • 433. - All these years I thought he was dead. What happened to him out there?
                                      • 2531. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2108. - I've been thinking.
    • 2109. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1480. - If we take this any further--the Jedi Council's going to find out.
        • 1520. - Jedi aren't supposed to get involved, right? Will you get a reprimand?
          • 1481. Option - Relationships are tolerated.Player - If the Jedi is trustworthy and shows good judgment, the Council tends to be lenient.
            • 1499. - Not a ringing endorsement, but better than I thought.
              • 1501. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1482. Option - I'll risk it if you will.Player - I think this is worth taking the chance, if you agree.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1500. - Discretion, valor, better part of. Got it.
              • 1502. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1483. Option - It's more than likely.Player - Jedi are usually disciplined for having relationships, if they get caught.
            • 1504. - We could stop, if you want. Go back to the way things were.
              • 1514. Option - I don't think I can.Player - I can't see you as just "Lieutenant Iresso" anymore.
              • 1513. Option - Not a chance.Player - I don't care what the Council thinks.
                • 1518. - Okay. If we're discreet, maybe we'll escape with a four-hour lecture.
                  • 1529. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 1505. - Jedi decisions are kind of a mystery to me. For a while, I couldn't understand why you let Valon go.
                      • 1508. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I saw your face when he went free. I hated doing that to you.
                        • 1534. - That's command sometimes; you swallow your medicine.
                      • 1509. Option - You're still dwelling on that?Player - You have to leave Hoth eventually, Felix.
                      • 1506. Option - It wasn't about you.Player - That decision was about what was best for the Republic.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1523. - That's what people always focus on about the Jedi. Being alone.
                      • 1525. - Truth is, I don't know much about the Jedi. But I'd like to.
                        • 1528. Option - We see connections everywhere.Player - Wherever we go, we know the Force is living and growing all around us. It gives you a great appreciation for life.
                          • 1546. - You sound so... I wish I could see what you see.
                        • 1527. Option - We make many sacrifices.Player - Studying the Force takes discipline and vigilance. We have to be selfless. Sometimes it's hard.
                          • 1545. - Come on. You need to be selfish every now and then.
                        • 1526. Option - A risky life, but worthwhile.Player - We face challenges few can comprehend, but the rewards are greater than a lifetime of living safely.
                          • 1549. - Risk, and reward. A little like what we're doing right now.
                            • 1551. - Don't give up your secrets all at once. I want to find some out for myself.
              • 1515. Option - Yes, perhaps we should.Player - Considering the repercussions, that might be best.
      • 2112. - The Republic's holding up, but we're still taking a real beating against the Empire.
        • 2118. - I'm in this to win. No question of that. But d'you ever wonder what would happen if we lost?
          • 2117. Option - The Republic will prevail.Player - We've suffered defeats and setbacks before, and always survived to rebuild.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 2120. - Makes you wonder; just what do we have that the Empire doesn't?
          • 2113. Option - I try not to.Player - Slavery, fear, living at the whim of some Imperial overseer... not a prospect I want to dwell on.
            • 2121. - Me neither. But you know me, like to think ahead.
              • 2127. - Command will have some kind of contingency plan. If the time comes to use it, I hope we're leading the charge.
          • 2119. Option - No, and neither should you.Player - Thinking like that is defeatist. If you're here to win, do it.
            • 2124. - If you never plan for a defeat, you stay defeated when it happens.
              • 2126. - Just wanted some input. Forget I asked.
                • 2530. <Conversation Exit>
  • 206. - Uh, can we talk for a minute?
    • 385. - There's something I think you should know about me.
      • 209. Option - That's not necessary.Player - You don't need to tell me anything you don't want to.
      • 386. Option - [Flirt] How fascinating.Player - I'd like to know everything about you.
      • 254. Option - Go ahead.Player - I'm listening.
      • 211. Option - Wait, let me guess.Player - You once dressed up as a Hutt to get an insanity discharge?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 257. - Glorious mental images aside, this is kind of important.
          • 259. - A few years ago, I was captured by the Empire. I was scouting on Althir with my friend Milo, and we ran into an Imperial strike team.
            • 262. - I woke up in an Imperial cell with a headache.
              • 265. Option - Your men mentioned this.Player - I remember Private Kree saying something about you being captured.
                • 270. - Yeah. Once he found out, he never got tired of needling me about it.
              • 266. Option - What about your friend?Player - Was Milo with you?
              • 267. Option - You should have fought back.Player - Better to die than risk capture and interrogation.
                • 273. - We tried, but two against a dozen isn't good odds.
                  • 271. - When I managed to escape and reach a Republic ship, I realized I'd lost time. Seven days. Whatever happened to me is still a blank.
                    • 282. Option - I could help you remember.Player - There are Jedi techniques to recall lost or repressed memories.
                      • 296. - They tried, but all I got was... stuff I've tried to forget.
                    • 281. Option - Any theories?Player - What do you think happened to you?
                      • 305. - I have no idea. Nothing I come up with fits all the facts.
                        • 276. - Medically I'm fine, but my commanders don't like it. So I get shuffled around, wherever they need an extra blaster.
                          • 280. - That's why I keep being reassigned. I just thought you should know.
                            • 293. Option - Thank you for telling me.Player - I appreciate knowing this.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 294. Option - This must be difficult.Player - So your career has stalled, and you have to live with those lost days.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 322. - I got captured by the Empire and survived. Thousands don't.
                            • 295. Option - I'll be watching you.Player - I hope you'll understand if I keep a close eye on you.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 283. Option - This makes you a risk.Player - So you're a liability to the Republic and everyone you serve with.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 306. - Someday I'll find a commander who gives me the benefit of the doubt. I was just trying to keep you apprised.
                        • 323. - You know what bothers me most? Milo Pellam, the guy who was with me on Althir, got captured too. But no one ever saw him again.
  • 1349. - I was hoping you'd have time for a quick strategy session.
    • 1401. - I was running a few scenarios--repelling a boarding party, what if someone gets captured, stuff like that.
      • 1402. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1403. - I was wondering what your... preferred tactics are.
          • 1404. Option - A careful study of the foe.Player - Time and patience usually reveal a weakness to exploit.
          • 1405. Option - [Flirt] Being direct.Player - Why waste time, Lieutenant? Better to strike to the heart of the matter.
            • 1407. - There is another scenario I haven't solved yet.
              • 1411. - Say a soldier found himself... captivated, by a superior force. What should he do?
                • 1412. Option - Attack.Player - If he truly wanted the upper hand, he would have to exploit any chance he was given.
                • 1414. Option - Defend.Player - Ascertain the intentions of the other party, and adjust his disposition to match.
                • 1416. Option - Surrender.Player - He'd have to give in to the inevitable, and hope for mercy.
                  • 1417. - I... you know what? It was pretty disrespectful of me to say that.
                    • 1443. - I'm sorry. I keep forgetting you're a Jedi Master.
                      • 1353. Option - And a woman.Player - A female Jedi Master, who has thoughts and feelings that have nothing to do with the Force.
                      • 1354. Option - Then forget, and talk to me.Player - Can't you put that aside, and be honest?
                      • 1355. Option - Don't back down now.Player - Too late. You already have my undivided attention.
                        • 1356. - I thought, maybe I felt this way because I was still dealing with Hoth. But Hoth's over, and that feeling's still here.
                          • 1446. - I look at you, and it's like I can see the places you've been, the mark you've left. I want to know more.
                            • 1459. - It's not right to see a Jedi that way, but I do.
                              • 1461. Option - Why is it wrong?Player - The Force binds all things. Does acknowledging that bond make it evil?
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1464. Option - Easily solved. [Kiss him.]Player - Then try closing your eyes.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 1465. Option - We should stop this, here.Player - I am flattered, but we can't afford to be selfish. Too many people depend on us.
                                • 1470. - You make a lot of sense. As always.
                                  • 1472. - We still make a world-class team. Let's put this behind us and move on, okay?
          • 1406. Option - Enough stupid games.Player - Tactics are less important than destroying the enemy and accomplishing your goal.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1409. - Okay. I guess it wasn't as important as I thought.
        • 2087. - I have to ask. What do you want us to do if you're taken by the Empire?
          • 2091. Option - Notify the Jedi Council.Player - Get yourselves to safety, and send word to Tython. The Jedi have emergency procedures in place.
            • 2554. - I bet they've had to use them, too. Okay, I'll log the order.
          • 2092. Option - I'd hope to be rescued.Player - I'm sure I could rely on my friends to bring me home.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 2094. - Heh, no problem; I'd break an arm if I tried to stop Qyzen going after you.
          • 2093. Option - Alive? That won't happen.Player - I'm far more valuable to the Empire dead. If I'm captured, assume the worst.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 2096. - Cheery, aren't you? Okay, if those are your orders, I'll make sure they're logged.
              • 2099. - Not a pleasant topic, I know. But it never hurts to plan in advance.
                • 2524. <Conversation Exit>
  • 123. - Good news. One of my guys from Hoth got a promotion. Private Lavik made it to specialist.
    • 124. Option - Good for him.Player - Please send him my congratulations.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 126. Option - Who was he?Player - Regrettably, there was little time on Hoth for introductions.
    • 127. Option - I had hoped for better news.Player - You had my attention and lost it, Lieutenant.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 131. - Okay, but Lavik deserves someone getting excited.
        • 132. - He's gone to Ord Mantell for training. I was there right after my transfer from... Felucia? No, Dantooine.
          • 136. - Ord Mantell. That posting was lousy.
            • 140. Option - Surely not worse than Hoth.Player - I imagine it seems rather trivial since facing Captain Valon.
              • 142. - Hoth was a bad mission in good company; this was the other way around.
                • 216. - I was in a unit scattering a separatist training camp. Setting noise charges, ambushes, that sort of thing.
            • 139. Option - How so?Player - What were you doing there?
              • 178. - We'd discovered a separatist training camp--me and another lieutenant were trying to break it up.
                • 146. - But Lieutenant Jorgan had seniority, and he let me know it. Snap inspections, status reports... every day he was up in arms about something.
                  • 148. Option - Sometimes that's necessary.Player - Discipline is the shield of both a soldier and a Jedi.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 147. Option - How did you cope with him?Player - Did you get used to it eventually?
                    • 162. - I said "Yes, sir" when he ranted, then did what was best for the unit.
                      • 164. - Maybe I'm being too hard on Jorgan. He was a good soldier. He's probably a general by now.
                  • 149. Option - Sounds like you were sloppy.Player - Perhaps you gave Jorgan good reason to keep rebuking you.
                    • 159. - I did right by my unit. It wasn't status reports or drills that kept them alive.
                      • 190. - I think Jorgan knew that. He was a jerk, but there was a good soldier underneath.
                        • 170. - We did the job and didn't lose a single man. Jorgan got a commendation. I got transferred to Serroco, then to Duro, then Hoth.
                          • 171. Option - Why so many transfers?Player - It sounds like you're constantly being reassigned. Is that normal?
                          • 173. Option - [Flirt] I'd have rewarded you.Player - If it had been up to me, you'd have been properly compensated for your efforts.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 193. - With you in charge, I'd have been too distracted to earn any reward.
                              • 195. - Glad I'm not being transferred this time. I hope.
                          • 172. Option - You weren't commended?Player - If you shared responsibility with Jorgan, you should have been recognized for your achievement.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 174. - Thanks, but I don't get commendations. I get a "well done" written on the back of my transfer orders.
                          • 185. Option - So, a happy ending for all.Player - And everyone lived long and wisely afterwards?
                            • 196. - Apart from the separatists. Plus I got a brand new scar on Serroco.
                              • 199. - I hope Private--sorry, Specialist Lavik--appreciates what he's got.
            • 212. Option - I'm really not interested.Player - Thank you, but war stories have little appeal for me.
              +50 Influence : disapproves.
              • 213. - Sure, didn't mean to bore you. Back to work.
                • 2523. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1228. - You know, I did some numbers. This could wind up being the longest assignment I've had in three years.
    • 1229. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1230. - Scary how time flies when your mind's on other things.
        • 1232. Option - I'm glad you're happy.Player - Your mood does seem much brighter.
        • 1233. Option - [Flirt] Oh, you mean Holiday.Player - Being around a fetching hologram must be distracting indeed.
          • 1235. - Uh, women I can literally see through don't do a lot for me.
            • 1255. - Meantime, I was hoping to get better acquainted with... the ship. It's got a lot of potential. A little mystery, too. I'm curious.
              • 1259. Option - [Flirt] I like mysteries, too.Player - If you're going to indulge your curiosity, perhaps I'll do the same.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1256. Option - [Flirt] Sounds intriguing.Player - Let me know if your investigations get anywhere.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1260. Option - I'm not comfortable with this.Player - All Padawans know curiosity can lead to disaster.
                • 1263. - Then I'll trust your judgment, and admire the ship for what it is.
        • 1234. Option - If that's all, I should go.Player - If you're distracted from your duties, Lieutenant, I trust you'll remedy the situation.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 2046. - Still feel fresh, though. On Hoth, all I could think about was shore leave. Somewhere sunny, or maybe going a little crazy on Nar Shaddaa....
        • 2056. - Where would you go on leave, if you had the time?
          • 2047. Option - I can't, I'm always on duty.Player - Jedi don't take "leave"; we have too many responsibilities.
          • 2057. Option - Nar Shaddaa is fun....Player - Hedonism can be liberating, and Nar Shaddaa is overflowing with it.
            • 2061. - I'm not sure even Nar Shaddaa could handle a Jedi who wants to feel "liberated."
              • 2068. - At least you can see there's life beyond duty. I'll keep that in mind.
          • 2041. Option - Just focus on the job.Player - We have a vital mission. I don't want to turn around and find out you've wandered off on vacation.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
  • 38. - Your friend Qyzen's something else. He was asking how many kills I've made.
    • 285. Option - It's part of his culture.Player - In Trandoshan society, an individual's status is determined by hunting.
      • 287. - Oh. Wonder what your status is if you say "I don't keep count."
    • 286. Option - So, how many, Lieutenant?Player - What did you tell him?
      • 290. - I don't keep count. He seemed a bit offended by that.
    • 81. Option - Just ignore him.Player - It's a Trandoshan thing; it doesn't really matter what you say.
      • 1051. - He's odd company for a Jedi Master.
        • 1147. - I've been posted all over, but I haven't met many Trandoshans. Or Jedi.
          • 1150. - I always think of Jedi Masters as being stationed on Tython. And being... well, you're more hands-on than I expected.
            • 1154. Option - One must work to succeed.Player - The Force can't dig a garden or build a city's defenses. Sometimes you must get your hands dirty.
            • 1152. Option - [Flirt] Is that a bad thing?Player - Do you object to someone adding a personal touch, Lieutenant?
              • 1157. - If you find that more satisfying, who am I to argue with a Jedi?
            • 1153. Option - What were you expecting, then?Player - Did you think I would stand back and reason our opponents to death?
              • 1156. - Not sure, but I'd pay good credits to see that.
                • 1165. - At least your missions aren't as hair-raising as mine were. It's been years since I slept through the night without some crisis coming up.
            • 1151. Option - Tython's dull.Player - I'd rather be protecting the galaxy than be shackled to the Jedi Temple.
              • 108. - Absolutely. Safe gets dull.
                • 117. - Don't get me wrong, it's nice to not have blaster shots parting my hair. And I haven't had a billet this good in... oh. Years.
                  • 2502. - Trandoshans, Jedi, it's all good. I'm glad to be here.
                    • 2521. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2073. - Can I have a word, when we're back at the ship?
  • 2074. - When you're free, can I talk to you?
  • 2588. <Non-dialogue segment.>
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