- Sonic emitters along the route usually keep off the worst of the critters. But if they're on the fritz, that convoy would have walked into a feeding frenzy.
- I'm Kahrin Wek, quartermaster. Commander Gardit just called to say you're retrieving our supplies. For which, by the way, I and the rest of the troops here humbly thank you.
Link to Node 7
4. Option - I'm just here about the ship.Player - Want to calm down and point me to where your supply ship crashed?
- Steal from your troops, spend the Republic's money on vintage wine from Alderaan, but it's fine, because there's a gang of big-hearted heroes around to save you.
- Steal from your troops, waste Republic money bringing in silks and wine from Alderaan, and it's fine, because some wandering Jedi will happen in to save you.
- Embezzle the Republic's money to build your office out of Alderaanian timber, but that's fine, because someone like you will waltz in to save the day.
19. Option - The commander's embezzling?Player - That's a serious accusation.
Link to Node 33
20. Option - What are you talking about?Player - Back up and start from the beginning.
- If you're not convinced, just bring the supplies. But if you happen to be overcome by a patriotic rage against Commander Gardit's greed, at least you'll be prepared.