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General Daeruun

General Daeruun
Level 75 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Exp
SubCategory: 03
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: General Daeruun
Other Sites:


  • 215. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 47. - More than one hundred capital ships, with smaller picket ships and support vessels close by. And that's not all.
    • 55. - There's enough fuel transports for all those warships to cross half the galaxy. Darth Malgus is leaving nothing to chance. His fleet won't stop until they reach the objective.
      • 48. Player - Which is?
        • 49. - Corellia.
          • 56. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 57. Player - It's a pleasure to see you again, Master.
            • 58. Player - You're a tough old Jedi, aren't you? Glad to see you again.
              • 61. - I never had the chance to properly thank you for your help on Ossus. Many people owe you their lives.
          • 53. Option - You know a lot about this.Player - How did you manage to learn so much about Malgus and his fleet?
            • 71. - It's impossible to move that many ships in secret--even for the Sith.
              • 73. - When we learned they were massing at Vaiken Spacedock, the SIS focused on discovering the reason.
          • 50. Option - Corellia? Again?Player - Why attack Corellia again after all these years?
            • 65. - The fleet's target is the Meridian Complex, a state-of-the-art shipyard that's due to begin production in a matter of weeks.
              • 67. - The Meridian Complex can produce new warships at triple the speed of any existing shipyard--and at half the energy cost.
                • 69. - Once that shipyard becomes operational, it could give the Republic a significant advantage in a matter of months.
                  • 77. - That's why they're committing so many ships to this mission. The Sith Empire will stop at nothing to destroy this new shipyard before it can save the Republic's war effort.
                    • 78. Option - Where do I come in?Player - The Alliance has warships, but not enough to challenge a fleet that large. Where do we come in?
                    • 79. Option - Any defenses at the shipyard?Player - How long can the shipyard's defenses hold out against a fleet that size?
                      • 81. - A matter of hours, at best. That's where you come in.
                    • 80. Option - Yawn.Player - Yeah, yeah, big bad Imps want to smash our new toy. Want to skip to the part where I'm saving the day?
                      • 83. - Gladly.
                        • 85. - It's crucial that we redeploy the Republic fleet to defend the Meridian Complex immediately. Unlike Malgus, we can't move our ships to Corellia without refueling stops.
                          • 87. - We expect the Empire's top agents to target our reinforcements anywhere they stop. They won't risk our forces arriving in time to make a difference.
                            • 89. - We want you to defend and expedite those reinforcements as best you can. If we defeat the Empire at Corellia, we turn the tide of this war in our favor.
                              • 92. Option - Let's get started.Player - All right. Where am I going first?
                              • 93. Option - What about you two?Player - That's my part. What will you two be doing?
                                • 101. - Once we have organized the ships moving to defend Corellia, I will take charge of the ground defenses based in Coronet City.
                                  • 103. - I am leaving shortly to meet with the Green Jedi. I'll help coordinate their defensive efforts with our own.
                                    • 105. - Your first objective will be the planet Onderon.
                              • 94. Option - Do I get to kill Malgus?Player - Will I get a chance to take down Malgus as part of this?
                                • 95. - He will lead the forces on Corellia himself. There can be no doubt about that. You may well face him.
                                  • 97. - But, that will come later. First, we need you to reach the planet Onderon.
                                    • 107. - The eleventh fleet is gathering there to resupply and refuel before heading to Corellia. It's the only Republic port within range of their current position.
                                      • 111. - Onderon has been a Republic world for centuries, but local politics have become strained and fractious. Tau Idair is already investigating. She suspects Imperial infiltration.
                                        • 112. Option - We'll sort this out.Player - Whatever is happening on Onderon, we'll get to the bottom of it.
                                        • 114. Option - I'll be glad to help Tau.Player - I'll be glad to work with Tau again.
                                          • 119. - She feels the same way. You made a very effective team on Ossus.
                                        • 115. Option - This could get messy fast.Player - If she's right, and Onderon's leaders are turning on us... how far are you willing to have me go?
                                          • 116. - I trust your judgment. Getting those ships to Corellia is the top priority, no matter what.
                                            • 123. - General! Word from the eighty-seventh!
                                              • 118. - I'll leave you to it, Commander. Good luck.
                                                • 122. - Speaking of Tau, I have one more favor to ask of you, Commander. Arn? If you please?
                                                  • 128. - Commander. Been looking forward to meeting you. I am Arn Peralun, Jedi padawan.
                                                    • 130. Option - Are you Tau's new padawan?Player - I remember Gnost-Dural and Tau talking about her taking on a padawan. Is that you?
                                                    • 134. Option - You aren't like most Jedi.Player - There aren't many cyborgs among the Jedi.
                                                    • 135. Option - You aren't like most Jedi.Player - Don't think I've ever met a cyborg Jedi before.
                                                    • 141. Option - What am I, a babysitter?Player - Padawan? So what, as long as I'm babysitting that Republic fleet, I might as well babysit your students too?
                                                      • 142. - I don't need a babysitter, just a ride.
                                                        • 144. - Tau had to leave for Onderon before I could introduce her new padawan. Since you're heading there anyway, I thought Arn might ride along with you.
                                                          • 148. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                            • 149. - The Commander is one of us, Arn. Heed him well.
                                                            • 150. - The Commander is one of us, Arn. Heed her well.
                                                            • 151. - Heed the Commander's words well, Arn.
                                                              • 153. - May the Force be with you both.
                                                                • 155. - Artillery fire. On Dakot Seven.
                                                                  • 160. Player - What?
                                                                    • 161. - How'd it happen? How'd you get injured? It's everyone's first question.
                                                                      • 190. - My master and I were escorting refugees. He died. I survived. More or less.
                                                                        • 165. - Dakot Seven has advanced technology, but the locals can't use kolto or bacta. Genetically incompatible, they said. So they use cybernetics to treat all of their severe injuries.
                                                                          • 167. - The recovery took years. I don't know if I can still become the Jedi I hoped to be... but I'm not giving up now.
                                                                            • 164. Option - You can do it.Player - The Force is strong with you, Arn. I can feel it. I'm sure you'll become a great Jedi.
                                                                              • 170. - Thanks. It feels good to return to the Jedi path after so long.
                                                                            • 163. Option - You can do it.Player - Anyone who can make it through that has to be determined. I don't think there's anything in this galaxy that could stop you.
                                                                              • 172. - Thanks. I guess we're about to find out.
                                                                            • 168. Option - "Jedi" isn't your only option.Player - You can do great things whether you're a Jedi or not.
                                                                              • 193. - I don't know how to be anything else.
                                                                            • 169. Option - You aren't ready for war.Player - We'll be doing a lot of fighting. You don't seem ready for that.
                                                                              • 174. - I can decide what I'm ready for.
                                                                                • 176. - Hey... before we go. My new master. Tau. What can you tell me about her?
                                                                                  • 197. Option - Tau is a great Jedi.Player - Tau has all the best qualities we aim to uphold. She's courageous, dutiful, determined... she'll teach you well.
                                                                                  • 181. Option - Tau is a great Jedi.Player - I've worked with Tau, and I was impressed. I think you'll make a great team.
                                                                                    • 205. - Master Gnost-Dural thinks very highly of her. Glad to hear you share his opinion.
                                                                                  • 182. Option - She's conflicted.Player - Tau's skills are impressive, but her battles against the Sith weigh on her. She questions her place in the Jedi.
                                                                                  • 198. Option - She seems conflicted.Player - She's got skills. There's no doubt about that. But I don't think Tau feels she fits in with other Jedi.
                                                                                    • 199. - Sounds like we have that in common.
                                                                                      • 209. - Thanks. I appreciate your insight. I'm ready to go whenever you are.
                                                                                  • 183. Option - You shouldn't rely on her.Player - Honestly, I'm surprised Gnost-Dural will have her train you. I'm not sure she knows enough about being a Jedi to teach someone else.
                                                                                    • 184. - Not holding back, are you? I always appreciate an honest answer. But there must be something I can learn from her, even if it's what not to do.
                                                                                      • 203. - Thanks. I'm ready when you are.
                                                                                        • 185. Player - Lana, I'm heading for Onderon. Gather up anyone that's free and meet me there.
                                                                                          • 186. - Understood. We'll set out immediately.
                                                                                            • 187. <Conversation Exit>
  • 227. <Conversation Exit>
  • 240. <Conversation Exit>
  • 189. - I'm glad I caught you. Darth Malgus is assembling an attack fleet larger than any we've seen in twenty years. We need your help.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.daily_area.ossus.story.republic.general_daeruun
Appearance ID16140929907842745297
Body Typebms
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    "MaxLevel": 75,
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