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Level 65 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Exp
SubCategory: Seasons
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 4.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Valkorion
Other Sites:


  • 2. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 6. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 8. - Your Republic will not save you, Jedi. It is a cradle of corruption. I never understood how you could serve politicians.
        • 15. Option - I serve the people.Player - I defend peace and justice. Protect the innocent from harm.
          • 16. - And they squander your sacrifice. Why continue to help? What do you hope to achieve?
            • 17. Player - It's never been about me.
              • 18. - Perhaps it should be.
      • 37. - You Jedi cultivate detachment, and yet you lay down your lives to preserve this place.
        • 38. Option - I protect many civilizations.Player - The knowledge and cultures of a thousand worlds gather here. They're well worth defending.
          • 39. - They would not return that favor. The Republic shunned your Order after the Sacking of Coruscant.
            • 40. Player - People were afraid, but things changed.
              • 41. - They will change again. That is the way of things.
      • 13. - You spent your life taking orders from cowardly politicians. Such a waste.
        • 49. Option - I defend the Republic.Player - I protect free worlds from scum like you. No regrets about that.
          • 50. - Your Republic is an empty ideal. Its people cannot appreciate your service.
            • 51. Player - I don't fight for a parade.
              • 52. - You deserve better than empty gestures.
      • 14. - You made your fortune in this corrupt Republic. But money cannot save you now.
        • 62. Option - I have connections, too.Player - You're forgetting all my friends in high places. They'll get me out of this.
          • 63. - Saresh and her cowards? To them you are a crude implement, easily cast aside.
            • 64. Player - Now you're just being hurtful.
              • 65. - Pain brings clarity. Embrace it, Captain.
        • 129. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 194. Player - You're slow on the uptake. I'll spell it out for you: Leave. Me. Alone.
          • 196. Player - Stand aside. I will not be swayed from my path.
            • 131. - I offer help. You seek shelter you do not need.
        • 130. Option - You're controlling this dream.Player - I didn't choose to come here. You brought me. Why?
          • 132. - You control more than you think. I follow your lead.
            • 20. - There is greatness in you that cannot be denied. You are a far superior leader to any Chancellor.
              • 21. Option - This isn't a dictatorship.Player - I won't bother explaining democracy to a Sith.
                +0 Influence : disapproves.
                • 22. - I am no Sith. And democracy is overrated.
              • 44. Option - Power doesn't interest Jedi.Player - I'm not one of your Sith. You can't tempt me with power.
                • 45. - You have all the power you require. What you lack is focus.
              • 55. Option - Politics don't interest me.Player - My place is on the front lines, not behind some desk.
                • 56. - Every soldier needs a cause worth fighting for.
              • 68. Option - You want me to run for office?Player - You applying to be my campaign manager?
                • 69. - A new order must replace this one. Why not yours?
              • 72. Option - I should be in charge.Player - If I controlled the Republic, we wouldn't be having this conversation. You'd be dead.
                • 73. - Perhaps. But we share a vision of how things could be.
                  • 24. - This Republic is not worth saving any more than my Empire. We have a greater purpose.
                    • 25. Option - You mean Zakuul?Player - To take back your Eternal Throne?
                    • 143. Option - There is no "we".Player - If you think we're joining forces, you're insane.
                      +200 Influence : is amused.
                    • 198. Option - I know.Player - Then let's join forces like we planned on Zakuul.
                      +0 Influence : approves.
                      • 199. - First, you must survive.
                    • 144. Option - The Republic is worth saving.Player - I'm loyal to the Republic. Nothing you show me will change that.
                      +0 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 146. - You refuse to see the truth. It will cost you.
                        • 30. - You failed to defend their home. They will not forgive you.
                          • 48. Option - This is a test of my Code.Player - I only fail when fear controls me.
                          • 31. Option - I won't battle civilians.Player - Right or wrong, I'm not firing on my own people.
                          • 150. Option - Just my luck.Player - I take the fall for your kid's temper tantrum. Figures.
                          • 154. Option - Get back, people!Player - Don't come any closer!
                            • 155. - They will not listen. They want you dead.
                          • 59. Option - None of this is happening.Player - I'm not afraid of them. It's just a bad dream.
                            • 151. - But the carbonite poisoning is quite real.
                              • 32. - Republic... Empire... The Eternal Throne conquers all. You cannot stop it. Save yourself.
    • 7. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 9. - Our failed Empire. You were always superior to the murderous fools in charge here.
        • 12. Option - Destroying them pleases me.Player - I enjoy ending their lives when they fail.
          • 76. - You could be more than an executioner. You could rule.
            • 77. Player - And spend my days fighting those who would steal my rightful place.
              • 78. - You understand what is required. There is nothing to fear.
        • 96. Option - Someday they'll all be dead.Player - They underestimate me. That will be their downfall.
          • 97. - You sat on the Dark Council, but you never belonged with petty tyrants.
            • 98. Player - I climbed out of your slave pits to the top of the Empire. I rather like the view.
              • 99. - We must broaden your horizons.
        • 121. Option - And they all know it.Player - A fact I remind them of every chance I get.
          • 122. - A mind--a will--like yours should not remain in the shadows. Your name should be exalted.
            • 123. Player - It's known and feared by the right people.
              • 124. - To inspire fear is useful. To inspire hope... that is true power.
      • 108. - My failed Empire. You never belonged here, clawing through filth for murderous bureaucrats.
        • 109. Option - It wasn't all bad.Player - It paid the bills. Sometimes I even had fun.
          • 110. - It wasted your talents. There is more to life--to you--than credits and contracts.
            • 111. Player - Yeah--reputation. Even your Sith fear my name.
              • 112. - As they should. The Force has no power over you.
        • 158. Option - I could make the Empire great.Player - This Empire failed because of you. Someone like me could lead it to victory.
          +0 Influence : disapproves.
          • 160. - Do not waste time following the path of Marr and Malgus. There is no redemption here.
        • 159. Option - Then why are we here?Player - What's the point of wallowing in your biggest failure?
          • 161. - To prove a point.
            • 80. - The Dark Council... Imperial Intelligence... Mandalorians... all fail. You alone find victory.
              • 127. Option - But now I'm imprisoned.Player - I'm trapped in carbonite, dying of poison, and talking to you. This doesn't feel like winning.
                • 172. - A worm enters a chrysalis to grow wings. It never crawls again--and never looks back.
              • 169. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 81. Player - Victory won't be mine until the last Jedi falls at my feet.
                  • 82. - The Jedi Order is not your concern. Leave their defeat to another.
                • 102. Player - I won't be satisfied until the Empire is under my complete control.
                  • 103. - Old ambitions will not sate your appetite.
                • 170. Player - The hunt never ends. There's always a bigger score.
                  • 175. - Then chase something worthy of you.
                • 171. Player - I've only begun to spin my web of influence.
              • 115. Option - Not while you're still alive.Player - I'll feel better when you're gone for good.
                • 116. - I am not your enemy. I will help you see.
                  • 84. - This Empire is not worth saving, and the Republic is not worth destroying. There is a greater purpose awaiting us.
                    • 86. Option - You mean Zakuul.Player - You want to take back your Eternal Throne.
                      • 205. <Conversation Exit>
                    • 181. Option - We're not allies.Player - I don't need allies. Especially cagey beasts like you.
                      +200 Influence : is amused.
                    • 201. Option - I'm listening.Player - I already agreed to join you.
                      +0 Influence : approves.
                      • 202. - I have not forgotten.
                    • 182. Option - The Empire is worth saving.Player - The Empire is stronger than you think. I won't abandon my home.
                      +0 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 184. - Do not let sentiment cloud reality.
                        • 91. - They want someone to blame for their defeat. They choose you.
                          • 106. Option - The Empire won't be defeated.Player - Your inbred children will never conquer Dromund Kaas.
                          • 92. Option - Dreams don't frighten me.Player - I won't waste my strength fighting things that aren't real.
                            • 189. - These are not illusions.
                          • 119. Option - If they want to die, fine.Player - Let them come. It's their funeral.
                            • 191. - Theirs or yours. Only you can decide that. Choose quickly.
                              • 94. - Empire... Republic... Both fall before the Eternal Throne. You cannot stop what is to come. Save yourself.
                                • 35. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 36. <Conversation Exit>
                                  • 206. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.exp.seasons.01.multi.emperor_valkorion
Appearance ID16141050500945468169
Body Typebmn
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    "MinLevel": 65,
    "MaxLevel": 65,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
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        "LocalizedName": {
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "2230955485",
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    "changed_fields": [
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