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Major Miran

Major Miran
Level 75 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Operation
SubCategory: Dxun
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Major Miran
Other Sites:


  • 112. - Welcome back, Commander.
    • 111. - And may I congratulate you on a job well done.
      • 114. Player - You! [Kill Trey Adelair]
        • 115. - I... was that really necessary?!
          • 116. Player - Extremely.
          • 117. Player - Necessary? No. Satisfying? Very.
            • 118. - I--, well... I suppose our deal was with Czerka, not Trey himself.
              • 120. - And the Empire does owe you a huge debt....
                • 122. - Let's just agree to not discuss this part, alright?
                  • 123. <Conversation Exit>
      • 125. Player - You almost got me killed!
      • 129. Player - Thank you.
        • 130. - Things didn't go quite as we expected them to... in fact, this mission might've been impossible for anyone else.
          • 134. - The Empire owes you a debt of gratitude.
            • 135. Player - There's only one thing I want. [Kill Trey Adelair]
            • 137. Player - What happened down there?
              • 138. - We're still piecing that together but Mex seems to think ARIA malfunctioned.
                • 139. Player - You don't say? [Kill Trey Adelair]
                • 141. Player - [Remain Silent]
                  • 142. - When we learn more about what happen, you'll be the first to know.
                    • 143. Player - I think I know enough. [Kill Trey Adelair]
                    • 144. Player - What about the research data?
                      • 145. - Czerka Interstellar has fulfilled their end of the bargain and provided us with extensive access to what remained.
                        • 147. - Sadly, a fair amount of research was lost due to systemic damage afflicting ARIA's mainframe. To be honest, we're still not sure how she was functioning at all.
                          • 149. - Well Commander, it's been a pleasure working with you.
                            • 150. Player - About the stairwell.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 151. Player - About the Holding Pens.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 152. Player - About the battery.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 153. Player - About the air conditioning.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 154. Player - About the tram.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 155. Player - About my reward.... [Kill Trey Adelair]
                            • 183. Player - Hey Trey, have you ever been shot? [Wound Trey Adelair]
                            • 181. Player - Trey, have you ever been stabbed? [Wound Trey Adelair]
                            • 156. Player - The feeling is mutual.
                              • 157. - Oh--... pardon me one moment. Mex? This had better be important.
                                • 159. - Is something wrong?
                                  • 161. - Oh, no, it's nothing to be concerned about! Excuse me for just a moment....
                                    • 163. - I see. Well, thank you again for your bravery, Commander.
                                      • 165. - ...ARIA invited them?! I thought you said the core was--...
                                        • 167. - I look forward to the opportunity to work with you again!
                                          • 169. - Well then where is it?! Escaped? How can a program escape?!
                                            • 171. - No, don't tell anyone else! Just order a quarantine of the other facility and check the communication logs!
                                              • 172. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - Greetings Commander, my name is Major Annette Miran. I am the chief researcher of the Empire's Applied Toxicology division and acting liaison to the CI-004 Incident.
    • 3. - I feared we wouldn't be able to secure a response in a timely manner with Darth Malgus mustering forces for the war effort. I'll connect with our Czerka contact now.
      • 5. - Well hello there Major, I didn't think we'd be seeing each other again so soon! Oh, I see you've brought company this time.
        • 7. - This is Trey Adelair, Czerka's executive of research and development. He is our point of contact for this operation.
          • 8. Player - Czerka? Weren't they disbanded?
            • 9. - Ah, I understand your confusion. Yes, the Republic nationalized Czerka Corporation, assuming ownership of all assets, properties, and, most notably, outstanding debts.
              • 11. - I, however, represent Czerka Interstellar; a legally distinct entity which, by pure coincidence, is largely comprised of the former Czerka Corporation leadership and staff.
                • 13. - You really are quite the devil, aren't you Trey?
                  • 15. - Come now, Major. I was merely fulfilling my fiduciary duty. I'm certain you'd have done the same if given the opportunity.
                    • 16. Player - You deceived the Republic?
                      • 17. - Deceived? Not at all. They merely failed to consider their position. But our relationship with the Republic isn't why we've contacted you.
                    • 20. Player - Would you mind skipping to the point?
          • 21. Player - Would you mind skipping to the point?
            • 22. - Right, straight to the point. Nara, would you care to elaborate?
              • 24. - A situation has arisen on Dxun which has escalated beyond our expectations.
                • 26. - Like the time at University your little hybrid Cratsch escaped?
                  • 29. Player - The point. Now.
                  • 180. Player - Cratsch?
                    • 28. - --and you used namana extract to help catch it. I hadn't thought about that in ages!
                      • 31. - Tell me, did any of them survive?
                        • 33. - Well, none of the technicians did, sadly... but the stripey little git is still alive!
                          • 35. - You seriously kept it after all of that? You really do have a one track mind, Safalla!
                            • 37. - I don't mean to interrupt, but....
                              • 39. - Oh! My apologies!
                                • 41. - Dxun is notoriously home to some of the most vicious wildlife in the galaxy. Naturally, it was our first choice when Czerka proposed an exploration of MilSpec Recombinatory Genetics.
                                  • 43. - Unfortunately, we'd failed to consider the Trandoshan variable.
                                    • 45. Player - Trandoshan variable?
                                      • 46. - Yes, the filthy animals worship a goddess of the hunt called the "Scorekeeper" for something they refer to as "Jagganath". They're a pack of hedonistic game hunters.
                                        • 48. - In hindsight it may seem obvious that they'd have a standing interest in Dxun and its exceptional wildlife, but....
                                          • 50. - No one in logistics ever considers cultural variables! You did read my thesis, Safalla!
                                            • 52. - A bit too late, I'm afraid. This is the fourth attack on the facility.
                                              • 53. Player - Fourth attack? Why wait until now to ask for assistance?
                                                • 100. - As a matter of policy, Czerka prefers to handle such matters internally. Their previous attacks were repelled without incident; quite frankly, we'd simply written them off as a nuisance. A miscalculation on our part, as it turns out.
                                              • 54. Player - What changed?
                                                • 103. - Well, they've successfully taken control of the facility, for starters. Due to the abrupt loss of communication, the precise nature of what's unfolding is still unclear.
                                    • 55. Player - So you want me to clean up your mess.
                                      • 56. - Well... yes. Not for free, mind you.
                                        • 58. - If we cannot regain control of the facility, all of the research will be lost.
                                          • 60. - Which is why Czerka Interstellar has agreed to share the fruits of that research with the Empire in exchange for helping to regain control of the facility.
                                            • 62. - Kill a few Trandoshans for unfettered access to Dr. Safalla's work? Stop being such a tease and tell us what's really going on, Trey.
                                              • 64. - Well, it's not exactly that simple... the Trandoshans are more like the Cratsch that knocked the beaker off the shelf.
                                                • 66. - What Dr. Safalla means to say is that our innovative creations are highly effective and now...under-contained.
                                                  • 68. - This has complicated several things, including our vector of approach. You and your team will need to be dropped outside of the facility in the jungle and advance inside through less conventional means.
                                                    • 70. - Our long range sensors are registering periodic blasts--likely scattered, ongoing fire fights. The situation is chaotic, with many unknown variables. You will need to be adaptive and agile once on the ground.
                                                      • 72. - Now then, did you have any further questions?
                                                        • 73. Player - What do you mean, "under-contained"?
                                                          • 74. - Well, some of our simulations have suggested that Dxun's closing proximity to Onderon may result in a further escalation of the situation.
                                                            • 76. - Worst case scenario, we may need to temporarily evacuate and quarantine the system.
                                                              • 78. - The whole system? Well, there go my plans for an Onderonian garden. Couldn't you have mentioned that part a little earlier?
                                                                • 80. - Come now, Major. What is a man without his secrets? Now, if there aren't any other questions....
                                                                  • 84. Player - Infiltrate the facility, kill some Trandoshans, get research. Easy enough.
                                                                  • 83. Player - I'm ready.
                                                        • 86. Player - Kill monsters, get research. I've heard all I need to hear.
                                                          • 87. - I admire your enthusiam!
                                                            • 89. - Dr. Safalla and our chief engineer Mex Briggam will join me to provide you remote support once you're on the ground.
                                                              • 91. - This research represents a significant opportunity for the Empire. I can assure you that your efforts here will not go unrewarded. Your transportation is ready and waiting.
                                                                • 93. - So, Nara, whatever happened to... you know.
                                                                  • 95. - Oh! You were right; poor little guy burst into flames the moment we opened the tank.
                                                                    • 97. - Ah-hah! Told you so!
                                                                      • 98. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.operation.dxun.conversation.major_miran
Appearance ID16141177951145950481
Body Typebfn
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    "MinLevel": 75,
    "MaxLevel": 75,
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    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "230070380",
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