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Lieutenant Xorem

Lieutenant Xorem
Level 10 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Ord_mantell
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lieutenant Xorem
Other Sites:


  • 192. - Thanks for your help! It's that kind of unity that will win us this war!
  • 2. - What's this? Where's the doctor?
    • 3. Option - He wouldn't go.Player - Jaen Kett refused to leave.
    • 5. Option - With the kids.Player - He's taking care of about twenty orphans.
    • 7. Option - That's a good question.Player - It's a bit of a long story, so I'll skip to the end. You're gonna need some boats.
      • 10. - What is this? The doctor needs... has he gone insane? This is an awfully tall order.
        • 166. - Judging by what he's written here, soft-hearted Jaen has found every single orphan on that island to take care of. Figures.
          • 163. - You saw the situation--what do you think? Can we really get the doctor and the kids out of there, or should we just focus on the doctor himself?
            • 164. Option - We can't leave anyone behind.Player - Those children need help--rescue them and the doctor. +100
              • 24. - You're right. Division is death. We'll get those kids. You'd better believe we'll get those kids.
                • 26. - Good work finding the doctor. You can take your pay and go now. We'll handle it from here. Again, good work.
                  • 202. Option - It was nothing.Player - No problem.
                  • 31. Option - Just doing my duty.Player - I do my best to serve.
                    • 32. - Of course. Don't we all? Yes, sir, duty is most important.
                  • 35. Option - The money's good.Player - It pays, that's enough for me.
                  • 37. Option - It had to be done.Player - I couldn't let those children suffer.
                    • 38. - Of course not. Who could? Not me. Not the good doctor. No, sir.
                      • 44. - Well, I have work to do. Children to save. Keep fighting the good fight!
            • 165. Option - Forget the kids.Player - The doctor is the only one you need. No sense wasting time or effort on non-essential personnel. +100
              • 168. - You're right. It's a tough choice to make, but we have to make it for the good of the Republic. We need Jaen Kett.
                • 170. - Good work--you found the doctor and assessed the situation, just like I asked. I'll start making the arrangements.
                  • 203. Option - It was nothing.Player - No problem.
                    • 181. - Of course it wasn't. You were helping the cause. Doing your part. That's what I always like to see.
                  • 172. Option - Just doing my duty.Player - I do my best to serve.
                    • 176. - Yes! Duty is paramount! It's why we're all here.
                  • 173. Option - The money's good.Player - It pays, that's enough for me.
                  • 175. Option - It had to be done.Player - I couldn't let soldiers die needlessly.
                    • 188. - Yes--we need all the men we have. We need unity! And Jaen Kett will certainly help us achieve it.
                      • 184. - Well, I should go. Much to be done, and a doctor to be rescued! Keep up the good work!
                        • 45. <Conversation Exit>
  • 66. - Republic soldiers are dying in the fields. We need that doctor!
  • 67. - Damn separatists. All they're doing is cutting themselves off. Cockeyed fools, all of them. Did you hear about the bridge to Mannett Point?
    • 204. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 205. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 72. Option - No.Player - I hadn't heard. What happened to it?
        • 74. Option - I don't know.Player - Is this some kind of test? Because I'm no good at tests.
          • 75. - No, of course it's not a test. Why would I test you? I don't believe in tests. They create division.
        • 78. Option - Yeah, I heard.Player - Damn separatists destroyed the bridge.
        • 82. Option - Maybe.Player - I heard twelve men and three rancors died building it.
          • 83. - I detect a bit of attitude there. I don't like it. These are trying times, and we all need to band together, for the good of Ord Mantell.
            • 85. - It's division that will bring us down--like the channel that divides Mannett Point from the rest of Avilatan island.
              • 87. - Those foolish separatists think that by blowing up the bridge to Mannett Point they're striking a blow for the people, but all they've created is division. And division is death.
                • 207. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 208. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 193. Option - So what're you doing?Player - What are you going to do?
                      • 93. - Separatists can rot for all I care. Problem is, it isn't only separatists on that island.
                    • 96. Option - So make a new one.Player - Build another bridge and stop bugging me about it.
                      • 97. - Can't build a new bridge because the separatists hold the point.
                    • 194. Option - I get it already.Player - Get to the point.
                      • 101. - Lots of good people got stuck in Mannett Point when the bridge went out. The separatists are trying to divide us. Divide and conquer, right?
                        • 103. - There was a doctor there--Jaen Kett. Brilliant medical man and staunch Republic supporter. Essential to our effort. We need someone with the know-how to find him.
                          • 195. Option - Let me help.Player - I'd like to help.
                          • 106. Option - What can I do?Player - It's my duty to help the Republic win this war.
                            • 107. - That's the spirit. Volunteering--I like it. Breeds unity.
                          • 110. Option - Are you offering money?Player - Would you pay someone with the know-how?
                            • 111. - Doctor Kett is worth a lot to the Republic. Of course we'll pay.
                          • 196. Option - Boring.Player - I'm not interested.
                            • 119. - Too bad. You look like the kind who can fight your way through a mess. Think about it. After all, you'll be serving the Republic, and the pay's good.
                              • 198. Option - Deal.Player - You've got yourself a deal.
                                • 121. - That's right. Good old-fashioned zeal--so few people have it these days. Good to see it.
                              • 199. Option - Now's a bad time.Player - I'm a bit busy right now.
                                • 131. - Just hear me out. It'll be worth your time, I promise.
                              • 134. Option - I'll consider it.Player - You tell me what to do, and I'll think about it.
                                • 135. - It's not going to be easy, I can tell you that much.
                                  • 137. - Like I said, last contact we had with the good doctor he was on Mannett Point. Seeing as the bridge is out, you'll have to swim the channel.
                                    • 139. - And you'll want to watch out for separatists on the shore. If you have any luck finding the doctor, try to get him back here. Think you can handle it?
                                      • 200. Option - Don't worry about me.Player - I can handle myself.
                                      • 142. Option - Right away.Player - One doctor, coming right up!
                                      • 148. Option - The price is right.Player - Well, since you've promised to pay.
                                        • 149. - Great. That's the spirit. You know, I think we've got a chance at winning this thing.
                                          • 151. - Now, hurry up to Mannett Point. We haven't a moment to lose!
                                            • 160. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - We need to stick together if we're gonna win this war. It's the only way.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16140938874101152709
Body Typebmn
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