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Master Arca Jeth

Master Arca Jeth
Level 1-50 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Coruscant
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Master Arca Jeth
Other Sites:


  • 1. - The fractal structure requires that it be removed from the--
    • 3. - With all respect, Master Arca, you are incorrect. The structure only appears fractal. If you view it through the lens of the Force....
      • 5. - I don't suppose either of you is going to move past your petty geometrical squabble long enough to notice we have a visitor.
        • 6. Option - What are you?Player - What am I looking at here?
          • 105. - It's the Noetikon of Science. My colleagues and I were chosen to represent the Jedi spirit of scientific inquiry. Mostly those two argue.
        • 7. Option - I am honored.Player - Sorry to disturb such illustrious Masters, but I am in need of information.
          • 9. - No need to apologize, Jedi. They have a tendency to get carried away.
        • 304. Option - An impatient visitor.Player - I came for information, not to be dragged into a debate.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 13. - Hmph. I would be offended, but you make a fair point.
            • 111. - The last person to use the Noetikon got so tired of hearing these two yammer he shut us down. It was a mercy.
              • 298. - Wait, Master Tharis. Where is the Jedi Temple? We seem to have been moved.
                • 20. Option - First, Yuon needs help.Player - I'll explain later. For now, I need information on an illness that is affecting my Master.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 19. Option - This is most fascinating.Player - Awareness, personality... I've seen similar holograms, but nothing as sophisticated as this Noetikon.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 24. - It is more like a virtual intelligence than a holographic recording. Master Tharis developed it.
                    • 27. - You are too generous, Master Vandar. It was Master Arca who implemented my sketches.
                • 18. Option - It's a ruin now.Player - The temple has been destroyed, and its contents ransacked.
                  • 29. - Destroyed? Has any of the knowledge been recovered?
                    • 34. Option - I just started looking.Player - This is the first Noetikon I've found.
                    • 32. Option - I don't know.Player - Not that I'm aware.
                      • 307. - Hmph. It seems much has changed since we were last activated, and not for the better.
                    • 33. Option - The Jedi have been busy.Player - The Jedi Temple was not the only thing hit, and the Jedi have had their hands full rebuilding Coruscant.
                      • 35. - I understand. Difficult times require difficult choices.
                        • 303. Player - Masters, I've come seeking help for my own Master, Yuon Par. She's suffering a mysterious illness.
                          • 299. - How terrible. Come, tell us her symptoms. Perhaps we can help.
                            • 311. - So she claims "the darkness is coming," and talks of someone called "Parkanas." And her mind is most affected... hmm.
                              • 53. - I'm afraid we've plied our extensive knowledge of biological, chemical and technological diseases, but this illness is beyond us.
                                • 157. Option - Where do we go from here?Player - So what do you need me to do?
                                • 296. Option - That's not encouraging.Player - So there may be no cure.
                                • 56. Option - After all my efforts, nothing.Player - I know I should be patient, Masters, but Yuon is running out of time.
                                  +200 Influence : approves.
                                  • 70. - Sometimes knowledge comes through ruling out false ideas.
                                    • 74. - For once, Master Vandar and I agree. Yuon's illness is definitely not medical. But we have accessed files that bear cross-checking.
                                      • 76. - If you can find the Noetikon of Light, where Masters Noab, Nomi and Wole guard the Jedi Order's mystical knowledge, they may be able to help.
                                        • 78. Option - How do I find it?Player - Where is this Noetikon of Light?
                                          • 88. - We do not know. Ordinarily, it would've been connected with us in the temple, but no more.
                                        • 156. Option - I appreciate your advice.Player - Thank you.
                                        • 79. Option - I hope so.Player - I'll try. But with all our knowledge, you'd think we could save one of our own Masters.
                                          • 83. - I'm sorry we couldn't have been of more help--but it's difficult without the other parts of the Noetikon.
                                            • 131. - Find the Noetikon of Light and seek your answer there.
                                              • 132. - May the Force be with you--and remember, if you seek answers, you must always ask questions.
                                                • 133. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.coruscant.class.jedi_wizard.ancient_secrets.arca_jeth
Appearance ID16141134214503984055
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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    "LocalizedName": {
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        "frMale": "Ma\u00eetre Arca Jeth",
        "frFemale": "Ma\u00eetre Arca Jeth",
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        "deFemale": "Meister Arca Jeth"
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    "MinLevel": 1,
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    "Faction": 39,
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            "frMale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "frFemale": "R\u00e9publique",
            "deMale": "Republik",
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        "DefendedFactionIds": [],
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        "FactionString": "republic_utility_npc",
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.location.coruscant.class.jedi_wizard.noetikon_of_science",
    "CnvB62": "ARXPGz0",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
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    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "1662379517",
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