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General Garza

General Garza
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Flashpoint
SubCategory: Umbara
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 5.2.0
Last Seen: 5.3.0a
Removed In: 5.4.0
Star Wars Name: General Garza
Other Sites:


  • 207. - Get to your mission. The Republic needs you.
  • 119. Player - Eclipse Squad has been neutralized. But you know that.
    • 120. - Yes, Major.
      • 122. - Thank you for cleaning up my mess. They deserved better, but so do you.
        • 125. Option - I bet they were a good team.Player - Before what happened... they must have been fine soldiers. I'm sorry.
        • 127. Option - There need to be consequences!Player - You can't walk away from this, Garza. I just killed six of the Republic's finest!
          • 240. Player - Too many good people have died--Eclipse and everyone murdered at Fort Klemark.
            • 150. - You're more right than you know. I could cover up Ando Prime, Tavus's defection, but not this.
        • 126. Option - No one's at fault here.Player - You needed a covert ops team and you took a risk. If it had worked out, who knows what Eclipse could have done.
          • 129. Player - You and I both know playing it safe gets people killed too.
            • 130. - You and I know that, but not everyone does.
              • 132. - I can't cover this one up--not like Ando Prime, or Commander Tavus's defection. The Senate won't ignore the incident at Fort Klemark.
                • 134. - Eclipse Squad killed two hundred innocent people. The politicians will pounce. My SpecForce career is over.
                  • 135. Option - Come clean. About everything.Player - It's time to stop hiding behind operational secrecy. You need to tell the truth--about SpecForce's full record. +150
                    • 184. - No one's hiding. I've shielded the Senate from the decisions they can't face. You should know that.
                      • 185. Player - But you keep making the same choices, and people keep paying for them. There has to be accountability.
                        • 186. - Would you testify against me, Major?
                          • 187. Player - If I had to? Yes.
                            • 188. - I see.
                              • 190. - All the testimony in the world won't right my mistakes. I'll be stripped of my uniform; likely put in a comfortable prison.
                                • 192. - But I know better than to pit myself against you. When the Senate calls, I'll open the record.
                                  • 194. Option - You're doing the right thing.Player - Don't look at this as an end. This is a fresh start--a chance to make amends.
                                    • 204. - I've spent my life serving the Republic--a few years in a cell won't stop me.
                                  • 193. Option - I'll always respect you, sir.Player - We've had our differences, General, but Havoc and the Republic owe you a debt of gratitude. You helped make me who I am.
                                  • 195. Option - I hope you do end up in jail.Player - Frankly, General--you deserve a lot worse than what you'll get from the Senate.
                                    • 196. - You've never understood. Maybe that's for the best--maybe so long as we have strong leaders, you won't have to.
                  • 136. Option - You're on your own, Garza.Player - I won't get in your way, but I won't testify for you either. What happens next is up to you.
                    • 177. - I understand, Major. Sometimes a soldier has to know when the battle is lost.
                      • 179. - I don't expect to see the inside of a cell, but I won't be wearing the uniform anymore. Still... I'll serve the Republic so long as I'm able.
                        • 180. Player - I imagine you'll find something.
                          • 181. - Maybe Coruscant Security needs an anti-gang task force.
                  • 137. Option - Listen... I can cover it up.Player - What if there were a way to deflect some of the blame? +150
                    • 138. - Eclipse Squad was my team. There's no question what they did at Fort Klemark.
                      • 139. Player - But who knows why they did it? Especially since they came to Rishi afterward--a planet full of Revanites.
                        • 140. - You want to claim that Eclipse Squad was part of the cult?
                          • 141. Player - Like you said, Havoc's got prestige these days. If I report that Eclipse turned Revanite, the Senate will believe it.
                            • 142. - It could be enough.
                              • 144. - I'd still be out of SpecForce--two squads of defectors is one too many--but I have some pull with the SIS director.
                                • 146. - I'd have to adjust to a new office, say goodbye to the uniform, but I'd be back to running ops within the year.
                                  • 148. Option - It's been a pleasure, General.Player - I'll be sorry to see you go, sir. Havoc owes its success to you. The Republic owes you even more.
                                    • 174. - That's enough, Major. Thank you.
                                  • 149. Option - Use your second chance well.Player - Not everyone gets an opportunity like this. Don't let Eclipse Squad happen again.
                                  • 147. Option - The SIS needs some backbone.Player - Those spies are in for a shock. They could use a little SpecForce training.
                                    • 159. - Too bad there's only one Havoc--and one Havoc commander.
                                      • 161. - It's been a long flight to Rishi, and I do need to get back to Coruscant. It could be some time before we meet again.
                                        • 162. Player - I understand. I've got my own mission to handle here.
                                          • 169. - Then get the job done.
                                            • 165. - I meant what I said before--you've outgrown me, and I am proud. It's been an honor serving with you.
                                              • 166. Player - General.
                                                • 167. - For the last time as your commander: Dismissed.
                                                  • 168. <Conversation Exit>
  • 117. - Good hunting, Major.
  • 27. - Major. Perimeter report.
    • 28. Player - We're clear, sir. No enemy contact or surveillance.
      • 29. - Good. What's the status of Havoc Squad?
        • 30. Player - All troops equipped and combat ready.
          • 31. - I'm counting on that.
            • 33. - But you haven't disappointed me yet. I apologize for interrupting your operation--I don't doubt your objectives.
              • 34. Option - Tell me what's going on.Player - Right now I just want an explanation. There's a lot happening, and I wasn't expecting you on Rishi.
              • 35. Option - Your orders come first, sir.Player - You say "jump" and we say "how high?" No need to apologize, General.
              • 36. Option - This is outrageous.Player - You haven't been in contact for months. You can't just pull me out of a top-priority mission without explaining.
                • 37. - I have my reasons, Major. Do you care to hear them, or is this officially a mutiny?
                  • 38. Player - Talk.
                    • 39. - Thank you.
                      • 41. - There's a story I need to tell you. It involves a Republic Special Forces team named "Eclipse Squad."
                        • 45. Player - Go on.
                          • 51. - It started with the Rakton campaign. Your victory on Corellia was tremendous, and it's why I've been out of contact.
                            • 53. - After what happened, the Supreme Commander wanted you on top priority, front line missions only. You were too valuable--and too recognizable--for covert SpecForce work.
                              • 211. Option - That's not fair.Player - That was never the intent. You're saying Havoc was a victim of its own success?
                              • 210. Option - I assumed that was the case.Player - With Havoc in the public eye and the war running hot, pushing us to the front made sense.
                              • 212. Option - Old news. Get to the point.Player - What does any of that have to do with the "Eclipse Squad" you mentioned?
                                • 213. - Everything, if you'll bother to listen.
                                  • 215. - Do not misunderstand. I was proud to see you and Havoc outgrow me.
                                    • 59. - Still, SpecForce needed a covert team, and no one could match your track record. I had to build a replacement.
                                      • 60. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                        • 61. - I tried every combination of species and technology, but couldn't hit the right formula--not until your operation on Manaan.
                                          • 62. Player - That operation was a secret.
                                            • 63. - I have sources, Major. I sent a salvage team after you, and we dredged up the Revanites' Rakata technology.
                                              • 71. Option - How could you possibly know?Player - What kind of "sources" told you what happened? Even the SIS was out of the loop.
                                                • 108. - You are still officially part of SpecForce. I know where your ship goes--I'd be negligent if I didn't.
                                        • 243. - I tried every combination of species and technology, but couldn't hit the right formula--not until an operation on Manaan.
                                          • 244. Player - The ocean planet?
                                            • 245. - A scientist there developed plans for building a cybernetic army using Rakata technology. Our team destroyed the lab facility and recovered the scientist's work.
                                              • 70. Option - You used those cybernetics.Player - You rebuilt that tech and applied it to a SpecForce team. That's what Eclipse Squad is.
                                                • 111. - Very good. We took six volunteers and made them better soldiers. They were extraordinary, at first.
                                                  • 112. Player - Until it went wrong.
                                              • 248. Option - Guess I missed out.Player - Sounds like it was quite a mission. Too bad I wasn't invited.
                                                • 249. - Like I said, you have different priorities now.
                                              • 72. Option - Of course it all went wrong.Player - You've always been too eager to use experimental weapons, but Rakata cybernetics? What did you think would happen?
                                                • 77. - I thought we'd find a way to help win this war.
                                                  • 79. - My science team reconstructed whatever Rakata tech they could. What they couldn't, they patched with replacements from the inventor Krel's blueprints.
                                                    • 81. - We cybernetically augmented six volunteers. They were extraordinary--Eclipse Squad was an unequivocal triumph.
                                                      • 82. Player - Until it wasn't.
                                                        • 83. - There were... psychological effects. The team became paranoid. We thought it could be controlled.
                                                          • 218. - Then a fight broke out at Fort Klemark. The fort was destroyed and two hundred Republic soldiers killed. Eclipse went dark, and I've been tracking them ever since.
                                                            • 221. Option - That's terrible.Player - Two hundred people. They must have thought Eclipse were heroes before they pulled the trigger.
                                                            • 220. Option - What does Eclipse want?Player - So they're a rogue SpecForce team. Why are they doing this? Why come to Rishi, of all places?
                                                            • 219. Option - You've gone too far this time.Player - Those volunteers trusted you, and you as good as betrayed them when you pumped them full of alien tech.
                                                              • 223. Player - Now two hundred people have died? This has to stop--you have to stop.
                                                                • 224. - I made a mistake. We can discuss blame in-depth, or we can solve the problem.
                                                                  • 226. - Eclipse is sick, Major. They believe they're serving the Republic--I think they're here investigating the Revanites--but they see everyone as the enemy.
                                                                    • 228. - Havoc is still the superior unit. Together we have to find them and stop them.
                                                                      • 88. Option - I'll take care of it.Player - I'll need all the intel you can provide and a way to locate Eclipse. They won't make it off Rishi.
                                                                      • 89. Option - They might still be savable.Player - If they're working as a team, investigating the Revanites, then they can still reason. We can talk to them.
                                                                        • 91. - They have programming now, not reason. You don't reason your way to mass murder.
                                                                          • 101. Player - Maybe. What do you propose?
                                                                      • 229. Option - Why not let them continue?Player - Sounds like Eclipse is only a danger inside Republic lines. Out here, they might do some good.
                                                                        • 230. - Not an option. What happens if Eclipse decides to visit Alderaan or Coruscant?
                                                                          • 96. - The Eclipse Squad members haven't deactivated their comm units. We can locate them within two klicks that way.
                                                                            • 98. - Once you're close, jam their comms using the nearest relay station. They'll come hunting you.
                                                                              • 103. Player - You're sure that'll work?
                                                                                • 104. - It's how they were trained.
                                                                                  • 106. - This isn't a mission either of us wanted, Major, but it needs to be done. I'll be on your link until it's over.
                                                                                    • 107. Player - Understood, sir.
  • 1. - It's not SpecForce HQ, but it'll have to do.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.exp.02.rishi.class.trooper.general_garza
Appearance ID16140936634010652049
Body Typebfb
    "_id": {
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    "MinLevel": 50,
    "MaxLevel": 50,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "ToughnessId": "0",
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    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.exp.02.rishi.class.trooper.general_garza",
    "CnvB62": "JVb2WO8",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
    "CoverPackage": "pkg.cover.none",
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            "MeleeOffWepB62Id": "0000000",
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            "AppearanceId": "16140936634010652049",
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            "SpeciesScale": -6208027144227586886
    "CharRef": "chr.general_garza",
    "FqnCategory": "flashpoint",
    "FqnSubCategory": "umbara",
    "CommandXP": 2,
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    "Base62Id": "L4GgB01",
    "Fqn": "npc.flashpoint.umbara.general_garza",
    "first_seen": "5.2.0",
    "last_seen": "5.3.0a",
    "current_version": "5.3.0",
    "hash": "1523170263",
    "removed_in": "5.4.0",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [