- You'll also find that I am fully trained in all aspects of operating this vessel. I can both navigate and pilot.
Link to Node 6
Link to Node 7
1361. Option - [Flirt] You dodge well, Quinn.Player - If you're half as good at evading obstacles as you are my advances, then my ship is in good hands.
2200. Option - If you can wait, fine.Player - We're so busy, the opportunity for privacy may not present itself for a while. Must not be very important.
- New generation hyperdrive support tech is being developed. The Empire is negotiating for exclusive purchasing rights. But it could take months to be available.
1803. Option - You're probably right.Player - Then we will leave this unexpressed. But you will remain in my charge. If you decide to grow some guts, you know where to find me.
1808. Option - How disappointing.Player - Ah, you were building to it so nicely and then you blew it. I thought you were the type of man who had the confidence to act, not ask.
1793. Option - Are you a man or a rodent?Player - If you can't take it, Quinn, I'll deposit you back on Balmorra to rot and never give you another thought.
1795. Player - You can watch the HoloNet for news on the real action.
- Not since serving Moff Broysc have I had to deal with such an unpredictable variable.
2569. Option - You can handle Broonmark.Player - You are a consummate officer, Quinn. You run this crew impeccably. I'm sure our Talz brute recognizes that.
- That has been a difficult lesson to learn. But it's tricky. The criteria to challenge a superior must never be softened.
Link to Node 2564
3133. Option - Never forget your place.Player - You must always support your betters, Captain. The Empire depends on strict adherence to military code and hierarchy.
1544. Option - Quinn is authorized.Player - If you don't adhere to the chain of command, you compromise us all. And the captain determines such things.
- She keeps slipping his name nonsensically into conversations just to annoy me. Says she won't stop until I tell her why I hate the man.
3041. Option - She's not going to stop.Player - Vette's relentless. Once she gloms onto something, she doesn't let go. Best if you just tell her the story.
Link to Node 3049
3054. Option - Hilarious.Player - Vette never ceases to amuse me.
2497. Option - You misunderstand.Player - Don't presume that you know where I'm coming from, Captain. Or where I'm headed.
Link to Node 1429
1404. Option - Never mind. You're so obtuse.Player - It's too easy to make you stammer, Captain. You better not pause like that in a life-and-death situation.