- I found the crew fixing their broken starship. I offered help, but they shot at me and laughed. After nights many, I finally killed them all and claimed their starship.
254. Option - I approve. Never show mercy.Player - Your foes deserved nothing less than death. Your only mistake was offering them help in the first place.
- I hunted foes many on my homeworld. No kills made me happier than these.
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224. Option - I would have done the same.Player - We have the same approach to solving problems. The only difference is, I would have wiped them out much faster.
226. Option - You killed them? Hilarious!Player - You hunted down the entire crew over several nights? I bet those final logs were great. "The furry thing--it's coming for us again!"
- I landed on a world of terrible smells endless. They call it Nar Shaddaa. I found strong allies and Imperial jobs many to attack Republic targets. Good days.
237. Option - Tell me about these allies.Player - Those friends of yours--who were they? Why did they attack Republic targets on Nar Shaddaa?
- Clan Ordo--Mandalorian warriors. They gave me food, taught me fighting, and let me charge into battle ahead of them.
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239. Option - Do you still have that ship?Player - Since you aren't flying around the galaxy on your own, I assume you lost that starship you captured.
- I am only sorry I cannot serve you to your final breath. Your people live seasons many more than mine. But I will fight for you to my last day.
544. Option - You are a valued ally.Player - You have served me well, and will continue to do so until our time together ends. That is all I can ask of you.
- You are fated for greatness. There will be others who serve you with loyalty.
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546. Option - Until then, we'll fight hard.Player - None of us knows how long we've got. That's what makes life interesting--and well worth fighting for. Have fun while it lasts, Treek.
- You understand. This is why we seek challenges every day.
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547. Option - I value your loyalty.Player - You may be the most earnest and open-hearted operative in my employ. Your commitment and honesty will be irreplaceable.
- I do not know what will become of my name after I am gone. Without someone to recite my victories many, the memories many will fade. I will be forgotten.
564. Option - Put it on the HoloNet.Player - We can keep your name alive forever. Everything you've ever done can be stored on the HoloNet as data. I'll show you.
- You fear nothing. You sweep away all enemies in your path with powers many. If I had your Force, victories endless I would have!
485. Option - I would train you.Player - You would be a good apprentice. I would teach you to focus your rage into a weapon, and burn away your compassion for others.
- You surprise your enemies with tricks many. By the time your foes know what you have done, they are dead. I need more devices like yours.
489. Option - I think you're tough enough.Player - You don't need a bag of tricks. I'm pretty sure the Empire already has you registered as a living superweapon.
491. Option - You're the perfect partner.Player - People like me can do their jobs because people like you attract all the attention. I wouldn't have it any other way.
- My homeworld's fights end quickly and are forgotten, but here, they are battles endless. Do you think the Empire will take mercy on the Republic and offer peace?
517. Option - There will be no mercy.Player - The Sith will only accept the Republic's unconditional surrender. They still owe us a few millennia of slavery for what they did to us.
- I do not think the Republic people wish to pay that debt.
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518. Option - Jedi won't give us the choice.Player - The Republic is led by Jedi fools who will never submit to Sith authority. They'll fight to the death, and we'll be forced to give it to them.
- Maybe the Republic people will kill the Jedi in self-defense? It could happen.
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514. Option - I hope not.Player - There's not much work for hunters in peacetime. What am I supposed to do, chase down idiot smugglers all day long? Pass.
- So, keep the war going? Do not fight too hard and win, but also do not offer peace. Good policy.
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519. Option - We'll erase the Republic.Player - This isn't about forcing a surrender, or peaceful coexistence. My people will not stop until every system in the Republic flies an Imperial banner.
- This makes me wonder what we do when there is peace and no one left to fight. Find another galaxy?
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521. Option - You're a fool for even asking.Player - Mercy? Peace? I knew you were a primitive little savage, but I thought you might have learned something by now. Never ask that again.
- If I find good unspoiled Nautolan--or maybe Rodian--I will make a stew.
436. Option - You are forbidden to do that.Player - You will not make a stew out of another intelligent being--especially not aboard my ship. Do you understand me?
451. Option - Survival is my top priority.Player - In my line of work, one cannot afford to be too picky. I was trained to be omnivorous to ensure my survival.
- I walked my homeworld for seasons many hunting my path to the stars. During the journey, I dreamed of an eternal warrior surrounded by fire. I think that was you.
380. Option - Yes, I have a destiny.Player - I am a master of the Force, and everyone senses my power--even you on that distant world.
413. Option - You're precognitive, or crazy.Player - Interesting. Remind me to have you tested for Force sensitivity--and psychosis, while we're at it. Nothing wrong with covering every possibility.
381. Option - What else did you see?Player - An eternal warrior surrounded by flames? That could be good or bad, depending on the context. Did you have any other dreams?
359. Option - Just be ready to die for me.Player - You know what they say about great legends... they all end with a heroic death. Are you prepared for that?
- My homeworld chief told me to stay in our village. I would cook and raise children like the other women. Instead, I left and walked across my planet. Legendary journey!
268. Option - You showed great strength.Player - Your leader sensed you were special and feared your power. You are destined for better things.
- Yes! You understand. The chief called me crazy as a geejaw. I knew better.
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270. Option - You made the right move.Player - Good for you. People like us don't sit around cooking for ungrateful little womp rats. You're a natural-born hunter.
- Yes! My old chief saw only a woman. He had no vision.
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271. Option - You did the right thing.Player - Embarked on a bit of intelligence-gathering? Good for you--knowledge is power. Did you find anything interesting?
- Everywhere I look on Dromund Kaas, I see great monuments many. What mark will you leave behind when your end finally comes?
308. Option - I plan to destroy the Jedi.Player - I will hunt down every Jedi in the galaxy until I've choked the life from the last pitiful member of their order.
- To wipe out a chosen foe endless... this I will see done!
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309. Option - I will be the most powerful.Player - I'll be remembered as the greatest Emperor ever to rule the Sith. That'll do nicely, don't you agree?
- That is unfair. You are a great hero. Others should know it.
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313. Option - The galaxy will be improved.Player - I don't need a monument. If I can leave the galaxy a better place for having been here, that's enough.
- The best way to keep a legend alive is to make it a happy tale? That is a good policy.
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312. Option - Maybe I just won't die?Player - The best way to make sure no one forgets you is to stay alive. If there's any way to cheat death, I'll find it.