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Level 50 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Qtr
SubCategory: 1x4
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.4.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Bren
Other Sites:


  • 285. - Thanks to you, maybe now we can get the rest of those HK droids working for the Republic.
  • 294. <Conversation Exit>
  • 245. Player - I have everything we need to reactivate the HK droids.
    • 246. - Everything except the best droid engineer in the sector. Luckily, he owes me a favor. He'll meet you inside the Fatality when it's clear.
      • 250. - And yes, that means enemy forces have retaken the ship. This time, a Sith calling himself the Lord of Agony.
        • 251. Option - He won't be a problem for me.Player - I fought more than a few Sith getting these parts. One more shouldn't make much difference.
          • 257. - This one's not your average Sith. He tore through a platoon of our soldiers like they were flimsiplast.
        • 252. Option - Tell me who he works for.Player - Whom does this lord serve? The Dread Masters, the Empire, or himself?
          • 258. - Does it matter? He's between us and an army of assassin droids.
        • 253. Option - That doesn't sound good.Player - I guess it's too much to hope that he attacks people with boring conversation?
          • 259. - No, that's the Lord of Annoyance. Different guy.
        • 254. Option - At least he's honest.Player - Say what you want about Sith, but I appreciate their openness. You always know what their hobbies and interests are.
          • 260. - Personally, I'd prefer they keep more to themselves.
        • 255. Option - How did this happen?Player - The Republic couldn't spare a platoon to secure the Fatality while I was gone?
          • 261. - The Republic assigned a whole company to guard the crash site. It didn't make any difference.
        • 256. Option - Don't worry, I'll kill him.Player - He'll have to change his nickname to the Lord of Corpses when I'm done.
          • 262. - I think that name's taken. Wicked little guy on Nar Shaddaa. You don't want to know.
            • 278. - You're in for a nightmare of a fight, but it's the only way to keep those HK droids out of enemy hands.
              • 264. - Once the Fatality is safe to enter, my engineer friend will head inside. Not much of a talker, but he gets the job done.
                • 293. <Conversation Exit>
  • 3. - I'm staying put. There's a lot more I need to see if we're going to get these HK units out.
  • 5. Player - Here's your cargo manifest. The Fatality was carrying HK droids.
    • 6. - HK droids haven't been seen in the galaxy for decades.
      • 175. - ...and that ship is filled with them. Some kind of secret Imperial project. No wonder our friends are fighting over that wreck.
        • 182. Option - There's more to this story.Player - That doesn't explain why the Fatality came to Belsavis years ago. Was the Empire planning to use those droids here?
          • 183. - Not the Empire--an apprentice of the Dread Masters. According to this, he stole the Fatality and its HKs at their command.
        • 9. Option - Explain these HKs.Player - What exactly is an HK droid? What are they used for?
          • 176. - Skipped history class? The HK model was the deadliest assassin droid ever produced. The most famous one was made to order for Darth Revan.
        • 178. Option - We should destroy the droids.Player - Let's demolish that ship and be rid of this threat once and for all.
          • 179. - Hang on, we're talking about serious hardware--the kind that wins wars for whoever controls it.
            • 185. - It's all starting to make sense. The Dread Masters used their powers to guide the Fatality and its HKs here to stage a breakout.
              • 189. - That plan failed, but now our enemies can use the droids for something much worse.
                • 190. Option - But we defeated their forces.Player - The Houk and his minions are all dead. The Dread Masters aren't a problem.
                  • 194. - They're not our only enemies. What if the Empire gets these things--or the Hutt Cartel?
                • 192. Option - The droids are that powerful?Player - What's the damage potential of these droids? How much could they do to us?
                  • 193. - A single HK droid operating alone can easily eliminate military, political and economic leaders. The Fatality holds dozens of HKs. An army.
                • 191. Option - The HKs I saw were broken.Player - There wasn't a single HK droid on the ship that wasn't damaged and frozen in ice.
                  • 195. - You can bet our enemies have a plan to fix them.
                    • 177. - HK droids are a bigger advantage than our enemies deserve. We've got to get those things out of the Fatality and working for us.
                      • 202. Option - I'm not sure I agree.Player - How can we use something designed for evil to do anything good?
                        • 199. - Assassination isn't the Republic's style--but if we take out enough Sith to end this war we'll be saving billions of lives.
                      • 241. Option - What about working for me?Player - I could do a lot of good with an assassin droid on my team.
                        • 204. - Considering how many defeats you've personally handed the Empire, I'd say you're exactly who needs an HK unit.
                      • 203. Option - HKs shouldn't be trusted.Player - I've heard assassin droids have a tendency to kill their own masters.
                        • 206. - Only the ones with poor programming. Remember, they're just machines.
                          • 208. - Problem is, the Fatality's droids were all damaged in the crash. They've spent years on ice, but we need them working yesterday.
                            • 210. - Schematics and spare parts are the key ingredients. I know for a fact Czerka Corporation maintains HK designs in their laboratory databases.
                              • 211. Option - Then let's get them.Player - If it's the only way to ensure the HKs don't wind up in enemy hands, I'll do whatever it takes.
                                • 217. - You've got a track record for achieving the impossible, master Jedi. I like that.
                              • 212. Option - We need a plan.Player - I doubt Czerka's leaders will just hand over the schematics. That doesn't leave us too many legal options.
                                • 218. - We don't need Czerka's permission. They desert their operations without wiping the databanks all the time.
                              • 213. Option - I can get whatever we need.Player - I'll start by asking Czerka nicely. If that doesn't work, I know lots of other ways to ask.
                                • 219. - I think we can do this without going to war with an entire corporation.
                              • 214. Option - Sounds like a plan.Player - Good old Czerka... you can always count on those guys to have things they shouldn't. Time for a little breaking and entering.
                                • 220. - Probably more of the former than the latter.
                              • 216. Option - Great. Go and get them.Player - You're the spy. Go fetch those things yourself.
                                • 222. - In case it's not obvious, I'm the kind of spy who's good at watching and not much else.
                                  • 224. - I have a lead on one private Czerka complex. Raiding it won't be easy, but what is? The rest will be up to you.
                                    • 226. - Get the schematics and whatever parts we'll need. I'll maintain position and watch the Fatality until you get back. Be seeing you.
                              • 215. Option - I want no part of this.Player - The Republic has no business reactivating murderous droids designed by the Empire. This will end badly.
                                • 221. - Unlike people, droids can be reprogrammed. If anything goes wrong, we'll pull the plug.
                                  • 286. - There's a Czerka complex you can raid for the schematics. At least give it a look before making up your mind.
                                    • 288. - Regardless, I'm stuck here until the Republic sends reinforcements. Be seeing you--I hope.
                                      • 291. <Conversation Exit>
  • 58. - Better head for the Fatality now. It isn't getting any warmer.
  • 59. - Finally! I've been comming the Republic for days. Starting to get frostbite out here.
    • 114. - Name's Bren. I'm SIS. Been tracking intel reports of Imperial activity in Belsavis's frigid zone. Nothing's supposed to be here.
      • 116. - Turns out there's something: the "Fatality." Imperial destroyer downed years ago. The Dread Masters' forces are holding it like she's still spaceworthy.
        • 118. Option - That ship shouldn't be here.Player - The Empire didn't know Belsavis existed until recently. Are you saying one of their warships came here that long ago?
          • 119. - Republic brass locked down the incident tighter than a Sith Lord's helmet, but yeah--that recent invasion wasn't the first.
        • 120. Option - Dread Master forces, too?Player - So the Imperials aren't the only ones after this wreck. That ship must really be something.
          • 121. - Don't get me wrong, the Fatality's a write-off--which makes this all the more interesting.
        • 117. Option - Good. Let them fight.Player - Once the Imperials and the Dread Masters have softened each other up, we can carpet bomb the lot of them.
          • 73. - They can kill each other for all I care. I want to know what's in that wreck that's worth fighting for.
            • 124. - Been piecing together old intel reports. Long time back, shortly after the Dread Masters' capture, the Fatality paid Belsavis a surprise visit.
              • 126. - We shot it down before it could do much damage. Looked like the vessel disintegrated on impact. No more Imp ships came, so we figured it was a fluke.
                • 128. Option - It was no coincidence.Player - Hard to believe an Imperial destroyer accidentally stumbled onto the Republic's top-secret prison.
                  • 131. - That's how it looked then... but the Dread Masters knew to look for the Fatality's wreckage. I'm thinking it came here to rescue them.
                • 127. Option - Did anyone survive?Player - No escape pods launched before the Fatality went down? It must have been a short fight.
                  • 130. - We got lucky--cracked the enemy's reactor with our first hit. Crew died from radiation exposure. Better than freezing under the ice, I guess.
                • 129. Option - Our people failed.Player - If there's more to that wreck than scrap metal, whoever shot down the Fatality didn't do his job.
                  • 132. - We scanned the Fatality's crash site and found nothing. Now I know why--the Imp vessel went deep under the ice.
                    • 134. - I got close to the fighting out there. The Dread Masters' forces are a nasty bunch, led by a mean mountain of a Houk.
                      • 171. - The Imps are terrified of this guy. Heard the commander telling his men the Houk's hunting them for sport. Can't argue with that assessment.
                        • 154. Option - Neither can I.Player - Imperial soldiers don't scare easily. The leader of the Dread Masters' forces must be especially dangerous.
                          • 156. - I've seen this Houk, master Jedi. "Dangerous" is an understatement.
                        • 155. Option - I have a very bad feeling.Player - I sense great evil at work here. The Dread Masters have sent something malignant to protect their objective.
                          • 157. - My guess? The Imperials bought us very little time to sort this out in our favor.
                        • 151. Option - Seems like the Houk's winning.Player - If your intel's right, the Dread Masters have the upper hand here.
                          • 149. - They've definitely got position. The Houk and his men are down in the wreck, and the Imps are outside licking their wounds.
                        • 152. Option - There goes my sly approach.Player - What I'm hearing is, challenging the Houk to a game of sabacc probably isn't an option.
                          • 153. - I don't think he plays cards. Might eat them, I suppose.
                        • 160. Option - You're lucky to be alive.Player - If either enemy force had caught you watching them, this conversation wouldn't be happening.
                          • 161. - That's the spy lifestyle. Glamorous as it sounds, I decided to fall back when I saw that Houk.
                        • 142. Option - Is that supposed to scare me?Player - I've faced all kinds of predators, animal and otherwise. The Imperials may be easily frightened, but I'm not.
                          • 143. - Fear's not the issue. This Dread Master legion is vicious and dug in deep.
                            • 144. - Whatever's inside the Fatality, we don't want the Imps or Dread Masters getting it. People like you could make sure they don't.
                              • 164. Option - Count me in.Player - I didn't listen to all this just to say "no." Of course I'll help you.
                              • 166. Option - This better be worth my time.Player - If they aren't fighting over some ancient secret weapon that could crack the galaxy in half, I'll be very disappointed.
                                • 105. - Trust me-- whatever's down there, it's big.
                              • 165. Option - I'll kill them all.Player - I'll make sure the Fatality earns it name. Dread Master forces... Imperial troops... they all die.
                                • 168. - I appreciate thoroughness, but don't lose sight of what these people are chasing. That's the prize.
                                  • 172. - I'm giving you coordinates to the Fatality's excavation site. Send the competition packing and hunt down the ship's cargo manifest. Then we'll know what we're dealing with. Be seeing you.
                                    • 108. <Conversation Exit>
  • 109. - Always nice to see a warm, friendly face. Well, a friendly one, anyway.
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