- No, that's the Lord of Annoyance. Different guy.
Link to Node 278
254. Option - At least he's honest.Player - Say what you want about Sith, but I appreciate their openness. You always know what their hobbies and interests are.
- ...and that ship is filled with them. Some kind of secret Imperial project. No wonder our friends are fighting over that wreck.
182. Option - There's more to this story.Player - That doesn't explain why the Fatality came to Belsavis years ago. Was the Empire planning to use those droids here?
- I think we can do this without going to war with an entire corporation.
Link to Node 224
214. Option - Sounds like a plan.Player - Good old Czerka... you can always count on those guys to have things they shouldn't. Time for a little breaking and entering.
- Turns out there's something: the "Fatality." Imperial destroyer downed years ago. The Dread Masters' forces are holding it like she's still spaceworthy.
118. Option - That ship shouldn't be here.Player - The Empire didn't know Belsavis existed until recently. Are you saying one of their warships came here that long ago?
- We shot it down before it could do much damage. Looked like the vessel disintegrated on impact. No more Imp ships came, so we figured it was a fluke.
128. Option - It was no coincidence.Player - Hard to believe an Imperial destroyer accidentally stumbled onto the Republic's top-secret prison.
- I've seen this Houk, master Jedi. "Dangerous" is an understatement.
Link to Node 144
155. Option - I have a very bad feeling.Player - I sense great evil at work here. The Dread Masters have sent something malignant to protect their objective.
- That's the spy lifestyle. Glamorous as it sounds, I decided to fall back when I saw that Houk.
Link to Node 144
142. Option - Is that supposed to scare me?Player - I've faced all kinds of predators, animal and otherwise. The Imperials may be easily frightened, but I'm not.
- Whatever's inside the Fatality, we don't want the Imps or Dread Masters getting it. People like you could make sure they don't.
164. Option - Count me in.Player - I didn't listen to all this just to say "no." Of course I'll help you.
Link to Node 172
166. Option - This better be worth my time.Player - If they aren't fighting over some ancient secret weapon that could crack the galaxy in half, I'll be very disappointed.
- I'm giving you coordinates to the Fatality's excavation site. Send the competition packing and hunt down the ship's cargo manifest. Then we'll know what we're dealing with. Be seeing you.