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Corso Riggs

Corso Riggs
Level 1 Corso Riggs
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Companion
SubCategory: Smuggler
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Corso Riggs
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  • 1. - This is the best feeling....
    • 3. - A sky full of stars... a new planet waiting across the galaxy.... It never gets old.
      • 8. Option - It's a great life.Player - Why do you think I never settled down?
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 11. - There's something about cities, all that plasteel and concrete. Weighs too much to ever feel free.
      • 7. Option - You've done this before?Player - I thought you'd never been off Ord Mantell.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 427. - You know that much about me, Captain?
          • 428. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 429. - It's a rare woman who can meet a man and know his whole life just by talking.
            • 430. - You're a rare man to read someone's whole life so fast.
      • 9. Option - It's a hard life.Player - We're criminals for hire, at the mercy of every Hutt in the galaxy. Don't romanticize it.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 10. - There's no planet you couldn't find work. You're here because you love it.
          • 12. - When I came back to Ord Mantell, I thought that was the end for me.
            • 16. - Thanks for giving me a way off.
              • 1591. <Conversation Exit>
  • 820. - Look, Captain, I try not to get sentimental around you, but hear me out.
    • 822. - You're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're my family, as much or more than the one the separatists took.
      • 824. - As long as I live, I'll be here to serve you. And your children after if I last so long.
        • 1600. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 1604. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 1606. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1548. Option - [Flirt] Children?Player - I hope you're talking about adopting, because I'm not planning on having any babies that aren't yours.
                +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1549. - Good to hear it.
                  • 1552. - Lot of families got destroyed in this war. Might just be we run across some streetwise orphan who needs a good role model.
                    • 1554. - Never say never, you know?
            • 1608. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 1556. Option - Children?Player - Can you seriously picture me with a bunch of rugrats?
                +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1601. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 826. Option - [Flirt] Children?Player - You want me to have your babies, we'd better get practicing....
              +200 Influence : greatly approves.
              • 839. - You shut that door, Captain. Don't tease me now.
              • 841. - That sounds like an excellent idea....
        • 1603. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 825. Option - Thank you.Player - I wouldn't want to try any of this without you.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
            • 1562. - You'll never have to.
            • 843. - You're a good friend, Captain.
          • 827. Option - Children?Player - You know something I don't?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 834. - All the ladies you get? You really think there's no little captains running around the galaxy?
              • 836. - If they ever catch up with you, keep my offer in mind.
          • 828. Option - Knock it off.Player - Don't get all sappy on me. You're my crew. That's all I need.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 829. - Then I'm honored to be part of it.
              • 831. - And seriously, keep that children thing in mind. You've got too many talents not to pass them on.
                • 833. - Every kid needs an uncle who's good with a DX-R6 heavy carbine....
                  • 849. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1300. - I've been wanting to do this a long time.
    • 1302. - Kept waiting until I thought we'd be safe, but I don't think we're getting there.
      • 1304. - Will you marry me, Captain?
        • 1307. Option - Why tie ourselves down?Player - What's wrong with keeping our options open?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1330. - I got no other options, Captain. After you, any other girl'd be like a child.
            • 1332. - Whether you give your vow or not, you've got mine.
              • 1334. - Think about it, Captain. Is there anyone else you'd want to spend your life with?
                • 1531. Option - Why change a good thing?Player - We don't need a wedding for that. Let's keep things how they are.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1533. - As long as I know I'm first in your heart, I don't need anything more.
                • 1530. Option - No. You're the one.Player - I accept. Be my husband, Corso.
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1529. Option - Don't push me.Player - You're not going to get the answer you want.
                  +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
        • 1305. Option - Yes.Player - I'd be honored to have you as my husband.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1314. - Phew. You don't know how I sweated that one, Captain.
            • 1316. - You know, as ship's captain, you're legally empowered by the Republic to perform wedding ceremonies onboard your vessel....
              • 1317. Option - Let's do it.Player - Do you, Corso, take me to be your lawfully wedded bride?
                • 1322. - I do.
                  • 1324. - I swear to spend my life protecting your body, honoring your spirit and respecting your mind.
                    • 1326. - My first and last goal of every day will be to bring a smile to your face. Like that one.
                      • 1538. Option - Ooh. My turn.Player - I swear to drive you crazy with jealousy, risk your life regularly, make fun of you in public and ensure you never have a boring day again.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1544. - Well, there's an honest vow.
                          • 1546. - I'll take it, Captain. I love you. I'm honored to have you as my wife.
                      • 1536. Option - I take you as my husband.Player - I accept you as my lawfully wedded husband. To love and cherish until I die in your arms.
                        +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                      • 1537. Option - Time for the honeymoon.Player - Great! We're married. On to the good part!
                        +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1319. Option - Done. Time for the fun part.Player - Let's skip to the honeymoon.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 1318. Option - I'm not in a hurry.Player - Don't think I'm getting married without a ten-thousand-credit wedding dress and a good caterer!
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 1335. - I should have known better.
                  • 1337. - I'll just consider it a plan for the future, then.
        • 1306. Option - No.Player - You've got the wrong the idea, Corso.
          +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
          • 1308. - All right. I knew it was a risk, but I couldn't face the thought of dying and not even having asked.
            • 1366. - My whole life, I've wanted what my parents had.
              • 1368. - They were best friends, and they were in love, and they died in each other's arms. You're the only one I'd want that with.
                • 1339. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1224. - We've been through a lot together, Captain.
    • 1248. - If it wasn't for you, I'd have walked away from some of it.
      • 1250. - But if you gave me a choice between you and the rest of the galaxy, I'd still be here at your side.
        • 1252. - I love you.
          • 1253. Option - I love you, too.Player - I didn't think men like you existed. You make me want to be the lady you think I am.
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 1254. Option - I've been waiting for that.Player - I know.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1287. - Mmm. Fun.
              • 1288. Option - That's it?Player - Mmm, fun? That's all I get?
                +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1291. - I already told you I'm your man, Captain. I love you. What more do you need to hear?
              • 1289. Option - I agree.Player - I love you, too, Corso.
                +200 Influence : greatly approves.
              • 1290. Option - Not really.Player - Frankly, I can think of twenty better ways to pass that time.
                +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                • 1295. - You can try to hurt me, Captain, but it'd take a lot to get past what I already feel.
          • 1255. Option - Don't love me.Player - I'll break your heart.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1256. - I know I'm not the only man in your world. And you may not be ready to change that.
              • 1258. - But I'm the one who's going to be here when you're hurt, when you're old, when you're ready to leave this life.
                • 1260. - No matter where you go or who it's with, I'll be waiting right here for you to come home.
                  • 1266. Option - I don't want to hurt you.Player - Don't fall in love with me, Corso. I'm the wrong girl for you.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1267. Option - Just give me time.Player - I'll hold you to that.
                    +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                    • 1269. - One day you'll come back from a mission, and maybe we'll both be gray and wrinkled.
                      • 1271. - And you're going to see me and realize you can stop running. I've been here all along.
                        • 1273. - And I'll take you in my arms and ask, "what took you so long?"
                  • 1265. Option - Give it up.Player - The more you go on about this, the more pathetic you sound.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 1274. - You're never going to find anyone who loves you like I do.
                      • 1276. - I can wait until you realize that.
                        • 1281. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1012. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1013. - I don't know how you live with yourself.
      • 1015. - I'm using my own credits to get Danla Zin a flight off Balmorra and away from that pig!
        • 1017. - What's the point in having money if you don't use it to help people?
          • 1018. Option - I use it to help me.Player - The point is having the fastest ship, the meanest blaster and the shiniest duds in the galaxy!
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1021. - Well, I hope that makes you happy, Captain.
              • 1023. - We risk our lives a lot for something we can't take with us when we're gone.
          • 1019. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I didn't realize it meant so much to you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1026. - Because of us, Danla Zin lost her husband, then you basically sold her to a guy who was drooling over her like a plate of sweetweed.
              • 1028. - Ord Mantell's sending us their thanks for the disarm codes.
                • 1030. - But that poor woman's life is over.
          • 1020. Option - Don't you dare.Player - I won't have you going behind my back to mess up my trades.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1031. - You don't own me, Captain.
              • 1033. - I'll go where you want me and when. But what I do on my own time's my business.
                • 1025. - By the way, Ord Mantell says thanks for the disarm codes. They're starting a full recovery. If you even care.
    • 1039. - I knew your whole "only in it for the money" thing was just a front!
      • 1041. - Thank you, Captain. I couldn't live with myself if we'd left Danla Zin with that pig.
        • 1043. Option - It was all we could do.Player - Hardly makes up for killing her husband.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1045. - She's probably not the first widow we've ever left, Captain. You just got to hope it all evens out, you know?
        • 1042. Option - You owe me.Player - I lost a lot of money on that deal. I'll be expecting you to make it up to me.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1052. - Right, you've got a reputation to maintain.
        • 1044. Option - I couldn't live with you.Player - I figured this way I could skip the moralizing.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1055. - If that's the way to keep you on the straight and narrow, I promise I'll keep doing it.
            • 1049. - Governor's office on Ord Mantell says thanks, by the way. With the disarm codes, they've finally got real peace there.
              • 1051. - It's hard to say if something like that is worth a life....
                • 1038. <Conversation Exit>
  • 947. - Captain, I--no good way to say this without it sounding like bragging.
    • 949. - Got a comm call from Ord Mantell. Governor's office. They've been keeping tabs on what we're doing and....
      • 951. - Captain, they're calling me a Republic hero. "Ord Mantell's most-storied native son."
        • 953. Option - You're the best they've got?Player - Ouch. Doesn't speak well of the rest of their people....
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 963. - Good to know I won't develop a swelled head with you around.
            • 1497. - They've got a job for us. Turns out the separatists were Imperial-backed.
        • 952. Option - Congratulations.Player - You are a hero, Corso. I'm glad someone's acknowledging it.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 960. - It's not like they're building a statue or anything. Actually, they're asking for our help.
        • 954. Option - Who cares?Player - Whoop-de-doo. Go drink a toast to yourself.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 955. - Actually, they asked me to do something. To help Ord Mantell.
            • 957. - Turns out the separatists were backed by the Empire. They wanted to destabilize the government.
              • 959. - When they were defeated, the Empire attacked outright. Ord drove them off, but they left behind some kind of EMP pulser.
                • 968. Option - EMP pulser?Player - What's that do?
                  • 972. - It's causing every droid on the planet to malfunction.
                • 969. Option - What do they need now?Player - They want us to lead their campaign of bloody vengeance?
                  • 977. - Close. They need the disarm codes for the pulser.
                • 1500. Option - So what?Player - I don't remember a lack of explosives on Ord Mantell. Blow it up.
                  • 1501. - Apparently, the thing is in orbit somewhere; they haven't been able to get a lock on the signal.
                    • 1503. - But it's affected every droid, comlink and terminal on the planet. Complete economic shutdown.
                      • 1507. Option - Let's get on it.Player - How do we help?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1509. - Thank you, Captain. It'd be nice to give something back to the world that raised me.
                          • 1516. - They're asking us to go to Balmorra.
                      • 971. Option - What are they offering?Player - Is this a job, or do they think they can get me just by saying something nice about you?
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 980. - I can probably swing a payment, if that's what you're asking.
                          • 974. - They say it's been months and they're just realizing the extent of the damage. Empire used the same thing on Balmorra.
                      • 1508. Option - Not our concern.Player - Don't they have an army or something to deal with this?
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 1510. - None good enough to take on Balmorra.
                          • 1512. - Apparently, that's where the pulser was built, and that's where we get the "off switch."
                            • 979. - The Empire's got disarm codes stored there, but Ord has no troops with the gear or training to go after them.
                              • 983. Option - Bah, training!Player - They should be like us, learn as they go!
                                • 1519. - Does that mean you'll do it?
                                • 997. - I don't think most people could survive your kind of school.
                              • 984. Option - Point me at them.Player - Do we know where on Balmorra?
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 992. - The codes were stored in a cave with a bunch of other Imperial weapons.
                              • 985. Option - Forget it.Player - Do it on your own time. Ord Mantell's nothing to me.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                • 986. - I thought you might like a chance to finish what you started.
                                  • 988. - They call you a hero there, too, you know.
                                    • 996. - Should be a quick snatch and grab. As far as "should" takes us....
                                      • 1690. <Conversation Exit>
  • 794. - I hope I've been some help to you, Captain.
    • 796. - Because you've sure taught me a lot.
      • 797. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 798. - I mean, I'd done my share of fighting, but you've got it down to an art.
        • 799. - I mean, I'd done some fighting, but you taught me to go for the jugular. No mercy; that's what wins it.
          • 800. Option - You're a great fighter.Player - There's no one I'd rather have at my back.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 801. Option - I'm no role model.Player - I've got no idea what I'm doing. I'm just making it up.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 809. - Then you think on your feet better than anyone I've met, Captain.
              • 811. - I put my life in your hands every day.
          • 802. Option - Keep practicing.Player - You've got a long way to go before you're as good as me.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 812. - Believe me, I know. I'm just glad for the chance to learn from the best.
              • 1592. <Conversation Exit>
  • 745. - You ever think about getting away from all this, Captain?
    • 747. - The war? The Hutts? All of it?
      • 749. - Ord's at peace now. It'd be a simpler life.
        • 750. Option - Simple isn't better.Player - You'd be bored in ten minutes.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 774. - Probably so.
            • 775. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 751. Option - [Flirt] Don't go.Player - I'd miss you.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 771. - Well, now, Captain, that's enough to keep me here a long, long time.
        • 752. Option - You want to give up?Player - Aren't you the one who said we can't turn our backs on the war?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 765. - It's just, after Darmas... kind of feel like hiding my head in the sand.
          • 1480. - Nah, that was some other kid you picked up on Ord Mantell.
        • 753. Option - So go, then.Player - If that's what you really wanted, you'd stop moaning and just do it!
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 754. - That's a good point, Captain.
            • 1482. - After everything we've done... guess I'm just feeling like hiding my head in the sand.
              • 1479. - Viidu always had something to say about that--"gets you shot in the end." Better to face it head-on.
                • 762. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1192. - I've been saving this bottle for a long time, Captain.
    • 1194. - It's a rare vintage, Ord Mantell 432 BTC. I thought I'd use it when we had reason to celebrate.
      • 1198. - But most of our victories aren't really the "raise a toast" type.
        • 1199. Option - What are we toasting?Player - You have something you want to celebrate?
        • 1200. Option - Why wait?Player - We could die tomorrow. Let's make tonight special.
          • 1205. - That's what I was hoping.
        • 1201. Option - Get to the point.Player - Is there something you're trying to say?
          • 1208. - I think we've gotten past the wink and nod stage.
            • 1210. - You have changed my world. I've never met a woman like you, and I think that's because there are no others. You are amazing.
              • 1204. - Captain, it would be my great pleasure if you'd share this bottle with me. Maybe somewhere... private.
                • 1214. Option - [Flirt] Keep the bottle....Player - We can save the wine for after....
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                • 1213. Option - I accept.Player - I've never spent the night with a proper Mantellian gentleman before.
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                  • 1217. - I hope it's the first of many....
                    • 1219. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 1227. - My life'd be about perfect if I could stay right here forever.
                        • 1231. - I won't let anyone hurt you again.
                          • 1232. Option - I don't need to be protected.Player - Just because you like watching my rear, doesn't mean I can't still kick yours.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 1242. - There's things a man's got to do. And one is keep his lady safe. Even if she could blast him into component atoms.
                          • 1234. Option - You think we're done?Player - Don't you have better things to do with your mouth than all this yapping?
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1233. Option - I like when you say that.Player - You were right. Sometimes it is nice to have someone who'll take care of you.
                            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                            • 1246. - Any time you need me, Captain. Now, tomorrow, or when we're both old and gray.
                • 1215. Option - I don't think so.Player - Maybe some other time.
                  +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                  • 1221. - You take the bottle, then, Captain. Save it for when you're ready to celebrate.
                    • 1226. <Conversation Exit>
  • 876. - You think about it at all? That craziness back on Tatooine?
    • 881. - What makes a person desperate enough to start seeing his fellow men as... meat?
      • 884. Option - Heh. I could see it.Player - First time we run out of spiceloaf, I'm eating Guss.
      • 885. Option - Heh. I could see it.Player - If we ever resort to cannibalism, I've got dibs on Risha.
        • 888. - Captain! That's horrible! You're going to share, right?
      • 887. Option - It creeps me out.Player - I've got a pretty thick skin, but the idea of being lunch meat still gives me the willies.
        • 891. - Seeing those guys makes me wonder if our grasp on sanity's a lot less firm than we think.
      • 886. Option - They were nutjobs.Player - People go crazy. End of story.
        • 1466. - I guess. But what a story, huh? You think anyone'll believe it?
          • 895. - Anyway, I heard from Jettison. He's recovering.
            • 702. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 703. - Took a job in Anchorhead testing HoloNet security.
              • 704. - He went back to Ord. He's looking for a job handling HoloNet security for the governor.
              • 705. - He says he's already patched some major holes in HoloNet security at Port Nowhere.
                • 707. - Glad to know he's okay, you know? One thing to point at and say, "we did some good here."
                  • 713. Option - Fighting cannibals is good.Player - Yeah, those were people you could feel downright cheerful about killing.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 712. Option - We do lots of good things.Player - Are you forgetting the hundreds of other people we've saved?
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 715. - Sure. But there's always something more going on--money, or politics, or something.
                  • 714. Option - Who cares?Player - It's over. Why start picking apart how you felt about it?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 723. - I was just thinking it was nice--no money, no politics, just some righteous killing.
                      • 717. - When I was growing up, you know, good was good and bad was bad.
                        • 719. - Now, it's all these shades of gray. And even those aren't always true.
                          • 742. <Conversation Exit>
  • 374. - Captain. I just got some real good news.
    • 376. - Somebody attempted to access Viidu's old bank accounts from Tatooine!
      • 377. Option - That's good news?Player - Why are we excited? Was he trying to buy me a gift or something?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 386. - It means somebody's still alive.
      • 379. Option - Who could be doing that?Player - Aren't all of Viidu's people dead?
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 378. Option - What are you talking about?Player - Who's Viidu?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 380. - Viidu! You met him. He helped you on Ord Mantell. Guy I worked for before you.
          • 382. - Viidu's crew was like a family to me after mine was killed.
            • 384. - I didn't think any of them survived Skavak and Syreena. I don't know what they'd be doing on Tatooine.
              • 389. Option - Got a guess on the survivor?Player - Any idea who's back from the dead?
              • 391. Option - Are we paying a visit?Player - I'm guessing you see a trip to Tatooine in our future?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 400. - That'd be a real favor, Captain.
              • 390. Option - Who cares?Player - Great. Send him a card.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 392. - The only one with access to the accounts was our slicer, Twi'lek kid, called himself Jettison. Good guy.
                  • 396. - Makes me wonder what got him so desperate he tried to take a loan from a dead man's accounts.
                    • 397. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                      • 403. - We should go as soon as we can.
                        • 412. Option - Right away.Player - I'll find him.
                        • 416. Option - Quit nagging.Player - I said I'd help. Don't make me change my mind.
                      • 402. - He was a genius with security. We help him when he's in trouble, maybe he could end up working for you....
                      • 398. - It'd mean a lot if we could stop on Tatooine so I can make sure the kid's okay.
                        • 413. Option - Just tell me where.Player - Where'd the attempt come from? Anchorhead?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 409. Option - Of course I'll help.Player - I'll find him.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 663. - Thank you, Captain. I won't forget you did this for me.
                        • 417. Option - I'll think about it.Player - I was hoping to never go back to Tatooine....
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 418. - From what I can tell, the access attempt came from some village, way off the beaten path. No name or anything.
                            • 420. - Really makes me wonder what he's doing out there.
                              • 425. <Conversation Exit>
  • 619. - I got to ask you, Captain, why are you doing this?
    • 621. - Before Dodonna, you had no ties to the Republic--there's got to be places you could make credits without taking Imperial fire.
      • 623. - So why do we keep heading straight into the war zones?
        • 625. Option - I hate the Empire.Player - The Empire enslaves anyone who looks like me. I can hardly turn down the chance to crush them.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 628. - I--I didn't think of it that way.
            • 630. - Gives me a whole new reason to use the big guns.
        • 626. Option - I hate the Empire.Player - Just because I don't always pay taxes doesn't mean I don't appreciate the Republic.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 631. - Republic's far from perfect. But at least they're trying.
        • 627. Option - I'm just in it for the money.Player - More cash and more fun if you're under live fire.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 633. - I got the feeling it was maybe more than that.
        • 624. Option - You got a problem with that?Player - I thought you were the one who's all "rah, rah, Republic."
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 632. - I guess I am. I just wasn't sure about you.
            • 635. - When I came home from the brigade with Torchy, my old man told me something that's always stuck with me.
              • 637. - "Minute you fire a weapon, someone's getting hurt. It's your responsibility to make sure the good you do with it outweighs that harm."
                • 644. Option - Sounds like a pain.Player - When a firefight goes down, who's got time to do that much thinking?
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 645. Option - Words to live by.Player - Your father sounds like a good man.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 654. - He was.
                    • 649. - Before Skavak took Torchy, I made sure she only fired on separatists. Figured every one I took down was one less family murdered.
                      • 651. - Sergeant Boom-Boom, I like to use against the Empire. Buy a Republic world another day of peace.
                        • 653. - Makes pulling the trigger that much more meaningful, you know?
                • 646. Option - Forget responsibility.Player - When I fire a weapon, all I care is that it hits first.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 657. - Only problem with that, is the other guy's thinking just the same.
                    • 660. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1137. - I don't quite know how to do this with a lady like you, Captain.
    • 1139. - Court you, I mean. On Ord Mantell, we had rules about that sort of thing.
      • 1141. - With my fiancee, I got permission from her father first, then had a few chaperoned dates between our families....
        • 1142. Option - Fiancee?Player - Since when do you have a fiancee?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1145. - I never saw her after my family died. My whole world blew up and I just... ran.
            • 1147. - I wish I'd let her down more gently, but... she wasn't even in the same galaxy as you.
        • 1143. Option - That's quaint.Player - Chaperones? How cute....
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1144. Option - That's so backwards!Player - What kind of girl needs her father's permission to date in this day and age?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1150. - I know it sounds old-fashioned, but there's a reason people do things that way.
            • 1152. - You get to know each other with no pressure, keeps you from breaking each other's hearts.
              • 1154. - I know it's different here, but... Captain, may I have permission to seek your hand?
                • 1157. Option - [Flirt] I don't like "nice."Player - I like bad boys. I'd rather see you asking for forgiveness than permission.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1160. - I hope I never do anything to you that needs forgiveness, Captain.
                • 1158. Option - Yes.Player - If that means roses, love letters and sneaking kisses before we're supposed to, I'm all for it.
                  +200 Influence : greatly approves.
                  • 1166. - Well, I'll work on the roses and the love letters.
                    • 1168. - The rest I think we can manage....
                • 1159. Option - No.Player - I don't think that would be appropriate.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 1170. - I can't figure you, Captain.
                    • 1172. - It's not like this is coming out of nowhere.
                      • 1174. - Did I read you wrong, or are you just changing your mind?
                        • 1175. Option - I was kidding.Player - I'm just not sure what "permission to seek my hand" means. Everything else we're doing, I'm all over.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 1178. - I want to get into your heart, Captain.
                            • 1180. - I don't want to be a conquest. I want to be yours.
                        • 1176. Option - I'm changing my mind.Player - Sorry, Corso, the whole puppy-love thing is getting old.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 1182. - It's not puppy love, Captain. Not when I've already pledged my life to defend yours.
                        • 1177. Option - You read me wrong.Player - Don't think that me flirting once in a while is some kind of lifetime commitment.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 1187. - Then I misunderstood. I'm sorry.
                            • 1184. - But that's the thing about real love. I don't need you to return it for it to make my life mean something.
                              • 1165. <Conversation Exit>
  • 257. - Nothing worse than realizing your parents were right....
    • 259. - Can't stop thinking about Rona.
      • 609. - My folks always said she'd come to no good in the big city, and there she is... a stooge for some spice smugglers.
        • 261. Option - She can turn it around.Player - I think you got through to her. She won't be there forever.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 262. Option - Now she's my stooge.Player - Not anymore. Now she works for me. Just like you.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 263. Option - It's not your problem.Player - You told her what you think. The rest is up to her.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 274. - Her life matters to me, Captain. Hard to trust her with it when I see how she's treated it.
        • 260. Option - As opposed to dying?Player - Would you rather she'd been murdered with the rest of them?
          • 285. - Is that the choice? Death or... hawking spice? I wanted something better for Rona.
            • 278. - It's not like I didn't see it coming. "Doctor Hope..." I just didn't wanna think that was really who Rona'd fallen in with.
              • 611. - That's what I get for trying to see the best in folks.
                • 291. Option - Keep believing.Player - If there's any good in this galaxy, you'll be the one to find it.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 292. Option - [Flirt] Stay cheerful.Player - Come on, who's going to cheer me up if you get all mopey?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 305. - Captain, I'd do a lot worse than work for some spice dealer if it'd put a smile on your face.
                • 293. Option - Lighten up.Player - I need you up and shooting, not sitting in your bunk brooding.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 299. - Oh, trust me, I've mastered the brooding shot.
                • 290. Option - There is no "best."Player - The only thing that keeps people in check is the fear of getting caught. We'll all cheat and lie and kill given the chance.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 294. - All the more reason to resist.
                    • 296. - I won't stop giving anyone the benefit of the doubt.
                      • 298. - If I trust the wrong guy, maybe I get hurt. But if I'm too scared to help someone who really needs it, who knows how many people will suffer?
        • 264. Option - Stop harping on this!Player - Don't you have anything else to talk about?
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 268. - I'm sorry. Would it impress you more if maybe the Voidwolf had been my long-lost brother?
          • 265. - Pardon me! Maybe I should find out that the Voidwolf is my long-lost brother.
            • 267. - Does that suit your sense of family drama better?
              • 616. - You're not winning any friends, Captain.
                • 273. <Conversation Exit>
  • 191. - I found someone who knows my cousin Rona.
    • 193. - He's a street doctor in Coruscant. Kind of a shady character, but that's who Rona always drifted to.
      • 195. - I think he really can get us to her. But....
        • 203. Option - There's always a "but...."Player - That sounds a little sketchy.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 209. - Rona loved to walk that line. Every time uncle caught her stealing, it would turn out she was sneaking cash to some mom with two kids on the street.
            • 592. - She's the reason I know breaking the law's got nothing to do with being a good man.
              • 237. - Let's just go to Coruscant and hear her friend out. Ask for cash for the job if you want. I just want to find Rona.
        • 197. Option - I'll do whatever you need.Player - If it gets you to your cousin, I'm in. Just tell me what I'm signing on for.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 221. - Thank you, Captain. After some of the stuff we've done....
            • 225. - I'm just saying it'd have to be one ugly mission to be worth turning down a chance to see my cousin.
              • 1494. - Let's just go to Coruscant and hear the guy out.
        • 215. Option - What's in this for me?Player - You want to play games with your cousin, go ahead. I don't do favors for free.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 226. - Let's at least hear the guy out. If it's a big job, you can ask for cash for your share.
            • 227. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 230. - I just want to find Rona.
                • 232. - If it was you all alone out there, wouldn't you want to know your only family was looking for you?
              • 228. - Finding Rona's good enough for me.
                • 242. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1076. - Work, work, work.
    • 1079. - There's better ways for a beautful woman to spend her time.
      • 1078. - Why don't you let me take you off this ship and show you some fun?
        • 1082. Option - Are you asking me out?Player - Got something in mind?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1095. - I figured, you, me, a bottle of Corellian red. I'm sure we can find a cantina with a back room and... argh. I can't do this.
        • 1083. Option - Who are you? Where's Corso?Player - This doesn't sound like you.
          • 1090. - No. It doesn't. And I'm glad. You know, I sat up all night, thinking: How do I say this? What does she like?
            • 1092. - Thought I'd try to be suave, like those guys who hit you up everywhere we land.
              • 1094. - But you get that every day. You deserve better. Someone who'll treat you like a lady.
                • 1098. Option - That's not what I want.Player - I'm no lady.
                  • 1108. - Being a lady doesn't mean you can't have engine grease on your elbows or a blaster at your hip.
                    • 1110. - It means you deserve respect. It means you make the decision of who to put up with and how to be treated.
                      • 1112. - No matter what you say, you'll always be that for me.
                        • 1523. Option - [Flirt] No matter what I say?Player - Is that a challenge?
                          • 1524. - Don't try to shock me, Captain. I have no doubt you'd succeed.
                        • 1347. Option - [Flirt] No matter what I say?Player - What about "You, me and the Wookiee--zero-G"?
                          • 1348. - All right. Maybe not that.
                • 1099. Option - Someone like you?Player - Are you volunteering?
                  • 1113. - Captain, I'm yours if you'll have me.
                    • 1115. - I don't know how to play those games and give those gifts and make you laugh like some guys. But I'll be here when all of them are gone.
                • 1100. Option - It won't be you.Player - Don't go picking out curtains for the cockpit quite yet.
                  • 1101. - I'm patient.
                    • 1103. - I know you've been with other men, and maybe there'll be more. But I'll always be here for you.
        • 1084. Option - That's not appropriate.Player - You're part of my crew, Corso. Anything more would get... awkward.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1085. - It doesn't have to.
            • 1087. - I know how it goes with the guys you meet. A few nights, a quick goodbye... it won't be like that with me.
              • 1105. - I'm your man, Captain, any way you want me.
                • 1121. Option - [Flirt] Any way I want you?Player - How do you feel about zero-G?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1123. - I thought I wanted to be that guy, that fun fling. But I think we've got a chance to be more.
                • 1122. Option - Slow down, Corso.Player - I like you, but... this is all going a little fast for me.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 1130. - I'm just telling you what I feel, Captain. I don't expect anything in return.
                    • 1127. - I've got something to show you. But you have to close your eyes.
                      • 1352. Option - Fine, but under protest.Player - I hate surprises.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 1351. Player - Can I open them yet?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 1355. - Now.
                          • 1357. - This here's a WESTAR-18 bolt pistol. Antique. Custom-made dallorian-alloy exterior. I've been fixing her up for years.
                            • 1359. - She's polished 'til she shines and has the firepower to knock you flat. I call her "Sparkles."
                              • 1361. - I think you'd make a good pair.
                      • 1353. Option - No.Player - I don't want gifts from you.
                        +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                • 1118. Option - I don't want this.Player - All I want from you is your trigger finger. Don't bring this up again.
                  +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
                  • 1133. - All right, suit yourself.
                    • 1136. <Conversation Exit>
  • 147. - I never like asking for favors, Captain. But I think maybe we know each other well enough by now.
    • 149. - I want to look for my cousin Rona. She's all the family I got left, and I think she should know what happened.
      • 152. Option - You've got a cousin?Player - Wasn't your whole family killed on Ord Mantell?
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 153. Option - You can ask me for anything.Player - Never worry about favors, Corso. You're part of my crew.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 581. - That's a generous offer, Captain. I'll, uh, keep that in mind.
        • 580. - Thank you, Captain.
      • 154. Option - What do you need me for?Player - So call her on the comm. What do I care?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 155. - I was kind of hoping to introduce the two most influential ladies in my life.
        • 156. - I don't know where Rona is now.
          • 577. - Rona came with me when I left for the brigade, but she jumped ship at the first port. All she ever wanted was to get off Ord Mantell.
            • 579. - I thought maybe we could track her down. You'd like her. She's really the reason I'm here.
              • 169. Option - You're not here for the fun?Player - I thought you came to chase down Skavak and stayed for the good beer.
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 171. Option - Just tell me when and where.Player - You two will be back together before you can say "a vrblther's vibroblade."
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 172. - A vrblth... vrblth... so, not that soon, then?
                  • 183. - Rona was kind of our family rebel. We used to have a blast together.
                    • 122. - She liked me to run interference so her father never caught her on dates with offworlders.
                      • 123. Option - Sounds fun.Player - My kind of girl.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 139. - Oh, you'd like her, Captain.
                      • 124. Option - My kind of girl.Player - I look forward to meeting her.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 136. - On second thought, maybe I shouldn't introduce you two. Rona's always had a nose for trouble.
                      • 125. Option - That's a switch for you.Player - I thought you were all about protecting the poor womenfolk....
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 131. - Well, yeah. My uncle'd have given her a walloping if he'd known the kind of men she was with.
                          • 133. - I remember one time, uncle came looking for Rona while she was on the shuttle pod with some Agamarian pirate. I was about twelve.
                            • 135. - I didn't know how else to distract uncle, so I started a fight. Got the whole ship confiscated.
                              • 143. - I never did find out how Rona got out of city jail....
                      • 126. Option - I don't want to hear this.Player - Save the cute anecdotes for the family reunion.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 127. - Only if we can track her down.
              • 173. Option - I'll think about it.Player - I'll put it on the list. That's all you're getting.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 174. - If it was the other way, Rona'd make sure I found my friend to tell him his whole family had died.
                  • 176. - But you do what you need to, Captain.
                    • 179. <Conversation Exit>
  • 311. - Boy, Captain, life with you is almost enough to get me missing the good old days.
    • 313. - Ah, for Ord Mantell. Where separatists were bad and guns were good, and we could just run in shooting.
      • 315. Option - Has something changed?Player - I'm not noticing a drop off in our rate of running in and shooting....
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 327. - Yeah, we just have to do so much thinking first.
      • 1072. Option - [Flirt] We can still do that.Player - I could be persuaded into a little drunken gunplay...
        +200 Influence : approves.
      • 314. Option - You sound weird.Player - Are you drunk?
        • 322. - Just tipsy. I could still bullseye an Imperial soldier at a thousand paces.
          • 324. - Why don't we have more fun on this ship?
      • 316. Option - Let's not do this again.Player - Is this going to be some maudlin diatribe about the big bad galaxy?
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 317. - Maudlin! When have I ever been maudlin?
          • 319. - I was talking about finding a way to have some fun on this ship!
            • 321. - Back home, when we needed a laugh, we used to run the rontos in circles, then see if they could charge us without falling over.
              • 333. Option - We have lots of fun!Player - What about that time Guss stuck his lightsaber in the power socket?
                +200 Influence : approves.
              • 334. Option - We have lots of fun!Player - What about that time Risha gave Bowdaar a bath?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 351. - That was good fun.
                  • 352. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 335. Option - We have lots of fun!Player - What about watching Risha yell at me? Isn't that fun?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 349. - Yeah, that's always good for a laugh....
                  • 350. <Non-dialogue segment.>
              • 330. Option - Is that the best you can do?Player - Your idea of fun needs some serious updating.
                • 343. - Well, I don't hear you coming up with anything.
                  • 344. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 345. - Hey... maybe we could paint Akaavi's helmet pink. We'd learn how to curse in Mando'a....
                    • 346. - Hey, maybe we could shave Bowdaar while he's sleeping. Bet he's not nearly as impressive without all that hair.
                    • 347. - Hey, maybe we could swap out Guss's lightsaber for a glowrod. You think he'd notice?
                    • 348. - Hey, maybe we swap out Risha's special princess crown. How purple do you think she'd turn if she found a plasteel one in its place?
                      • 364. - What do you say? Just give me the word.
              • 332. Option - [Flirt] Any better ideas?Player - You got any suggestions that don't involve farm animals?
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 340. - I've got a few... but they might take a while to explain.
                  • 342. - Care to let me show you?
                    • 667. - I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
                      • 668. Option - [Flirt] Why not?Player - You afraid I'm going to turn you down?
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 669. Option - [Flirt] Yes, you should.Player - I've got a few ideas of my own I could show you.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 676. - It's not right, me propositioning you like some... Hutt's dancer. You deserve better.
                          • 681. - You deserve a man you can let your guard down with. Someone who'll take care of you for a change.
                            • 682. Option - True....Player - I wonder where I can find one....
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 695. - I'm not going to presume anything, Captain.
                                • 697. - But I'd like you to consider letting me show you I can be something more.
                            • 683. Option - I can take care of myself.Player - The day I need someone to take care of me, I'm selling the ship and taking up knitting.
                              +200 Influence : approves.
                              • 689. - You're the strongest woman I ever met, the strongest person, period....
                                • 691. - I'd fight for you or with you or at any command you give. I just think you deserve more.
                            • 684. Option - Let's stop talking about this.Player - Don't push your luck.
                              +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 685. - Understood, Captain. I won't say anything again until we're both ready.
                      • 670. Option - You're right. You shouldn't.Player - Don't ruin this, Corso. You're in my crew. That's all.
                        +50 Influence : disapproves.
                        • 671. - Yeah, I know that, Captain.
                          • 673. - Sometimes it's just hard not to show what I feel.
              • 331. Option - Sleep it off.Player - Good night, Corso....
                • 336. - Maybe I should go lie down....
                  • 339. <Conversation Exit>
  • 439. - So, how'd you end up out here, Captain?
    • 441. - Was there ever a time you wanted something more... normal?
      • 442. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 444. - A husband? Kids? Someone to take care of you?
          • 505. Option - Not a chance.Player - I take care of myself. Always have. Always will.
            • 513. - I'm not trying to start anything, Captain. Just thinking about a guy I met in the brigade. A merc. Fought for the Republic for twenty years.
        • 443. - A family? A steady job somewhere you didn't need a blaster in-hand?
          • 502. Option - Not a chance.Player - I've got my freedom, my ship and my gun. What more is there?
          • 503. Option - Is that what you want?Player - Are you happy here, or would you rather be back raising rontos?
            • 511. - I've just been thinking about a guy I met in the brigade. Mercenary. He'd been fighting for the Republic for twenty years.
          • 504. Option - I won't be here forever.Player - I'm just in this until I can retire rich.
            • 508. - I don't know. It's hard to go back.
              • 510. - I met a mercenary on Clak'dor Seven, when I was in the brigade. He'd spent twenty years fighting for the Republic.
                • 515. - I was sixteen, fresh off the ship. This guy gave me my first blaster.
                  • 520. Option - Your first blaster?Player - I thought you country boys grow up shooting.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 521. Option - What a nut!Player - What kind of moron gives a blaster to some kid on a community service project?
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 524. - It was a war zone. I was the crazy one, going unarmed. I was just squeamish....
                      • 523. - I mean, sure, I'd handled a hunting rifle, but never anything aimed at people.
                        • 532. - This guy told me, "Gun's just a tool. You use it to destroy, or you use it to protect against those who would destroy you."
                          • 594. Option - This was news to you?Player - Guess you didn't figure that one out on your own?
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 597. - So it's not exactly astrophysics, but it made sense to me. You can't protect anything if you're afraid to be out there shooting.
                          • 595. Option - I guess it meant a lot to you.Player - And you took it to heart.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 602. - Made me think different about guns. You can't protect the people you love if you're afraid to get your hands dirty.
                              • 599. - I brought Torchy home, and my parents made me lock her up. Told me not to "wish away peace."
                                • 601. - I didn't have her when the separatists came.
                          • 596. Option - You use it when I say.Player - If you're in my crew, you shoot when I tell you.
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 606. - You'll know the first time I stop being okay with that.
                  • 522. Option - Start a diary!Player - I don't need to hear every time you remember some cute story from your past.
                    +50 Influence : disapproves.
                    • 527. - Hmph. Maybe Risha's better company....
                    • 530. <Conversation Exit>
  • 455. - So, how about that war, huh, Captain?
    • 456. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 460. - Feels good to have a real victory in hand. Treaty of Coruscant was a stitch in a gut wound.
      • 459. - It's a relief to have it out in the open. Why dicker over a treaty with a bunch of murdering slavers?
      • 458. - The Empire's making it real tough to pretend it's not happening.
      • 457. - You think the Republic'll stop hiding behind the Treaty of Coruscant and admit they want the Empire wiped out?
        • 465. - It doesn't sit right negotiating with people who want every man, woman and kid dead.
          • 469. Option - I didn't realize you cared..Player - You practicing your speech for office?
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 479. - You trying to tell me you don't think about it? I do.
          • 470. Option - The scum are going down!Player - All enemies of the (Empire / Republic) will die before me.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 473. - You got guts, Captain. I hope you don't mind if I come along to take a few hits for you.
            • 472. - Then me and Sergeant Boom-Boom'll be right there with you, Captain.
          • 471. Option - I don't care about the war.Player - What does it matter how they kill each other, as long as there's credits to be made?
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 474. - And you call me naive.... There's no credits to be made in an Imperial slave collar.
              • 478. - I joined the Peace Brigade when I was fourteen. I know what a world looks like when the Empire's done with it.
                • 480. Option - The Peace Brigade?Player - What's that? A bunch of do-gooders?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 487. Option - I didn't know you'd traveled.Player - The way Skavak talked, I thought you were fresh off the farm.
                  • 490. - Me and Skavak weren't as close as he thought.
                    • 489. - The brigade's a relief organization. Go into worlds abandoned by the Treaty of Coruscant, help people displaced by the Empire.
                      • 498. - I was a kid looking for an adventure. After two months... let's just say there are no kids in war zones.
                • 488. Option - Spare me.Player - I don't need to hear about your heartwarming life saving puppies and orphans.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                  • 491. - It's a lot easier to look down on orphans when they're not staring back up at you, Captain.
                    • 493. - All I'm saying is, there's a right side and a wrong side in this war. Not much between.
                      • 501. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1375. - It's getting more painful to talk to you than be ignored by you.
    • 1377. - What are you looking for that I haven't offered?
      • 1378. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1380. - Did you just want something more exotic? What did that prissy Voss have that I don't?
          • 1382. Option - I love him.Player - Lokir-Ka made me happy in a way you can never understand.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
            • 1391. - You're right. I'll never understand.
        • 1379. - Tell me one thing that sleazy Balmorran could do for you that I can't?
          • 1383. Option - I love him.Player - Numen Brock made me laugh. I miss him every day.
            +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
            • 1392. - That's all it takes? I devote my life to you and you're looking for a cheap punch line?
        • 1381. - Do I mean anything to you?
          • 1384. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I care about you, Corso. I didn't mean to upset you.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            • 1395. - Didn't mean to upset me?
              • 1396. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 1397. - Where you're from, do people not usually get upset when the love of their life runs off with other men?
                • 1398. - How am I supposed to watch you hurting people without it killing what I feel about you?
                  • 1394. - We have something special, Captain. Don't destroy it.
          • 1387. Option - Let's just be friends.Player - I think we were doing better when we were just crew mates.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1403. - Uh-uh. I'm not letting you out of it that easily.
              • 1405. - I'm going to find a way to make you see me, Captain.
                • 1406. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 1407. - And when you do, you'll never look at another man.
                  • 1408. - And when you do, maybe you can finally stop having to show the world how tough you are.
          • 1388. Option - Stop whining.Player - If you're so devoted, then shut up and deal with it.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 1409. - I'm willing to wait for you, Captain.
              • 1411. - But I'm not your punching bag.
                • 1414. <Conversation Exit>
  • 855. - Oh? Is the lord on high deigning to speak with me?
    • 857. - You've gotten real full of yourself lately, Captain.
      • 859. - Not much fun working under you.
        • 860. Option - What are you talking about?Player - If you've got a problem with me, Corso, tell it straight.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 872. - You're changing, Captain.
        • 861. Option - I'm sorry.Player - I didn't realize you were feeling that way.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 867. - Maybe you ought to pay more attention.
            • 869. - I know the "biggest jerk in the galaxy" thing is just an act, but you should watch it.
              • 871. - Spend all your time convincing people it's true, no one'll care if there was once something more.
        • 862. Option - Shut up!Player - You're in my crew, on my ship. You don't talk to me that way.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 863. - I guess you like it better when I don't talk at all.
            • 866. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1419. - I don't know what you're doing, Captain. Seems like you're trying to hurt me and just hurting yourself.
    • 1422. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 1423. - You deserve better than this life, these men....
      • 1425. - Let me in, Captain. Let me be the one you lean on to deal with all this ugliness.
        • 1427. Option - I don't need you.Player - All I'm looking for is a good time.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1434. - Is breaking a man's heart a good time?
            • 1436. - I want more, Captain. And I think you deserve more.
              • 1438. - But you'll have to make that decision on your own.
        • 1428. Option - Thank you.Player - You're so much better to me than I deserve.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1431. - You deserve the galaxy, Captain.
            • 1433. - Why do you work so hard to make people think less of you?
        • 1429. Option - You couldn't take it.Player - It takes more than a working knowledge of ronto husbandry to keep me happy.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 1430. - If that's still all you think of me, you haven't been paying attention.
            • 1441. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1442. - I can't do it, Captain.
    • 1444. - I saw something in you, but I guess you don't see it in yourself.
      • 1446. - If I tried to be the man you want--some hardened killer who doesn't care what happens to you--we'd both end up hating me.
        • 1447. Option - Are you dumping me?Player - What are you saying?
          • 1457. - I love you, Captain, but I can't do this halfway.
        • 1448. Option - No. We can make this work.Player - I'm sorry, Corso. I never meant to hurt you.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1454. - You're not stupid, Captain. And neither am I.
            • 1463. - I don't think either of us believes that.
        • 1449. Option - I hate you already.Player - Can't possibly go worse than whining at me.
          +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
          • 1450. - I'd spend my life hunting down any man who tried to hurt you, Captain.
            • 1452. - But there's nothing I can do when the one hurting you is yourself.
              • 1465. <Conversation Exit>
  • 898. - I really thought you'd be different, Captain.
    • 900. - I had this whole dream. About the heart of gold I'd find under that prickly shell.
      • 902. - But I guess the surface is all you've got.
        • 903. Option - I've got a heart of gold.Player - Saving people from the Empire isn't enough for you?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 906. - Oh, I suppose we do some good, but... I don't know why you go out of your way to make it feel dirty.
        • 904. Option - Let's make things better.Player - You're my friend, Corso. I want you to be happy.
          +200 Influence : greatly approves.
          • 911. - Come on! It's not hard to make me happy. I like to be happy. Just not when you're hurting people.
            • 908. - I mean, I understand being ruthless. But I could never be cruel just for fun.
              • 910. - I'm not asking you to go soft, just... meet me halfway, okay?
        • 905. Option - Keep it to yourself.Player - No one wants to hear your whining.
          +50 Influence : greatly disapproves.
          • 914. - I'm well aware what you think of me.
            • 917. <Conversation Exit>
  • 920. - I was wrong about you, Captain.
    • 922. - I thought coming with you, I'd have a chance to make friends, have fun and leave the galaxy a better place.
      • 924. - I never figured the only good I'd get to do was offsetting your petty evils.
        • 925. Option - Don't even try it.Player - When I get me some petty evil, I'm not letting you offset it.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 936. - This isn't a joke, Captain!
        • 926. Option - It's not that bad.Player - We can work this out. Just tell me how you want me to change.
          • 933. - I'm not falling for that line again, Captain.
        • 927. Option - You work for me!Player - I run this ship! You don't get to decide if you don't like how I do it.
          +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 928. - I'm not your slave.
            • 930. - From now on, I'm just here to see what you're messing up and use my own time to put it right.
              • 932. - And don't worry. You won't hear from me again. Helping you is obviously a lost cause.
                • 941. <Conversation Exit>
  • 944. - When we're back on board, I'd like a word with you, Captain.
  • 943. - When you've got a minute, Captain, I've got something on my mind.
  • 1698. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 1642. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1652. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 1664. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 1687. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 990. - If you change your mind, I've got a location on the codes. Some Colicoid cave. Shouldn't be anything we can't handle....
      • 1003. <Conversation Exit>
    • 994. - Evidently, the whole thing got overrun with Colicoids, and the Empire abandoned it.
      • 995. <Conversation Exit>
    • 999. - They say the codes were stored in a cave the Empire abandoned when Colicoids overran it.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.smuggler.corso_riggs
Appearance ID16141019141746515573
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