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Level 5-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Dhayden
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 3.0.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: cop_conv_starter
Other Sites:


  • 3. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 44. - Son of a....
      • 46. - Okay, so I'm a little rustier than I'd like to admit--but just a little. Felt good to be in a real scrap for once!
        • 47. Option - You fought well.Player - I'm impressed.
          • 48. - Flattery, huh? What the hell, I'll take it.
        • 51. Option - Now you help.Player - You got what you wanted. Time to return the favor.
          • 52. - Well, that would be fair, wouldn't it?
        • 55. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 56. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 59. Player - We aren't done. I still get to kill you and claim your clan.
              • 60. - Take it easy, champion. Seems to me you came here for another reason?
          • 67. Player - If I'm not mistaken, Mandalorian duels are meant to be to the death.
            • 68. - One: you aren't Mando; two: that was just a fun bit of sparring.
              • 70. - So--you know the Blades went and partnered up with the Revanites. Means you probably know they're up to no good.
                • 72. - We helped out the Blades to have a good relationship with Raider's Cove. We didn't sign up for the Revanites and their all-out war, so we bailed.
                  • 73. Option - I must stop them.Player - Tell me where the Revanites are, and what I'm up against.
                    • 74. - Afraid I don't have the "where" to give you, but I can clue you in on the "what": a whole fleet of ships they've got parked somewhere around here.
                  • 77. Option - Help me stop them?Player - Can I count on you and your clan to end the Revanite threat?
                    • 78. - No, you cannot. We're not for hire, we're not Imperial lackeys, and we're not getting involved.
                  • 81. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                    • 83. Player - All right, get your clan together and let's take it to the Revanites. The Empire'll pay whatever you want.
                      • 84. - We're pretty well set here, thanks. Whole reason we came to Rishi was to avoid this stuff.
                    • 88. Player - Put out the call to your clan. You fight for the Empire now.
                      • 89. - Yeah, my days of working for the Empire are long gone.
                        • 91. - Give me a single target that's worth my going toe-to-toe with, that's fine. But the Revanites and their fleet of warships? Pass.
                          • 92. Player - Where are these ships?
                            • 93. - Couldn't tell you.
                              • 95. - I wouldn't mind it a bit if you chased the Revanites out of Rishi. Off-the-radar is just how we like it here.
                                • 96. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 162. - Good hunting to you all.
                                  • 97. - Good hunting to you, Sith.
                                  • 99. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 101. - Re'turcye mhi, Mando. It was an honor to spar with you.
                                    • 104. - Good hunting, beroya. Always keep one eye on your employer.
                                  • 106. - Good hunting to you, stranger.
                                    • 108. - Ke'sush, Mando'ade! Who's up for a skar'kla hunt?
                                      • 109. <Conversation Exit>
    • 110. - Heh... not bad....
      • 112. - ...Not bad at all. Been a while since someone's given me a fight like that. You should be proud.
        • 113. Option - You're quite a warrior.Player - I can see how you earned your reputation.
          • 114. - Likewise. And speaking of earning things, I'd say you've earned a bit of intel for that performance. You were asking about the Revanites, right?
        • 117. Option - This was all just a game?Player - You're telling me this was all just a fun little sparring match for you?
          • 118. - Well, me, my clan, and our beasts... so I wouldn't call it "little," really.
            • 120. - Now then, I'd say you've earned some answers. It was the Revanites you were asking about, right?
        • 123. Option - I'll be proud when you're dead.Player - I wonder how your helmet would look if I mounted it on my wall....
          • 124. - Now, now, we've had enough fun for one day. Didn't you come here for intel on the Revanites?
            • 126. - We were the ones who hooked them up with the Nova Blades. Even helped them win a scrap or two.
              • 128. - Once they started the secret-manipulating-all-out-war nonsense, I pulled us out. I've had my fill of war.
                • 129. Option - What else can you tell me?Player - Did the Revanites tell you anything else about their plans?
                • 133. Option - Strange choice for a Mando.Player - A Mandalorian who's tired of war? I thought fighting was your whole life.
                  • 134. - Fighting, yes. War... I guess it depends who you ask. I think it's boring.
                • 137. Option - You've certainly killed enough.Player - So all those years of murdering Republic soldiers and Jedi wore you down?
                  • 138. - No such thing as murder in a war. That's part of what makes them so boring.
                    • 140. - You spend most of your time waiting around between battles, and when they finally happen... it's just a bunch of random killing.
                      • 142. - I prefer my fights sporting. Or at least interesting.
                        • 143. Player - And the Revanites don't?
                          • 144. - Nope. They stack the deck as much as they can.
                            • 146. - I do know they've got a whole fleet of warships tucked away somewhere on this planet. Never gave me any real details or coordinates, but they're here.
                              • 148. - If you want to find them and smash them up, more power to you. I liked this place a lot better before they showed up.
                                • 149. Option - Why not help?Player - If you want to join the fight, you'd be welcome.
                                  • 150. - I'll keep it in mind. Pretty sure I've got enough to do around here, though.
                                • 152. Option - You still owe me a speeder.Player - Want to hand over a ride to replace the one you shot down?
                                  • 153. - Eh, plenty of speeders around this place. Take whichever you want.
                                • 155. Option - Next time: to the death.Player - If we ever fight again, you won't be walking away.
                                  • 156. - Aww. I like you.
                                    • 158. - Lets get you patched up, vode! I've been going too easy on you!
                                      • 161. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. Player - I take it you're the one they call Torch.
    • 6. - Shae Vizla. That little nickname, the locals came up with.
      • 12. - Hell if I know why.
        • 14. Player - You recently had a falling out with the Revanites and the Nova Blades.
          • 18. Player - One Mandalorian to another, think you could help me out?
            • 19. - What, you think I didn't recognize Mand'alor's favorite champion? I might be off the grid these days, but I'm not thick.
          • 16. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 21. Player - I could use your help.
            • 22. Player - Tell me everything.
              • 25. - Oh, tell you everything! Sure, of course, because I never had a Sith try to assert themselves before.
            • 23. Player - Think you could help me out?
              • 27. - Could? Yes. But will I, do I want to...?
              • 29. - Hoping for a professional courtesy, merc to merc? That's right, I know who you are.
                • 30. - Tell you what: instead of whatever grand gesture of cooperation you thought might happen here, why don't we try something a little different?
                  • 33. - Been a while since I had a decent challenge. I'm taking this opportunity to show my clan how it's done.
                    • 43. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.npc.default.chagrian.bmn
Appearance ID16140964185854315838
Body Typebmn
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    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.flashpoint.rishi.flashpoint_1.shared.shae_vizla",
    "CnvB62": "4wyDMtA",
    "CodexId": "0",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "hash": "2791474203",
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