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Sergeant Carness

Sergeant Carness
Level 38 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Balmorra_republic
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Sergeant Carness
Other Sites:


  • 100. - It's about time the Republic made some progress around here.
  • 134. Option - I did it.Player - I managed to retrieve all of the data recorders.
    • 66. - Perfect timing, too--Anlen just finished dressing my wounds. Not too shabby, Private.
      • 131. - Oh... thank you, sir.
        • 73. - Once that intel gets analyzed, the fleet will finally start making some headway on this planet.
          • 82. Option - I see why you needed me.Player - You weren't kidding about those scavengers.
            • 84. - Persistent buggers, weren't they? Serves them right.
          • 135. Option - Happy to help.Player - It was my pleasure.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
          • 81. Option - No problem.Player - The truth is, it was easy.
            • 86. - That's what I like to hear. Junior could learn from you.
              • 89. - I'll transmit this data back to base. We should be able to step up our offensive any day now.
                • 90. <Conversation Exit>
  • 96. - Keep your wits about you, and you'll be fine.
  • 65. - Okay, this time we'll sneak in through the--ow! Treat the wound, don't poke at it like an impatient Jawa!
    • 1. - Sorry, sir. We've got company.
      • 3. - Oh. Hello there, I'm Sergeant Carness. This here's Private Anlen. We're trying to recover some Imperial intel, preferably without getting shot... again.
        • 147. Option - What kind of intel?Player - What sort of information are you after?
        • 12. Option - Are you okay?Player - Are you hurt?
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 13. - I took a couple grazes, and I think poor Anlen may have singed both his whiskers.
        • 16. Option - It's just you two?Player - If it's so dangerous, why did the Republic send scouts?
          • 17. - This was supposed to be a simple grab-and-go mission.
            • 138. - Command sent us to retrieve data recorders from crashed Imperial starships. They contain valuable intel on the Empire's planetary defenses.
              • 10. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 101. - This is insane, sir. Why should we keep risking our necks when we have a Jedi right here?
                • 11. - This is insane, sir. Why should we keep risking our necks when we have a war hero right here?
                • 102. - This is insane, sir. Why should we keep risking our necks when we have a hotshot spacer who can do it?
                • 148. - This is insane, sir. Why should we keep risking our necks when we have someone right here who can do it?
                • 103. - This is insane, sir. Why should we keep risking our necks when we have a perfectly capable group right here?
                  • 47. Option - This stuff is important?Player - You seem to think these recorders are worth dying for.
                    • 27. - It could be the works: Imperial fleet positioning, clearance codes, battery placement... maybe Anlen's right.
                  • 25. Option - Let me do it.Player - I can get those data recorders for you.
                  • 14. Option - Remember your duty.Player - A servant of the Republic doesn't shirk responsibility.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 22. Option - Jedi can't fight every battle.Player - The Republic needs to stand on its own two feet, Private.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 23. Option - Shape up, soldier.Player - You're a soldier of the Republic, Private. Show a little backbone.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 24. Option - Easy there, rookie.Player - I've seen Gamorreans that aren't as green as this kid.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 33. - I can't say I completely disagree with Anlen. Those scavengers are packing some serious firepower. Still....
                      • 30. - That information could help the Republic fleet establish a solid foothold on Balmorra, bring us one step closer to liberating the planet.
                        • 32. - I'm not leaving here without those recorders, but we simply aren't equipped to get past those lunatics. Can... you get them?
                          • 40. Option - Leave it to me.Player - You two rest here. I'll handle this.
                          • 55. Option - I'll clean up your mess.Player - This won't be the first time I've picked up someone else's slack.
                            • 97. - I hate to have someone else fight my battles for me. I appreciate this.
                              • 59. <Conversation Exit>
                          • 37. Option - Not my problem. [Refuse quest]Player - Your problem, not mine.
                            <Aborts Conversation>
                            • 38. - I see. Well, third time's the charm... I hope.
                              • 39. <Conversation Exit>
  • 64. - Those scavengers are out of their minds.
  • 57. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 7. - Unfortunately, the area is crawling with scavengers--Imperial deserters, Balmorran outlaws, even combat droids. Nearly killed us... twice. This is our third attempt.
    • 58. - The data recorders should be near the shipwrecks. The scavengers had sniper support, so keep your head down and your eyes peeled.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16141159137467790507
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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    "MinLevel": 38,
    "MaxLevel": 38,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
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            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "Toughness": "Standard",
    "ToughnessId": "0",
    "LocalizedToughness": {
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    "CnvConversationName": "",
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    "CodexId": "0",
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    "IsClassTrainer": false,
    "IsVendor": false,
    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.npc.regular",
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    "CommandXP": 16,
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    "Base62Id": "YFi1JLC",
    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "2140299977",
    "removed_in": "",
    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [