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Level 1-60 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Test
SubCategory: Bret
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 4.1.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: conv_starter_3
Other Sites:


  • 150. <Conversation Exit>
  • 2. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 6. - Commander. Everyone else is with the fleet en route--save the Emperor, of course, he's back on Dromund Kaas. I'll connect us.
    • 3. - Commander. Everyone else is with the fleet en route--save the Empress, of course, she's back on Dromund Kaas. I'll connect us.
      • 4. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 5. - Commander. Thank you for joining us.
          • 10. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 12. - I was saddened by the necessity of Darth Shaar's death. I had always enjoyed her devious mind... but, in times like these, loyalty and focus are equally important.
              • 16. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 13. - Darth Shaar told me about your little tiff on Mek-Sha. Rest assured, I hold nothing against you. Shaar is wonderfully devious, but a bit too much so at times.
              • 15. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 11. - Darth Shaar sent her compliments for your assistance on Mek-Sha. It's a great pleasure to know that the two of you worked so well together.
              • 14. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 9. - Commander. I'm pleased to see you again.
          • 17. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 18. - I must apologize for the excesses of my Dark Council. Your steadfast devotion to the mission at hand is an example for all the Empire to follow.
              • 20. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 19. - Allow me to apologize for any... excesses you have had to address on the part of my Dark Council. They could all learn from your steadfast devotion.
              • 21. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 22. - I am gratified that my Dark Council has worked alongside you so efficiently. Such productive cooperation is crucial to our Empire's future.
              • 23. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 25. - Your successes against the Republic reinforcements have all but guaranteed our victory on Corellia. But we must not become overconfident.
                  • 27. Option - I'm glad I could help.Player - It's always a pleasure to bring the Empire one step closer to victory.
                  • 50. Option - Speak for yourself.Player - If I'm involved, then victory is guaranteed.
                    • 112. - Then let's not waste any time.
                • 24. - If only your operations had resulted in fewer Republic reinforcements, our work on Corellia would be more straightforward.
                  • 47. Option - I wish we could've done more.Player - I regret that we couldn't do more to weaken the Republic's position.
                    • 115. - All the same, we still have some advantages over our foes.
                  • 28. Option - What is our plan of attack?Player - Walk me through your plan for the battle.
                  • 48. Option - Think you would've done better?Player - You think you could have done more in my place?
                    • 116. - I think bickering about it is pointless.
                      • 29. - Given that the enemy is unaware of the details of our strategy, their fleets will assume a flexible defensive formation in geosynchronous orbit above the Meridian Complex shipyard.
                        • 46. - Contrary to their expectations, I will take most of our ships to the far side of Corellia, forcing at least some of their vessels to break formation and engage us.
                          • 52. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 53. - What makes you so certain that they will follow you?
                            • 54. - And how will you ensure that the enemy chases you?
                              • 56. - Indiscriminate bombardment of the planet's surface. Cities, industrial centers, resource caches... we will be impossible to ignore.
                                • 57. Option - That's monstrous!Player - We cannot massacre civilians purely as a diversion. +100
                                • 120. Option - That's monstrous!Player - We can't butcher civilians just to distract the enemy. +100
                                  • 121. - We certainly can.
                                    • 122. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                      • 123. - I appreciate your plan's dramatic effect, Krovos, but there must be resources you could target on Corellia that would weaken our enemy more significantly in the long term?
                                      • 124. - Regardless, civilians are not a resource our enemy is short on. But Corellia is full of others they can hardly afford to lose. Focus your attacks accordingly.
                                        • 126. - As you wish. We will target industrial facilities, resource caches, and other... "strategic" assets to draw the enemy away from the shipyard.
                                • 58. Option - If that's what it takes to win.Player - Winning a war takes sacrifices. Better their people than ours. +100
                                • 60. Option - [Saboteur] You're hiding something.Player - Taking a huge fleet to serve purely as a diversion? You expect us to believe that's your only objective?
                                  • 131. - My only objective is victory for our Empire.
                                • 59. Option - Very clever.Player - Taking advantage of the Republic's sentimentality. They won't be able to resist. +100
                                  • 61. - With their formation broken, our technological advantages will allow us to punch through the remaining defenders and conduct a surface assault on the complex.
                                    • 63. - The last of our dreadnaughts equipped with Isotope-5 reactors will escort the ground assault force through the enemy's blockade.
                                      • 65. - Meanwhile, the Silencers commanded by Moff Pyron will destroy any Republic capital ships that attempt to interfere.
                                        • 67. Player - You mean my Silencers?
                                        • 68. Player - Tell me more about these "Silencers".
                                          • 69. - Harrower dreadnaughts modified to carry state-of-the-art megalaser main cannons. They can destroy enemy capital ships in a single shot.
                                            • 71. - Once we reach the planet's surface, we will attack the Meridian Complex from multiple directions, seize its control center, and disable the shields protecting it from orbital bombardment.
                                              • 76. - From there, our ships reduce the complex to slag, and the Republic's best hope for victory crumbles into dust.
                                                • 77. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                  • 79. - Splendid! I do enjoy the intricacies of your strategies. But what of our honored guest? How do you plan to include the Alliance?
                                                  • 78. - An impressive and well-conceived plan. But what role will the Alliance and its incomparable Commander play?
                                                    • 81. - The Silencers are vulnerable to starfighter attack--with the Alliance fleet to escort them, that risk is all but nullified.
                                                      • 85. - As for the Commander, I would welcome such a deadly ally in my surface attack group.
                                                        • 87. Option - I'm honored.Player - It will be an honor to fight with you as always, Malgus.
                                                          • 143. - Together, we will be unstoppable.
                                                        • 86. Option - Let's get started.Player - I'm ready to launch right away.
                                                        • 88. Option - Can you keep up this time?Player - Let's hope you can keep up with me better than last time.
                                                          • 140. - Ugh.
                                                            • 89. - Rendezvous at these coordinates. Our attack begins as soon as you arrive, Commander.
                                                              • 90. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                • 91. - I shall look forward to reports of our great victory. Good hunting.
                                                                • 92. - Let our enemies remember why they fear the power of the Sith Empire. Let the entire galaxy know our strength!
                                                                  • 97. - My boys have a ship fueled and ready for us. They're practically drooling--most of them have never seen a battle this big.
                                                                    • 100. - They'll be competing for the most kills. Care to join the pool? Winner takes any interesting gear or other goodies we manage to plunder on the way out.
                                                                      • 101. Option - I'm in.Player - Count me in--I can't lose.
                                                                        • 109. - That's the spirit! Everyone's going to go twice as hard when they find out they're competing with you.
                                                                      • 102. Option - [Flirt] I'd prefer a date.Player - I'd rather win some time alone with you.
                                                                        • 104. - My time's not something you win. Besides, once we've hit the surface and dropped everyone who gets in our way, it'll just be the two of us, right?
                                                                      • 103. Option - Leave me out of it.Player - I'm not interested.
  • 149. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.creature.ortolan.ortolan
Appearance ID16141105759876279378
Body Typedwarf
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    "MinLevel": 1,
    "MaxLevel": 60,
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        "LocalizedName": {
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "LocalizedToughness": {
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        "deFemale": "Standard"
    "DifficultyFlags": 0,
    "CnvConversationName": "cnv.flashpoint.corellia.empire.imp_scene_1_briefing",
    "CnvB62": "b2uNpPA",
    "CodexId": "0",
    "ProfessionTrained": 0,
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "first_seen": "4.1.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.0.0",
    "hash": "909995688",
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