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Lapad Dula

Lapad Dula
Heroic Mission
Level 1-50 Ranged
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tatooine
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lapad Dula
Other Sites:


  • 164. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 158. <Non-dialogue segment.>
  • 66. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 67. - Well, blot the blasted suns from the sky! You took him out. The terror of Tatooine. I just--how?
      • 74. Option - The Force was with me.Player - No mere bandit can stand against the Force.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 91. - Well, remind me not to get you mad.
      • 75. Option - Superior tactics.Player - A brute like that will never stand against a well-executed assault.
        • 90. - If you say so. My grasp of tactics never went much past "charge."
      • 76. Option - Sheer dumb luck.Player - I've just got a habit of turning up on the right end of the blaster, you know?
        • 89. - That's the kind of habit you don't want to break.
      • 77. Option - Teamwork.Player - We can do far more together than any of us alone.
      • 83. Option - Without breaking a sweat.Player - The truth is, it was easy.
        • 87. - Then I bow to you and whoever taught you besides.
          • 93. - And my boys? Are they at peace?
    • 68. - I hear Takor the Terrible's down a few boys of his own, now. There'll be some toasts to that tonight, I tell you.
      • 73. - And our lads? They get their taste of mercy?
    • 69. - Well? I don't get no news from the afterlife, you know. Did you do it? Are our boys at peace?
      • 79. Option - They're dead now.Player - Hopefully we've spared them before they suffered too much.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 114. - One day of torture like that is too long, still, it's better than a thousand years.
          • 116. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 81. Option - Don't question me.Player - I gave my word. Don't doubt me now.
        • 109. - Just wanted to hear it.
          • 110. <Non-dialogue segment.>
      • 84. Option - Who can tell?Player - That was a waste of time.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 103. - Sure, from here, it's hard to see the difference between tortured and dead. But if it was you, you'd sure want someone to try.
          • 104. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 112. - I like to think they could hear that Gamorrean monster screaming right before they passed.
            • 105. - I like to think they're smiling somewhere now.
              • 107. - I wish we had you here for permanent. We'd get a few more enlisting if they knew someone like you had their backs.
                • 108. <Conversation Exit>
  • 64. - Well, go if you want to, then. Would you want to be kept waiting inside something's stomach?
  • 1. - People are going soft here. Look around--not one of these idiots here has stepped forward to join the militia to defend our towns.
    • 3. - Can you believe it? Not a bleeding one.
      • 5. - Course, why would you fight, when all it buys you is an empty grave? When you know no one's coming back for the corpses?
        • 9. Option - Corpses?Player - Whose corpses? Did someone die?
          • 19. - Fifteen boys, killed by that sadistic Gamorrean warlord Takor the Terrible and not one man stands up to lead the rescue.
        • 8. Option - What are you saying?Player - I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
        • 10. Option - I don't have time for this.Player - Find some other old-timer if you're going to start moaning about "them young 'uns."
          • 11. - An old-timer, huh? Let me tell you, I got more scars than wrinkles. And this is serious.
            • 16. - We lost a fifteen-man patrol yesterday to that sadistic Gamorrean warlord Takor the Terrible, and no one wants to lead the rescue.
              • 13. - By now, Takor's likely fed 'em to the Sarlacc--every Tatooinian's worst nightmare.
                • 129. - Gaping maw in the ground, surrounded by teeth and tentacles. Takor tosses in enemies, live, and the Sarlacc digests them for a thousand years. A long, painful death.
                  • 23. Option - That's a horror story.Player - I would not wish such a horrific fate on anyone.
                    • 37. - I'd like to see you stick that big glow rod right down the beast's throat.
                  • 29. Option - Would you accept outside aid?Player - I would not stand aside while men suffer needlessly.
                    • 38. - Then get on out there, Master Jedi. Because our boys need a friend like you.
                  • 30. Option - Your friends deserve better.Player - "Leave no man behind." That's the cornerstone of any good military.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 39. - Right you are, sir. That's what I been trying to tell these clodheads.
                  • 31. Option - Are you asking for help?Player - I'm available, but I have a strong aversion to being fed to anything.
                    • 40. - Oh, yeah. You don't want to get in the Sarlacc, let me tell you.
                  • 24. Option - A thousand years?Player - What is this thing?
                    • 32. - No one really knows. It lives under the sands, center of Takor's territory. All anyone's ever seen is the mouth.
                      • 124. - They say if it swallows you, it's got a way to keep you alive and suffering the whole time. You feel every scrap of flesh worn away.
                        • 36. - You were stuck in there, you'd want someone to come along and grant you mercy, right?
                  • 147. Option - So you want Takor dead.Player - If you're asking me to kill this warlord, just say so.
                    • 148. - Might as well say you'll kill the desert itself! He's that big. Three meters at the shoulder and solid muscle.
                      • 150. - And mean as a drunk rancor. The folks he doesn't give the Sarlacc come back with tongues cut out, no fingers.
                        • 152. - Nah, all I want is help for my boys. A little mercy, you know.
                          • 54. Option - Fine. I'll help.Player - So, you want me to rescue them?
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            +200 Influence : approves.
                            • 57. - Are you barking mad? No one comes out of a Sarlacc. I just want to end the misery, let them go easy into that dark night and all.
                          • 55. Option - Depends on the price.Player - What's the going rate for mercy on this planet?
                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                            • 60. - Do I look like a bank? You want to profit off this, take whatever riches the warlord's piled up out there.
                              • 50. - You want to help our boys, drop these grenades in the Sarlacc's mouth. They'll poison anything left alive in there--a painless death.
                                • 52. - And I wouldn't cry if you put some hurt on Takor's men along the way.
                                  • 53. <Conversation Exit>
                          • 26. Option - Forget it. [Refuse quest]Player - I don't want any part of this.
                            <Aborts Conversation>
                            • 27. - You think I was asking for something? We don't need no outside help. We on Tatooine!
                              • 28. <Conversation Exit>
  • 121. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 123. - You took out Takor the Terrible. And I knew you first!
    • 122. - They're at peace now.
  • 63. - Kids these days....
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "VendorPackages": [],
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    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "Heroic Mission",
        "frMale": "Mission h\u00e9ro\u00efque",
        "frFemale": "Mission h\u00e9ro\u00efque",
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        "deFemale": "Heldenmission"
    "Title": "Heroic Mission"