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Shalim Avesta

Shalim Avesta
Level 50 Melee
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Exp
SubCategory: 01
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.3.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Shalim Avesta
Other Sites:


  • 1694. - I'm going to the ark. When you're ready to leave Makeb, take the shuttle here at the camp. Good luck.
  • 1952. Player - The ark's fuel rods, as promised. Toborro's gone--along with his entire supply of isotope-5.
    • 1953. - The whole planet felt it. Lemda says the explosion triggered a chain reaction in the planet's core.
      • 1955. - If you have unfinished business, better make it quick. I'll take the fuel rods and get our people to work installing them.
        • 1957. - I left a shielded shuttle here at the camp. It's your ticket off Makeb. The rest of us are taking the ark.
          • 1962. Option - Do you need any more help?Player - You're sure there's nothing else that needs to be done? Have all the planet's refugees made it aboard the ark?
            • 2313. - The ship is full and ready to fly. Thanks to you, we're about to achieve the fastest planetary evacuation in galactic history.
          • 1966. Option - Let's all ride the ark.Player - We're in this together. If there's trouble, you'll need help. I'm sure the ark can seat a few extra people.
            • 1967. - The space is tighter than you can imagine. I appreciate the offer, but you've done more than enough for us.
          • 1958. Option - I'm leaving now.Player - This has been quite a vacation, but I think it's time to go home.
            • 1959. - And for us to find a new one.
              • 1969. - I hope we meet again on Keylander Station.
                • 1710. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1693. - If we don't get those fuel rods from Toborro, my people are doomed. Our fates rest with you.
  • 1899. - The Cartel has deserted you, Toborro. You have no allies left--don't be a fool! Give us the fuel rods.
    • 1901. - Never! The entire galaxy plots against me, but I still hold the ultimate power!
      • 1903. - Let this planet tear itself apart! My fortress can withstand anything. When you are all dead, Toborro will still remain! This galaxy is mine!
        • 1904. Option - You need psychological help.Player - Toborro, there's something very wrong with you. Listen to what you're saying--it doesn't make sense.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1907. Option - Do you really want to die?Player - I think you're overestimating your real estate, Toborro. When this planet goes, you're going with it.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
        • 1910. Option - Switch off this crazy fool.Player - We're done negotiating with that insane Hutt. Cut the comm and stop wasting time.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          +200 Influence : approves.
          • 1911. - I thought I could appeal to the businessman in him. Apparently, that part of Toborro no longer exists.
            • 1913. - That inbred imbecile has abandoned all sanity. You will have to take the ark's fuel rods by force.
              • 1915. - His palace is a testament to my artistry. I poured my spirit into designing lethal defenses. I also left myself a private entrance inside.
                • 1916. Option - That's good, but only a start.Player - Finding a way inside the palace is the least of our problems. We're heading into the heart of a lunatic's private playground.
                • 1918. Option - Sneaky little Hutt--I approve.Player - A secret back door? I'm starting to like you, Oggurobb.
                • 1922. Option - I enjoy trashing your work.Player - Destroying your creations is always a blast. Those droids look terrific engulfed in flames.
                  • 1923. - That is by design. Color! Vibrancy! Impact! Destruction should never be dull.
                    • 1925. - Toborro will have far more than my inspired designs guarding him. His most lethal soldiers and isotope-5 droids patrol every corridor.
                      • 1927. - We'll hold this position until you get back.
                        • 1929. - Without those fuel rods, millions will die. If you can't get them... I'm canceling your parade.
                          • 1930. Option - I'll return, I promise.Player - Tell your people not to worry. We'll get those fuel rods no matter what.
                          • 2358. Option - [Flirt] I like you, too.Player - Parades are nice, but I'd rather have a kiss for luck before I go.
                          • 1940. Option - [Flirt] Kiss for luck, Lemda?Player - I hate flying into certain death with dry lips. Help me out?
                            • 1943. - Why not....
                              • 1944. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 1946. Option - No backup from your citizens?Player - You have people with blasters. Throw a few of them at Toborro for me.
                            • 1947. - My followers aren't soldiers. They'd only get in your way--and die.
                              • 1949. - You now have coordinates and the security code to my secret entrance. Once you're inside, contact me for more information. Don't die!
                                • 1706. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1692. - A shuttle will fly you to the mining platforms. We must shut down those drilling lasers before it's too late.
  • 1818. - Doctor, it's such an honor. I'm so glad we weren't forced to kill you!
    • 1819. Option - We need information.Player - We held up our end of the bargain and got you to safety. Tell us about isotope-5--and how to fuel the ark.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
    • 1821. Option - That was never the plan.Player - Don't make our guest any more nervous than he already is. The Republic only kills in self-defense.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : greatly approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1822. - As I saw on our flight from Sanctuary, you specialize in artful property damage.
    • 1825. Option - Don't get his hopes up.Player - The jury's still out on that. If he doesn't start being useful quick, he'll be a permanent resident.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      +50 Influence : disapproves.
      +200 Influence : approves.
      • 1826. - I am a living repository of boundless knowledge.
        • 1828. - Now that you're here... what can you tell us about isotope-5? How does it fuel the ark?
          • 1979. - Isotope-5... Toborro's great discovery at the center of Makeb. Something truly unique in all the galaxy--and worth destroying this planet to obtain.
            • 1830. - Imagine a substance as light as shimmersilk but stronger than durasteel. It distorts gravity and electromagnetic fields so predictably that it can be refined into fuel.
              • 1832. - Isotope-5 has limitless potential to remake this galaxy. Those droids you battled were first-generation prototypes. Playthings.
                • 1833. Option - Deadly toys for conquest.Player - In Toborro's hands these weapons will oppress entire sectors. The Cartel will become as bad as the Empire--maybe worse.
                  • 1834. - More profitable than the Imperials, one would hope. Honestly, we don't know how they support themselves.
                • 1837. Option - It all makes sense now.Player - Isotope-5 is the Cartel's key to becoming a galactic superpower. That's why they invaded Makeb and why Toborro won't back down.
                  • 1838. - He has staked the Cartel's entire future on this world. He cannot fail here.
                • 1841. Option - This is bad news for us.Player - If Toborro gets off Makeb with his droids and all the isotope-5, he'll topple the Republic and Empire both.
                  • 1842. - Ah, good--you're following the logic. No need for me to elaborate.
                • 1845. Option - This is very, very bad.Player - With an isotope-5-powered army, Toborro could squash half the galaxy. No wonder he isn't giving up.
                  • 1846. - And you have become the itch mite in his soup.
                • 1849. Option - Are there upgraded droids too?Player - Are you saying there are even more advanced versions of those droids? How many? What are their capabilities?
                  • 1850. - Toborro has dozens of prototype weapons. Their capabilities vary based on whatever creative inspiration moved me that day.
                • 1853. Option - I broke them easily enough.Player - Stop making excuses for your shoddy workmanship. I trashed your playthings, and I'll break anything else Toborro throws at me.
                  • 1854. - Sadly, I doubt you will encounter my more advanced designs.
                    • 1856. - I crafted a beautiful set of isotope-5 fuel rods to power Toborro's ark. Some of my finest work, but you'll never see it.
                      • 1858. - According to my datastream, Toborro has increased mining production to maximum levels. Makeb's destruction will arrive far ahead of schedule. You have a spacecraft, yes? We should depart immediately.
                        • 1859. Option - We'll shut down the mining.Player - We're not leaving our people behind. If Toborro's drilling has accelerated Makeb's destruction, turning it off should slow it back down.
                        • 1861. Option - We only leave with the ark.Player - We won't abandon millions of Makeb refugees. You said you could help us get the fuel rods back!
                          • 1862. - That was before I saw the latest updates on Toborro's drilling operations.
                        • 1865. Option - You lying sack of filth.Player - You never intended to help us. All you wanted was a way off Makeb before Toborro sent a hit squad after you.
                          • 1866. - No, no. I only became aware of the drilling increase during our voyage here.
                            • 1868. - The mining platforms are massive lasers drilling directly into the planet. Shutting them down would release core pressure and buy us time.
                              • 1870. - Attacking the mining platforms would be suicidal. Even worse, it might kill me. Wait... why do I get the feeling you're serious?
                                • 1871. Option - We are seriously desperate.Player - You just confirmed our next move. Stay put and hope we make it back.
                                  • 1872. - Death by Toborro or slow suicide with the Republic. Perhaps I have chosen poorly.
                                • 1875. Option - Define "suicidal."Player - What does Toborro have guarding these mining platforms?
                                  • 1876. - With a steady supply of raw isotope-5, my former employer can power a multitude of devices designed to exterminate all trespassers.
                                • 1879. Option - Someone lock up this Hutt.Player - I don't trust this mound of flab as far as I can throw him. Stick him someplace secure--and small.
                                  • 1880. - An orbit-capable shuttle would do nicely. Joking.
                                    • 1882. - We need to deactivate all of Toborro's mining platforms. That's the only way to slow Makeb's destruction until we can get the ark's fuel rods.
                                      • 1884. - I fear it won't be as easy as flipping switches. The platforms and their control rooms will be heavily defended.
                                        • 1885. Option - I expect a challenge.Player - Everything on this planet has been an ordeal--I'd hate to break our perfect record. But don't worry, those drilling lasers are going offline.
                                          • 1886. - If they don't, I doubt we'll see each other again.
                                        • 1889. Option - How will we get to them?Player - Surely Toborro has the platforms rigged to shoot down any incoming shuttles.
                                          • 1890. - Thanks to Doctor Oggurobb's craft, we know what transponder frequency Toborro uses to identify "friendly" airspeeders. We'll fake them out.
                                        • 1893. Option - I'll kill the defenders.Player - When it comes to body count, Makeb's groundquakes have nothing on me.
                                          • 1894. - I suspect that's not an exaggeration.
                                            • 1896. - I'll have a transport to the mining platforms prepped for you immediately. Keep us apprised of your progress.
                                              • 1702. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1691. - Get to the Sanctuary research base and capture Doctor Oggurobb. Good luck.
  • 1712. - Ah, you're here. Good news: Tarlam's refugees evacuated safely--and no fresh reports of Toborro's droids. You bought us time... and we'll need it.
    • 1714. - This is Gez Addar, one of the Republic's top engineers and a brave man for coming down here.
      • 1715. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 1716. - Couldn't pass up a chance to thank the legendary Jedi who saved Coruscant. I was there when you stopped the Planet Prison.
          • 1717. Option - That mission was top secret.Player - I'm surprised you know anything about that. It wasn't common knowledge at the time.
            • 1718. - I heard about it well after the fact. Nothing like belatedly realizing you escaped certain doom.
        • 1723. - Of all the Jedi, you're the one I've been most excited to meet. I'd love to pick your brain about holocron design.
          • 1724. Option - Later, of course.Player - Holocrons are more than merely technology. I'll happily discuss them with you--once we're all safely off Makeb.
            • 1725. - I'll need time to think up questions, anyway.
        • 1730. - Major, it's an honor. I have a complete collection of Havoc Squad holovids. Your army's victory on Corellia? Amazing.
          • 1731. Option - I was only doing my duty.Player - I'm just a soldier doing a job. Some jobs are bigger than others.
            • 1732. - From what I hear, this job's your biggest yet. Evacuating a whole planet... incredible.
        • 1737. - Captain, I was working at the Republic shipyards you saved from the Voidwolf. Any chance I can get your autograph--or a few hours to explore your ship?
          • 1738. Option - I'll sign something, sure.Player - I don't like people poking around my ship. Autographs are no problem.
            • 1739. - Fantastic. Here, you can scratch the screen on this datapad....
        • 1744. - Never thought I'd get to meet one of the Republic's top ten most famous heroes. Somebody pinch me.
          • 1745. Option - I'd rather just say hello.Player - Pleased to meet you.
            • 1746. - This is the high point of my year. They called me crazy for volunteering to come down. Who's laughing now?
        • 1751. - I can't tell you what an incredible honor it is to meet you all. They stream holovids of you constantly to the fleet.
          • 1752. Option - More than combat, I hope.Player - There's a lot more to what we do than battling the Empire. My friends and I help people in need.
            • 1753. - That's why I'm here. Can't let you take all that risk alone.
          • 1756. Option - We're all heroes here.Player - By risking your life to land on Makeb, you've shown great courage. Such acts inspire others.
            • 1757. - Think I'll wind up in a holovid, too? Give my parents something to show the neighbors? That'd be something.
          • 1760. Option - Those vids are embellished.Player - Trust me, they edit those things to make us look good. We're just people fighting for the Republic.
            • 1761. - Sure, and Coruscant's just a planet.
          • 1764. Option - I should be earning royalties.Player - How often do you see my face, on average? I really need to get a talent agent collecting credits on these things....
            • 1765. - You're the most legendary privateer in the galaxy. People should be paying you to dock at their stations.
              • 1766. Player - I've been saying the same thing for years.
          • 1768. Option - Can you tell us about the ark?Player - Have you verified Toborro's claim that the ark will only run on isotope-5?
            • 1769. - I analyzed the ark schematics. Despite them being borderline incomprehensible, I can now say with authority that they reveal Toborro's threat is authentic.
          • 1772. Option - Boy, you're a slick one.Player - I thought you were a scientist. Sounds more like you're running for the Senate.
            • 1773. - I'm good with machines, but people are my real passion.
              • 1775. - Gez just made it through the analysis of the ark schematics. I'm sad to report that Toborro wasn't lying.
                • 1777. - The ark was specifically built to run on isotope-5. It's the only energy source capable of pushing that massive vessel through Makeb's atmosphere.
                  • 1781. Option - Can you explain isotope-5?Player - I still haven't heard a decent explanation for what that substance is. What makes isotope-5 so special?
                    • 1782. - It appears to be a radioactive variant of illerium unique to Makeb's planetary core. From what little I've examined, it's nearly a template element.
                      • 1978. - Isotope-5 can be modified into all manner of useful configurations, including a potent fuel source. But I'm no expert.
                  • 1778. Option - Toborro's droids run on it.Player - Those war droids Toborro sent to attack Tarlam also ran on isotope-5. Maybe we could convert their power cores into fuel?
                    • 1779. - You'd be acquiring it in such small amounts that we'd never get enough before Makeb's core goes critical.
                  • 1784. Option - Some help you are.Player - That's it? You don't have a plan to fix it? What kind of engineer are you?
                    • 1785. - We have to be realistic. Makeb's days are numbered, and dropping quickly. Isotope-5 is our only solution.
                      • 1787. - Then we need the real brains behind the Hutt Cartel's operations here: Doctor Juvard Illip Oggurobb. And we know where he is.
                        • 1789. - Whoa--the only five-time winner of the Bao-Dur Science Prize is on Makeb? Are you saying he designed the ark?
                          • 1791. - Probably those droids, too. Doctor Oggurobb has been holed up at the Sanctuary research complex since before his people invaded. If anyone knows about isotope-5, it's him.
                            • 1792. Option - Point me at him.Player - Sounds like we're headed for Sanctuary. We need a full briefing, and quick. I can feel the ground shifting while we stand here.
                            • 1794. Option - This doctor is a Hutt, too?Player - Why would a Hutt scientist help us at all? Isn't he with the Cartel?
                              • 1795. - Doctor Oggurobb is well respected across the galaxy. For a Hutt, he's pretty reasonable.
                            • 1798. Option - He'll talk, or die.Player - I've never met a Hutt who had a spine. I'll get this Doctor Oggurobb on our side--in pieces, if that's what it takes.
                              • 1799. - I doubt it'll come to that. Smart people know when to surrender.
                                • 1801. - The Sanctuary research complex is one of the most advanced experimental laboratories in the galaxy. It's on an isolated mesa completely under Hutt control.
                                  • 1803. - There's no telling what sort of defenses a genius like Doctor Oggurobb has there, and you'll be going in blind.
                                    • 1805. - There are data access terminals on Sanctuary's testing grounds. Try accessing one--it might let you disable any unwelcome surprises. Otherwise, good luck.
                                      • 1812. Option - Time to kidnap a Hutt.Player - I don't care how well defended Sanctuary is--I'm tougher. I'll have Doctor Oggurobb back in time for dinner.
                                        • 1813. - I have no plans to feed him. It would cost a fortune.
                                      • 2350. Option - [Flirt] Will you miss me?Player - I promise to stay alive. You'll be worried sick the whole time I'm gone, won't you?
                                        • 2352. - I've been worried sick since before you landed on Makeb.
                                      • 1808. Option - Are you sure about all this?Player - Why can't we just go after Toborro? He's the one with the ark's fuel.
                                        • 1809. - We're only getting one chance at this--we can't afford to be wrong about anything. Doctor Oggurobb has the knowledge we need.
                                          • 1815. - And please, for the love of science--don't hurt Doctor Oggurobb. I didn't bring a way to preserve his brain.
                                            • 1698. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.exp.01.makeb.world_arc.republic.hub_2.multi.shalim
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