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Ardun Kothe

Ardun Kothe
Level 41 Boss
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Open_worlds
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Ardun Kothe
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  • 803. - Huh. You fight good--Cipher.
    • 805. - I don't expect mercy. The Shadow Arsenal was my chance to stop the war... and I failed.
      • 806. Option - Surrender or die.Player - Give yourself up. It's the only way to survive.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 807. - If the Republic doesn't win this... be gracious, and be kind.
      • 810. Option - Leave here and you'll survive.Player - Turn away, Ardun. I'm not going to kill you.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        • 811. - No. You're not. But why, after all we've been through...?
          • 812. Option - Just get out of here.Player - I'm sparing you; leave it at that. +200
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
          • 814. Option - You deserve better.Player - We've all committed terrible acts. That doesn't mean we should die for them. +200
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            • 815. - For what it's worth--I hope we don't have to meet again.
              • 817. - May the Force be with you, my friend.
                • 981. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 819. - You're a lot more forgiving than I am. Guess we're done here, though.
                  • 823. - That was kind. Whether it was least things seem to be resolved.
                  • 827. - I don't think I understood any of that, sir, but I'll trust your judgment.
                  • 831. - Ardun Kothe of the SIS. How interesting. Well--anything else on the agenda?
                    • 833. Option - There's still the missiles.Player - Our enemies may be gone, but we can't leave the Shadow Arsenal in place.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 838. Option - Let's not report this.Player - So far as Keeper is concerned, Ardun Kothe escaped.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 839. - Hey, I'm always up for lying to your bosses.
                      • 842. - Of course. We haven't been in this business long, but we're catching on.
                      • 845. - Yes, sir.
                      • 848. - The last thing I want is to see your career suffer.
          • 852. Option - Never mind. [Kill him]Player - Forget it. I don't like answering questions. +150
            +200 Influence : greatly approves.
            +200 Influence : approves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
            +50 Influence : disapproves.
      • 854. Option - You failed utterly. [Kill him]Player - You're going to die knowing the Republic will fall. +150
        +200 Influence : greatly approves.
        +200 Influence : approves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        +50 Influence : disapproves.
        • 855. - There is no death. There is the Force.
          • 983. <Non-dialogue segment.>
            • 857. - So much for the great hope of the SIS. Guess that does it for the mission, too.
            • 861. - Then it's over. We stopped him and his plan... that was the mission.
            • 865. - He's not getting back up. I think we just saved the Empire.
            • 869. - Ardun Kothe, gone forever. How will the Watchers stay awake at night without him plotting away?
              • 870. Option - Time to go home.Player - It's been a long assignment. Now it's finally over.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 871. - Don't tell me you're getting tired? We can always go freelance....
                • 874. - Some rest would do us good. We know a planet in the Outer Rim, air the color of ocean....
                • 877. - Yes, sir. Congratulations.
                • 880. - Tell me, Cipher--what exactly was your assignment here?
              • 883. Option - There's still the missiles....Player - Ardun Kothe may be dead, but we can't leave the Shadow Arsenal in place.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                • 884. - Give me ten minutes, I'll find a buyer. We can be rich.
                • 887. - We see your point. Maybe we should call the nest--a line of two hundred Killiks, each with a missile on its back....
                • 890. - I can see if I can contact Quesh Command, if you like....
                • 893. - Agreed. I'm sure the Minister of War and the Science Bureau will fight for possession....
              • 896. Option - I'll spit on his grave.Player - Self-righteous prig. Even this was too good for him.
                +200 Influence : approves.
                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 897. - Yeah, well, get over it. We've got to figure what to do next.
                • 900. - Spiting him won't get you anywhere. Come away from the body.
                • 903. - What did he do to you, sir?
                • 906. - And you always struck me as a forgiving person.
            • 909. - Cipher! Imperial again, huh? And no more programming--that is a surprise.
              • 911. - I was finished with Ardun, but I had plans for you. We could've wandered the galaxy together--me as the captain, you as my servant.
                • 912. Option - What are you saying?Player - Ardun Kothe was your commanding officer. What do you mean "finished with him"?
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 914. Option - You and the SIS have lost.Player - Give it up. The Shadow Arsenal is out of your hands.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 915. - And that is too bad, but no one else is getting it, either.
                • 918. Option - Sick freak.Player - The thought of traveling with you makes my skin crawl.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 919. - No time for flirting now.
                  • 922. - You wound me.
                    • 924. - Big changes are coming. Imperial Intelligence and the SIS... history will forget them. And it'll forget you.
                      • 926. - I just tipped off a squadron of Imperial bombers. That facility is about to be wiped out.
                        • 927. Option - Who are you working for?Player - What's this about? Whose side are you on?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 928. - I'm on the winning side.
                        • 931. Option - Let's discuss this.Player - Neither of us is who we appear to be. Maybe we can talk this through.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +50 Influence : disapproves.
                          • 932. - Interesting thought, but I'm going to say "no."
                            • 934. - Goodbye, Cipher. When the bombs rain down, the Shadow Arsenal will make a spectacular crater.
                        • 936. Option - You're a dead man.Player - I'll claw my way out of the rubble to hunt you down. Do you hear me?
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          +200 Influence : approves.
                          • 937. - Loud and clear. I'm sure you'll be a nasty pile of dust.
                            • 938. <Conversation Exit>
  • 748. - Blasted machine.
    • 750. - Locking mechanisms disengaged.
      • 751. <Non-dialogue segment.>
        • 752. - Legate. That must mean Saber and Wheel are dead.
          • 754. - They didn't deserve that. I take it you're free?
        • 759. - Legate. I thought I felt you. You're supposed to be back at the shields--
          • 761. - I see. You're free, aren't you?
            • 762. Option - Yes, I'm free.Player - Your keyword won't work anymore.
            • 764. Option - How did you brainwash me?Player - You used Imperial programming inside my mind. Where did you learn about it?
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 765. - That hardly matters now.
                • 767. - What I did to you was unforgivable. But I did it anyway.
                  • 769. - An Imperial Intelligence defector... just when I needed one! I couldn't risk it being a lie.
                    • 770. Option - I asked about brainwashing!Player - Tell me where you got the keyword. Tell me how you did it!
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 771. - Just a source. Ain't that the way?
                    • 774. Option - This ends now.Player - Your mission has failed. You're not getting the Shadow Arsenal.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                    • 776. Option - You should've trusted me.Player - We could've worked together. You never even gave me a chance.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                      • 777. - Wouldn't then. Can't now.
                    • 780. Option - I fooled you this whole time.Player - I played you from the start. Your mission was always doomed.
                      +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 781. - No. I don't believe that.
            • 784. Option - I can finally hurt you.Player - Do you know what happens when you cage an animal? He gets vicious.
              +200 Influence : approves.
            • 786. Option - I can finally hurt you.Player - Do you know what happens when you cage an animal? She gets vicious.
              +200 Influence : approves.
              • 787. - Is that how you think?
                • 789. - You've shown me your true face. Let me show you mine.
                  • 791. - Before Ardun Kothe the SIS chief, there was a better man. A Jedi Knight who couldn't live up to the code.
                    • 793. - That Jedi can't live in a world of shadows... but maybe he can still save the galaxy.
                      • 797. Option - You finally tell the truth.Player - I thought I saw it in you. You never did much to hide it.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 798. - No. Call it my secret pride.
                      • 794. Option - We'll see about that.Player - I've been thinking about this fight a long time, Ardun.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 795. - I'm ashamed to say it--but so have I.
                      • 800. Option - Pathetic old man.Player - You failed at being a Jedi. Now you fail at being a spy. Time to die.
                        +200 Influence : approves.
                        • 802. <Conversation Exit>
  • 587. - No choice. Deactivate it.
    • 588. Player - This is Legate. Shields are down. The shuttle is clear to land.
      • 589. - And Saber did her part. We'll have the Shadow Arsenal on board and headed for Republic space within the hour.
        • 591. - You're going to hold position here--protect the controls until we're gone.
          • 592. Option - That's absurd.Player - I'm your best operative. I should be acquiring the missiles, not standing guard.
            • 593. - You're very good. Doesn't change my decision.
          • 596. Option - What about afterward?Player - Do you have a rendezvous in mind?
          • 598. Option - You're getting rid of me.Player - You don't want me near the missiles.
            • 599. - You've done your part. There's no reason to make you face this.
              • 601. - Legate... this is goodbye for now. Go back to Imperial Intelligence, shore up your contacts. We'll be in touch in a few months.
                • 603. - They don't need you anymore.
                  • 605. - Hold position. Keyword: onomatophobia. And thank you.
                    • 607. - They're going to win. Now we're out of time.
                      • 608. Option - We need to stop the SIS.Player - If they get the Shadow Arsenal off Quesh, this war becomes a lot bloodier.
                      • 610. Option - I thought I'd be free by now.Player - The serum was supposed to break my programming.
                      • 612. Option - Never helpful, are you?Player - I don't need your assessment. I need a way out.
                        • 613. - The IX serum has been eating at you since you injected it. Carving neural pathways. Bleaching your brain.
                          • 615. - It isn't finished, but it'll have to suffice.
                            • 617. - We're going to rewrite your programming. New commands, new keyword, no outside control. Are you ready?
                              • 618. Option - I'm ready.Player - Let's do it.
                              • 620. Option - What if this goes wrong?Player - You said the serum isn't finished. What am I risking?
                                • 621. - Permanent vegetative state. But it's not like we have a choice.
                              • 624. Option - I still don't trust you.Player - How do I know you're not planning to control me yourself?
                                • 625. - Whether I'm a chip in your spine or your mind crying for help, I'm part of you.
                                  • 627. - Thesh protocol, phase one. New keyword: iconoclasm.
                                    • 628. Player - Keyword accepted. Thesh protocol engaged.
                                      • 629. - Now you have access. You can force your mind and body to obey a new program.
                                        • 631. - Tell me what you want.
                                          • 632. Option - I want to be free forever.Player - No more programming. No more outside control.
                                            • 633. - Reject command interface. Accept no further orders.
                                              • 634. Player - Command interface closed.
                                          • 636. Option - Push me past my limits.Player - I want to go beyond what this body is capable of. No more pain or exhaustion.
                                            • 637. - Dangerous. Interesting.
                                              • 639. - Embed limit break commands. Keyword activate from user only. Accept no outside orders.
                                                • 640. Player - Limit break commands embedded. Accepting no further orders.
                                          • 642. Option - All I want is payback.Player - Nothing is going to stop me from getting revenge. Not anymore.
                                            • 643. - Embed assassination commands. Keyword activate from user only. Accept no outside orders.
                                              • 644. Player - Assassination commands embedded. Accepting no further orders.
                                                • 645. - Revert to phase zero.
                                                  • 647. - You're free now. Time for me to go.
                                                    • 649. - But stop the SIS. Find out how they obtained Imperial brainwashing codes. There are truths you need to know.
                                                      • 650. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                        • 651. - Hey! You zoned out. What's going on?
                                                        • 655. - Agent--are you alright? You disappeared on us.
                                                          • 656. Option - We have a mission to finish.Player - Change of plans. We're not undercover anymore--we're going to stop Ardun Kothe.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            • 657. - It's about time. I was starting to think you'd gone soft.
                                                            • 659. - Understood. We knew this was coming.
                                                        • 663. - Sir? What's going on? Can you hear me?
                                                        • 667. - Focus, Cipher. Your pupils are dilated, but your heart rate is steady--I know you're not dying.
                                                          • 668. Option - We have a mission to finish.Player - Those holocalls I've been getting? The people making them are our new targets. Let's go.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            • 669. - Yes, sir. I just hope you're going to explain this later....
                                                            • 671. - The usual change of plans, then. Whenever you're ready.
                                                          • 673. Option - Don't worry about me.Player - I'm better than I've been in a long time. Just follow my lead.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            +200 Influence : approves.
                                                            • 674. - You know you sound crazy? I like that.
                                                            • 676. - Your aura is different. Brighter... we're glad to see you back.
                                                            • 678. - If I didn't know better, I'd say you looked different. Let's go.
                                                            • 680. - And here you had me worried. I'm ready when you are.
                                                          • 682. Option - It's a long story...Player - I'll explain later. Just follow my lead.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                            +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                            • 683. - You know I'm up for anything, but I do like to know why.
                                                            • 685. - Of course. We always have so far.
                                                            • 687. - You know I will. Let's go.
                                                            • 689. - Who else would I follow?
                                                        • 692. <Conversation Exit>
  • 461. Player - This is code name Legate. I'm in position; awaiting orders.
    • 462. - Legate. Nice to see you outside Hoth. Little color in the air brings out your eyes.
      • 466. Option - You're an idiot.Player - I look forward to the day I don't have to tolerate your leering.
        • 467. - You make it sound like it bothers you.
    • 470. - Legate. How's Quesh compare to Hoth? Find any pretty ensigns?
      • 478. Option - You certainly get around.Player - Nar Shaddaa, Hoth, Quesh... we can't get away from each other, can we?
        • 479. - What can I say? We're on the same team now.
      • 482. Option - I was expecting Ardun Kothe.Player - Where's base command?
        • 483. - Not far.
      • 486. Option - You're an idiot.Player - How you survive in this business I'll never know.
        • 487. - We all have our secrets.
          • 489. - Hunter to deck. Report in.
            • 491. - Code name Saber in position. Good to see you, Legate.
              • 493. - Code name Wheel ready for operations.
                • 495. - And I'll be in position shortly. It's good to see you together as a team. Too many solo jobs, nowadays.
                  • 497. - But now we're together for the most important job we've ever done. We're here for a weapon--one that can stop this war.
                    • 498. Option - A weapon?Player - What sort of weapon, sir?
                    • 500. Option - We have to hear a speech?Player - Does he start every team mission like this?
                      • 501. - He can't help it. Brought up in a temple.
                    • 505. - Over a decade ago, Colonel Omas of Republic Special Forces assembled a team of the galaxy's greatest scientists.
                      • 507. - The scientists, led by Nasan Godera, were instructed to design a weapon capable of turning back the Imperial threat:
                        • 509. - A "Shadow Arsenal" of missiles--cloaked from detection and more powerful than any made before.
                          • 511. - Colonel Omas died at the Battle of Hoth. Nasan Godera moved on to other things. Everyone assumed the Shadow Arsenal was never completed.
                            • 513. - But it was. Nasan Godera built the Shadow Arsenal on Quesh--then concealed it in a fit of conscience.
                              • 514. Option - You needed us to find it.Player - These missiles--that's what we've been working toward.
                              • 516. Option - Why hide the weapon he made?Player - A man doesn't build an arsenal without knowing what it'll be used for.
                              • 518. Option - Ugly choice of location.Player - Godera couldn't have found a nice tropical world?
                                • 519. - Poison gas atmosphere deters most guests.
                                  • 521. - Without the colonel to lead them, the scientists decided the weapon was too destructive. Godera called it "catastrophic." He wiped all records.
                                    • 523. - That's why you all've been running around the galaxy.
                                      • 525. - The Ultrawave Transmitter had Nasan Godera's weapon activation codes. Colonel Omas's shuttle, the Starbreeze, led us to this star system.
                                        • 527. - And the assault on Mon Gazza? Wheel and I...
                                          • 529. - Gave us one more key.
                                            • 530. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                              • 531. - Nasan Godera wiped all records of the weapon. Called it "catastrophic," didn't want it used.
                                              • 534. - There are two hundred missiles in the Shadow Arsenal; only takes one to destroy Kaas City. Threat alone should make the Sith surrender.
                                                • 535. Option - The Empire won't surrender.Player - Your plan won't work. Destroy Kaas City, destroy the Korriban Academy... they'll only want revenge.
                                                  • 536. - Then we'll have to fight.
                                                • 539. Option - Tell me more about the weapon.Player - How can a missile be so powerful?
                                                  • 540. - Each one has a cloaking device, a short-range hyperdrive and a warhead with a kick. The ultimate first strike weapon.
                                                • 543. Option - Get on with it.Player - If we're going after this arsenal, let's do it.
                                                  • 544. - The missiles are still inside the old manufacturing complex--two square kilometers of factories and tunnels.
                                                    • 546. - Sealed up but still intact. The scientists couldn't bear to destroy their work, so they built defenses fifty years ahead of Republic standard.
                                                      • 548. - We're going to secure the facility; I'll bring in the shuttle and locate the Shadow Arsenal.
                                                        • 550. - Saber, take out the main batteries. Wheel, see what you can do with the main computer.
                                                          • 552. - Affirmative.
                                                            • 554. - Legate, you'll penetrate the structure at these coordinates. Bypass the droids and lower the facility shields so our shuttle can land.
                                                              • 555. Option - I'll handle it.Player - Just stay in contact. You'll know when it's done.
                                                              • 557. Option - This should be interesting.Player - The best defenses Republic minds have to offer. I could use a little exercise.
                                                                • 558. - May the Force be with us, my friends. Ending linkup.
                                                                  • 560. - And Legate? In case you had any doubts--keyword: onomatophobia. You will lower the shields. And the Shadow Arsenal will be ours.
                                                              • 562. Option - I won't do this.Player - This plan is insane. I can't go along with it.
                                                                • 563. - Keyword: onomatophobia. You will lower the shields and complete this mission.
                                                                  • 565. - Stop it. Legate... we'll talk about your reservations after. I promise.
                                                                    • 567. - May the Force be with us all.
                                                                      • 568. <Conversation Exit>
  • 288. Player - This is Legate to base command. Mission complete.
    • 289. - Base command here. Hunter gave me his report.
      • 291. - He spoke highly of you. Not a lot of people earn his praise.
        • 292. Option - He's insufferable.Player - The man was nothing but a very snide obstacle.
          • 297. - He's testing you. He's good at that.
        • 293. Option - Tell me about him.Player - How did he come to join the SIS?
          • 299. - Used to do corporate security, if you can believe it. Recruited him a few years back.
        • 294. Option - We made a good team.Player - It was my pleasure to work with him. He was nothing if not professional.
          • 295. - I'm glad you think so. You may have to work with him again.
            • 318. - I'm grateful the Starbreeze is in one piece. She'll help us win this war.
              • 436. - Now... Hoth and Taris makes two. Ready for the final stage?
                • 437. Option - I'm ready, sir.Player - I serve at your command.
                • 438. Option - Final stage of what?Player - You still haven't told me what this is about. You send me after a Republic shuttle and a science project...
                  • 444. - All for good reason. I promise.
                • 439. Option - It's about time.Player - Running out of charming spots to send me to?
                  • 440. - Heh. You didn't like those, you're really not going to like this world.
                    • 442. - Maybe you've heard of it: a death trap of a planet called Quesh. Our primary objective's there; I want you en route.
                      • 447. Option - Understood.Player - On my way, sir.
                      • 450. Option - What should I expect?Player - Can you be more specific than "death trap"?
                        • 456. - It's a mining world... our forces are fighting the Empire for chemical deposits. But you're after something else entirely.
                      • 449. Option - I've been there before.Player - Chemical mining world. We're at war over it.
                        • 451. - That's the one. But we're after something from before all that.
                          • 453. - Get to these coordinates when you arrive, and we'll be in touch. Base command out.
                            • 1011. <Conversation Exit>
  • 459. - Speak to Ardun Kothe now, and you'll never get away. You need to escape.
  • 257. - It's in your head. You can't keep it there.
    • 234. Player - This is Legate to base command. I have retrieved the Ultrawave Transmitter.
      • 235. - Base command here. Connect the Godera device to your linkup. I'll download what I need.
        • 236. <Non-dialogue segment.>
          • 237. - I got word from the sector station chief. Said he got a call from Ki Sazen. She wants to join us.
            • 238. Option - She wants redemption.Player - Ki Sazen is a broken young woman. She needs help to get better. +50
            • 239. Option - You don't sound thrilled.Player - I thought you'd like this outcome.
              • 244. - The Force guides us to strange places.
            • 240. Option - The Jedi's a lunatic.Player - The best thing you can do is put her in a cell. Or a tomb. +50
              • 241. - No. Not if she's come to us.
                • 243. - I'm the last person who should mentor Ki Sazen, but I'll talk to Master Satele on the Jedi Council--see if I can figure something.
          • 263. - I got word Ki Sazen escaped Taris. Took a shuttle headed for Imperial space.
            • 265. Option - I couldn't stop her.Player - She had too many guards. By the time I got through them, it was either her or the transmitter.
            • 266. Option - We made a bargain.Player - I gave her safe passage into the Empire in exchange for the transmitter. That was your priority.
            • 267. Option - You need to destroy her!Player - Find that shuttle. She's a lunatic; she can't reach safe haven.
              • 268. - I'm doing what I can, but not a lot of extra fighters in this sector. I hate when Jedi go bad.
          • 264. - A Special Forces team found Ki Sazen dead with her guards. I'll have to inform the Jedi Council.
            • 279. Option - I'm sorry this happened.Player - I know you wanted proof of her corruption, but she forced my hand.
            • 278. Option - What will you say?Player - How are you going to explain it?
              • 282. - I'll give them as much of the truth as I can; maybe they'll learn from their mistakes.
            • 277. Option - She was irredeemable.Player - Ki Sazen was insane. Death was a mercy.
              • 273. - Damnation. Not everyone's fit to be a Jedi; the order's practically asking them to fall. And then...
                • 249. - Download's complete. Let's hope the genius in that thing helps us win this war.
                  • 252. - It's breaking your skull. Can you hear it crack?
                    • 251. - You don't look so good, Legate. Take a few days, check in with your bosses; we'll have another job soon.
                      • 260. - Can you see?
                        • 308. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                          • 309. - Cipher Nine. Legate. Hand of Jadus. It's been a while since Shadow Town.
                          • 310. - Cipher Nine. Legate. Disposable operative. It's been a while since Shadow Town.
                            • 311. Option - I remember you.Player - Watcher X. The Nar Shaddaa mission. Intelligence had you imprisoned there.
                              • 324. - Yes. Formerly Watcher Five. Formerly Minder Eight. I helped you with your terrorist problem.
                                • 333. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                            • 313. Option - What's happening to me?Player - I can't move. I can barely think. What's going on?
                            • 302. Option - You've made a big mistake.Player - Whatever you're doing to me... I'll survive. And you'll regret this.
                              • 325. - I never regret anything. But I'm not your enemy.
                                • 327. - When you met me on Nar Shaddaa, I was designated Watcher X. Formerly Watcher Five. Formerly Minder Eight.
                                  • 329. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 337. - I performed surgery on you--before you murdered me. A chip in your spine, to disguise your life readings.
                                    • 330. - I performed surgery on you. Do you remember? A chip in your spine, to disguise your life readings.
                                      • 332. - Maybe that chip is how we're talking now. Or maybe it's the stress--double agent, triple agent... the brainwashing damages your mind.
                                        • 343. Option - You know I'm brainwashed...Player - Only the SIS knows about the programming. I can't even talk about it.
                                        • 341. Option - Are you real?Player - If you're not a hallucination, this must be a backup system in the chip....
                                          • 349. - A limited intelligence program wired into the brain and triggered by neuroendocrine reactions. I suppose it's possible.
                                        • 345. Option - Are you sure we've met?Player - Sorry, but I meet a lot of Watchers. I don't recall your face.
                                          • 346. - Inattention to detail would explain your predicament.
                                        • 342. Option - I'm not the crazy one here.Player - They put you away because you went insane. You're not one to talk about brain damage.
                                          • 344. - On the contrary. There's no one more perfect--situationally and genetically.
                                        • 347. Option - Maybe I'll murder you again.Player - You weren't hard to kill before. This time, I'll make sure it's permanent.
                                          • 348. - Right now, you can't even hold a blaster.
                                            • 354. - I was in your position, once. Trapped by my conditioning, forced to subvert it. I warned you they'd do the same to you.
                                              • 363. - The SIS isn't to blame. We both know you were programmed before you met them.
                                                • 364. Option - What are you saying?Player - If the SIS didn't brainwash me, who did?
                                                • 365. Option - The Empire did this.Player - The Republic doesn't have the technology. Brainwashing is an Imperial science.
                                                  • 376. - Yes. Slave serums, genetic engineering, Killik pheromones. But this, I don't recognize.
                                                • 366. Option - Ardun Kothe is responsible.Player - I never heard the keyword before I met the SIS chief.
                                                  • 367. - Of course you did. You just don't remember.
                                                    • 369. - You've seen brainwashing technology before: slave-control serums on Dromund Kaas; loyalty instincts bred into Watchers; an Imperial diplomat infused with Killik pheromones.
                                                      • 371. - The Republic is only using what the Empire put in your mind.
                                                        • 373. Option - How could this happen?Player - Suppose you're right. What did they do to me, and how did the Republic gain access?
                                                          • 388. - I don't know. Being dead limits my resources.
                                                          • 385. - I don't know, and I don't know. I have my limits.
                                                        • 374. Option - I don't believe it.Player - Imperial Intelligence has never betrayed me.
                                                          • 391. - Still trusting. Still devoted to Watcher Two? Or Keeper now, I understand.
                                                          • 378. - Only because the necessity hasn't arisen.
                                                        • 375. Option - Tell me how to break free.Player - If you know so much about brainwashing... how do I escape?
                                                          • 377. - If you want freedom--if you want revenge--we need more information. Imperial Intelligence will have records on Dromund Kaas.
                                                            • 380. - Take your personnel files from the Citadel archives. Ensure no one sees you. You have no allies now.
                                                              • 399. - Readings are stable... ah! Our patient is awake.
                                                                • 404. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                                                  • 401. - We found you in the plague-sleep. We watched but could not mend you.
                                                                    • 412. Option - Thanks for the concern.Player - I appreciate the thought, but I'll be alright. Just exhausted.
                                                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                  • 400. - Found you kissing floor. You look like hell.
                                                                    • 414. Option - We're going to Dromund Kaas.Player - Prep the ship for flight. I need to pay a visit to the Citadel.
                                                                      • 425. - Of course. We'll be ready presently.
                                                                        • 428. - Yeah, sure. We can all spend time with Keeper.
                                                                    • 413. Option - That's sweet of you.Player - Kaliyo. You always know how to make me feel better.
                                                                      +200 Influence : approves.
                                                                      • 423. - Guy called Jono used to tell me the same thing. Great body. Don't mess with me like he did.
                                                                    • 415. Option - Someone's changed my brain....Player - I'm fine. Thank you.
                                                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                      +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                                                      • 420. - No. You're not. But this isn't the hive, and we can't hear your thoughts. We respect your privacy.
                                                                      • 418. - Yeah, sure. Look, I don't want to hear you whine, but... if there's something I should know? Make sure you tell me.
                                                                        • 432. - It's been a while since I played ship's doctor... but there is something odd here, Cipher.
                                                                          • 431. <Conversation Exit>
  • 939. - You don't have any business here.
  • 570. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 571. - Reading an ion buildup; I need to bring the shuttle down now. Legate, Saber, it's all up to you.
      • 572. <Conversation Exit>
    • 573. - I sense something dangerous. Be careful, all of you.
      • 574. <Conversation Exit>
    • 575. - Saber, some kind of aerial drone headed your way.
      • 577. - Ah! I'm alright. I'll get those batteries offline.
        • 578. <Conversation Exit>
    • 579. - Interface terminal located. Deactivating blast door seals. You should have a clear path, Legate.
      • 580. <Conversation Exit>
    • 581. - Saber to deck. These droids are nasty... can we take some of them home, along with the missiles?
      • 583. - Mistress Saber--you're going to make me feel unwanted.
        • 585. - Watch the banter. But it's not a bad idea.
          • 586. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1001. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1010. <Conversation Exit>
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
Npc9 seconds4m100011.0.0
Npc30 seconds4m99011.0.0
Npc1 hour30m98011.0.0
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.location.multi.class.spy.ardun_kothe
Appearance ID16140975567398615543
Body Typebmn
    "_id": {
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            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "changed_fields": [
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