- Not bad hunting out there. You're no Mandalorian, but you pulled your weight.
21. Option - We must strike again soon.Player - The factory's damaged, but still functional. The longer we wait, the more droids it will produce for defense.
- Agreed, but my people have been at this awhile. You, me, and Khomo can plan in the morning, when the troops are fresh.
43. <Non-dialogue segment.>
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20. Option - All that talk about droids...Player - Since when is it dishonorable for a Mandalorian to be beaten by a droid? I've seen clans fight machines before.
- We'll talk in the morning, figure our next move when the troops are fresh.
54. <Non-dialogue segment.>
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22. Option - Your battle plan was a mess.Player - You sent troops to take the generator down at the same time I was firing on the site? That was your strategy?
88. Option - I'm glad to see your culture.Player - Not many Jedi get to live with Mandalorians, even for a short time. It'd be good to learn from one another.
- Maybe. Don't talk like that in front of the guys.
Link to Node 101
89. Option - It's good to be with soldiers.Player - I've spent a lot of time with Sith and spies lately. You may not be SpecForce, but I could use a night trading war stories.
90. Option - I'm glad to party with Mandos.Player - Not a lot of Mandalorians talk to me without pointing guns. I bet we've got more in common than you'd think.
93. Option - I'm good at blending in.Player - Give me an hour, you'll think I was born Mandalorian. Give me two, you'll think I'd make a good Mandalore.
- Come on. I don't mind fighting, but it's good to see friends before dying.
Link to Node 60
48. Option - Tell me about yourself first.Player - If we're fighting together, I should know who you are. Torian, leader of Clan Cadera... what does that mean?
- I don't mind a good fight--struggle, honor, pretty much the same. But I'm tired of friends dying.
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38. Option - I'm in no mood to celebrate.Player - I'll pass on that "privilege." I don't drink when there are bodies on the ground and a battle still to win.