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Do Zonn

Do Zonn
Level 10 Ranged
Faction: Republic
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Tython
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Do Zonn
Other Sites:


  • 6. - I am pleased to see you return from Kaleth.
    • 8. - Forgive me for my impatience, but I would ask: Did you power the machine chamber? Was there anything there?
      • 9. Option - It was fascinating.Player - The machine created a hologram--made by the old Tythonians, I think. It gave me a data archive.
      • 13. Option - Not very much.Player - Just this crystal--some sort of storage device.
      • 15. Option - Yes--unlike some people.Player - I found more than you ever did digging through dirt out here.
        • 16. - We must each pursue our own methods. May I see what you have?
          • 18. - Astonishing--this is a Tythonian data crystal. I've never seen one intact.
            • 20. - This is a magnificent find, my friend. Do you know what it contains?
              • 25. Option - Inspiration.Player - A reminder of what the Jedi Order could be. An echo of our potential.
              • 27. Option - A weapon.Player - Knowledge to help us defeat our enemies.
                • 28. - A daring statement. I hope you speak truly.
              • 31. Option - Knowledge.Player - The wisdom of an old philosopher.
              • 33. Option - A better past.Player - Memories of peace, and of a gentler age.
                • 34. - How interesting. Something to look forward to, then.
              • 150. Option - No idea.Player - Not a clue.
                • 38. - Then I hope you'll return to me a few years from now, and we can find out together.
                  • 40. - Now go--achieve great things. I have my own humble mission to attend to.
                    • 41. <Conversation Exit>
  • 42. - Come back when you've returned power to the machine chamber of Kaleth.
  • 43. - Rest here, my friend. The air is cold, and the mountain paths are treacherous.
    • 45. - Words are unnecessary when the Force is with you.
      • 46. Option - Who are you?Player - What's a Jedi doing all the way out here?
      • 48. Option - Please, talk.Player - I'd like to hear your words anyway.
        • 49. - Then stay and we will speak a few moments.
          • 55. - My name is Do Zonn.
      • 58. Option - You can see my power.Player - Believe it--the Force is strong in me.
        • 59. - Is it? When a rock is swept down a flooded river, is the speed in the rock or in the water?
          • 61. - But forgive me--you didn't seek my view, and I have not introduced myself. I am Do Zonn.
            • 63. - I stand watch over Kaleth, and I walk the paths surrounding its grounds. I meditate upon my failure, and I learn of our past.
              • 163. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                • 164. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                  • 68. Option - Your failure?Player - What do you mean by your "failure," Do Zonn?
                  • 132. Option - Research?Player - Tell me what you've learned.
                    • 65. - Kaleth was the capital of the ancient Tythonian culture. Here, the old lords sought to balance their power.
                  • 74. Option - How dull.Player - You must live an exciting life.
                    • 75. - I accept my path.
                      • 77. - As a Padawan, I came to Kaleth. Here, I touched temptation and the dark side.
                        • 79. - Having failed once, I now act through other Jedi. Many help me find knowledge of ancient Tython.
                          • 80. Option - It seems worthwhile.Player - Your mission sounds like a noble one.
                          • 82. Option - A wise approach.Player - The search for knowledge always leads to light.
                            • 83. - You know the Jedi Code well.
                          • 133. Option - I'd like to assist.Player - Sounds like you could use my services.
                            • 87. - I am humbled by your offer. Thank you.
                              • 89. - The task is difficult but also... calming. I look at Kaleth from afar, but never touch. By trusting others to walk where I cannot, I broaden my perspective.
                          • 96. Option - You're pitiful.Player - So you were tempted once, and now you're afraid to return to Kaleth. Sounds to me like you're a coward.
                            • 97. - I'll meditate on your wisdom. In the meantime, however, would you entertain a request?
                              • 99. - Lately, I've learned of a chamber hidden in Upper Kaleth--one central to a Tythonian machine. I'd very much like to restore the chamber's power.
                                • 166. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                  • 167. <Non-dialogue segment.>
                                    • 102. Option - What does it do?Player - What sort of machine is this chamber part of?
                                    • 134. Option - Go on.Player - I'm listening.
                                    • 135. Option - That can't be smart.Player - I don't think that's a good idea.
                                      • 109. - The old scrolls describe it as a place of knowledge and speech. Beyond that, I don't know its function... but it should do harm to no one.
                                        • 111. - Without energy, the chamber has slept for millennia. Yet there are droids in the ruins that still function--and you might use their power cells to fuel the machine.
                                          • 157. Option - If I can, I will.Player - It's a good suggestion. I'll do what I can.
                                          • 136. Option - Sounds like a long shot.Player - Are you sure this will work?
                                            • 117. - The power cells are compatible, but I can't say what will happen once they're installed.
                                          • 120. Option - All for a mystery chamber?Player - That's a lot of effort for some old machinery.
                                            • 141. - It's your choice, Jedi.
                                              • 143. - You're certain, however, that the mystery of this chamber is best left untouched?
                                                • 124. Option - I can't resist.Player - You've got me curious. All right--I'll go restore power to the machine chamber.
                                                • 144. Option - Oh, all right.Player - Fine, you've convinced me.
                                                  • 125. - Then go and tend this electric garden. Plant the droids' seeds in the soil of the machine.
                                                    • 162. - Together, we'll bring the Tythonians' secrets to light.
                                                      • 126. <Conversation Exit>
                                                • 146. Option - Not my duty. [Refuse quest]Player - This isn't my line of work.
                                                  <Aborts Conversation>
                                                  • 128. - I thank you for hearing me out. May the Force be with you.
                                                    • 129. <Conversation Exit>
  • 1. - You have done a great service, Jedi. Thank you.
  • 130. - Are you certain you're ready to be in Kaleth?
  • 151. - These are the ruins of Kaleth. Pass with the Jedi's blessing.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16140997513004973391
Body Typebmn
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