- Oh, but it's never truly over is it? I'm still alive. Still planning. And now I've found a new challenge. Or rather--new challengers.
189. Option - You'll never win.Player - So long as there are brave souls like Deena Riss willing to sacrifice everything to stop you, all you can do is count the days until you're caught.
- Score one to you for saving Galactic City from the greatest plot of mass destruction ever conceived--but this game's only just begun. I'll see you around.
- You think you've won. But those files are heavily encrypted, and you're down one more SIS agent.
181. Option - You'll never win.Player - SIS will eventually crack your encryption. And more brave people will rise up to replace Deena Riss and stand in the way of madmen like you.
- And deprive us of the great chase? No, I don't think so.
204. <Non-dialogue segment.>
Link to Node 203
Link to Node 202
183. Option - I'm coming for you.Player - You're not the only one willing to cross lines, Shroud. You may want to sleep with a blaster from here on out.
- In his spying, the Shroud found something beyond what the Hutts were looking for. A challenge he could undertake. A weakness he could exploit--on Coruscant.
38. Option - A challenge?Player - You make it sound like this isn't personal to him--almost like it's a game.
- We don't know the exact nature of his attack on Coruscant, except that one of his top lieutenants reportedly resigned over its severity. Fled to the Empire.
- I've got budget envy. Data and environmental analysis, communications, even a special Miraluka interface.... Shroud spent a fortune on these things--which, ironically, you'll be using against him.
76. Option - May technology guide me.Player - Anything to make this madman's failure more likely, whether it be the Force or gadgetry.
- The Shroud's data is scattered among his lieutenants. We've got a lead on one, but you'll need to identify key relay points that will help us triangulate his precise location.
- I'll remain in constant contact, monitoring your incoming data to keep up with your progress. Working together, I know we can stop the Shroud. Good luck.
- He's planted a hyperspace beacon inside Galactic City! That remote-pilot dreadnaught, he plans to pull it out of hyperspace inside Coruscant's defenses! He's going to crash it!
- It's a manual for a remote piloting system. That would be for the dreadnaught. But he can't be sending it to Coruscant; planetary defenses would blow it to space dust.
- Good news is, you've given me enough to triangulate another lieutenant. You'll have to pinpoint the exact location yourself, but I have total faith. Riss out.
- That won't help us triangulate anything--but, you know, that is one of the Shroud's spy droids. Keep an eye out for more of those--they'll be worth tracking.