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Shae Vizla

Shae Vizla
Level 70-75 Shae Vizla
Faction: Friendly
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Alliance
SubCategory: Camp
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 6.2.0
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Shae Vizla
Other Sites:


  • 1. - Did you learn anything from the clans?
    • 3. - Nothing I haven't mentioned before. A lot of heated words. Some are saying Mandalorians are just glorified couriers.
      • 83. - Still unable to see past their next fight. All tactics and no strategy.
        • 85. - However restless you are in the position Mandalore, you sound like a leader.
          • 87. - I sound angry. My blaster is still a better negotiator than I will ever be.
            • 89. - What about the escort runs?
              • 7. - Silence, but only a fool would believe they haven't heard something.
                • 8. Player - What happened?
                  • 9. - Some of the cargo ships we were looking after ran into trouble--mostly scouts sniffing around, but one exchanged fire.
                    • 105. - We've been looking into it.
                      • 106. Player - Jekiah.
                        • 118. - Commander, we meet again.
                        • 107. - Master Jedi, we meet again.
                        • 109. - Colonel, we meet again.
                        • 110. - Commodore, we meet again.
                        • 112. - Lord Wrath, we meet again.
                        • 113. - Darth Occlus, we meet again.
                        • 114. - Darth Imperius, we meet again.
                        • 115. - Darth Nox, we meet again.
                        • 120. - Beroya, we meet again.
                        • 116. - Hunter, we meet again.
                        • 117. - Keeper, we meet again.
                        • 119. - Burc'ya, we meet again.
                          • 122. - I've been keeping an eye on you.
                            • 123. Player - And?
                              • 124. - Mandalore was right to stand by your side.
                                • 147. Option - Good to hear.Player - I do what I can.
                                  • 152. - Modesty. Hm.
                                    • 268. Player - Tell me more about these cargo runs.
                                • 148. Option - Let's get back to business.Player - Sounds like you should be watching someone else.
                                • 149. Option - That doesn't matter.Player - Stop wasting my time and focus.
                                  • 156. Player - Who would attack Mandalorian ships?
                                    • 13. - That's the real question. They're well-equipped and know our methods.
                                      • 43. Option - You need help?Player - What can I do?
                                        • 44. - Your offer is appreciated, but we have things in hand.
                                          • 45. Player - Any theories?
                                      • 16. Option - What's the plan?Player - You need to get ahead of this. Everyone knows the Mandalorians are looking after some very valuable goods. Very tempting.
                                        • 24. - Agreed. But it's not common bandits or even an ambitious cartel. This feels different. Like they're testing out defenses.
                                      • 17. Option - Move quickly.Player - This can't continue. Any hint of weakness and you'll waste time fending off anyone with a blaster.
                                        • 22. - I agree. Whatever's going on, it must stop.
                                          • 47. Player - Any leads?
                                            • 48. - It's not bandits. It's not even a cartel looking to make a mark. This feels different. Like they're testing our defenses.
                                              • 164. - I know you object Mandalore, but we must look closer to home.
                                                • 166. - I don't object. I just want to be sure.
                                                  • 54. - Would some of the clans really go that far?
                                                    • 56. - I'm not ruling it out. Like I said, there were some heated words.
                                                      • 169. Option - This can't be true.Player - Heated words are a far cry from exchanging fire.
                                                        • 170. - No argument here, but I've been around fighters long enough to know the difference between griping and anger.
                                                      • 168. Option - What are the facts?Player - Like Shae said, we need to know more before we jump to conclusions.
                                                        • 172. - I understand, but something is making my trigger finger itch.
                                                      • 50. Option - Not surprising.Player - The Mandalorians have a long history of fighting each other.
                                                        • 174. - It's in our blood.
                                                          • 31. - We should have clamped down harder on the clans when we had the chance. The wound has festered.
                                                            • 33. - No, Mandalorians aren't droids. We're best when we don't have some restraining bolt on our neck. Even if it costs us.
                                                              • 34. Option - You're right, Shae.Player - Agreed. You go too far and you risk losing control.
                                                                • 58. - And sometimes too much freedom leads to chaos and destruction.
                                                                  • 72. - Enough. We gave our word to protect those shipments and we will.
                                                              • 35. Option - Jekiah has a point.Player - It's much harder to clean up a mess than prevent it.
                                                                • 59. - First Jekiah and now you? You think Mandalorians need a nursemaid?
                                                                  • 61. Player - No, just a reminder of what's best for everyone.
                                                                    • 65. - I recall when leading was about being the strongest. Things have gotten complicated.
                                                              • 36. Option - Either way, end this now.Player - Put a stop to this or I will.
                                                                • 60. - It won't come to that. If your help is needed, we'll ask.
                                                                  • 63. - But enough talk, our agreements must continue. We gave our word those cargo transports would be safe.
                                                                    • 68. - Understood, Mandalore. I'll see if I can draw the enemy out. Can't fight what we can't see.
                                                                      • 70. - If I'm lucky, I'll make them mad enough to come out and play.
                                                                        • 182. - Jekiah out.
                                                                          • 77. - I'd prefer a fight to all this sneaking about.
                                                                            • 185. Player - Agreed.
                                                                            • 186. Player - Nothing wrong with sneaking around, but I get your meaning.
                                                                            • 187. Player - Agreed. Keep me informed.
                                                                            • 188. Player - If you uncover any new leads, pass them along.
                                                                            • 183. Player - Keep me posted.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance FQNnpp.companion.alliance.shae_vizla.mandalore_shae_vizla
Appearance ID16140937550479475461
Body Typebfn
    "_id": {
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    "ClassB62Id": "fyjyfQD",
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    "AbilityPackageB62IdList": [
    "MinLevel": 70,
    "MaxLevel": 75,
    "Faction": 11,
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        "ImperialReaction": "cbtAttitudeFriendly",
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        "LocalizedName": {
            "enMale": "Friendly",
            "frMale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "frFemale": "Alli\u00e9",
            "deMale": "Verb\u00fcndet",
            "deFemale": "Verb\u00fcndet"
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    "Toughness": "Standard",
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    "VendorPackages": [],
    "MovementPackage": "pkg.movement.companion",
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    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "6.2.0",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
    "current_version": "6.2.0a",
    "hash": "3139742504",
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    "changed_fields": [
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