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Lieutenant Larbec

Lieutenant Larbec
Heroic Mission
Level 15 Ranged
Faction: Empire
Reaction: Republic | Empire
Category: Location
SubCategory: Balmorra
Class Trainer: No
Vendor: No
Class Spec:
First Seen: 1.0.0a
Last Seen: 6.2.1a
Star Wars Name: Lieutenant Larbec
Other Sites:


  • 216. - You've returned from your mission against the resistance raiders. Excellent.
    • 218. - Was it a success? Did you drive out that thieving scum once and for all? Will Troida's convoys be safe now?
      • 219. Option - It's done.Player - The resistance shouldn't give your convoys any more trouble.
      • 220. Option - Do you even need to ask?Player - I wouldn't be here if I hadn't succeeded.
        • 222. - That's such a relief to hear. Thank you.
      • 224. Option - They've been wiped out.Player - I killed them.
        • 225. - Total annihilation of enemy forces? I'll make the necessary reports.
          • 228. - I see that you were also successful in retrieving the stolen power regulators. Please, allow me.
            • 230. - What of the enemy generator? Were you able to destroy it as planned?
              • 298. Option - Yes.Player - The generator has been destroyed.
              • 299. Option - A woman tried to stop me.Player - Some refugees were using the generator, too. But I destroyed it.
                • 307. - Interesting. I'll be sure to have this group investigated.
              • 300. Option - Does it matter?Player - Do you really need to waste my time with more questions, Lieutenant?
              • 232. Option - Mind who you're speaking to.Player - Are you questioning me, Lieutenant?
                • 239. - I--no. No, your assistance to us in this matter has been invaluable.
              • 233. Option - It was hard to tell.Player - I moved through the hideout in a destructive haze. It's difficult to say what happened, exactly.
                • 311. - Oh, well, I'm sure there can be no question of your success, my lord.
              • 234. Option - What's it matter?Player - There's not a living resistance fighter anywhere near that place now. Job's done.
              • 235. Option - Your concerns are dealt with.Player - The generator will be of no use to the enemy, Lieutenant.
              • 236. Option - No, I didn't destroy it.Player - Refugees were in need of power, Lieutenant. I saw no reason to deny them.
                • 246. - I... see. I suppose, so long as the generator is not in resistance control, there's no cause for concern.
              • 237. Option - [Lie] Yes, I destroyed it.Player - The generator has been disabled, Lieutenant.
                • 304. - Excellent. I'll be sure to note it in my report.
                  • 252. - There is nothing further. The Empire's interests in this sector will see marked improvement thanks to your actions. Good day.
  • 215. - The resistance encampment is heavily fortified. Proceed with caution.
  • 113. - We were pleased to hear that the convoy arrived safely. Congratulations.
  • 111. - Enemy contact during your mission is highly likely. Good luck.
  • 4. - Convoys traveling to the Troida Military Workshop require armed escorts, and escort personnel are not available at this time.
    • 6. - So, you're telling me we've got your whole blasted Empire behind us, and you can't even find a--
      • 10. - Oh! Sir! I, uh... I didn't mean... obviously, the might of the Empire is focused on more urgent, uh, activities. Yes. Glory to the Empire!
        • 11. Option - Mind your words.Player - Don't give me a reason to doubt your loyalty.
          • 37. - Of course not, my lord. I'm very sorry.
        • 12. Option - Speak your mind.Player - Please, please! Don't hesitate--I would love to know how you truly feel.
          • 35. - What? I, uh... that is how I truly feel. I'm only frustrated that my factory may soon be unable to contribute its share to our glorious Empire.
        • 13. Option - Coward.Player - That's pretty impressive--standing up so straight when you clearly have no spine.
          • 80. - Burkan forgets himself. Unnecessary and useless frustration has clouded his judgment.
        • 14. Option - Indeed.Player - It's always a pleasure to encounter such fervent patriotism.
        • 50. Option - What's this all about?Player - Is there something wrong?
        • 16. Option - Get to the point.Player - Spare me your groveling and explain the situation.
          • 17. - The Troida Military Workshop requires fresh supplies for its wartime operations. Supplies are shipped from here by dewback convoy.
            • 320. - The resistance forces responsible for the raids against our Troida convoys are encamped in a series of caves nearby.
              • 322. - Reconnaissance teams have finally pinpointed the location of this resistance encampment. Given your extensive abilities, you could eliminate this threat once and for all.
                • 323. Option - Gladly.Player - I look forward to making the resistance pay for their transgressions.
                • 325. Option - Gladly.Player - You can always count on me for a bit of destruction, Lieutenant.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                • 327. Option - Count me in.Player - As long as you keep paying, I'll keep fighting.
                  +200 Influence : approves.
                  • 328. - Oh, yes! Gladly, gladly. Whatever it takes.
                • 331. Option - Understood.Player - If this camp is a threat to the Empire's interests, then I will neutralize it.
                  +50 Influence : disapproves.
                • 333. Option - Sure, why not?Player - Sounds straightforward enough.
                • 335. Option - I don't think so.Player - I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to now, Lieutenant.
                  • 336. - Please, this is our chance to finally put an end to the attacks on Troida's--and, of course, the Empire's--valuable resources!
                    • 338. - You are uniquely qualified to complete this assignment. Are you certain that you cannot participate?
                      • 339. Option - No, I can do it.Player - I will help you destroy this resistance encampment, Lieutenant.
                      • 341. Option - You've changed my mind.Player - Fine, you've convinced me.
                        • 342. - Oh, good. What a relief. Thank you very much.
                          • 344. - The mission will have two primary objectives. Objective one is to eliminate resistance forces and defensive emplacements in the area.
                            • 346. - The second objective is to retrieve a set of stolen Imperial power regulators that the resistance is using and destroy their main generator.
                              • 347. Option - Very well.Player - The resistance will be punished for their crimes, and the Empire will have its stolen property returned.
                              • 349. Option - Very well.Player - No more power, no more defenses.
                              • 351. Option - How much are the parts worth?Player - Just out of curiosity, what's the street value on those power regulators?
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                • 352. - You are unlikely to find anyone interested in the power regulators outside of the resistance and ourselves. I assure you, we can pay better.
                              • 355. Option - Understood.Player - I'll proceed to the objective area immediately, Lieutenant.
                              • 357. Option - Time for some blood.Player - I'll make sure no one survives.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                                +50 Influence : disapproves.
                              • 359. Option - After this, no more favors.Player - Don't expect help in the future.
                                +200 Influence : approves.
                      • 362. Option - I'm certain. [Refuse quest]Player - You'll have to deal with this yourself, Lieutenant.
                        <Aborts Conversation>
                        • 363. - Understood. Thank you for your service to the Empire. Larbec out.
                          • 364. <Conversation Exit>
  • 289. - Thank you for your assistance.
  • 1. - Good day to you.
  • 319. <Non-dialogue segment.>
    • 63. - But no escort personnel are available. Without an escort, the convoy will not make its delivery.
      • 85. Option - I'll escort the convoy.Player - I can ensure that the supplies make it there intact.
      • 89. Option - All right, sounds easy enough.Player - This will be trivial.
        • 90. - Excellent. Burkan, arrange for the equipment and replacement parts to be loaded onto dewbacks immediately.
          • 98. - But... but what about the medical supplies? The wounded workers--if they don't get the supplies soon, they'll die!
            • 100. - Negative. Medical supplies are secondary to mission-critical assets. Adding them will only slow the convoy and expose it to further enemy fire.
              • 101. Option - Add the medical supplies, too.Player - Speed won't be a problem. Put everything that's needed into the convoy. +50
                • 103. - As you wish. I'll have the medical supplies added to the convoy manifest.
                  • 110. <Conversation Exit>
              • 102. Option - Only load what's necessary.Player - I want that convoy moving as fast as possible. Another convoy can carry the medical supplies later. +50
                • 105. - Agreed--there's no room for unnecessary risks. Mission-critical items only.
                  • 109. <Conversation Exit>
      • 91. Option - I won't do it. [Refuse quest]Player - This isn't my line of work.
        <Aborts Conversation>
    • 9. - There! You see, Lieutenant, a mercenary! You are a mercenary, aren't you? You'd be interested in some well-paid escort work, I'll bet?
      • 39. Option - I don't like your attitude.Player - Your lack of respect for our glorious Empire troubles me.
        • 46. - My lord! I... I meant no disrespect. Obviously, our mighty Empire has more important tasks to deal with.
      • 40. Option - You aren't being very polite.Player - That's no way to ask for help. This is a professional, be courteous!
        • 48. - My lord! I... yes, yes of course, whatever you say!
      • 25. Option - I'm not just a mercenary.Player - I'm a bounty hunter, pal, not just some hired gun.
        • 26. - Burkan forgets himself. But arrangements for employment could be made, if you're interested.
      • 41. Option - I don't like your attitude.Player - Are you suggesting that the Empire's forces are insufficient?
        • 44. - Agent! I... no, no, of course not! The Empire's might is considerable! I'm sure that there are simply more, uh, urgent tasks at hand.
      • 55. Option - Count me in.Player - I'd like to help.
      • 58. Option - I'll hear you out--for now.Player - This had better be good.
    • 8. - Oh! Forgive me, my lord. I didn't mean... I mean, clearly, the Empire's might is simply, uh, directed elsewhere. Yes. Glory to the Emperor!
    • 107. - The convoy will be prepped and ready for transit to the Troida workshop immediately. You only need to protect the dewbacks--a Troida employee will keep them moving. Good luck.
    • 108. - We'll have the dewbacks loaded and ready for transit to the Troida workshop at once. A Troida employee will manage the beasts--you need only defend them. Good luck.
NameCooldownRangeAI Use PriorityLevel
ItemCategorySubCategoryLevelAdded In
Appearance ID16140919720677879396
Body Typebmn
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    "LocalizedName": {
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    "Fqn": "",
    "first_seen": "1.0.0a",
    "last_seen": "6.2.1a",
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    "hash": "3838015732",
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    "changed_fields": [
    "previous_versions": [
    "LocalizedTitle": {
        "enMale": "Heroic Mission",
        "frMale": "Mission h\u00e9ro\u00efque",
        "frFemale": "Mission h\u00e9ro\u00efque",
        "deMale": "Heldenmission",
        "deFemale": "Heldenmission"
    "Title": "Heroic Mission"